doRequest(); if( $status->isOK() ){ return $status->value; } else { wfDebug( 'http error: ' . $status->getWikiText() ); return false; } } /** * Simple wrapper for Http::request( 'GET' ) */ public static function get( $url, $timeout = false, $opts = array() ) { global $wgSyncHTTPTimeout; if( $timeout ) $opts['timeout'] = $timeout; return Http::request( 'GET', $url, $opts ); } /** * Simple wrapper for Http::request( 'POST' ) */ public static function post( $url, $opts = array() ) { return Http::request( 'POST', $url, $opts ); } public static function doDownload( $url, $target_file_path, $dl_mode = self::SYNC_DOWNLOAD, $redirectCount = 0 ){ global $wgPhpCli, $wgMaxUploadSize, $wgMaxRedirects; // do a quick check to HEAD to insure the file size is not > $wgMaxUploadSize $headRequest = new HttpRequest( $url, array( 'headers_only' => true ) ); $headResponse = $headRequest->doRequest(); if( !$headResponse->isOK() ){ return $headResponse; } $head = $headResponse->value; // check for redirects: if( isset( $head['Location'] ) && strrpos( $head[0], '302' ) !== false ){ if( $redirectCount < $wgMaxRedirects ){ if( UploadFromUrl::isValidURI( $head['Location'] ) ){ return self::doDownload( $head['Location'], $target_file_path, $dl_mode, $redirectCount++ ); } else { return Status::newFatal( 'upload-proto-error' ); } } else { return Status::newFatal( 'upload-too-many-redirects' ); } } // we did not get a 200 ok response: if( strrpos( $head[0], '200 OK' ) === false ){ return Status::newFatal( 'upload-http-error', htmlspecialchars( $head[0] ) ); } $content_length = ( isset( $head['Content-Length'] ) ) ? $head['Content-Length'] : null; if( $content_length ){ if( $content_length > $wgMaxUploadSize ){ return Status::newFatal( 'requested file length ' . $content_length . ' is greater than $wgMaxUploadSize: ' . $wgMaxUploadSize ); } } // check if we can find phpCliPath (for doing a background shell request to php to do the download: if( $wgPhpCli && wfShellExecEnabled() && $dl_mode == self::ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ){ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . "\ASYNC_DOWNLOAD\n" ); //setup session and shell call: return self::initBackgroundDownload( $url, $target_file_path, $content_length ); } else { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . "\nSYNC_DOWNLOAD\n" ); // SYNC_DOWNLOAD download as much as we can in the time we have to execute $opts['method'] = 'GET'; $opts['target_file_path'] = $target_file_path; $req = new HttpRequest( $url, $opts ); return $req->doRequest(); } } /** * a non blocking request (generally an exit point in the application) * should write to a file location and give updates * */ private static function initBackgroundDownload( $url, $target_file_path, $content_length = null ){ global $wgMaxUploadSize, $IP, $wgPhpCli, $wgServer; $status = Status::newGood(); // generate a session id with all the details for the download (pid, target_file_path ) $upload_session_key = self::getUploadSessionKey(); $session_id = session_id(); // store the url and target path: $_SESSION['wsDownload'][$upload_session_key]['url'] = $url; $_SESSION['wsDownload'][$upload_session_key]['target_file_path'] = $target_file_path; // since we request from the cmd line we lose the original host name pass in the session: $_SESSION['wsDownload'][$upload_session_key]['orgServer'] = $wgServer; if( $content_length ) $_SESSION['wsDownload'][$upload_session_key]['content_length'] = $content_length; // set initial loaded bytes: $_SESSION['wsDownload'][$upload_session_key]['loaded'] = 0; // run the background download request: $cmd = $wgPhpCli . ' ' . $IP . "/maintenance/http_session_download.php --sid {$session_id} --usk {$upload_session_key}"; $pid = wfShellBackgroundExec( $cmd ); // the pid is not of much use since we won't be visiting this same apache any-time soon. if( !$pid ) return Status::newFatal( 'could not run background shell exec' ); // update the status value with the $upload_session_key (for the user to check on the status of the upload) $status->value = $upload_session_key; // return good status return $status; } static function getUploadSessionKey(){ $key = mt_rand( 0, 0x7fffffff ); $_SESSION['wsUploadData'][$key] = array(); return $key; } /** * used to run a session based download. Is initiated via the shell. * * @param $session_id String: the session id to grab download details from * @param $upload_session_key String: the key of the given upload session * (a given client could have started a few http uploads at once) */ public static function doSessionIdDownload( $session_id, $upload_session_key ){ global $wgUser, $wgEnableWriteAPI, $wgAsyncHTTPTimeout, $wgServer, $wgSessionsInMemcached, $wgSessionHandler, $wgSessionStarted; wfDebug( __METHOD__ . "\n\n doSessionIdDownload :\n\n" ); // set session to the provided key: session_id( $session_id ); //fire up mediaWiki session system: wfSetupSession(); // start the session if( session_start() === false ){ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' could not start session' ); } // get all the vars we need from session_id if( !isset( $_SESSION[ 'wsDownload' ][$upload_session_key] ) ){ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' Error:could not find upload session'); exit(); } // setup the global user from the session key we just inherited $wgUser = User::newFromSession(); // grab the session data to setup the request: $sd =& $_SESSION['wsDownload'][$upload_session_key]; // update the wgServer var ( since cmd line thinks we are localhost when we are really orgServer) if( isset( $sd['orgServer'] ) && $sd['orgServer'] ){ $wgServer = $sd['orgServer']; } // close down the session so we can other http queries can get session updates: (if not $wgSessionsInMemcached) if( !$wgSessionsInMemcached ) session_write_close(); $req = new HttpRequest( $sd['url'], array( 'target_file_path' => $sd['target_file_path'], 'upload_session_key'=> $upload_session_key, 'timeout' => $wgAsyncHTTPTimeout, 'do_close_session_update' => true ) ); // run the actual request .. (this can take some time) wfDebug( __METHOD__ . 'do Session Download :: ' . $sd['url'] . ' tf: ' . $sd['target_file_path'] . "\n\n"); $status = $req->doRequest(); //wfDebug("done with req status is: ". $status->isOK(). ' '.$status->getWikiText(). "\n"); // start up the session again: if( session_start() === false ){ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' ERROR:: Could not start session'); } // grab the updated session data pointer $sd =& $_SESSION['wsDownload'][$upload_session_key]; // if error update status: if( !$status->isOK() ){ $sd['apiUploadResult'] = ApiFormatJson::getJsonEncode( array( 'error' => $status->getWikiText() ) ); } // if status okay process upload using fauxReq to api: if( $status->isOK() ){ // setup the FauxRequest $fauxReqData = $sd['mParams']; // Fix boolean parameters foreach( $fauxReqData as $k => $v ) { if( $v === false ) unset( $fauxReqData[$k] ); } $fauxReqData['action'] = 'upload'; $fauxReqData['format'] = 'json'; $fauxReqData['internalhttpsession'] = $upload_session_key; // evil but no other clean way about it: $faxReq = new FauxRequest( $fauxReqData, true ); $processor = new ApiMain( $faxReq, $wgEnableWriteAPI ); //init the mUpload var for the $processor $processor->execute(); $processor->getResult()->cleanUpUTF8(); $printer = $processor->createPrinterByName( 'json' ); $printer->initPrinter( false ); ob_start(); $printer->execute(); $apiUploadResult = ob_get_clean(); // the status updates runner will grab the result form the session: $sd['apiUploadResult'] = $apiUploadResult; } // close the session: session_write_close(); } /** * Check if the URL can be served by localhost * @param $url string Full url to check * @return bool */ public static function isLocalURL( $url ) { global $wgCommandLineMode, $wgConf; if ( $wgCommandLineMode ) { return false; } // Extract host part $matches = array(); if ( preg_match( '!^http://([\w.-]+)[/:].*$!', $url, $matches ) ) { $host = $matches[1]; // Split up dotwise $domainParts = explode( '.', $host ); // Check if this domain or any superdomain is listed in $wgConf as a local virtual host $domainParts = array_reverse( $domainParts ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $domainParts ); $i++ ) { $domainPart = $domainParts[$i]; if ( $i == 0 ) { $domain = $domainPart; } else { $domain = $domainPart . '.' . $domain; } if ( $wgConf->isLocalVHost( $domain ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Return a standard user-agent we can use for external requests. */ public static function userAgent() { global $wgVersion; return "MediaWiki/$wgVersion"; } } class HttpRequest { var $target_file_path; var $upload_session_key; var $supportedCurlOpts = array( 'CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST', 'CURLOPT_CAINFO', 'CURLOPT_COOKIE', 'CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION', 'CURLOPT_FAILONERROR' ); function __construct( $url, $opt ){ global $wgSyncHTTPTimeout; // double check that it's a valid url: $this->url = $url; // set the timeout to default sync timeout (unless the timeout option is provided) $this->timeout = ( isset( $opt['timeout'] ) ) ? $opt['timeout'] : $wgSyncHTTPTimeout; //check special key default if($this->timeout == 'default'){ $opts['timeout'] = $wgSyncHTTPTimeout; } $this->method = ( isset( $opt['method'] ) ) ? $opt['method'] : 'GET'; $this->target_file_path = ( isset( $opt['target_file_path'] ) ) ? $opt['target_file_path'] : false; $this->upload_session_key = ( isset( $opt['upload_session_key'] ) ) ? $opt['upload_session_key'] : false; $this->headers_only = ( isset( $opt['headers_only'] ) ) ? $opt['headers_only'] : false; $this->do_close_session_update = isset( $opt['do_close_session_update'] ); $this->postData = isset( $opt['postdata'] ) ? $opt['postdata'] : ''; $this->curlOpt = array(); //check for some curl options: foreach($this->supportedCurlOpts as $curlOpt){ if(isset($opt[ $curlOpt ])){ $this->curlOpt[$curlOpt] = $opt[ $curlOpt ]; } } } /** * Get the contents of a file by HTTP * @param $url string Full URL to act on * @param $Opt associative array Optional array of options: * 'method' => 'GET', 'POST' etc. * 'target_file_path' => if curl should output to a target file * 'adapter' => 'curl', 'soket' */ public function doRequest() { # Make sure we have a valid url if( !UploadFromUrl::isValidURI( $this->url ) ) return Status::newFatal('bad-url'); # Use curl if available if ( function_exists( 'curl_init' ) ) { return $this->doCurlReq(); } else { return $this->doPhpReq(); } } private function doCurlReq(){ global $wgHTTPProxy, $wgTitle; $status = Status::newGood(); $c = curl_init( $this->url ); // proxy setup: if ( Http::isLocalURL( $this->url ) ) { curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_PROXY, 'localhost:80' ); } else if ( $wgHTTPProxy ) { curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_PROXY, $wgHTTPProxy ); } curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->timeout ); curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, Http::userAgent() ); //set any curl specific opts: foreach($this->curlOpt as $optKey => $optVal){ curl_setopt($c, constant( $optKey ), $optVal); } if ( $this->headers_only ) { curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true ); curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_HEADER, true ); } elseif ( $this->method == 'POST' ) { curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_POST, true ); curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->postData ); // Suppress 'Expect: 100-continue' header, as some servers // will reject it with a 417 and Curl won't auto retry // with HTTP 1.0 fallback curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Expect:' ) ); } else { curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $this->method ); } # Set the referer to $wgTitle, even in command-line mode # This is useful for interwiki transclusion, where the foreign # server wants to know what the referring page is. # $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] gives a less reliable indication of the # referring page. if ( is_object( $wgTitle ) ) { curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_REFERER, $wgTitle->getFullURL() ); } // set the write back function (if we are writing to a file) if( $this->target_file_path ){ $cwrite = new simpleFileWriter( $this->target_file_path, $this->upload_session_key, $this->do_close_session_update ); if( !$cwrite->status->isOK() ){ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . "ERROR in setting up simpleFileWriter\n" ); $status = $cwrite->status; return $status; } curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, array( $cwrite, 'callbackWriteBody' ) ); } // start output grabber: if( !$this->target_file_path ) ob_start(); //run the actual curl_exec: try { if ( false === curl_exec( $c ) ) { $error_txt ='Error sending request: #' . curl_errno( $c ) .' '. curl_error( $c ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . $error_txt . "\n" ); $status = Status::newFatal( $error_txt ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { // do something with curl exec error? } // if direct request output the results to the stats value: if( !$this->target_file_path && $status->isOK() ){ $status->value = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } // if we wrote to a target file close up or return error if( $this->target_file_path ){ $cwrite->close(); if( !$cwrite->status->isOK() ){ return $cwrite->status; } } if ( $this->headers_only ) { $headers = explode( "\n", $status->value ); $headerArray = array(); foreach ( $headers as $header ) { if ( !strlen( trim( $header ) ) ) continue; $headerParts = explode( ':', $header, 2 ); if ( count( $headerParts ) == 1 ) { $headerArray[] = trim( $header ); } else { list( $key, $val ) = $headerParts; $headerArray[trim( $key )] = trim( $val ); } } $status->value = $headerArray; } else { # Don't return the text of error messages, return false on error $retcode = curl_getinfo( $c, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ); if ( $retcode != 200 ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": HTTP return code $retcode\n" ); $status = Status::newFatal( "HTTP return code $retcode\n" ); } # Don't return truncated output $errno = curl_errno( $c ); if ( $errno != CURLE_OK ) { $errstr = curl_error( $c ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": CURL error code $errno: $errstr\n" ); $status = Status::newFatal( " CURL error code $errno: $errstr\n" ); } } curl_close( $c ); // return the result obj return $status; } public function doPhpReq(){ global $wgTitle, $wgHTTPProxy; # Check for php.ini allow_url_fopen if( !ini_get( 'allow_url_fopen' ) ){ return Status::newFatal( 'allow_url_fopen needs to be enabled for http copy to work' ); } // start with good status: $status = Status::newGood(); if ( $this->headers_only ) { $status->value = get_headers( $this->url, 1 ); return $status; } // setup the headers $headers = array( "User-Agent: " . Http::userAgent() ); if ( is_object( $wgTitle ) ) { $headers[] = "Referer: ". $wgTitle->getFullURL(); } if( strcasecmp( $this->method, 'post' ) == 0 ) { // Required for HTTP 1.0 POSTs $headers[] = "Content-Length: 0"; } $fcontext = stream_context_create ( array( 'http' => array( 'method' => $this->method, 'header' => implode( "\r\n", $headers ), 'timeout' => $this->timeout ) ) ); $fh = fopen( $this->url, "r", false, $fcontext); // set the write back function (if we are writing to a file) if( $this->target_file_path ){ $cwrite = new simpleFileWriter( $this->target_file_path, $this->upload_session_key, $this->do_close_session_update ); if( !$cwrite->status->isOK() ){ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . "ERROR in setting up simpleFileWriter\n" ); $status = $cwrite->status; return $status; } // read $fh into the simpleFileWriter (grab in 64K chunks since its likely a ~large~ media file) while ( !feof( $fh ) ) { $contents = fread( $fh, 65536 ); $cwrite->callbackWriteBody( $fh, $contents ); } $cwrite->close(); // check for simpleFileWriter error: if( !$cwrite->status->isOK() ){ return $cwrite->status; } } else { // read $fh into status->value $status->value = @stream_get_contents( $fh ); } //close the url file wrapper fclose( $fh ); // check for "false" if( $status->value === false ){ $status->error( 'file_get_contents-failed' ); } return $status; } } /** * a simpleFileWriter with session id updates */ class simpleFileWriter { var $target_file_path; var $status = null; var $session_id = null; var $session_update_interval = 0; // how often to update the session while downloading function simpleFileWriter( $target_file_path, $upload_session_key, $do_close_session_update = false ){ $this->target_file_path = $target_file_path; $this->upload_session_key = $upload_session_key; $this->status = Status::newGood(); $this->do_close_session_update = $do_close_session_update; // open the file: $this->fp = fopen( $this->target_file_path, 'w' ); if( $this->fp === false ){ $this->status = Status::newFatal( 'HTTP::could-not-open-file-for-writing' ); } // true start time $this->prevTime = time(); } public function callbackWriteBody( $ch, $data_packet ){ global $wgMaxUploadSize, $wgLang; // write out the content if( fwrite( $this->fp, $data_packet ) === false ){ wfDebug( __METHOD__ ." ::could-not-write-to-file\n" ); $this->status = Status::newFatal( 'HTTP::could-not-write-to-file' ); return 0; } // check file size: clearstatcache(); $this->current_fsize = filesize( $this->target_file_path ); if( $this->current_fsize > $wgMaxUploadSize ){ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " ::http download too large\n" ); $this->status = Status::newFatal( 'HTTP::file-has-grown-beyond-upload-limit-killing: downloaded more than ' . $wgLang->formatSize( $wgMaxUploadSize ) . ' ' ); return 0; } // if more than session_update_interval second have passed update_session_progress if( $this->do_close_session_update && $this->upload_session_key && ( ( time() - $this->prevTime ) > $this->session_update_interval ) ) { $this->prevTime = time(); $session_status = $this->update_session_progress(); if( !$session_status->isOK() ){ $this->status = $session_status; wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' update session failed or was canceled'); return 0; } } return strlen( $data_packet ); } public function update_session_progress(){ global $wgSessionsInMemcached; $status = Status::newGood(); // start the session (if necessary) if( !$wgSessionsInMemcached ){ wfSuppressWarnings(); if( session_start() === false ){ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' could not start session' ); exit( 0 ); } wfRestoreWarnings(); } $sd =& $_SESSION['wsDownload'][ $this->upload_session_key ]; // check if the user canceled the request: if( isset( $sd['user_cancel'] ) && $sd['user_cancel'] == true ){ //@@todo kill the download return Status::newFatal( 'user-canceled-request' ); } // update the progress bytes download so far: $sd['loaded'] = $this->current_fsize; // close down the session so we can other http queries can get session updates: if( !$wgSessionsInMemcached ) session_write_close(); return $status; } public function close(){ // do a final session update: if( $this->do_close_session_update ){ $this->update_session_progress(); } // close up the file handle: if( false === fclose( $this->fp ) ){ $this->status = Status::newFatal( 'HTTP::could-not-close-file' ); } } }