basedir = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.git'; if ( is_readable( $this->basedir ) && !is_dir( $this->basedir ) ) { $GITfile = file_get_contents( $this->basedir ); if ( strlen( $GITfile ) > 8 && substr( $GITfile, 0, 8 ) === 'gitdir: ' ) { $path = rtrim( substr( $GITfile, 8 ), "\r\n" ); $isAbsolute = $path[0] === '/' || substr( $path, 1, 1 ) === ':'; $this->basedir = $isAbsolute ? $path : $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; } } } /** * Return a singleton for the repo at $IP * @return GitInfo */ public static function repo() { global $IP; if ( is_null( self::$repo ) ) { self::$repo = new self( $IP ); } return self::$repo; } /** * Check if a string looks like a hex encoded SHA1 hash * * @param string $str The string to check * @return bool Whether or not the string looks like a SHA1 */ public static function isSHA1( $str ) { return !!preg_match( '/^[0-9A-F]{40}$/i', $str ); } /** * Return the HEAD of the repo (without any opening "ref: ") * @return string The HEAD */ public function getHead() { $HEADfile = "{$this->basedir}/HEAD"; if ( !is_readable( $HEADfile ) ) { return false; } $HEAD = file_get_contents( $HEADfile ); if ( preg_match( "/ref: (.*)/", $HEAD, $m ) ) { return rtrim( $m[1] ); } else { return rtrim( $HEAD ); } } /** * Return the SHA1 for the current HEAD of the repo * @return string A SHA1 or false */ public function getHeadSHA1() { $HEAD = $this->getHead(); // If detached HEAD may be a SHA1 if ( self::isSHA1( $HEAD ) ) { return $HEAD; } // If not a SHA1 it may be a ref: $REFfile = "{$this->basedir}/{$HEAD}"; if ( !is_readable( $REFfile ) ) { return false; } $sha1 = rtrim( file_get_contents( $REFfile ) ); return $sha1; } /** * Return the commit date of HEAD entry of the git code repository * * @since 1.22 * @return int|bool Commit date (UNIX timestamp) or false */ public function getHeadCommitDate() { global $wgGitBin; if ( !is_file( $wgGitBin ) || !is_executable( $wgGitBin ) ) { return false; } $environment = array( "GIT_DIR" => $this->basedir ); $cmd = wfEscapeShellArg( $wgGitBin ) . " show -s --format=format:%ct HEAD"; $retc = false; $commitDate = wfShellExec( $cmd, $retc, $environment ); if ( $retc !== 0 ) { return false; } else { return (int)$commitDate; } } /** * Return the name of the current branch, or HEAD if not found * @return string The branch name, HEAD, or false */ public function getCurrentBranch() { $HEAD = $this->getHead(); if ( $HEAD && preg_match( "#^refs/heads/(.*)$#", $HEAD, $m ) ) { return $m[1]; } else { return $HEAD; } } /** * Get an URL to a web viewer link to the HEAD revision. * * @return string|bool string if a URL is available or false otherwise. */ public function getHeadViewUrl() { $config = "{$this->basedir}/config"; if ( !is_readable( $config ) ) { return false; } $configArray = parse_ini_file( $config, true ); $remote = false; // Use the "origin" remote repo if available or any other repo if not. if ( isset( $configArray['remote origin'] ) ) { $remote = $configArray['remote origin']; } else { foreach ( $configArray as $sectionName => $sectionConf ) { if ( substr( $sectionName, 0, 6 ) == 'remote' ) { $remote = $sectionConf; } } } if ( $remote === false || !isset( $remote['url'] ) ) { return false; } $url = $remote['url']; if ( substr( $url, -4 ) !== '.git' ) { $url .= '.git'; } foreach ( self::getViewers() as $repo => $viewer ) { $pattern = '#^' . $repo . '$#'; if ( preg_match( $pattern, $url, $matches ) ) { $viewerUrl = preg_replace( $pattern, $viewer, $url ); $headSHA1 = $this->getHeadSHA1(); $replacements = array( '%h' => substr( $headSHA1, 0, 7 ), '%H' => $headSHA1, '%r' => urlencode( $matches[1] ), ); return strtr( $viewerUrl, $replacements ); } } return false; } /** * @see self::getHeadSHA1 * @return string */ public static function headSHA1() { return self::repo()->getHeadSHA1(); } /** * @see self::getCurrentBranch * @return string */ public static function currentBranch() { return self::repo()->getCurrentBranch(); } /** * @see self::getHeadViewUrl() * @return bool|string */ public static function headViewUrl() { return self::repo()->getHeadViewUrl(); } /** * Gets the list of repository viewers * @return array */ protected static function getViewers() { global $wgGitRepositoryViewers; if ( self::$viewers === false ) { self::$viewers = $wgGitRepositoryViewers; wfRunHooks( 'GitViewers', array( &self::$viewers ) ); } return self::$viewers; } }