allowRawData()? #XXX: or define $content->getDefaultWikiText()? return $content->getRawData(); } #XXX: this must not be used for editing, otherwise we may loose data: #XXX: e.g. if this returns the "main" text from a multipart page, all attachments would be lost return null; } public static function makeContent( $text, Title $title, $modelName = null, $format = null ) { if ( !$modelName ) { $modelName = $title->getContentModelName(); } $handler = ContentHandler::getForModelName( $modelName ); return $handler->unserialize( $text, $format ); } public static function getDefaultModelFor( Title $title ) { global $wgNamespaceContentModels; # NOTE: this method must not rely on $title->getContentModelName() directly or indirectly, # because it is used to initialized the mContentModelName memebr. $ns = $title->getNamespace(); $ext = false; $m = null; $model = null; if ( !empty( $wgNamespaceContentModels[ $ns ] ) ) { $model = $wgNamespaceContentModels[ $ns ]; } # hook can determin default model if ( !wfRunHooks( 'DefaultModelFor', array( $title, &$model ) ) ) { #FIXME: document new hook! if ( $model ) return $model; } # Could this page contain custom CSS or JavaScript, based on the title? $isCssOrJsPage = ( NS_MEDIAWIKI == $ns && preg_match( "!\.(css|js)$!u", $title->getText(), $m ) ); if ( $isCssOrJsPage ) $ext = $m[1]; # hook can force js/css wfRunHooks( 'TitleIsCssOrJsPage', array( $title, &$isCssOrJsPage, &$ext ) ); #FIXME: add $ext to hook interface spec # Is this a .css subpage of a user page? $isJsCssSubpage = ( NS_USER == $ns && !$isCssOrJsPage && preg_match( "/\\/.*\\.(js|css)$/", $title->getText(), $m ) ); if ( $isJsCssSubpage ) $ext = $m[1]; # is this wikitext, according to $wgNamespaceContentModels or the DefaultModelFor hook? $isWikitext = ( $model == CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT || $model === null ); $isWikitext = ( $isWikitext && !$isCssOrJsPage && !$isJsCssSubpage ); # hook can override $isWikitext wfRunHooks( 'TitleIsWikitextPage', array( $title, &$isWikitext ) ); if ( !$isWikitext ) { if ( $ext == 'js' ) return CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT; else if ( $ext == 'css' ) return CONTENT_MODEL_CSS; if ( $model ) return $model; else return CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT; } # we established that is must be wikitext return CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT; } public static function getForTitle( Title $title ) { $modelName = $title->getContentModelName(); return ContentHandler::getForModelName( $modelName ); } public static function getForContent( Content $content ) { $modelName = $content->getModelName(); return ContentHandler::getForModelName( $modelName ); } public static function getForModelName( $modelName ) { global $wgContentHandlers; if ( empty( $wgContentHandlers[$modelName] ) ) { #FIXME: hook here! throw new MWException( "No handler for model $modelName registered in \$wgContentHandlers" ); } if ( is_string( $wgContentHandlers[$modelName] ) ) { $class = $wgContentHandlers[$modelName]; $wgContentHandlers[$modelName] = new $class( $modelName ); } return $wgContentHandlers[$modelName]; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function __construct( $modelName, $formats ) { $this->mModelName = $modelName; $this->mSupportedFormats = $formats; } public function getModelName() { # for wikitext: wikitext; in the future: wikiast, wikidom? # for wikidata: wikidata return $this->mModelName; } public function getSupportedFormats() { # for wikitext: "text/x-mediawiki-1", "text/x-mediawiki-2", etc # for wikidata: "application/json", "application/x-php", etc return $this->mSupportedFormats; } public function getDefaultFormat() { return $this->mSupportedFormats[0]; } public abstract function serialize( Content $content, $format = null ); public abstract function unserialize( $blob, $format = null ); public abstract function emptyContent(); # public abstract function doPreSaveTransform( $title, $obj ); #TODO... /** * Return an Article object suitable for viewing the given object * * NOTE: does *not* do special handling for Image and Category pages! * Use Article::newFromTitle() for that! * * @param type $title * @return \Article * @todo Article is being refactored into an action class, keep track of that */ public function createArticle( Title $title ) { #XXX: assert that $title->getContentModelName() == $this->getModelname()? $article = new Article($title); return $article; } /** * Return an EditPage object suitable for editing the given object * * @param type $article * @return \EditPage */ public function createEditPage( Article $article ) { #XXX: assert that $article->getContentObject()->getModelName() == $this->getModelname()? $editPage = new EditPage( $article ); return $editPage; } /** * Return an ExternalEdit object suitable for editing the given object * * @param type $article * @return \ExternalEdit */ public function createExternalEdit( IContextSource $context ) { #XXX: assert that $article->getContentObject()->getModelName() == $this->getModelname()? $externalEdit = new ExternalEdit( $context ); return $externalEdit; } /** public function updatePage( $title, $obj ) { } **/ public function getDiffEngine( Article $article ) { $de = new DifferenceEngine( $article->getContext() ); return $de; } #XXX: is the native model for wikitext a string or the parser output? parse early or parse late? #TODO: how to handle extra message for JS/CSS previews?? #TODO: Article::showCssOrJsPage ---> specialized classes! #XXX: ImagePage and CategoryPage... wrappers that use ContentHandler? or ContentHandler creates wrappers? } abstract class TextContentHandler extends ContentHandler { public function __construct( $modelName, $formats ) { parent::__construct( $modelName, $formats ); } public function serialize( Content $content, $format = null ) { #FIXME: assert format return $content->getRawData(); } } class WikitextContentHandler extends TextContentHandler { public function __construct( $modelName = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) { parent::__construct( $modelName, array( 'application/x-wikitext' ) ); #FIXME: mime } public function unserialize( $text, $format = null ) { #FIXME: assert format return new WikitextContent($text); } public function emptyContent() { return new WikitextContent(""); } } class JavaScriptContentHandler extends TextContentHandler { public function __construct( $modelName = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) { parent::__construct( $modelName, array( 'text/javascript' ) ); } public function unserialize( $text, $format = null ) { return new JavaScriptContent($text); } public function emptyContent() { return new JavaScriptContent(""); } } class CssContentHandler extends TextContentHandler { public function __construct( $modelName = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) { parent::__construct( $modelName, array( 'text/css' ) ); } public function unserialize( $text, $format = null ) { return new CssContent($text); } public function emptyContent() { return new CssContent(""); } }