* http://www.mediawiki.org/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file * @ingroup Cache */ /** * @defgroup Cache Cache */ /** * interface is intended to be more or less compatible with * the PHP memcached client. * * backends for local hash array and SQL table included: * * $bag = new HashBagOStuff(); * $bag = new SqlBagOStuff(); # connect to db first * * * @ingroup Cache */ abstract class BagOStuff { var $debugMode = false; public function set_debug( $bool ) { $this->debugMode = $bool; } /* *** THE GUTS OF THE OPERATION *** */ /* Override these with functional things in subclasses */ /** * Get an item with the given key. Returns false if it does not exist. * @param $key string */ abstract public function get( $key ); /** * Set an item. * @param $key string * @param $value mixed * @param $exptime int Either an interval in seconds or a unix timestamp for expiry */ abstract public function set( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ); /* * Delete an item. * @param $key string * @param $time int Amount of time to delay the operation (mostly memcached-specific) */ abstract public function delete( $key, $time = 0 ); public function lock( $key, $timeout = 0 ) { /* stub */ return true; } public function unlock( $key ) { /* stub */ return true; } public function keys() { /* stub */ return array(); } /* *** Emulated functions *** */ /* Better performance can likely be got with custom written versions */ public function get_multi( $keys ) { $out = array(); foreach ( $keys as $key ) { $out[$key] = $this->get( $key ); } return $out; } public function set_multi( $hash, $exptime = 0 ) { foreach ( $hash as $key => $value ) { $this->set( $key, $value, $exptime ); } } public function add( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { if ( !$this->get( $key ) ) { $this->set( $key, $value, $exptime ); return true; } } public function add_multi( $hash, $exptime = 0 ) { foreach ( $hash as $key => $value ) { $this->add( $key, $value, $exptime ); } } public function delete_multi( $keys, $time = 0 ) { foreach ( $keys as $key ) { $this->delete( $key, $time ); } } public function replace( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { if ( $this->get( $key ) !== false ) { $this->set( $key, $value, $exptime ); } } /** * @param $key String: Key yo increase * @param $value Integer: Value to add to $key (Default 1) * @return null if lock is not possible else $key value increased by $value */ public function incr( $key, $value = 1 ) { if ( !$this->lock( $key ) ) { return null; } $value = intval( $value ); if ( ( $n = $this->get( $key ) ) !== false ) { $n += $value; $this->set( $key, $n ); // exptime? } $this->unlock( $key ); return $n; } public function decr( $key, $value = 1 ) { return $this->incr( $key, - $value ); } public function debug( $text ) { if ( $this->debugMode ) { wfDebug( "BagOStuff debug: $text\n" ); } } /** * Convert an optionally relative time to an absolute time */ protected function convertExpiry( $exptime ) { if ( ( $exptime != 0 ) && ( $exptime < 86400 * 3650 /* 10 years */ ) ) { return time() + $exptime; } else { return $exptime; } } } /** * Functional versions! * This is a test of the interface, mainly. It stores things in an associative * array, which is not going to persist between program runs. * * @ingroup Cache */ class HashBagOStuff extends BagOStuff { var $bag; function __construct() { $this->bag = array(); } protected function expire( $key ) { $et = $this->bag[$key][1]; if ( ( $et == 0 ) || ( $et > time() ) ) { return false; } $this->delete( $key ); return true; } function get( $key ) { if ( !isset( $this->bag[$key] ) ) { return false; } if ( $this->expire( $key ) ) { return false; } return $this->bag[$key][0]; } function set( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { $this->bag[$key] = array( $value, $this->convertExpiry( $exptime ) ); } function delete( $key, $time = 0 ) { if ( !isset( $this->bag[$key] ) ) { return false; } unset( $this->bag[$key] ); return true; } function keys() { return array_keys( $this->bag ); } } /** * Class to store objects in the database * * @ingroup Cache */ class SqlBagOStuff extends BagOStuff { var $lb, $db; var $lastExpireAll = 0; protected function getDB() { global $wgDBtype; if ( !isset( $this->db ) ) { /* We must keep a separate connection to MySQL in order to avoid deadlocks * However, SQLite has an opposite behaviour. * @todo Investigate behaviour for other databases */ if ( $wgDBtype == 'sqlite' ) { $this->db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); } else { $this->lb = wfGetLBFactory()->newMainLB(); $this->db = $this->lb->getConnection( DB_MASTER ); $this->db->clearFlag( DBO_TRX ); } } return $this->db; } public function get( $key ) { # expire old entries if any $this->garbageCollect(); $db = $this->getDB(); $row = $db->selectRow( 'objectcache', array( 'value', 'exptime' ), array( 'keyname' => $key ), __METHOD__ ); if ( !$row ) { $this->debug( 'get: no matching rows' ); return false; } $this->debug( "get: retrieved data; expiry time is " . $row->exptime ); if ( $this->isExpired( $row->exptime ) ) { $this->debug( "get: key has expired, deleting" ); try { $db->begin(); # Put the expiry time in the WHERE condition to avoid deleting a # newly-inserted value $db->delete( 'objectcache', array( 'keyname' => $key, 'exptime' => $row->exptime ), __METHOD__ ); $db->commit(); } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e ); } return false; } return $this->unserialize( $db->decodeBlob( $row->value ) ); } public function set( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { $db = $this->getDB(); $exptime = intval( $exptime ); if ( $exptime < 0 ) { $exptime = 0; } if ( $exptime == 0 ) { $encExpiry = $this->getMaxDateTime(); } else { if ( $exptime < 3.16e8 ) { # ~10 years $exptime += time(); } $encExpiry = $db->timestamp( $exptime ); } try { $db->begin(); // (bug 24425) use a replace if the db supports it instead of // delete/insert to avoid clashes with conflicting keynames $db->replace( 'objectcache', array( 'keyname' ), array( 'keyname' => $key, 'value' => $db->encodeBlob( $this->serialize( $value ) ), 'exptime' => $encExpiry ), __METHOD__ ); $db->commit(); } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e ); return false; } return true; } public function delete( $key, $time = 0 ) { $db = $this->getDB(); try { $db->begin(); $db->delete( 'objectcache', array( 'keyname' => $key ), __METHOD__ ); $db->commit(); } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e ); return false; } return true; } public function incr( $key, $step = 1 ) { $db = $this->getDB(); $step = intval( $step ); try { $db->begin(); $row = $db->selectRow( 'objectcache', array( 'value', 'exptime' ), array( 'keyname' => $key ), __METHOD__, array( 'FOR UPDATE' ) ); if ( $row === false ) { // Missing $db->commit(); return null; } $db->delete( 'objectcache', array( 'keyname' => $key ), __METHOD__ ); if ( $this->isExpired( $row->exptime ) ) { // Expired, do not reinsert $db->commit(); return null; } $oldValue = intval( $this->unserialize( $db->decodeBlob( $row->value ) ) ); $newValue = $oldValue + $step; $db->insert( 'objectcache', array( 'keyname' => $key, 'value' => $db->encodeBlob( $this->serialize( $newValue ) ), 'exptime' => $row->exptime ), __METHOD__ ); $db->commit(); } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e ); return null; } return $newValue; } public function keys() { $db = $this->getDB(); $res = $db->select( 'objectcache', array( 'keyname' ), false, __METHOD__ ); $result = array(); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $result[] = $row->keyname; } return $result; } protected function isExpired( $exptime ) { return $exptime != $this->getMaxDateTime() && wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $exptime ) < time(); } protected function getMaxDateTime() { if ( time() > 0x7fffffff ) { return $this->getDB()->timestamp( 1 << 62 ); } else { return $this->getDB()->timestamp( 0x7fffffff ); } } protected function garbageCollect() { /* Ignore 99% of requests */ if ( !mt_rand( 0, 100 ) ) { $now = time(); /* Avoid repeating the delete within a few seconds */ if ( $now > ( $this->lastExpireAll + 1 ) ) { $this->lastExpireAll = $now; $this->expireAll(); } } } public function expireAll() { $db = $this->getDB(); $now = $db->timestamp(); try { $db->begin(); $db->delete( 'objectcache', array( 'exptime < ' . $db->addQuotes( $now ) ), __METHOD__ ); $db->commit(); } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e ); } } public function deleteAll() { $db = $this->getDB(); try { $db->begin(); $db->delete( 'objectcache', '*', __METHOD__ ); $db->commit(); } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e ); } } /** * Serialize an object and, if possible, compress the representation. * On typical message and page data, this can provide a 3X decrease * in storage requirements. * * @param $data mixed * @return string */ protected function serialize( &$data ) { $serial = serialize( $data ); if ( function_exists( 'gzdeflate' ) ) { return gzdeflate( $serial ); } else { return $serial; } } /** * Unserialize and, if necessary, decompress an object. * @param $serial string * @return mixed */ protected function unserialize( $serial ) { if ( function_exists( 'gzinflate' ) ) { $decomp = @gzinflate( $serial ); if ( false !== $decomp ) { $serial = $decomp; } } $ret = unserialize( $serial ); return $ret; } /** * Handle a DBQueryError which occurred during a write operation. * Ignore errors which are due to a read-only database, rethrow others. */ protected function handleWriteError( $exception ) { $db = $this->getDB(); if ( !$db->wasReadOnlyError() ) { throw $exception; } try { $db->rollback(); } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { } wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": ignoring query error\n" ); $db->ignoreErrors( false ); } } /** * Backwards compatibility alias */ class MediaWikiBagOStuff extends SqlBagOStuff { } /** * This is a wrapper for APC's shared memory functions * * @ingroup Cache */ class APCBagOStuff extends BagOStuff { public function get( $key ) { $val = apc_fetch( $key ); if ( is_string( $val ) ) { $val = unserialize( $val ); } return $val; } public function set( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { apc_store( $key, serialize( $value ), $exptime ); return true; } public function delete( $key, $time = 0 ) { apc_delete( $key ); return true; } public function keys() { $info = apc_cache_info( 'user' ); $list = $info['cache_list']; $keys = array(); foreach ( $list as $entry ) { $keys[] = $entry['info']; } return $keys; } } /** * This is a wrapper for eAccelerator's shared memory functions. * * This is basically identical to the deceased Turck MMCache version, * mostly because eAccelerator is based on Turck MMCache. * * @ingroup Cache */ class eAccelBagOStuff extends BagOStuff { public function get( $key ) { $val = eaccelerator_get( $key ); if ( is_string( $val ) ) { $val = unserialize( $val ); } return $val; } public function set( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { eaccelerator_put( $key, serialize( $value ), $exptime ); return true; } public function delete( $key, $time = 0 ) { eaccelerator_rm( $key ); return true; } public function lock( $key, $waitTimeout = 0 ) { eaccelerator_lock( $key ); return true; } public function unlock( $key ) { eaccelerator_unlock( $key ); return true; } } /** * Wrapper for XCache object caching functions; identical interface * to the APC wrapper * * @ingroup Cache */ class XCacheBagOStuff extends BagOStuff { /** * Get a value from the XCache object cache * * @param $key String: cache key * @return mixed */ public function get( $key ) { $val = xcache_get( $key ); if ( is_string( $val ) ) { $val = unserialize( $val ); } return $val; } /** * Store a value in the XCache object cache * * @param $key String: cache key * @param $value Mixed: object to store * @param $expire Int: expiration time * @return bool */ public function set( $key, $value, $expire = 0 ) { xcache_set( $key, serialize( $value ), $expire ); return true; } /** * Remove a value from the XCache object cache * * @param $key String: cache key * @param $time Int: not used in this implementation * @return bool */ public function delete( $key, $time = 0 ) { xcache_unset( $key ); return true; } } /** * Cache that uses DBA as a backend. * Slow due to the need to constantly open and close the file to avoid holding * writer locks. Intended for development use only, as a memcached workalike * for systems that don't have it. * * @ingroup Cache */ class DBABagOStuff extends BagOStuff { var $mHandler, $mFile, $mReader, $mWriter, $mDisabled; public function __construct( $dir = false ) { global $wgDBAhandler; if ( $dir === false ) { global $wgTmpDirectory; $dir = $wgTmpDirectory; } $this->mFile = "$dir/mw-cache-" . wfWikiID(); $this->mFile .= '.db'; wfDebug( __CLASS__ . ": using cache file {$this->mFile}\n" ); $this->mHandler = $wgDBAhandler; } /** * Encode value and expiry for storage */ function encode( $value, $expiry ) { # Convert to absolute time $expiry = $this->convertExpiry( $expiry ); return sprintf( '%010u', intval( $expiry ) ) . ' ' . serialize( $value ); } /** * @return list containing value first and expiry second */ function decode( $blob ) { if ( !is_string( $blob ) ) { return array( null, 0 ); } else { return array( unserialize( substr( $blob, 11 ) ), intval( substr( $blob, 0, 10 ) ) ); } } function getReader() { if ( file_exists( $this->mFile ) ) { $handle = dba_open( $this->mFile, 'rl', $this->mHandler ); } else { $handle = $this->getWriter(); } if ( !$handle ) { wfDebug( "Unable to open DBA cache file {$this->mFile}\n" ); } return $handle; } function getWriter() { $handle = dba_open( $this->mFile, 'cl', $this->mHandler ); if ( !$handle ) { wfDebug( "Unable to open DBA cache file {$this->mFile}\n" ); } return $handle; } function get( $key ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . "($key)\n" ); $handle = $this->getReader(); if ( !$handle ) { return null; } $val = dba_fetch( $key, $handle ); list( $val, $expiry ) = $this->decode( $val ); # Must close ASAP because locks are held dba_close( $handle ); if ( !is_null( $val ) && $expiry && $expiry < time() ) { # Key is expired, delete it $handle = $this->getWriter(); dba_delete( $key, $handle ); dba_close( $handle ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": $key expired\n" ); $val = null; } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $val; } function set( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . "($key)\n" ); $blob = $this->encode( $value, $exptime ); $handle = $this->getWriter(); if ( !$handle ) { return false; } $ret = dba_replace( $key, $blob, $handle ); dba_close( $handle ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $ret; } function delete( $key, $time = 0 ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . "($key)\n" ); $handle = $this->getWriter(); if ( !$handle ) { return false; } $ret = dba_delete( $key, $handle ); dba_close( $handle ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $ret; } function add( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $blob = $this->encode( $value, $exptime ); $handle = $this->getWriter(); if ( !$handle ) { return false; } $ret = dba_insert( $key, $blob, $handle ); # Insert failed, check to see if it failed due to an expired key if ( !$ret ) { list( $value, $expiry ) = $this->decode( dba_fetch( $key, $handle ) ); if ( $expiry < time() ) { # Yes expired, delete and try again dba_delete( $key, $handle ); $ret = dba_insert( $key, $blob, $handle ); # This time if it failed then it will be handled by the caller like any other race } } dba_close( $handle ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $ret; } function keys() { $reader = $this->getReader(); $k1 = dba_firstkey( $reader ); if ( !$k1 ) { return array(); } $result[] = $k1; while ( $key = dba_nextkey( $reader ) ) { $result[] = $key; } return $result; } } /** * Wrapper for WinCache object caching functions; identical interface * to the APC wrapper * * @ingroup Cache */ class WinCacheBagOStuff extends BagOStuff { /** * Get a value from the WinCache object cache * * @param $key String: cache key * @return mixed */ public function get( $key ) { $val = wincache_ucache_get( $key ); if ( is_string( $val ) ) { $val = unserialize( $val ); } return $val; } /** * Store a value in the WinCache object cache * * @param $key String: cache key * @param $value Mixed: object to store * @param $expire Int: expiration time * @return bool */ public function set( $key, $value, $expire = 0 ) { wincache_ucache_set( $key, serialize( $value ), $expire ); return true; } /** * Remove a value from the WinCache object cache * * @param $key String: cache key * @param $time Int: not used in this implementation * @return bool */ public function delete( $key, $time = 0 ) { wincache_ucache_delete( $key ); return true; } public function keys() { $info = wincache_ucache_info(); $list = $info['ucache_entries']; $keys = array(); foreach ( $list as $entry ) { $keys[] = $entry['key_name']; } return $keys; } }