[SPIP] ~maj 3.0.11
[ptitvelo/web/www.git] / www / plugins-dist / mediabox / lang / mediabox_en.php
1 <?php
2 // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
3 // extrait automatiquement de http://trad.spip.net/tradlang_module/mediabox?lang_cible=en
4 // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
6 if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
8 $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
10 // B
11 'bouton_reinitialiser' => 'Reset',
12 'boxstr_close' => 'Close',
13 'boxstr_current' => '@current@/@total@',
14 'boxstr_next' => 'Next',
15 'boxstr_previous' => 'Previous',
16 'boxstr_slideshowStart' => 'Slideshow',
17 'boxstr_slideshowStop' => 'Stop',
18 'boxstr_zoom' => 'Zoom',
20 // E
21 'explication_selecteur' => 'Specify the target element that will trigger the box. (jQuery or CSS expression)',
22 'explication_selecteur_galerie' => 'Specify the target elements to group together into a gallery. (jQuery or CSS expression)',
23 'explication_splash_url' => 'Enter the URL of the media to automatically display in a box on the first visit to the public site.',
24 'explication_traiter_toutes_images' => 'Insert a box around all images?',
26 // L
27 'label_active' => 'Activate mediabox on the public site',
28 'label_apparence' => 'Appearance',
29 'label_aucun_style' => 'Do not use any frame by default',
30 'label_choix_transition_elastic' => 'Elastic',
31 'label_choix_transition_fade' => 'Fade',
32 'label_choix_transition_none' => 'Without transition effect',
33 'label_maxheight' => 'Max height (% or px)',
34 'label_maxwidth' => 'Max width (% or px)',
35 'label_minheight' => 'Min height (% or px)',
36 'label_minwidth' => 'Min width (% or px)',
37 'label_opacite' => 'Background opacity',
38 'label_selecteur_commun' => 'In general',
39 'label_selecteur_galerie' => 'In gallery mode',
40 'label_skin' => 'Visual skin',
41 'label_slideshow_speed' => 'Exhibition time of the slideshow images (ms)',
42 'label_speed' => 'Transition speed (ms)',
43 'label_splash' => 'Splash Box',
44 'label_splash_url' => 'URL to display',
45 'label_traiter_toutes_images' => 'Pictures',
46 'label_transition' => 'Transition between two views',
48 // T
49 'titre_menu_box' => 'Media Box',
50 'titre_page_configurer_box' => 'Configuration of the Media box'
51 );
53 ?>