Merge "Remove auto-generated "Constructor" documentation on constructors"
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / resources / src / mediawiki.widgets / mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.js
1 /*!
2 * MediaWiki Widgets – DateInputWidget class.
3 *
4 * @copyright 2011-2015 MediaWiki Widgets Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
5 * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
6 */
7 /* global moment */
8 ( function ( $, mw ) {
10 /**
11 * Creates an mw.widgets.DateInputWidget object.
12 *
13 * @example
14 * // Date input widget showcase
15 * var fieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( {
16 * items: [
17 * new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
18 * new mw.widgets.DateInputWidget(),
19 * {
20 * align: 'top',
21 * label: 'Select date'
22 * }
23 * ),
24 * new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
25 * new mw.widgets.DateInputWidget( { precision: 'month' } ),
26 * {
27 * align: 'top',
28 * label: 'Select month'
29 * }
30 * ),
31 * new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
32 * new mw.widgets.DateInputWidget( {
33 * inputFormat: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
34 * displayFormat: 'Do [of] MMMM [anno Domini] YYYY'
35 * } ),
36 * {
37 * align: 'top',
38 * label: 'Select date (custom formats)'
39 * }
40 * )
41 * ]
42 * } );
43 * $( 'body' ).append( fieldset.$element );
44 *
45 * The value is stored in 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM' format:
46 *
47 * @example
48 * // Accessing values in a date input widget
49 * var dateInput = new mw.widgets.DateInputWidget();
50 * var $label = $( '<p>' );
51 * $( 'body' ).append( $label, dateInput.$element );
52 * dateInput.on( 'change', function () {
53 * // The value will always be a valid date or empty string, malformed input is ignored
54 * var date = dateInput.getValue();
55 * $label.text( 'Selected date: ' + ( date || '(none)' ) );
56 * } );
57 *
58 * @class
59 * @extends OO.ui.TextInputWidget
60 * @mixins OO.ui.mixin.IndicatorElement
61 *
62 * @constructor
63 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
64 * @cfg {string} [precision='day'] Date precision to use, 'day' or 'month'
65 * @cfg {string} [value] Day or month date (depending on `precision`), in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
66 * or 'YYYY-MM'. If not given or empty string, no date is selected.
67 * @cfg {string} [inputFormat] Date format string to use for the textual input field. Displayed
68 * while the widget is active, and the user can type in a date in this format. Should be short
69 * and easy to type. When not given, defaults to 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM', depending on
70 * `precision`.
71 * @cfg {string} [displayFormat] Date format string to use for the clickable label. Displayed
72 * while the widget is inactive. Should be as unambiguous as possible (for example, prefer to
73 * spell out the month, rather than rely on the order), even if that makes it longer. When not
74 * given, the default is language-specific.
75 * @cfg {boolean} [longDisplayFormat=false] If a custom displayFormat is not specified, use
76 * unabbreviated day of the week and month names in the default language-specific displayFormat.
77 * @cfg {string} [placeholderLabel=No date selected] Placeholder text shown when the widget is not
78 * selected. Default text taken from message `mw-widgets-dateinput-no-date`.
79 * @cfg {string} [placeholderDateFormat] User-visible date format string displayed in the textual input
80 * field when it's empty. Should be the same as `inputFormat`, but translated to the user's
81 * language. When not given, defaults to a translated version of 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM',
82 * depending on `precision`.
83 * @cfg {boolean} [required=false] Mark the field as required. Implies `indicator: 'required'`.
84 * @cfg {string} [mustBeAfter] Validates the date to be after this. In the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
85 * @cfg {string} [mustBeBefore] Validates the date to be before this. In the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
86 * @cfg {jQuery} [$overlay] Render the calendar into a separate layer. This configuration is
87 * useful in cases where the expanded calendar is larger than its container. The specified
88 * overlay layer is usually on top of the container and has a larger area. By default, the
89 * calendar uses relative positioning.
90 */
91 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget = function MWWDateInputWidget( config ) {
92 var placeholderDateFormat, mustBeAfter, mustBeBefore;
94 // Config initialization
95 config = $.extend( {
96 precision: 'day',
97 longDisplayFormat: false,
98 required: false,
99 placeholderLabel: mw.msg( 'mw-widgets-dateinput-no-date' )
100 }, config );
101 if ( config.required ) {
102 if ( config.indicator === undefined ) {
103 config.indicator = 'required';
104 }
105 }
107 if ( config.placeholderDateFormat ) {
108 placeholderDateFormat = config.placeholderDateFormat;
109 } else if ( config.inputFormat ) {
110 // We have no way to display a translated placeholder for custom formats
111 placeholderDateFormat = '';
112 } else {
113 // Messages: mw-widgets-dateinput-placeholder-day, mw-widgets-dateinput-placeholder-month
114 placeholderDateFormat = mw.msg( 'mw-widgets-dateinput-placeholder-' + config.precision );
115 }
117 // Properties (must be set before parent constructor, which calls #setValue)
118 this.$handle = $( '<div>' );
119 this.innerLabel = new OO.ui.LabelWidget();
120 this.textInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( {
121 required: config.required,
122 placeholder: placeholderDateFormat,
123 validate: this.validateDate.bind( this )
124 } );
125 this.calendar = new mw.widgets.CalendarWidget( {
126 lazyInitOnToggle: true,
127 // Can't pass `$floatableContainer: this.$element` here, the latter is not set yet.
128 // Instead we call setFloatableContainer() below.
129 precision: config.precision
130 } );
131 this.inCalendar = 0;
132 this.inTextInput = 0;
133 this.closing = false;
134 this.inputFormat = config.inputFormat;
135 this.displayFormat = config.displayFormat;
136 this.longDisplayFormat = config.longDisplayFormat;
137 this.required = config.required;
138 this.placeholderLabel = config.placeholderLabel;
139 // Validate and set min and max dates as properties
141 if ( config.mustBeAfter !== undefined ) {
142 mustBeAfter = moment( config.mustBeAfter, 'YYYY-MM-DD' );
143 if ( mustBeAfter.isValid() ) {
144 this.mustBeAfter = mustBeAfter;
145 }
146 }
147 if ( config.mustBeBefore !== undefined ) {
148 mustBeBefore = moment( config.mustBeBefore, 'YYYY-MM-DD' );
149 if ( mustBeBefore.isValid() ) {
150 this.mustBeBefore = mustBeBefore;
151 }
152 }
153 // Parent constructor
154 this, config );
156 // Mixin constructors
157 this, config );
159 // Events
160 this.calendar.connect( this, {
161 change: 'onCalendarChange'
162 } );
163 this.textInput.connect( this, {
164 enter: 'onEnter',
165 change: 'onTextInputChange'
166 } );
167 this.$element.on( {
168 focusout: this.onBlur.bind( this )
169 } );
170 this.calendar.$element.on( {
171 click: this.onCalendarClick.bind( this ),
172 keypress: this.onCalendarKeyPress.bind( this )
173 } );
174 this.$handle.on( {
175 click: this.onClick.bind( this ),
176 keypress: this.onKeyPress.bind( this ),
177 focus: this.onFocus.bind( this )
178 } );
180 // Initialization
181 // Move 'tabindex' from this.$input (which is invisible) to the visible handle
182 this.setTabIndexedElement( this.$handle );
183 this.$handle
184 .append( this.innerLabel.$element, this.$indicator )
185 .addClass( 'mw-widget-dateInputWidget-handle' );
186 this.calendar.$element
187 .addClass( 'mw-widget-dateInputWidget-calendar' );
188 this.$element
189 .addClass( 'mw-widget-dateInputWidget' )
190 .append( this.$handle, this.textInput.$element, this.calendar.$element );
192 // config.overlay is the selector to be used for config.$overlay, specified from PHP
193 if ( config.overlay ) {
194 config.$overlay = $( config.overlay );
195 }
197 if ( config.$overlay ) {
198 this.calendar.setFloatableContainer( this.$element );
199 config.$overlay.append( this.calendar.$element );
201 // The text input and calendar are not in DOM order, so fix up focus transitions.
202 this.textInput.$input.on( 'keydown', function ( e ) {
203 if ( e.which === OO.ui.Keys.TAB ) {
204 if ( e.shiftKey ) {
205 // Tabbing backward from text input: normal browser behavior
206 $.noop();
207 } else {
208 // Tabbing forward from text input: just focus the calendar
209 this.calendar.$element.focus();
210 return false;
211 }
212 }
213 }.bind( this ) );
214 this.calendar.$element.on( 'keydown', function ( e ) {
215 if ( e.which === OO.ui.Keys.TAB ) {
216 if ( e.shiftKey ) {
217 // Tabbing backward from calendar: just focus the text input
218 this.textInput.$input.focus();
219 return false;
220 } else {
221 // Tabbing forward from calendar: focus the text input, then allow normal browser
222 // behavior to move focus to next focusable after it
223 this.textInput.$input.focus();
224 }
225 }
226 }.bind( this ) );
227 }
229 // Set handle label and hide stuff
230 this.updateUI();
231 this.textInput.toggle( false );
232 this.calendar.toggle( false );
234 // Hide unused <input> from PHP after infusion is done
235 // See InputWidget#reusePreInfuseDOM about config.$input
236 if ( config.$input ) {
237 config.$input.addClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' );
238 }
239 };
241 /* Inheritance */
243 OO.inheritClass( mw.widgets.DateInputWidget, OO.ui.TextInputWidget );
244 OO.mixinClass( mw.widgets.DateInputWidget, OO.ui.mixin.IndicatorElement );
246 /* Events */
248 /**
249 * Fired when the widget is deactivated (i.e. the calendar is closed). This can happen because
250 * the user selected a value, or because the user blurred the widget.
251 *
252 * @event deactivate
253 * @param {boolean} userSelected Whether the deactivation happened because the user selected a value
254 */
256 /* Methods */
258 /**
259 * @inheritdoc
260 * @protected
261 */
262 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.getInputElement = function () {
263 return $( '<input>' ).attr( 'type', 'hidden' );
264 };
266 /**
267 * Respond to calendar date change events.
268 *
269 * @private
270 */
271 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.onCalendarChange = function () {
272 this.inCalendar++;
273 if ( !this.inTextInput ) {
274 // If this is caused by user typing in the input field, do not set anything.
275 // The value may be invalid (see #onTextInputChange), but displayable on the calendar.
276 this.setValue( this.calendar.getDate() );
277 }
278 this.inCalendar--;
279 };
281 /**
282 * Respond to text input value change events.
283 *
284 * @private
285 */
286 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.onTextInputChange = function () {
287 var mom,
288 widget = this,
289 value = this.textInput.getValue(),
290 valid = this.isValidDate( value );
291 this.inTextInput++;
293 if ( value === '' ) {
294 // No date selected
295 widget.setValue( '' );
296 } else if ( valid ) {
297 // Well-formed date value, parse and set it
298 mom = moment( value, widget.getInputFormat() );
299 // Use English locale to avoid number formatting
300 widget.setValue( mom.locale( 'en' ).format( widget.getInternalFormat() ) );
301 } else {
302 // Not well-formed, but possibly partial? Try updating the calendar, but do not set the
303 // internal value. Generally this only makes sense when 'inputFormat' is little-endian (e.g.
304 // 'YYYY-MM-DD'), but that's hard to check for, and might be difficult to handle the parsing
305 // right for weird formats. So limit this trick to only when we're using the default
306 // 'inputFormat', which is the same as the internal format, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
307 if ( widget.getInputFormat() === widget.getInternalFormat() ) {
308 widget.calendar.setDate( widget.textInput.getValue() );
309 }
310 }
311 widget.inTextInput--;
313 };
315 /**
316 * @inheritdoc
317 */
318 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.setValue = function ( value ) {
319 var oldValue = this.value;
321 if ( !moment( value, this.getInternalFormat() ).isValid() ) {
322 value = '';
323 }
325 this, value );
327 if ( this.value !== oldValue ) {
328 this.updateUI();
329 this.setValidityFlag();
330 }
332 return this;
333 };
335 /**
336 * Handle text input and calendar blur events.
337 *
338 * @private
339 */
340 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.onBlur = function () {
341 var widget = this;
342 setTimeout( function () {
343 var $focussed = $( ':focus' );
344 // Deactivate unless the focus moved to something else inside this widget
345 if (
346 !OO.ui.contains( widget.$element[ 0 ], $focussed[ 0 ], true ) &&
347 // Calendar might be in an $overlay
348 !OO.ui.contains( widget.calendar.$element[ 0 ], $focussed[ 0 ], true )
349 ) {
350 widget.deactivate();
351 }
352 }, 0 );
353 };
355 /**
356 * @inheritdoc
357 */
358 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.focus = function () {
359 this.activate();
360 return this;
361 };
363 /**
364 * @inheritdoc
365 */
366 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.blur = function () {
367 this.deactivate();
368 return this;
369 };
371 /**
372 * Update the contents of the label, text input and status of calendar to reflect selected value.
373 *
374 * @private
375 */
376 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.updateUI = function () {
377 var moment;
378 if ( this.getValue() === '' ) {
379 this.textInput.setValue( '' );
380 this.calendar.setDate( null );
381 this.innerLabel.setLabel( this.placeholderLabel );
382 this.$element.addClass( 'mw-widget-dateInputWidget-empty' );
383 } else {
384 moment = this.getMoment();
385 if ( !this.inTextInput ) {
386 this.textInput.setValue( moment.format( this.getInputFormat() ) );
387 }
388 if ( !this.inCalendar ) {
389 this.calendar.setDate( this.getValue() );
390 }
391 this.innerLabel.setLabel( moment.format( this.getDisplayFormat() ) );
392 this.$element.removeClass( 'mw-widget-dateInputWidget-empty' );
393 }
394 };
396 /**
397 * Deactivate this input field for data entry. Closes the calendar and hides the text field.
398 *
399 * @private
400 * @param {boolean} [userSelected] Whether we are deactivating because the user selected a value
401 */
402 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.deactivate = function ( userSelected ) {
403 this.$element.removeClass( 'mw-widget-dateInputWidget-active' );
404 this.$;
405 this.textInput.toggle( false );
406 this.calendar.toggle( false );
407 this.setValidityFlag();
409 if ( userSelected ) {
410 // Prevent focusing the handle from reopening the calendar
411 this.closing = true;
412 this.$handle.focus();
413 this.closing = false;
414 }
416 this.emit( 'deactivate', !!userSelected );
417 };
419 /**
420 * Activate this input field for data entry. Opens the calendar and shows the text field.
421 *
422 * @private
423 */
424 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.activate = function () {
425 this.calendar.resetUI();
426 this.$element.addClass( 'mw-widget-dateInputWidget-active' );
427 this.$handle.hide();
428 this.textInput.toggle( true );
429 this.calendar.toggle( true );
431 this.textInput.$input.focus();
432 };
434 /**
435 * Get the date format to be used for handle label when the input is inactive.
436 *
437 * @private
438 * @return {string} Format string
439 */
440 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.getDisplayFormat = function () {
441 var localeData, llll, lll, ll, format;
443 if ( this.displayFormat !== undefined ) {
444 return this.displayFormat;
445 }
447 if ( this.calendar.getPrecision() === 'month' ) {
448 return 'MMMM YYYY';
449 } else {
450 // The formats Moment.js provides:
451 // * ll: Month name, day of month, year
452 // * lll: Month name, day of month, year, time
453 // * llll: Month name, day of month, day of week, year, time
454 //
455 // The format we want:
456 // * ????: Month name, day of month, day of week, year
457 //
458 // We try to construct it as 'llll - (lll - ll)' and hope for the best.
459 // This seems to work well for many languages (maybe even all?).
461 localeData = moment.localeData( moment.locale() );
462 llll = localeData.longDateFormat( 'llll' );
463 lll = localeData.longDateFormat( 'lll' );
464 ll = localeData.longDateFormat( 'll' );
465 format = llll.replace( lll.replace( ll, '' ), '' );
467 if ( this.longDisplayFormat ) {
468 format = format.replace( 'MMM', 'MMMM' ).replace( 'ddd', 'dddd' );
469 }
471 return format;
472 }
473 };
475 /**
476 * Get the date format to be used for the text field when the input is active.
477 *
478 * @private
479 * @return {string} Format string
480 */
481 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.getInputFormat = function () {
482 if ( this.inputFormat !== undefined ) {
483 return this.inputFormat;
484 }
486 return {
487 day: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
488 month: 'YYYY-MM'
489 }[ this.calendar.getPrecision() ];
490 };
492 /**
493 * Get the date format to be used internally for the value. This is not configurable in any way,
494 * and always either 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM'.
495 *
496 * @private
497 * @return {string} Format string
498 */
499 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.getInternalFormat = function () {
500 return {
501 day: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
502 month: 'YYYY-MM'
503 }[ this.calendar.getPrecision() ];
504 };
506 /**
507 * Get the Moment object for current value.
508 *
509 * @return {Object} Moment object
510 */
511 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.getMoment = function () {
512 return moment( this.getValue(), this.getInternalFormat() );
513 };
515 /**
516 * Handle mouse click events.
517 *
518 * @private
519 * @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse click event
520 * @return {boolean} False to cancel the default event
521 */
522 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.onClick = function ( e ) {
523 if ( !this.isDisabled() && e.which === 1 ) {
524 this.activate();
525 }
526 return false;
527 };
529 /**
530 * Handle key press events.
531 *
532 * @private
533 * @param {jQuery.Event} e Key press event
534 * @return {boolean} False to cancel the default event
535 */
536 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.onKeyPress = function ( e ) {
537 if ( !this.isDisabled() &&
538 ( e.which === OO.ui.Keys.SPACE || e.which === OO.ui.Keys.ENTER )
539 ) {
540 this.activate();
541 return false;
542 }
543 };
545 /**
546 * Handle focus events.
547 *
548 * @private
549 */
550 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.onFocus = function () {
551 if ( !this.closing ) {
552 this.activate();
553 }
554 };
556 /**
557 * Handle calendar key press events.
558 *
559 * @private
560 * @param {jQuery.Event} e Key press event
561 * @return {boolean} False to cancel the default event
562 */
563 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.onCalendarKeyPress = function ( e ) {
564 if ( !this.isDisabled() && e.which === OO.ui.Keys.ENTER ) {
565 this.deactivate( true );
566 return false;
567 }
568 };
570 /**
571 * Handle calendar click events.
572 *
573 * @private
574 * @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse click event
575 * @return {boolean} False to cancel the default event
576 */
577 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.onCalendarClick = function ( e ) {
578 if (
579 !this.isDisabled() &&
580 e.which === 1 &&
581 (
582 $( ).hasClass( 'mw-widget-calendarWidget-day' ) ||
583 $( ).hasClass( 'mw-widget-calendarWidget-month' )
584 )
585 ) {
586 this.deactivate( true );
587 return false;
588 }
589 };
591 /**
592 * Handle text input enter events.
593 *
594 * @private
595 */
596 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.onEnter = function () {
597 this.deactivate( true );
598 };
600 /**
601 * @private
602 * @param {string} date Date string, to be valid, must be in 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM' format or
603 * (unless the field is required) empty
604 * @return {boolean}
605 */
606 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.validateDate = function ( date ) {
607 var isValid;
608 if ( date === '' ) {
609 isValid = !this.required;
610 } else {
611 isValid = this.isValidDate( date ) && this.isInRange( date );
612 }
613 return isValid;
614 };
616 /**
617 * @private
618 * @param {string} date Date string, to be valid, must be in 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM' format
619 * @return {boolean}
620 */
621 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.isValidDate = function ( date ) {
622 // "Half-strict mode": for example, for the format 'YYYY-MM-DD', 2015-1-3 instead of 2015-01-03
623 // is okay, but 2015-01 isn't, and neither is 2015-01-foo. Use Moment's "fuzzy" mode and check
624 // parsing flags for the details (stolen from implementation of moment#isValid).
625 var
626 mom = moment( date, this.getInputFormat() ),
627 flags = mom.parsingFlags();
629 return mom.isValid() && flags.charsLeftOver === 0 && flags.unusedTokens.length === 0;
630 };
632 /**
633 * Validates if the date is within the range configured with {@link #cfg-mustBeAfter}
634 * and {@link #cfg-mustBeBefore}.
635 *
636 * @private
637 * @param {string} date Date string, to be valid, must be empty (no date selected) or in
638 * 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM' format to be valid
639 * @return {boolean}
640 */
641 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.isInRange = function ( date ) {
642 var momentDate, isAfter, isBefore;
643 if ( this.mustBeAfter === undefined && this.mustBeBefore === undefined ) {
644 return true;
645 }
646 momentDate = moment( date, 'YYYY-MM-DD' );
647 isAfter = ( this.mustBeAfter === undefined || momentDate.isAfter( this.mustBeAfter ) );
648 isBefore = ( this.mustBeBefore === undefined || momentDate.isBefore( this.mustBeBefore ) );
649 return isAfter && isBefore;
650 };
652 /**
653 * Get the validity of current value.
654 *
655 * This method returns a promise that resolves if the value is valid and rejects if
656 * it isn't. Uses {@link #validateDate}.
657 *
658 * @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that resolves if the value is valid, rejects if not.
659 */
660 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.getValidity = function () {
661 var isValid = this.validateDate( this.getValue() );
663 if ( isValid ) {
664 return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
665 } else {
666 return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
667 }
668 };
670 /**
671 * Sets the 'invalid' flag appropriately.
672 *
673 * @param {boolean} [isValid] Optionally override validation result
674 */
675 mw.widgets.DateInputWidget.prototype.setValidityFlag = function ( isValid ) {
676 var widget = this,
677 setFlag = function ( valid ) {
678 if ( !valid ) {
679 widget.$input.attr( 'aria-invalid', 'true' );
680 } else {
681 widget.$input.removeAttr( 'aria-invalid' );
682 }
683 widget.setFlags( { invalid: !valid } );
684 };
686 if ( isValid !== undefined ) {
687 setFlag( isValid );
688 } else {
689 this.getValidity().then( function () {
690 setFlag( true );
691 }, function () {
692 setFlag( false );
693 } );
694 }
695 };
697 }( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );