Merge "filebackend: fix PhpStorm warnings in FileBackend"
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / languages / i18n / exif / sco.json
1 {
2 "@metadata": {
3 "authors": [
4 "Avicennasis",
5 "John Reid"
6 ]
7 },
8 "exif-imagewidth": "Width",
9 "exif-imagelength": "Heicht",
10 "exif-bitspersample": "Bits per component",
11 "exif-compression": "Compression scheme",
12 "exif-photometricinterpretation": "Pixel composeetion",
13 "exif-orientation": "Orientation",
14 "exif-samplesperpixel": "Nummer o components",
15 "exif-planarconfiguration": "Data arrangement",
16 "exif-ycbcrsubsampling": "Subsamplin ratio o Y til C",
17 "exif-ycbcrpositioning": "Y n C poseetionin",
18 "exif-xresolution": "Horizontal resolution",
19 "exif-yresolution": "Verteecal resolution",
20 "exif-stripoffsets": "Eemage data location",
21 "exif-rowsperstrip": "Nummer o raws per streep",
22 "exif-stripbytecounts": "Bytes per compressed streep",
23 "exif-jpeginterchangeformat": "Affset til JPEG SOI",
24 "exif-jpeginterchangeformatlength": "Bytes o JPEG data",
25 "exif-whitepoint": "White poynt chromateeceetie",
26 "exif-primarychromaticities": "Chromateeceeties o primarities",
27 "exif-ycbcrcoefficients": "Colour space transformation matrix coeffeecients",
28 "exif-referenceblackwhite": "Pair o blaick n white referance values",
29 "exif-datetime": "File chynge date n time",
30 "exif-imagedescription": "Eemage title",
31 "exif-make": "Camera manufacturer",
32 "exif-model": "The Camera model",
33 "exif-software": "Saffware uised",
34 "exif-artist": "Writer",
35 "exif-copyright": "Copiericht hauder",
36 "exif-exifversion": "Exif version",
37 "exif-flashpixversion": "Supportit Flashpix version",
38 "exif-colorspace": "Colour space",
39 "exif-componentsconfiguration": "Meanin o ilka component",
40 "exif-compressedbitsperpixel": "Eemage compression mode",
41 "exif-pixelxdimension": "Eemage width",
42 "exif-pixelydimension": "Eemage heicht",
43 "exif-usercomment": "Uiser comments",
44 "exif-relatedsoundfile": "Relatit audío file",
45 "exif-datetimeoriginal": "Date n time o data generation",
46 "exif-datetimedigitized": "Date n time o deegeetisin",
47 "exif-subsectime": "DateTime subseiconts",
48 "exif-subsectimeoriginal": "DateTimeOreeginal subseiconts",
49 "exif-subsectimedigitized": "DateTimeDeegeetized subseiconts",
50 "exif-exposuretime": "Exposure time",
51 "exif-exposuretime-format": "$1 sec ($2)",
52 "exif-fnumber": "F Nummer",
53 "exif-exposureprogram": "Exposure Program",
54 "exif-spectralsensitivity": "Spectral sensiteevitie",
55 "exif-isospeedratings": "ISO speed ratin",
56 "exif-shutterspeedvalue": "APEX shutter speed",
57 "exif-aperturevalue": "APEX aperture",
58 "exif-brightnessvalue": "APEX brichtness",
59 "exif-exposurebiasvalue": "APEX exposure bias",
60 "exif-maxaperturevalue": "Mucklest launn aperture",
61 "exif-subjectdistance": "Subject distance",
62 "exif-meteringmode": "Meterin mode",
63 "exif-lightsource": "Licht soorce",
64 "exif-flash": "Flash",
65 "exif-focallength": "Lens focal langth",
66 "exif-subjectarea": "Subject airt",
67 "exif-flashenergy": "Flash energie",
68 "exif-focalplanexresolution": "Focal plane X resolution",
69 "exif-focalplaneyresolution": "Focal plane Y resolution",
70 "exif-focalplaneresolutionunit": "Focal plane resolution unit",
71 "exif-subjectlocation": "Subject location",
72 "exif-exposureindex": "Exposure index",
73 "exif-sensingmethod": "Sensin methyd",
74 "exif-filesource": "File soorce",
75 "exif-scenetype": "Scene type",
76 "exif-customrendered": "Custym eemage processin",
77 "exif-exposuremode": "Exposure mode",
78 "exif-whitebalance": "White balance",
79 "exif-digitalzoomratio": "Deegeetal zuim ratio",
80 "exif-focallengthin35mmfilm": "Focal length in 35 mm film",
81 "exif-scenecapturetype": "Scene captur type",
82 "exif-gaincontrol": "Scene control",
83 "exif-contrast": "Contrast",
84 "exif-saturation": "Saturation",
85 "exif-sharpness": "Shairpness",
86 "exif-devicesettingdescription": "Device settins descreeption",
87 "exif-subjectdistancerange": "Subject deestance range",
88 "exif-imageuniqueid": "Uníque eemage ID",
89 "exif-gpsversionid": "GPS tag version",
90 "exif-gpslatituderef": "Nort or sooth lateetude",
91 "exif-gpslatitude": "Lateetude",
92 "exif-gpslongituderef": "Aest or west langeetude",
93 "exif-gpslongitude": "Langeetude",
94 "exif-gpsaltituderef": "Altítude reference",
95 "exif-gpsaltitude": "Altítude",
96 "exif-gpstimestamp": "GPS time (atomeec clock)",
97 "exif-gpssatellites": "Satellites uised fer measurement",
98 "exif-gpsstatus": "Receever status",
99 "exif-gpsmeasuremode": "Measurement mode",
100 "exif-gpsdop": "Measurement preeceesion",
101 "exif-gpsspeedref": "Speed unit",
102 "exif-gpsspeed": "Speed o GPS receever",
103 "exif-gpstrackref": "Referance fer direction o muivement",
104 "exif-gpstrack": "Direction o muivement",
105 "exif-gpsimgdirectionref": "Referance fer direction o eemage",
106 "exif-gpsimgdirection": "Direction o eemage",
107 "exif-gpsmapdatum": "Geodeteec survey data uised",
108 "exif-gpsdestlatituderef": "Referance fer lateetude o destination",
109 "exif-gpsdestlatitude": "Lateetude destination",
110 "exif-gpsdestlongituderef": "Reference fer langeetude o destination",
111 "exif-gpsdestlongitude": "Langeetude o destination",
112 "exif-gpsdestbearingref": "Referance fer bearin o destination",
113 "exif-gpsdestbearing": "Bearin o destination",
114 "exif-gpsdestdistanceref": "Reference fer distance til destination",
115 "exif-gpsdestdistance": "Distance til destination",
116 "exif-gpsprocessingmethod": "Name o GPS processin methyd",
117 "exif-gpsareainformation": "Name o GPS airt",
118 "exif-gpsdatestamp": "GPS date",
119 "exif-gpsdifferential": "GPS differantial correction",
120 "exif-jpegfilecomment": "JPEG file comment",
121 "exif-keywords": "Keywairds",
122 "exif-worldregioncreated": "Region o the Yird that the picture wis taen in",
123 "exif-countrycreated": "Kintra that the picture wis taen in",
124 "exif-countrycodecreated": "Code fer the kintra that the picture wis taen in",
125 "exif-provinceorstatecreated": "Provínce or state that the picture wis taen in",
126 "exif-citycreated": "Ceetie that the picture wis taen in",
127 "exif-sublocationcreated": "Sublocation o the ceetie that the picture wis taen in",
128 "exif-worldregiondest": "Yird region shawn",
129 "exif-countrydest": "Kintra shawn",
130 "exif-countrycodedest": "Code fer kintra shawn",
131 "exif-provinceorstatedest": "Provínce or state shawn",
132 "exif-citydest": "Ceetie shawn",
133 "exif-sublocationdest": "Sublocation o ceetie shawn",
134 "exif-objectname": "Short title",
135 "exif-specialinstructions": "Byordiair insructions",
136 "exif-headline": "Heidline",
137 "exif-credit": "Creedit/Provider",
138 "exif-source": "Soorce",
139 "exif-editstatus": "Eediterial status o eemage",
140 "exif-urgency": "Urgencie",
141 "exif-fixtureidentifier": "Fixtur name",
142 "exif-locationdest": "Location depeected",
143 "exif-locationdestcode": "Code o location depeected",
144 "exif-objectcycle": "Time o day that media is intended fer",
145 "exif-contact": "Contact information",
146 "exif-writer": "Writer",
147 "exif-languagecode": "Leid",
148 "exif-iimversion": "IIM version",
149 "exif-iimcategory": "Categerie",
150 "exif-iimsupplementalcategory": "Supplemental categeries",
151 "exif-datetimeexpires": "Dinna uise efter",
152 "exif-datetimereleased": "Released oan",
153 "exif-originaltransmissionref": "Oreeginal transmeession location code",
154 "exif-identifier": "Identefier",
155 "exif-lens": "Lens uised",
156 "exif-serialnumber": "Serial nummer o camera",
157 "exif-cameraownername": "Ainer o camera",
158 "exif-label": "Label",
159 "exif-datetimemetadata": "Date metadata wis laist modeefied",
160 "exif-nickname": "Informal name o eemage",
161 "exif-rating": "Ratin (oot o 5)",
162 "exif-rightscertificate": "Richts management certeeficate",
163 "exif-copyrighted": "Copiericht status",
164 "exif-copyrightowner": "Copiericht ainer",
165 "exif-usageterms": "Uisage terms",
166 "exif-webstatement": "Online copiericht statement",
167 "exif-originaldocumentid": "Uníque ID o oreeginal document",
168 "exif-licenseurl": "URL fer copiericht license",
169 "exif-morepermissionsurl": "Alternative licensin information",
170 "exif-attributionurl": "Whan re-uisin this wairk, please link til",
171 "exif-preferredattributionname": "Whan re-uisin this wairk, please creedit",
172 "exif-pngfilecomment": "PNG file comment",
173 "exif-disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
174 "exif-contentwarning": "Content warnishment",
175 "exif-giffilecomment": "GIF file comment",
176 "exif-intellectualgenre": "Type o eetem",
177 "exif-subjectnewscode": "Subject code",
178 "exif-scenecode": "IPTC scene code",
179 "exif-event": "Event depected",
180 "exif-organisationinimage": "Organization depected",
181 "exif-personinimage": "Person depected",
182 "exif-originalimageheight": "Heicht o eemage afore it wis crappit",
183 "exif-originalimagewidth": "Width o eemage afore it wis crappit",
184 "exif-compression-1": "Oncompress't",
185 "exif-compression-2": "CCITT Groop 3 1-Dimensional Modified Huffman rin length encodin",
186 "exif-compression-3": "CCITT Groop 3 fax encodin",
187 "exif-compression-4": "CCITT Groop 4 fax encodin",
188 "exif-copyrighted-true": "Copierichted",
189 "exif-copyrighted-false": "Copiericht status na set",
190 "exif-unknowndate": "Onkent date",
191 "exif-orientation-1": "Ordinair",
192 "exif-orientation-2": "Flipt horizontallie",
193 "exif-orientation-3": "Rotatit 180°",
194 "exif-orientation-4": "Flipt verticlie",
195 "exif-orientation-5": "Rotatit 90° CCW n flip verticlie",
196 "exif-orientation-6": "Rotatit 90° CCW",
197 "exif-orientation-7": "Rotatit 90° CW n flipt verticlie",
198 "exif-orientation-8": "Rotatit 90° CW",
199 "exif-planarconfiguration-1": "chunkie format",
200 "exif-planarconfiguration-2": "planar format",
201 "exif-colorspace-65535": "Oncalibratit",
202 "exif-componentsconfiguration-0": "disna exeest",
203 "exif-exposureprogram-0": "Na defined",
204 "exif-exposureprogram-1": "Manual",
205 "exif-exposureprogram-2": "Ordinair program",
206 "exif-exposureprogram-3": "Apertur prioritie",
207 "exif-exposureprogram-4": "Shutter prioritie",
208 "exif-exposureprogram-5": "Cræftie program (biased thewaird the depth o field)",
209 "exif-exposureprogram-6": "Action program (biased thewaird fast shutter speed)",
210 "exif-exposureprogram-7": "Portrait mode (fer closeup photæs wi the backgroond oot o focus)",
211 "exif-exposureprogram-8": "Launnscape mode (fer launnscape photæs wi the backgroonn in focus)",
212 "exif-subjectdistance-value": "$1 meters",
213 "exif-meteringmode-0": "Onkent",
214 "exif-meteringmode-1": "Average",
215 "exif-meteringmode-2": "Center weichtit average",
216 "exif-meteringmode-3": "Spot",
217 "exif-meteringmode-4": "Multí-Spot",
218 "exif-meteringmode-5": "Pattern",
219 "exif-meteringmode-6": "Pairtial",
220 "exif-meteringmode-255": "Ither",
221 "exif-lightsource-0": "Onkent",
222 "exif-lightsource-1": "Daylicht",
223 "exif-lightsource-2": "Fluorescant",
224 "exif-lightsource-3": "Tungsten (incandescant licht)",
225 "exif-lightsource-4": "Flash",
226 "exif-lightsource-9": "Fine weather",
227 "exif-lightsource-10": "Cloodie weather",
228 "exif-lightsource-11": "Gloam",
229 "exif-lightsource-12": "Daylicht fluorescant (D 5700 – 7100K)",
230 "exif-lightsource-13": "Day white fluorescant (N 4600 – 5400K)",
231 "exif-lightsource-14": "Cuil white fluorescant (W 3900 – 4500K)",
232 "exif-lightsource-15": "White fluorescant (WW 3200 – 3700K)",
233 "exif-lightsource-17": "Staunart licht A",
234 "exif-lightsource-18": "Staunart licht B",
235 "exif-lightsource-19": "Staunart licht C",
236 "exif-lightsource-24": "ISO studio tungsten",
237 "exif-lightsource-255": "Ither licht soorce",
238 "exif-flash-fired-0": "Flash didna fire",
239 "exif-flash-fired-1": "Flash fired",
240 "exif-flash-return-0": "naw flash return detection function",
241 "exif-flash-return-2": "flash return licht na detectit",
242 "exif-flash-return-3": "flash return licht detectit",
243 "exif-flash-mode-1": "compulserie flash firin",
244 "exif-flash-mode-2": "compulserie flash suppression",
245 "exif-flash-mode-3": "autæ mode",
246 "exif-flash-function-1": "Naw flash function",
247 "exif-flash-redeye-1": "reid-ee reduction mode",
248 "exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2": "inches",
249 "exif-sensingmethod-1": "Ondefined",
250 "exif-sensingmethod-2": "Yin-chip colour airt senser",
251 "exif-sensingmethod-3": "Twa-chip colour airt senser",
252 "exif-sensingmethod-4": "Three-chip colour airt senser",
253 "exif-sensingmethod-5": "Colour sequential airt senser",
254 "exif-sensingmethod-7": "Trilinear senser",
255 "exif-sensingmethod-8": "Colour sequential linear senser",
256 "exif-filesource-3": "Deegeetal still camera",
257 "exif-scenetype-1": "Ae directlie photægraphed eemage",
258 "exif-customrendered-0": "Ordinair process",
259 "exif-customrendered-1": "Custym process",
260 "exif-exposuremode-0": "Autæ exposure",
261 "exif-exposuremode-1": "Manual exposure",
262 "exif-exposuremode-2": "Autæ bracket",
263 "exif-whitebalance-0": "Autæ white balance",
264 "exif-whitebalance-1": "Manual white balance",
265 "exif-scenecapturetype-0": "Staunart",
266 "exif-scenecapturetype-1": "Launscape",
267 "exif-scenecapturetype-2": "Portrait",
268 "exif-scenecapturetype-3": "Nicht scene",
269 "exif-gaincontrol-0": "Nane",
270 "exif-gaincontrol-1": "Law gain up",
271 "exif-gaincontrol-2": "Hei gain up",
272 "exif-gaincontrol-3": "Law gain doon",
273 "exif-gaincontrol-4": "Hei gain doon",
274 "exif-contrast-0": "Ordinair",
275 "exif-contrast-1": "Saft",
276 "exif-contrast-2": "Haurd",
277 "exif-saturation-0": "Ordinair",
278 "exif-saturation-1": "Law saturation",
279 "exif-saturation-2": "Hei saturation",
280 "exif-sharpness-0": "Ordinair",
281 "exif-sharpness-1": "Saff",
282 "exif-sharpness-2": "Haurd",
283 "exif-subjectdistancerange-0": "Onkent",
284 "exif-subjectdistancerange-1": "Macro",
285 "exif-subjectdistancerange-2": "Claise luik at",
286 "exif-subjectdistancerange-3": "Distance sechtline",
287 "exif-gpslatitude-n": "Nort lateetude",
288 "exif-gpslatitude-s": "Sooth lateetude",
289 "exif-gpslongitude-e": "Aest langeetude",
290 "exif-gpslongitude-w": "West langeetude",
291 "exif-gpsaltitude-above-sealevel": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|meter|meters}} abuin sea level",
292 "exif-gpsaltitude-below-sealevel": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|meter|meters}} ablo sea level",
293 "exif-gpsstatus-a": "Measurement in progress",
294 "exif-gpsstatus-v": "Measurement interoperabeelitie",
295 "exif-gpsmeasuremode-2": "2-dimensional measurement",
296 "exif-gpsmeasuremode-3": "3-dimensional measurement",
297 "exif-gpsspeed-k": "Kilometers aen hoor",
298 "exif-gpsspeed-m": "Miles aen hoor",
299 "exif-gpsspeed-n": "Knots",
300 "exif-gpsdestdistance-k": "Kilometers",
301 "exif-gpsdestdistance-m": "Miles",
302 "exif-gpsdestdistance-n": "Nauteecal miles",
303 "exif-gpsdop-excellent": "Excellant ($1)",
304 "exif-gpsdop-good": "Guid ($1)",
305 "exif-gpsdop-moderate": "Moderate ($1)",
306 "exif-gpsdop-fair": "Fair ($1)",
307 "exif-gpsdop-poor": "Puir ($1)",
308 "exif-objectcycle-a": "Mornin yinlie",
309 "exif-objectcycle-p": "Evenin yinlie",
310 "exif-objectcycle-b": "Baith mornin n evenin",
311 "exif-gpsdirection-t": "True direction",
312 "exif-gpsdirection-m": "Magneteec direction",
313 "exif-ycbcrpositioning-1": "Centerit",
314 "exif-ycbcrpositioning-2": "Co-steidit",
315 "exif-dc-contributor": "Contreebuters:",
316 "exif-dc-coverage": "Spatial or tempral scope o media",
317 "exif-dc-date": "Date(s)",
318 "exif-dc-publisher": "Publisher",
319 "exif-dc-relation": "Relatit media",
320 "exif-dc-rights": "Richts",
321 "exif-dc-source": "Soorce media",
322 "exif-dc-type": "Type o media",
323 "exif-rating-rejected": "Rejectit",
324 "exif-isospeedratings-overflow": "Muckler than 65535",
325 "exif-iimcategory-ace": "Airts, cultur n entertainmant",
326 "exif-iimcategory-clj": "Crime n law",
327 "exif-iimcategory-dis": "Disasters n accidants",
328 "exif-iimcategory-fin": "Economie n business",
329 "exif-iimcategory-edu": "Education",
330 "exif-iimcategory-evn": "Environment",
331 "exif-iimcategory-hth": "The Heal",
332 "exif-iimcategory-hum": "Fawk interest",
333 "exif-iimcategory-lab": "Laber",
334 "exif-iimcategory-lif": "Lifestyle n leisure",
335 "exif-iimcategory-pol": "Poleeteecs",
336 "exif-iimcategory-rel": "Releegion n truent",
337 "exif-iimcategory-sci": "Sciance n technologie",
338 "exif-iimcategory-soi": "Social eessues",
339 "exif-iimcategory-spo": "Sports",
340 "exif-iimcategory-war": "War, conflict n onrest",
341 "exif-iimcategory-wea": "Weather",
342 "exif-urgency-normal": "Ordinair ($1)",
343 "exif-urgency-low": "Law ($1)",
344 "exif-urgency-high": "Hei ($1)",
345 "exif-urgency-other": "Uiser-defined prioritie ($1)"
346 }