Merge "Document rationale or primary use case for many indexes"
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / languages / i18n / din.json
1 {
2 "@metadata": {
3 "authors": [
4 "Amire80",
5 "Dinkawiki",
6 "Kumkumuk",
7 "Mawanmuortat"
8 ]
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10 "sunday": "Akölëtök",
11 "monday": "Akölnïnrou",
12 "tuesday": "Akölërou",
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15 "friday": "Aköldhiëc",
16 "saturday": "Akölnïndhëtem",
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21 "thu": "Akölëŋuan",
22 "fri": "Aköldhiëc",
23 "sat": "Akölnïndhëtem",
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37 "february-gen": "Kol",
38 "march-gen": "Akɔ̈nydït",
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40 "may-gen": "Aduɔ̈ŋ",
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47 "december-gen": "Kön",
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63 "category-media-header": "Kuat në alëk $1 yic",
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66 "category-article-count": "{{PLURAL:$2|Akuutkäŋë anɔŋic yärë yetök.|{{PLURAL:$1|yärë atɔ̈|$1 yɔ̈rkɛ̈ aatɔ̈}} akuutkäŋ thiöökë yic, në $2 yic.}}",
67 "category-file-count": "{{PLURAL:$2| Thänëkäŋ kän anɔŋic wëtmät kän etök.|{{PLURAL:|wëtmät de $1 thiöökë atɔ̈ |wëlmäät ke $1 thiookkɛ̈ aa tɔ̈}} në thänëkäŋ känic, në $2 yiic ëbɛ̈n.}}",
68 "listingcontinuesabbrev": "ɣäthtueŋ",
69 "about": "Biäk",
70 "newwindow": "(aliɛp adhɛɛr yam thïn)",
71 "cancel": "Tɛmkɔ̈u",
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73 "mytalk": "Jam",
74 "anontalk": "Jam",
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77 "qbedit": "Cokic",
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83 "help": "Kony",
84 "search": "Yiɔ̈ɔ̈p",
85 "searchbutton": "Yiɔ̈ɔ̈p",
86 "go": "Lɔ",
87 "searcharticle": "Lɔ",
88 "history": "Käthɛɛr ë apäm",
89 "history_short": "Käthɛɛr",
90 "history_small": "käthɛɛr",
91 "printableversion": "alelgäär",
92 "permalink": "Anuɛ̈t ciedɔ̈kic",
93 "view": "Ɣoi",
94 "view-foreign": "Ɣoi në $1ic",
95 "edit": "Cokic",
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97 "create-local": "Matë tɛ̈ɛ̈tëyic ë ɣänthiök thïn",
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104 "toolbox": "Käkluɔi",
105 "otherlanguages": "Në thook kɔ̈kiic",
106 "redirectedfrom": "(Cï bɛn wel në $1ic)",
107 "redirectto": "Bɛnwel lɔ:",
108 "lastmodifiedat": "Apam kënë acï apuɔc dac waaric në pɛinïn $1, në $2.",
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112 "aboutsite": "Biäk {{SITENAME}}",
113 "aboutpage": "Project:Biäk",
114 "copyrightpage": "{{ns:project}}:Yicaagɛ̈ɛ̈t",
115 "currentevents": "Kä cë röt piac looi",
116 "currentevents-url": "Project:Kä cë röt piac looi",
117 "disclaimers": "Acëkakuɔ",
118 "disclaimerpage": "Project:Acëkëda ëbɛ̈n",
119 "edithelp": "Kony bë comic",
120 "helppage-top-gethelp": "Kony",
121 "mainpage": "Apam këdït",
122 "mainpage-description": "abak këdït",
123 "portal": "Tëlɔthïn wut",
124 "portal-url": "Project:Tëlɔthïn wut",
125 "privacy": "Löŋ këcïthiaan",
126 "privacypage": "Project:Löŋ këcïthiaan",
127 "retrievedfrom": "Cïdhuk në \"$1\"",
128 "editsection": "cokic",
129 "editold": "cokic",
130 "editlink": "cokic",
131 "viewsourcelink": "Ɣoi tënëyök",
132 "editsectionhint": "Cokic akut: $1",
133 "toc": "Kätɔ̈",
134 "showtoc": "nyooth",
135 "hidetoc": "thaan",
136 "site-atom-feed": "$1 Atɛ̈unyinmot thïn",
137 "page-atom-feed": "\"$1\" Atɛ̈unyinmot thïn",
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141 "nstab-special": "Apam lel",
142 "nstab-project": "Abak kälooi",
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147 "badtitle": "Rin awäc",
148 "badtitletext": "Këjiɛmë ca thiëëcë acïï lɔcök, tëdɛ̈ ka cïn kë tɔ̈u thïn, tëdɛ̈ ka këjiɛmë de thuɔkmɛ̈t wälä de wikimɛ̈t aa këcëkɛ nyiɛc nuet apath. Tëkdɛ̈ kä nɔŋic cït cïï lëu bïke luööi në käjiɛmëkeyiic.",
149 "viewsource": "Ɣoi tënëyök",
150 "yourname": "Rinduloi:",
151 "userlogin-yourname": "Rinduloi",
152 "userlogin-yourname-ph": "Tɔ̈ɔ̈u rinduloiku",
153 "yourpassword": "Wɛ̈tëŋääny:",
154 "userlogin-yourpassword": "Wɛ̈tëŋääny",
155 "userlogin-yourpassword-ph": "Tɔ̈ɔ̈u wëtëŋaany",
156 "createacct-yourpassword-ph": "Tɔ̈ɔ̈u wëtëŋaany",
157 "createacct-yourpasswordagain": "Yiclajiik wɛ̈tëŋaany",
158 "createacct-yourpasswordagain-ph": "Bɛn tɔ̈ɔ̈u wɛ̈tëŋaany",
159 "userlogin-remembermypassword": "Cɔk ya rɛ̈ɛ̈r keya cï liɛp ɣöt",
160 "login": "Ŋaanythïn",
161 "logout": "Ŋaanyaɣeer",
162 "userlogout": "Ŋaanyaɣeer",
163 "userlogin-noaccount": "Cïï nɔŋ cinakuën?",
164 "userlogin-joinproject": "Röm {{SITENAME}}",
165 "createaccount": "Cak cinakuën",
166 "userlogin-resetpassword-link": "Määrnhom wɛ̈tëŋaanyku?",
167 "userlogin-helplink2": "Kony bë ŋaanythïn",
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169 "createacct-email-ph": "Gɔ̈t tëcieng de thoŋëmanywëëthdu",
170 "createacct-submit": "Cak cinakuënku",
171 "createacct-benefit-heading": "{{SITENAME}} acï looi në kɔc cïmëndu.",
172 "createacct-benefit-body1": "{{PLURAL:$1|käcïcokic|këcïcokic}}",
173 "createacct-benefit-body2": "{{PLURAL:$1|apäm|apääm}}",
174 "createacct-benefit-body3": "{{PLURAL:$1|dujuër|dujuëër}} kathiöökwɛ̈r",
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176 "pt-login": "ŋaanythïn",
177 "pt-login-button": "ŋaanythïn",
178 "pt-createaccount": "Cak cinakuën",
179 "pt-userlogout": "ŋaanyaɣeer",
180 "botpasswords-label-create": "Cak",
181 "botpasswords-label-cancel": "Tɛmkɔ̈u",
182 "resetpass-submit-cancel": "Tɛmkɔ̈u",
183 "passwordreset": "Bentɔ̈ɔ̈u wɛ̈tëŋaany",
184 "passwordreset-username": "Rinduloi:",
185 "bold_sample": "Gɔ̈t dïtnyin",
186 "bold_tip": "gɔ̈t dïtnyin",
187 "italic_sample": "rïugäät",
188 "italic_tip": "gɔ̈t cïrïu",
189 "link_sample": "Nuɛ̈të rinënyooth",
190 "link_tip": "Nuɛ̈t akenythïn",
191 "extlink_sample": " ruk rin",
192 "extlink_tip": "Nuɛ̈t akenybaai (tauë http:// adöttueeŋ)",
193 "headline_sample": "gäättueŋ",
194 "headline_tip": "kuëën ë rou tueŋ",
195 "nowiki_sample": "Tɔ̈ɔ̈uë këcïgɔ̈t cinajuɛɛr thïn",
196 "nowiki_tip": "Dhölë yic ajuɛɛr ë wiki",
197 "image_tip": "Makec cïtɔ̈ɔ̈uthïn",
198 "media_tip": "Nuɛ̈t ë makec",
199 "sig_tip": "Thanygɔ̈tdu kekë gutatiitik",
200 "hr_tip": "Ajït temrɔt (looië tëgöörye)",
201 "summary": "Cuutyic:",
202 "minoredit": "Kën ee acökic koor",
203 "watchthis": "ɣoi abakë",
204 "savearticle": "Tɔ̈ɔ̈u abak",
205 "showpreview": "Nyooth këkoŋtiŋ",
206 "showdiff": "Nyoothë käcëwaar",
207 "anoneditwarning": "<strong>Nyïïn:</strong> Yin akɛ̈cë ŋaanythïn. IP de tëcieŋdu abë tïc tënë jäŋ ëbɛ̈n të gɛ̈t yïn ke waar käŋ. Të <strong>[$1 bɛk yïn ɣöt]</strong> tëdɛ̈ <strong>[$2 të ciɛk yïn cinakuɛ̈n]</strong>, ka kä gɔ̈tke ku kä waarke (ku kä kɔ̈k nɔŋ kony ayɛ) aabï ke gät rinëduluuiku.",
208 "loginreqlink": "ŋaanythïn",
209 "newarticletext": "Yïn acë anuët lɔ apam liu buɔɔthcök. Të wïc yin ba apam kënë cak, ka jɔk ba gɔ̈t në akeer tɔ̈ piinyic (tïŋ [$1 apamëkuɔny] të wic yin ba wëlëŋïc yök). Të tɔ̈ yïn ëtɛ̈n ke kɛ̈ce ŋuun, kayï tuany gakyeethany de <strong> ciëën </strong> në akuenarekwëldu-yic.",
210 "noarticletext": "Amɛn, acïn gɔ̈t tɔ̈ ee yär thiöögë yic.\nYïn alëu ba [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|wɛ̈tnhom thiööge göör]] në yɔ̈r kɔ̈kiic,\n<span class=\"plainlinks\">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} göör cökthɛɛr nɔŋkaariic],\nnadëk [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} cak yärë]</span>.",
211 "noarticletext-nopermission": "Amɛn, acïn gär ee apam kënë yic. Yïn alëu ba [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|këjiɛɛmë de apam thööke göör]] këjiɛɛmë de apam thööke göör në apɛmkɔ̈k yiic, tëdɛ̈ ka <span class=\"plainlinks\">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}}] yïn alëu ba athörtɔ̈ɔ̈uke nɔŋ kar ke apam thiöökë gööric ayɛ. Lakin, yïn acï nɔŋ yic ba apam yam cak.",
212 "editing": "Ee cokic $1",
213 "creating": "Ee cak $1",
214 "editingsection": "Ee cok $1 (akut)ic",
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218 "hiddencategories": "Apamkën ee rem ë {{PLURAL:$1|1 bekätakthook cï thiaan |$1 bekäŋtakthook cï thiaan}}:",
219 "permissionserrorstext-withaction": "Yïn acïï nɔŋ nhomlääu ba $2, \n{{PLURAL:$1|wɛ̈t de kän|wët de käk}}:",
220 "moveddeleted-notice": "Apam acï cuɔthwei. Athörtɔ̈ɔ̈u de cothëwei ku nyiɛɛi në apamë aa cïke gam piiny ëtɛ̈n tɔŋ raan wïc bë ke kueen",
221 "content-model-javascript": "JavaScript",
222 "viewpagelogs": "ɣoi athörtɔ̈ɔ̈u në apamkën",
223 "currentrev-asof": "Dhuɔ̈kic yambëtɛɛm ee bɔ̈bei pɛinïn $",
224 "revisionasof": "Dhokic tɛ̈cït $1",
225 "revision-info": "dhuɔ̈kic agut $1 në {{GENDER:$6|$2}}$7",
226 "previousrevision": "bïebei thɛɛr",
227 "nextrevision": "Dhuɔ̈k yam tënë kɔ̈k",
228 "currentrevisionlink": "Dhuɔ̈kic yambëtɛɛm",
229 "cur": "ŋär",
230 "last": "käciën",
231 "rev-delundel": "wak daai",
232 "rev-showdeleted": "Nyooth",
233 "pagehist": "Käthɛɛr ë apäm",
234 "history-title": "Dhuɔ̈kic käthɛɛr de \"$1\"",
235 "difference-title": "Käwääc kɛmke dhuɔ̈ɔ̈k ke \"$1\"",
236 "lineno": "Giɛɛt $1:",
237 "editundo": "Berëpiny",
238 "diff-multi-sameuser": "({{PLURAL:$1|dhukic ciɛl|$1 dhukiic ciɛl}} në duluui tök̈̈, acie nyuɔɔth)",
239 "searchresults": "Yiɔ̈ɔ̈p käcïyiök",
240 "searchresults-title": "Yiööp \"$1\" në käcïyökic",
241 "prevn": "këcëwan {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}",
242 "nextn": "këböth {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}",
243 "nextn-title": "{{PLURAL:$1|käcïyök|këcïyök}} bɔ̈ $1",
244 "shown-title": "Show $1 {{PLURAL:$1|këcïtuöl|kacïtuöl}} gun yär",
245 "viewprevnext": "ɣoi ($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ($3)",
246 "searchmenu-new": "<strong>Cak apam \"[[:$1]]\" në yee wiki känic!</strong> {{PLURAL:$2|0=|Tïŋ apam ee yök kekë göördu ayɛ|Tïŋ käcïyök në göördu ayɛ}}",
247 "searchprofile-articles": "Abɛ̈ɛ̈k kätɔ̈",
248 "searchprofile-images": "ciɛ̈liicjuëc",
249 "searchprofile-everything": "ëbɛ̈n",
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252 "searchprofile-images-tooltip": "Makeec yiɔ̈ɔ̈p",
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254 "searchprofile-advanced-tooltip": "Yiɔ̈ɔ̈p në rinlääu këŋiɛcic",
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271 "recentchanges": "Kärötdäcwäär",
272 "recentchanges-legend": "Tek cë röt piac waar",
273 "recentchanges-summary": "Buɔɔthë wäär kathiöökwɛ̈rbëtɛɛm në wiki në apaamkën.",
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278 "recentchanges-label-plusminus": "Themdït ë yär acë rat war në kolook ka lɛ̈",
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284 "rcshowhideminor-show": "Anyooth",
285 "rcshowhideminor-hide": "Thaan",
286 "rcshowhidebots": "$1 boot",
287 "rcshowhidebots-show": "Nyooth",
288 "rcshowhidebots-hide": "Thaan",
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291 "rcshowhideliu-hide": "Thaan",
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294 "rcshowhideanons-hide": "Thaan",
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296 "rcshowhidepatr-hide": "Thaan",
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298 "rcshowhidemine-show": "Nyooth",
299 "rcshowhidemine-hide": "Thaan",
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303 "diff": "këdä",
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305 "hide": "Thaan",
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315 "recentchangeslinked-page": "Rin ë akap",
316 "recentchangeslinked-to": "Nyuɔɔthë kä cï ke waar në apɛ̈m cï nuɛ̈ɛ̈t ke apam tiöökë, ku acie kä cï ke waar në yen apam thiöökë yic",
317 "upload": "Wälë makec",
318 "filedesc": "Cuutyic",
319 "fileuploadsummary": "Cuutyic:",
320 "upload-dialog-title": "Wälë makec",
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323 "upload-form-label-infoform-date": "Aköl",
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326 "listfiles_date": "Aköl",
327 "listfiles_user": "Dului",
328 "listfiles_description": "Lëkcäät",
329 "file-anchor-link": "Makec",
330 "filehist": "Käthɛɛr ë makec",
331 "filehist-help": "Tuenyë në aköl/akɔ̈licic makec ɣoi kecit rɔt nyuɔɔth në akölic.",
332 "filehist-current": "ee mënë",
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335 "filehist-thumbtext": "Alelthook ë riöpcök, tɛ̈cït $1",
336 "filehist-user": "Dului",
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338 "filehist-comment": "Këcïjaamic",
339 "imagelinks": "Luɔi ë makec",
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