* some code comment cleanup
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / js2 / mwEmbed / libEmbedVideo / omtkEmbed.js
1 var omtkEmbed = {
2 instanceOf:'omtkEmbed',
3 supports: {
4 'pause':true,
5 'time_display':true
6 },
7 getEmbedHTML : function () {
8 var embed_code = this.getEmbedObj();
9 // Need omtk to fire an onReady event.
10 setTimeout( '$j(\'#' + this.id + '\').get(0).postEmbedJS()', 2000 );
11 return this.wrapEmebedContainer( embed_code );
12 },
13 getEmbedObj:function() {
14 var player_path = mv_embed_path + 'libEmbedVideo/binPlayers/omtk-fx/omtkp.swf';
15 // player_path = 'omtkp.swf';
16 js_log( "player path: " + player_path );
17 return '<object id="' + this.pid + '" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="1" height="1">' +
18 '<param name="movie" value="' + player_path + '" />' + "\n" +
19 '<!--[if !IE]>-->' + "\n" +
20 '<object id="' + this.pid + '_ie" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' + player_path + '" width="1" height="1">' + "\n" +
21 '<!--<![endif]-->' + "\n" +
22 '<p>Error with Display of Flash Plugin</p>' + "\n" +
23 '<!--[if !IE]>-->' + "\n" +
24 '</object>' + "\n" +
25 '<!--<![endif]-->' + "\n" +
26 '</object>';
27 },
28 postEmbedJS:function() {
29 this.getOMTK();
30 // play the url:
31 js_log( "play: pid:" + this.pid + ' src:' + this.src );
33 this.omtk.play( this.src );
35 this.monitor();
36 // $j('#omtk_player').get(0).play(this.src);
37 // $j('#'+this.pid).get(0).play( this.src );
38 },
39 pause:function() {
40 this.stop();
41 },
42 monitor:function() {
43 if ( this.omtk.getPosition )
44 this.currentTime = this.omtk.getPosition() / 1000;
46 this.parent_monitor();
47 },
48 getOMTK : function () {
49 this.omtk = $j( '#' + this.pid ).get( 0 );
50 if ( !this.omtk.play )
51 this.omtk = $j( '#' + this.pid + '_ie' ).get( 0 );
53 if ( this.omtk.play ) {
54 // js_log('omtk obj is missing .play (probably not omtk obj)');
55 }
56 },
57 }
59 function OMTK_P_complete() {
60 js_log( 'OMTK_P_complete' );
61 }
63 function OMTK_P_metadataUpdate() {
64 js_log( 'OMTK_P_metadataUpdate' );
65 }