template arguments, various improvements to handling of recursive inclusion
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / includes / FulltextStoplist.php
1 <?php
3 # This is the MySQL fulltext search stoplist, copied from the
4 # source file "myisam/ft_static.c" in the MySQL source distribution.
5 # If you use a new version of MySQL, this might have to be changed.
7 /* private */ $wgFulltextStoplist = array(
9 "a",
10 "a's",
11 "able",
12 "about",
13 "above",
14 "according",
15 "accordingly",
16 "across",
17 "actually",
18 "after",
19 "afterwards",
20 "again",
21 "against",
22 "ain't",
23 "all",
24 "allow",
25 "allows",
26 "almost",
27 "alone",
28 "along",
29 "already",
30 "also",
31 "although",
32 "always",
33 "am",
34 "among",
35 "amongst",
36 "an",
37 "and",
38 "another",
39 "any",
40 "anybody",
41 "anyhow",
42 "anyone",
43 "anything",
44 "anyway",
45 "anyways",
46 "anywhere",
47 "apart",
48 "appear",
49 "appreciate",
50 "appropriate",
51 "are",
52 "aren't",
53 "around",
54 "as",
55 "aside",
56 "ask",
57 "asking",
58 "associated",
59 "at",
60 "available",
61 "away",
62 "awfully",
63 "b",
64 "be",
65 "became",
66 "because",
67 "become",
68 "becomes",
69 "becoming",
70 "been",
71 "before",
72 "beforehand",
73 "behind",
74 "being",
75 "believe",
76 "below",
77 "beside",
78 "besides",
79 "best",
80 "better",
81 "between",
82 "beyond",
83 "both",
84 "brief",
85 "but",
86 "by",
87 "c",
88 "c'mon",
89 "c's",
90 "came",
91 "can",
92 "can't",
93 "cannot",
94 "cant",
95 "cause",
96 "causes",
97 "certain",
98 "certainly",
99 "changes",
100 "clearly",
101 "co",
102 "com",
103 "come",
104 "comes",
105 "concerning",
106 "consequently",
107 "consider",
108 "considering",
109 "contain",
110 "containing",
111 "contains",
112 "corresponding",
113 "could",
114 "couldn't",
115 "course",
116 "currently",
117 "d",
118 "definitely",
119 "described",
120 "despite",
121 "did",
122 "didn't",
123 "different",
124 "do",
125 "does",
126 "doesn't",
127 "doing",
128 "don't",
129 "done",
130 "down",
131 "downwards",
132 "during",
133 "e",
134 "each",
135 "edu",
136 "eg",
137 "eight",
138 "either",
139 "else",
140 "elsewhere",
141 "enough",
142 "entirely",
143 "especially",
144 "et",
145 "etc",
146 "even",
147 "ever",
148 "every",
149 "everybody",
150 "everyone",
151 "everything",
152 "everywhere",
153 "ex",
154 "exactly",
155 "example",
156 "except",
157 "f",
158 "far",
159 "few",
160 "fifth",
161 "first",
162 "five",
163 "followed",
164 "following",
165 "follows",
166 "for",
167 "former",
168 "formerly",
169 "forth",
170 "four",
171 "from",
172 "further",
173 "furthermore",
174 "g",
175 "get",
176 "gets",
177 "getting",
178 "given",
179 "gives",
180 "go",
181 "goes",
182 "going",
183 "gone",
184 "got",
185 "gotten",
186 "greetings",
187 "h",
188 "had",
189 "hadn't",
190 "happens",
191 "hardly",
192 "has",
193 "hasn't",
194 "have",
195 "haven't",
196 "having",
197 "he",
198 "he's",
199 "hello",
200 "help",
201 "hence",
202 "her",
203 "here",
204 "here's",
205 "hereafter",
206 "hereby",
207 "herein",
208 "hereupon",
209 "hers",
210 "herself",
211 "hi",
212 "him",
213 "himself",
214 "his",
215 "hither",
216 "hopefully",
217 "how",
218 "howbeit",
219 "however",
220 "i",
221 "i'd",
222 "i'll",
223 "i'm",
224 "i've",
225 "ie",
226 "if",
227 "ignored",
228 "immediate",
229 "in",
230 "inasmuch",
231 "inc",
232 "indeed",
233 "indicate",
234 "indicated",
235 "indicates",
236 "inner",
237 "insofar",
238 "instead",
239 "into",
240 "inward",
241 "is",
242 "isn't",
243 "it",
244 "it'd",
245 "it'll",
246 "it's",
247 "its",
248 "itself",
249 "j",
250 "just",
251 "k",
252 "keep",
253 "keeps",
254 "kept",
255 "know",
256 "knows",
257 "known",
258 "l",
259 "last",
260 "lately",
261 "later",
262 "latter",
263 "latterly",
264 "least",
265 "less",
266 "lest",
267 "let",
268 "let's",
269 "like",
270 "liked",
271 "likely",
272 "little",
273 "look",
274 "looking",
275 "looks",
276 "ltd",
277 "m",
278 "mainly",
279 "many",
280 "may",
281 "maybe",
282 "me",
283 "mean",
284 "meanwhile",
285 "merely",
286 "might",
287 "more",
288 "moreover",
289 "most",
290 "mostly",
291 "much",
292 "must",
293 "my",
294 "myself",
295 "n",
296 "name",
297 "namely",
298 "nd",
299 "near",
300 "nearly",
301 "necessary",
302 "need",
303 "needs",
304 "neither",
305 "never",
306 "nevertheless",
307 "new",
308 "next",
309 "nine",
310 "no",
311 "nobody",
312 "non",
313 "none",
314 "noone",
315 "nor",
316 "normally",
317 "not",
318 "nothing",
319 "novel",
320 "now",
321 "nowhere",
322 "o",
323 "obviously",
324 "of",
325 "off",
326 "often",
327 "oh",
328 "ok",
329 "okay",
330 "old",
331 "on",
332 "once",
333 "one",
334 "ones",
335 "only",
336 "onto",
337 "or",
338 "other",
339 "others",
340 "otherwise",
341 "ought",
342 "our",
343 "ours",
344 "ourselves",
345 "out",
346 "outside",
347 "over",
348 "overall",
349 "own",
350 "p",
351 "particular",
352 "particularly",
353 "per",
354 "perhaps",
355 "placed",
356 "please",
357 "plus",
358 "possible",
359 "presumably",
360 "probably",
361 "provides",
362 "q",
363 "que",
364 "quite",
365 "qv",
366 "r",
367 "rather",
368 "rd",
369 "re",
370 "really",
371 "reasonably",
372 "regarding",
373 "regardless",
374 "regards",
375 "relatively",
376 "respectively",
377 "right",
378 "s",
379 "said",
380 "same",
381 "saw",
382 "say",
383 "saying",
384 "says",
385 "second",
386 "secondly",
387 "see",
388 "seeing",
389 "seem",
390 "seemed",
391 "seeming",
392 "seems",
393 "seen",
394 "self",
395 "selves",
396 "sensible",
397 "sent",
398 "serious",
399 "seriously",
400 "seven",
401 "several",
402 "shall",
403 "she",
404 "should",
405 "shouldn't",
406 "since",
407 "six",
408 "so",
409 "some",
410 "somebody",
411 "somehow",
412 "someone",
413 "something",
414 "sometime",
415 "sometimes",
416 "somewhat",
417 "somewhere",
418 "soon",
419 "sorry",
420 "specified",
421 "specify",
422 "specifying",
423 "still",
424 "sub",
425 "such",
426 "sup",
427 "sure",
428 "t",
429 "t's",
430 "take",
431 "taken",
432 "tell",
433 "tends",
434 "th",
435 "than",
436 "thank",
437 "thanks",
438 "thanx",
439 "that",
440 "that's",
441 "thats",
442 "the",
443 "their",
444 "theirs",
445 "them",
446 "themselves",
447 "then",
448 "thence",
449 "there",
450 "there's",
451 "thereafter",
452 "thereby",
453 "therefore",
454 "therein",
455 "theres",
456 "thereupon",
457 "these",
458 "they",
459 "they'd",
460 "they'll",
461 "they're",
462 "they've",
463 "think",
464 "third",
465 "this",
466 "thorough",
467 "thoroughly",
468 "those",
469 "though",
470 "three",
471 "through",
472 "throughout",
473 "thru",
474 "thus",
475 "to",
476 "together",
477 "too",
478 "took",
479 "toward",
480 "towards",
481 "tried",
482 "tries",
483 "truly",
484 "try",
485 "trying",
486 "twice",
487 "two",
488 "u",
489 "un",
490 "under",
491 "unfortunately",
492 "unless",
493 "unlikely",
494 "until",
495 "unto",
496 "up",
497 "upon",
498 "us",
499 "use",
500 "used",
501 "useful",
502 "uses",
503 "using",
504 "usually",
505 "v",
506 "value",
507 "various",
508 "very",
509 "via",
510 "viz",
511 "vs",
512 "w",
513 "want",
514 "wants",
515 "was",
516 "wasn't",
517 "way",
518 "we",
519 "we'd",
520 "we'll",
521 "we're",
522 "we've",
523 "welcome",
524 "well",
525 "went",
526 "were",
527 "weren't",
528 "what",
529 "what's",
530 "whatever",
531 "when",
532 "whence",
533 "whenever",
534 "where",
535 "where's",
536 "whereafter",
537 "whereas",
538 "whereby",
539 "wherein",
540 "whereupon",
541 "wherever",
542 "whether",
543 "which",
544 "while",
545 "whither",
546 "who",
547 "who's",
548 "whoever",
549 "whole",
550 "whom",
551 "whose",
552 "why",
553 "will",
554 "willing",
555 "wish",
556 "with",
557 "within",
558 "without",
559 "won't",
560 "wonder",
561 "would",
562 "would",
563 "wouldn't",
564 "x",
565 "y",
566 "yes",
567 "yet",
568 "you",
569 "you'd",
570 "you'll",
571 "you're",
572 "you've",
573 "your",
574 "yours",
575 "yourself",
576 "yourselves",
577 "z",
578 "zero" );
580 class FulltextStoplist {
582 /* static */ function inList( $word )
583 {
584 global $wgFulltextStoplist;
585 # FIXME: this will fail badly in many circumstances
586 $w = strtolower( $word );
587 $w = preg_replace( "/[^a-z']+/", "", $w );
588 return in_array( $w, $wgFulltextStoplist );
589 }
590 }
592 ?>