Fix bad path to magnify clip
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / includes / DefaultSettings.php
1 <?php
3 # To customize your installation, edit "LocalSettings.php".
4 # Note that since all these string interpolations are expanded
5 # before LocalSettings is included, if you localize something
6 # like $wgScriptPath, you must also localize everything that
7 # depends on it.
9 $wgVersion = "1.3.0pre-alpha";
11 $wgSitename = "MediaWiki"; # Please customize!
12 $wgMetaNamespace = FALSE; # will be same as you set $wgSitename
15 # check if server use https:
16 $wgProto = (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "https" : "http";
18 if ( @$wgCommandLineMode ) {
19 $wgServer = $wgProto."://localhost";
20 } else {
21 $wgServer = $wgProto."://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
22 if( $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != 80 ) $wgServer .= ":" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"];
23 }
24 unset($wgProto);
26 $wgScriptPath = "/wiki";
28 # Whether to support URLs like index.php/Page_title
29 $wgUsePathInfo = ( strpos( php_sapi_name(), "cgi" ) === false );
31 # ATTN: Old installations used wiki.phtml and redirect.phtml -
32 # make sure that LocalSettings.php is correctly set!
33 $wgScript = "{$wgScriptPath}/index.php";
34 $wgRedirectScript = "{$wgScriptPath}/redirect.php";
36 $wgStylePath = "{$wgScriptPath}/style";
37 $wgStyleSheetPath = &$wgStylePath;
38 $wgStyleSheetDirectory = "{$IP}/style";
39 $wgArticlePath = "{$wgScript}?title=$1";
40 $wgUploadPath = "{$wgScriptPath}/upload";
41 $wgUploadDirectory = "{$IP}/upload";
42 $wgLogo = "{$wgUploadPath}/wiki.png";
43 $wgMathPath = "{$wgUploadPath}/math";
44 $wgMathDirectory = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/math";
45 $wgTmpDirectory = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/tmp";
46 $wgEmergencyContact = "wikiadmin@" . getenv( "SERVER_NAME" );
47 $wgPasswordSender = "Wikipedia Mail <apache@" . getenv( "SERVER_NAME" ) . ">";
49 # For using a direct (authenticated) SMTP server connection.
50 # "host" => 'SMTP domain', "IDHost" => 'domain for MessageID', "port" => "25", "auth" => true/false, "username" => user, "password" => password
51 $wgSMTP = false;
53 # MySQL settings
54 #
55 $wgDBserver = "localhost";
56 $wgDBname = "wikidb";
57 $wgDBconnection = "";
58 $wgDBuser = "wikiuser";
60 # Sysop SQL queries
61 $wgAllowSysopQueries = false; # Dangerous if not configured properly.
62 $wgDBsqluser = "sqluser";
63 $wgDBsqlpassword = "sqlpass";
64 $wgDBpassword = "userpass";
65 $wgSqlLogFile = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/sqllog_mFhyRe6";
67 $wgDBminWordLen = 4;
68 $wgDBtransactions = false; # Set to true if using InnoDB tables
69 $wgDBmysql4 = false; # Set to true to use enhanced fulltext search
70 $wgSqlTimeout = 30;
72 $wgBufferSQLResults = true; # use buffered queries by default
74 # Other wikis on this site, can be administered from a single developer account
75 # Array, interwiki prefix => database name
76 $wgLocalDatabases = array();
78 # Database load balancer
79 $wgDBservers = false; # e.g. array("larousse", "pliny")
80 $wgDBloads = false; # e.g. array(0.6, 0.4);
83 # memcached settings
84 # See docs/memcached.doc
85 #
86 $wgMemCachedDebug = false; # Will be set to false in Setup.php, if the server isn't working
87 $wgUseMemCached = false;
88 $wgMemCachedServers = array( "" );
89 $wgMemCachedDebug = false;
90 $wgSessionsInMemcached = false;
91 $wgLinkCacheMemcached = false; # Not fully tested
93 # Language settings
94 #
95 $wgLanguageCode = "en";
96 $wgLanguageFile = false; # Filename of a language file generated by dumpMessages.php
97 $wgInterwikiMagic = true; # Treat language links as magic connectors, not inline links
98 $wgInputEncoding = "ISO-8859-1";
99 $wgOutputEncoding = "ISO-8859-1";
100 $wgEditEncoding = "";
101 $wgMimeType = "text/html";
102 $wgDocType = "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN";
103 $wgDTD = "";
104 $wgUseDynamicDates = false; # Enable to allow rewriting dates in page text
106 $wgAmericanDates = false; # Enable for English module to print dates
107 # as eg 'May 12' instead of '12 May'
108 $wgLocalInterwiki = "w";
109 $wgShowIPinHeader = true; # For non-logged in users
110 $wgMaxNameChars = 32; # Maximum number of bytes in username
112 # Translation using MediaWiki: namespace
113 # This will increase load times by 25-60% unless memcached is installed
114 $wgUseDatabaseMessages = true;
115 $wgMsgCacheExpiry = 86400;
117 $wgExtraSubtitle = "";
118 $wgSiteSupportPage = "";
120 # Miscellaneous configuration settings
121 #
122 $wgReadOnlyFile = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/lock_yBgMBwiR";
124 # The debug log file should be not be publically accessible if it is
125 # used, as it may contain private data.
126 $wgDebugLogFile = "";
127 $wgDebugRedirects = false;
129 $wgDebugComments = false;
130 $wgReadOnly = false;
131 $wgLogQueries = false;
132 $wgDebugDumpSql = false;
134 # Whether to disable automatic generation of "we're sorry,
135 # but there has been a database error" pages.
136 $wgIgnoreSQLErrors = false;
138 $wgUseCategoryMagic = true;
139 $wgEnablePersistentLC = false; # Persistent link cache in linkscc table; FAILS on MySQL 3.x
140 $wgCompressedPersistentLC = true; # use gzcompressed blobs
142 $wgEnableParserCache = false; # requires that php was compiled --with-zlib
144 # wgHitcounterUpdateFreq sets how often page counters should be
145 # updated, higher values are easier on the database. A value of 1
146 # causes the counters to be updated on every hit, any higher value n
147 # cause them to update *on average* every n hits. Should be set to
148 # either 1 or something largish, eg 1000, for maximum efficiency.
150 $wgHitcounterUpdateFreq = 1;
152 # User rights
153 $wgWhitelistEdit = false; # true = user must login to edit.
154 $wgWhitelistRead = false; # Pages anonymous user may see, like: = array ( ":Main_Page", "Special:Userlogin", "Wikipedia:Help");
155 $wgWhitelistAccount = array ( "user" => 1, "sysop" => 1, "developer" => 1 );
156 $wgSysopUserBans = false; # Allow sysops to ban logged-in users
157 $wgSysopRangeBans = false; # Allow sysops to ban IP ranges
158 $wgDefaultBlockExpiry = "24 hours"; # default expiry time
159 # strtotime format, or "infinite" for an infinite block
160 $wgAutoblockExpiry = 86400; # Number of seconds before autoblock entries expire
161 $wgBlockOpenProxies = false; # Automatic open proxy test on edit
162 $wgProxyPorts = array( 80, 81, 1080, 3128, 6588, 8000, 8080, 8888, 65506 );
163 $wgProxyScriptPath = "$IP/proxy_check.php";
164 $wgProxyMemcExpiry = 86400;
165 $wgProxyKey = "W1svekXc5u6lZllTZOwnzEk1nbs";
167 # Client-side caching:
168 $wgCachePages = true; # Allow client-side caching of pages
170 # Set this to current time to invalidate all prior cached pages.
171 # Affects both client- and server-side caching.
172 $wgCacheEpoch = "20030516000000";
174 # Server-side caching:
175 # This will cache static pages for non-logged-in users
176 # to reduce database traffic on public sites.
177 # Must set $wgShowIPinHeader = false
178 $wgUseFileCache = false;
179 $wgFileCacheDirectory = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/cache";
181 $wgCookieExpiration = 2592000;
183 # Squid-related settings
184 #
185 # Enable/disable Squid
186 $wgUseSquid = false;
187 # If you run Squid3 with ESI support, enable this (default:false):
188 $wgUseESI = false;
189 # Internal server name as known to Squid, if different
190 # $wgInternalServer = 'http://yourinternal.tld:8000';
191 $wgInternalServer = $wgServer;
192 # Cache timeout for the squid, will be sent as s-maxage (without ESI) or
193 # Surrogate-Control (with ESI). Without ESI, you should strip out s-maxage in the Squid config.
194 # 18000 seconds = 5 hours, more cache hits with 2678400 = 31 days
195 $wgSquidMaxage = 18000;
196 # A list of proxy servers (ips if possible) to purge on changes
197 # don't specify ports here (80 is default)
198 # $wgSquidServers = array('');
200 # Set to set an explicit domain on the login cookies
201 # eg, "" or ""
202 $wgCookieDomain = "";
203 $wgCookiePath = "/";
204 $wgDisableCookieCheck = false;
206 $wgAllowExternalImages = true;
207 $wgMiserMode = false; # Disable database-intensive features
208 $wgDisableQueryPages = false; # Disable all query pages if miser mode is on, not just some
209 $wgUseWatchlistCache = false; # Generate a watchlist once every hour or so
210 $wgWLCacheTimeout = 3600; # The hour or so mentioned above
212 # To use inline TeX, you need to compile 'texvc' (in the 'math' subdirectory
213 # of the MediaWiki package and have latex, dvips, gs (ghostscript), and
214 # convert (ImageMagick) installed and available in the PATH.
215 # Please see math/README for more information.
216 $wgUseTeX = false;
217 $wgTexvc = "./math/texvc"; # Location of the texvc binary
219 # Support for inline hieroglyphs, see The
220 # WikiHiero php files must be present in the same directory as the
221 # rest of the mediawiki code, and WikiHiero must have been configured
222 # with the correct image locations.
223 $wgUseWikiHiero = false;
225 # Support for inline timelines, see
226 # The Timeline php files must be present in the extension directory and you must have the
227 # ploticus tool available, see
228 $wgUseTimeline = false;
230 # Profiling / debugging
231 $wgProfiling = false; # Enable for more detailed by-function times in debug log
232 $wgProfileLimit = 0.0; # Only record profiling info for pages that took longer than this
233 $wgProfileOnly = false; # Don't put non-profiling info into log file
234 $wgProfileToDatabase = false; # Log sums from profiling into "profiling" table in db.
235 $wgProfileSampleRate = 1; # Only profile every n requests when profiling is turned on
236 $wgDebugProfiling = false; # Detects non-matching wfProfileIn/wfProfileOut calls
237 $wgDebugFunctionEntry = 0; # Output debug message on every wfProfileIn/wfProfileOut
239 $wgDisableCounters = false;
240 $wgDisableTextSearch = false;
241 $wgDisableFuzzySearch = false;
242 $wgDisableSearchUpdate = false; # If you've disabled search semi-permanently, this also disables updates to the table. If you ever re-enable, be sure to rebuild the search table.
243 $wgDisableUploads = true; # Uploads have to be specially set up to be secure
244 $wgRemoteUploads = false; # Set to true to enable the upload _link_ while local uploads are disabled. Assumes that the special page link will be bounced to another server where uploads do work.
245 $wgDisableAnonTalk = false;
247 # We can serve pages compressed in order to save bandwidth,
248 # but this will increase CPU usage.
249 # Requires zlib support enabled in PHP.
250 $wgUseGzip = function_exists( "gzencode" );
252 # Path to the GNU diff3 utility. If the file doesn't exist,
253 # edit conflicts will fall back to the old behaviour (no merging).
254 $wgDiff3 = "/usr/bin/diff3";
256 # We can also compress text in the old revisions table. If this is set on,
257 # old revisions will be compressed on page save if zlib support is available.
258 # Any compressed revisions will be decompressed on load regardless of this
259 # setting *but will not be readable at all* if zlib support is not available.
260 $wgCompressRevisions = false;
262 # This is the list of preferred extensions for uploading files. Uploading
263 # files with extensions not in this list will trigger a warning.
265 $wgFileExtensions = array( "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "ogg" );
267 # Files with these extensions will never be allowed as uploads.
268 $wgFileBlacklist = array(
269 # HTML may contain cookie-stealing JavaScript and web bugs
270 "html", "htm",
271 # PHP scripts may execute arbitrary code on the server
272 "php", "phtml", "php3", "php4", "phps",
273 # Other types that may be interpreted by some servers
274 "shtml", "jhtml", "pl", "py",
275 # May contain harmful executables for Windows victims
276 "exe", "scr", "dll", "msi", "vbs", "bat", "com", "pif", "cmd", "vxd", "cpl" );
278 # This is a flag to determine whether or not to check file extensions on
279 # upload.
280 $wgCheckFileExtensions = true;
282 # If this is turned off, users may override the warning for files not
283 # covered by $wgFileExtensions.
284 $wgStrictFileExtensions = true;
286 $wgPasswordSalt = true; # For compatibility with old installations set to false
288 # Which namespaces should support subpages?
289 # See Language.php for a list of namespaces.
290 #
291 $wgNamespacesWithSubpages = array( -1 => 0, 0 => 0, 1 => 1,
292 2 => 1, 3 => 1, 4 => 0, 5 => 1, 6 => 0, 7 => 1, 8 => 0, 9 => 1, 10 => 0, 11 => 1);
294 $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault = array( -1 => 0, 0 => 1, 1 => 0,
295 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 0, 7 => 0, 8 => 0, 9 => 1, 10 => 0, 11 => 1 );
297 # If set, a bold ugly notice will show up at the top of every page.
298 $wgSiteNotice = "";
300 # Whether to allow anonymous users to set changes to 'minor'
302 $wgAllowAnonymousMinor = false;
304 ## Set $wgUseImageResize to true if you want to enable dynamic
305 ## server side image resizing ("Thumbnails")
306 #
307 $wgUseImageResize = false;
309 ## Resizing can be done using PHP's internal image libraries
310 ## or using ImageMagick. The later supports more file formats
311 ## than PHP, which only supports PNG, GIF, JPG, XBM and WBMP.
312 ##
313 ## Set $wgUseImageMagick to true to use Image Magick instead
314 ## of the builtin functions
315 #
316 $wgUseImageMagick = false;
317 $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";
319 # Make sure include_path is set correctly
320 $wgUsePHPTal = true;
322 if( !isset( $wgCommandLineMode ) ) {
323 $wgCommandLineMode = false;
324 }
326 # Show seconds in Recent Changes
327 $wgRCSeconds = false;
330 # RDF metadata toggles
331 $wgEnableDublinCoreRdf = false;
332 $wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf = false;
334 # Override for copyright metadata.
335 $wgRightsPage = NULL;
336 $wgRightsUrl = NULL;
337 $wgRightsText = NULL;
338 $wgRightsIcon = NULL;
340 # Set this to false to avoid forcing the first letter of links
341 # to capitals. WARNING: may break links! This makes links
342 # COMPLETELY case-sensitive. Links appearing with a capital at
343 # the beginning of a sentence will *not* go to the same place
344 # as links in the middle of a sentence using a lowercase initial.
345 $wgCapitalLinks = true;
347 # List of interwiki prefixes for wikis we'll accept as sources
348 # for Special:Import (for sysops). Since complete page history
349 # can be imported, these should be 'trusted'.
350 $wgImportSources = array();
352 # For credit to authors. Set to zero to hide attribution block.
353 $wgMaxCredits = 0;
355 ?>