[burette/account_financial_report_webkit.git] / common_reports.py
1 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
2 ##############################################################################
3 #
4 # Author: Nicolas Bessi, Guewen Baconnier
5 # Copyright Camptocamp SA 2011
6 # SQL inspired from OpenERP original code
7 #
8 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
11 # License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 #
13 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
17 #
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
19 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 #
21 ##############################################################################
22 # TODO refactor helper in order to act more like mixin
23 # By using properties we will have a more simple signature in fuctions
25 import logging
27 from openerp.osv import osv
28 from openerp.tools.translate import _
29 from openerp.addons.account.report.common_report_header import common_report_header
31 _logger = logging.getLogger('financial.reports.webkit')
34 class CommonReportHeaderWebkit(common_report_header):
35 """Define common helper for financial report"""
37 ####################From getter helper #####################################
38 def get_start_period_br(self, data):
39 return self._get_info(data, 'period_from', 'account.period')
41 def get_end_period_br(self, data):
42 return self._get_info(data, 'period_to', 'account.period')
44 def get_fiscalyear_br(self, data):
45 return self._get_info(data, 'fiscalyear_id', 'account.fiscalyear')
47 def _get_chart_account_id_br(self, data):
48 return self._get_info(data, 'chart_account_id', 'account.account')
50 def _get_accounts_br(self, data):
51 return self._get_info(data, 'account_ids', 'account.account')
53 def _get_info(self, data, field, model):
54 info = data.get('form', {}).get(field)
55 if info:
56 return self.pool.get(model).browse(self.cursor, self.uid, info)
57 return False
59 def _get_journals_br(self, data):
60 return self._get_info(data, 'journal_ids', 'account.journal')
62 def _get_display_account(self, data):
63 val = self._get_form_param('display_account', data)
64 if val == 'bal_all':
65 return _('All accounts')
66 elif val == 'bal_mix':
67 return _('With transactions or non zero balance')
68 else:
69 return val
71 def _get_display_partner_account(self, data):
72 val = self._get_form_param('result_selection', data)
73 if val == 'customer':
74 return _('Receivable Accounts')
75 elif val == 'supplier':
76 return _('Payable Accounts')
77 elif val == 'customer_supplier':
78 return _('Receivable and Payable Accounts')
79 else:
80 return val
82 def _get_display_target_move(self, data):
83 val = self._get_form_param('target_move', data)
84 if val == 'posted':
85 return _('All Posted Entries')
86 elif val == 'all':
87 return _('All Entries')
88 else:
89 return val
91 def _get_display_account_raw(self, data):
92 return self._get_form_param('display_account', data)
94 def _get_filter(self, data):
95 return self._get_form_param('filter', data)
97 def _get_target_move(self, data):
98 return self._get_form_param('target_move', data)
100 def _get_initial_balance(self, data):
101 return self._get_form_param('initial_balance', data)
103 def _get_amount_currency(self, data):
104 return self._get_form_param('amount_currency', data)
106 def _get_date_from(self, data):
107 return self._get_form_param('date_from', data)
109 def _get_date_to(self, data):
110 return self._get_form_param('date_to', data)
112 def _get_form_param(self, param, data, default=False):
113 return data.get('form', {}).get(param, default)
115 ####################Account and account line filter helper #################
117 def sort_accounts_with_structure(self, root_account_ids, account_ids, context=None):
118 """Sort accounts by code respecting their structure"""
120 def recursive_sort_by_code(accounts, parent):
121 sorted_accounts = []
122 # add all accounts with same parent
123 level_accounts = [account for account in accounts
124 if account['parent_id'] and account['parent_id'][0] == parent['id']]
125 # add consolidation children of parent, as they are logically on the same level
126 if parent.get('child_consol_ids'):
127 level_accounts.extend([account for account in accounts
128 if account['id'] in parent['child_consol_ids']])
129 # stop recursion if no children found
130 if not level_accounts:
131 return []
133 level_accounts = sorted(level_accounts, key=lambda a: a['code'])
135 for level_account in level_accounts:
136 sorted_accounts.append(level_account['id'])
137 sorted_accounts.extend(recursive_sort_by_code(accounts, parent=level_account))
138 return sorted_accounts
140 if not account_ids:
141 return []
143 accounts_data = self.pool.get('account.account').read(self.cr, self.uid,
144 account_ids,
145 ['id', 'parent_id', 'level', 'code', 'child_consol_ids'],
146 context=context)
148 sorted_accounts = []
150 root_accounts_data = [account_data for account_data in accounts_data
151 if account_data['id'] in root_account_ids]
152 for root_account_data in root_accounts_data:
153 sorted_accounts.append(root_account_data['id'])
154 sorted_accounts.extend(recursive_sort_by_code(accounts_data, root_account_data))
156 # fallback to unsorted accounts when sort failed
157 # sort fails when the levels are miscalculated by account.account
158 # check lp:783670
159 if len(sorted_accounts) != len(account_ids):
160 _logger.warn('Webkit financial reports: Sort of accounts failed.')
161 sorted_accounts = account_ids
163 return sorted_accounts
165 def get_all_accounts(self, account_ids, exclude_type=None, only_type=None, filter_report_type=None, context=None):
166 """Get all account passed in params with their childrens
168 @param exclude_type: list of types to exclude (view, receivable, payable, consolidation, other)
169 @param only_type: list of types to filter on (view, receivable, payable, consolidation, other)
170 @param filter_report_type: list of report type to filter on
171 """
172 context = context or {}
173 accounts = []
174 if not isinstance(account_ids, list):
175 account_ids = [account_ids]
176 acc_obj = self.pool.get('account.account')
177 for account_id in account_ids:
178 accounts.append(account_id)
179 accounts += acc_obj._get_children_and_consol(self.cursor, self.uid, account_id, context=context)
180 res_ids = list(set(accounts))
181 res_ids = self.sort_accounts_with_structure(account_ids, res_ids, context=context)
183 if exclude_type or only_type or filter_report_type:
184 sql_filters = {'ids': tuple(res_ids)}
185 sql_select = "SELECT a.id FROM account_account a"
186 sql_join = ""
187 sql_where = "WHERE a.id IN %(ids)s"
188 if exclude_type:
189 sql_where += " AND a.type not in %(exclude_type)s"
190 sql_filters.update({'exclude_type': tuple(exclude_type)})
191 if only_type:
192 sql_where += " AND a.type IN %(only_type)s"
193 sql_filters.update({'only_type': tuple(only_type)})
194 if filter_report_type:
195 sql_join += "INNER JOIN account_account_type t" \
196 " ON t.id = a.user_type"
197 sql_join += " AND t.report_type IN %(report_type)s"
198 sql_filters.update({'report_type': tuple(filter_report_type)})
200 sql = ' '.join((sql_select, sql_join, sql_where))
201 self.cursor.execute(sql, sql_filters)
202 fetch_only_ids = self.cursor.fetchall()
203 if not fetch_only_ids:
204 return []
205 only_ids = [only_id[0] for only_id in fetch_only_ids]
206 # keep sorting but filter ids
207 res_ids = [res_id for res_id in res_ids if res_id in only_ids]
208 return res_ids
210 ####################Periods and fiscal years helper #######################
212 def _get_opening_periods(self):
213 """Return the list of all journal that can be use to create opening entries
214 We actually filter on this instead of opening period as older version of OpenERP
215 did not have this notion"""
216 return self.pool.get('account.period').search(self.cursor, self.uid, [('special', '=', True)])
218 def exclude_opening_periods(self, period_ids):
219 period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period')
220 return period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [['special', '=', False], ['id', 'in', period_ids]])
222 def get_included_opening_period(self, period):
223 """Return the opening included in normal period we use the assumption
224 that there is only one opening period per fiscal year"""
225 period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period')
226 return period_obj.search(self.cursor, self.uid,
227 [('special', '=', True),
228 ('date_start', '>=', period.date_start),
229 ('date_stop', '<=', period.date_stop),
230 ('company_id', '=', period.company_id.id)],
231 limit=1)
233 def periods_contains_move_lines(self, period_ids):
234 if not period_ids:
235 return False
236 mv_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
237 if isinstance(period_ids, (int, long)):
238 period_ids = [period_ids]
239 return mv_line_obj.search(self.cursor, self.uid, [('period_id', 'in', period_ids)], limit=1) and True or False
241 def _get_period_range_from_periods(self, start_period, stop_period, mode=None):
242 """
243 Deprecated. We have to use now the build_ctx_periods of period_obj otherwise we'll have
244 inconsistencies, because build_ctx_periods does never filter on the the special
245 """
246 period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period')
247 search_period = [('date_start', '>=', start_period.date_start),
248 ('date_stop', '<=', stop_period.date_stop)]
250 if mode == 'exclude_opening':
251 search_period += [('special', '=', False)]
252 res = period_obj.search(self.cursor, self.uid, search_period)
253 return res
255 def _get_period_range_from_start_period(self, start_period, include_opening=False,
256 fiscalyear=False, stop_at_previous_opening=False):
257 """We retrieve all periods before start period"""
258 opening_period_id = False
259 past_limit = []
260 period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period')
261 mv_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
262 # We look for previous opening period
263 if stop_at_previous_opening:
264 opening_search = [('special', '=', True),
265 ('date_stop', '<', start_period.date_start)]
266 if fiscalyear:
267 opening_search.append(('fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear.id))
269 opening_periods = period_obj.search(self.cursor, self.uid, opening_search,
270 order='date_stop desc')
271 for opening_period in opening_periods:
272 validation_res = mv_line_obj.search(self.cursor,
273 self.uid,
274 [('period_id', '=', opening_period)],
275 limit=1)
276 if validation_res:
277 opening_period_id = opening_period
278 break
279 if opening_period_id:
280 #we also look for overlapping periods
281 opening_period_br = period_obj.browse(self.cursor, self.uid, opening_period_id)
282 past_limit = [('date_start', '>=', opening_period_br.date_stop)]
284 periods_search = [('date_stop', '<=', start_period.date_stop)]
285 periods_search += past_limit
287 if not include_opening:
288 periods_search += [('special', '=', False)]
290 if fiscalyear:
291 periods_search.append(('fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear.id))
292 periods = period_obj.search(self.cursor, self.uid, periods_search)
293 if include_opening and opening_period_id:
294 periods.append(opening_period_id)
295 periods = list(set(periods))
296 if start_period.id in periods:
297 periods.remove(start_period.id)
298 return periods
300 def get_first_fiscalyear_period(self, fiscalyear):
301 return self._get_st_fiscalyear_period(fiscalyear)
303 def get_last_fiscalyear_period(self, fiscalyear):
304 return self._get_st_fiscalyear_period(fiscalyear, order='DESC')
306 def _get_st_fiscalyear_period(self, fiscalyear, special=False, order='ASC'):
307 period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period')
308 p_id = period_obj.search(self.cursor,
309 self.uid,
310 [('special', '=', special),
311 ('fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear.id)],
312 limit=1,
313 order='date_start %s' % (order,))
314 if not p_id:
315 raise osv.except_osv(_('No period found'), '')
316 return period_obj.browse(self.cursor, self.uid, p_id[0])
318 ####################Initial Balance helper #################################
320 def _compute_init_balance(self, account_id=None, period_ids=None, mode='computed', default_values=False):
321 if not isinstance(period_ids, list):
322 period_ids = [period_ids]
323 res = {}
325 if not default_values:
326 if not account_id or not period_ids:
327 raise Exception('Missing account or period_ids')
328 try:
329 self.cursor.execute("SELECT sum(debit) AS debit, "
330 " sum(credit) AS credit, "
331 " sum(debit)-sum(credit) AS balance, "
332 " sum(amount_currency) AS curr_balance"
333 " FROM account_move_line"
334 " WHERE period_id in %s"
335 " AND account_id = %s", (tuple(period_ids), account_id))
336 res = self.cursor.dictfetchone()
338 except Exception, exc:
339 self.cursor.rollback()
340 raise
342 return {'debit': res.get('debit') or 0.0,
343 'credit': res.get('credit') or 0.0,
344 'init_balance': res.get('balance') or 0.0,
345 'init_balance_currency': res.get('curr_balance') or 0.0,
346 'state': mode}
348 def _read_opening_balance(self, account_ids, start_period):
349 """ Read opening balances from the opening balance
350 """
351 opening_period_selected = self.get_included_opening_period(start_period)
352 if not opening_period_selected:
353 raise osv.except_osv(
354 _('Error'),
355 _('No opening period found to compute the opening balances.\n'
356 'You have to configure a period on the first of January'
357 ' with the special flag.'))
359 res = {}
360 for account_id in account_ids:
361 res[account_id] = self._compute_init_balance(account_id, opening_period_selected, mode='read')
362 return res
364 def _compute_initial_balances(self, account_ids, start_period, fiscalyear):
365 """We compute initial balance.
366 If form is filtered by date all initial balance are equal to 0
367 This function will sum pear and apple in currency amount if account as no secondary currency"""
368 # if opening period is included in start period we do not need to compute init balance
369 # we just read it from opening entries
370 res = {}
371 # PNL and Balance accounts are not computed the same way look for attached doc
372 # We include opening period in pnl account in order to see if opening entries
373 # were created by error on this account
374 pnl_periods_ids = self._get_period_range_from_start_period(start_period, fiscalyear=fiscalyear,
375 include_opening=True)
376 bs_period_ids = self._get_period_range_from_start_period(start_period, include_opening=True,
377 stop_at_previous_opening=True)
378 opening_period_selected = self.get_included_opening_period(start_period)
380 for acc in self.pool.get('account.account').browse(self.cursor, self.uid, account_ids):
381 res[acc.id] = self._compute_init_balance(default_values=True)
382 if acc.user_type.close_method == 'none':
383 # we compute the initial balance for close_method == none only when we print a GL
384 # during the year, when the opening period is not included in the period selection!
385 if pnl_periods_ids and not opening_period_selected:
386 res[acc.id] = self._compute_init_balance(acc.id, pnl_periods_ids)
387 else:
388 res[acc.id] = self._compute_init_balance(acc.id, bs_period_ids)
389 return res
391 ####################Account move retrieval helper ##########################
392 def _get_move_ids_from_periods(self, account_id, period_start, period_stop, target_move):
393 move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
394 period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period')
395 periods = period_obj.build_ctx_periods(self.cursor, self.uid, period_start.id, period_stop.id)
396 if not periods:
397 return []
398 search = [('period_id', 'in', periods), ('account_id', '=', account_id)]
399 if target_move == 'posted':
400 search += [('move_id.state', '=', 'posted')]
401 return move_line_obj.search(self.cursor, self.uid, search)
403 def _get_move_ids_from_dates(self, account_id, date_start, date_stop, target_move, mode='include_opening'):
404 # TODO imporve perfomance by setting opening period as a property
405 move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
406 search_period = [('date', '>=', date_start),
407 ('date', '<=', date_stop),
408 ('account_id', '=', account_id)]
410 # actually not used because OpenERP itself always include the opening when we
411 # get the periods from january to december
412 if mode == 'exclude_opening':
413 opening = self._get_opening_periods()
414 if opening:
415 search_period += ['period_id', 'not in', opening]
417 if target_move == 'posted':
418 search_period += [('move_id.state', '=', 'posted')]
420 return move_line_obj.search(self.cursor, self.uid, search_period)
422 def get_move_lines_ids(self, account_id, main_filter, start, stop, target_move, mode='include_opening'):
423 """Get account move lines base on form data"""
424 if mode not in ('include_opening', 'exclude_opening'):
425 raise osv.except_osv(_('Invalid query mode'), _('Must be in include_opening, exclude_opening'))
427 if main_filter in ('filter_period', 'filter_no'):
428 return self._get_move_ids_from_periods(account_id, start, stop, target_move)
430 elif main_filter == 'filter_date':
431 return self._get_move_ids_from_dates(account_id, start, stop, target_move)
432 else:
433 raise osv.except_osv(_('No valid filter'), _('Please set a valid time filter'))
435 def _get_move_line_datas(self, move_line_ids, order='per.special DESC, l.date ASC, per.date_start ASC, m.name ASC'):
436 # Possible bang if move_line_ids is too long
437 # We can not slice here as we have to do the sort.
438 # If slice has to be done it means that we have to reorder in python
439 # after all is finished. That quite crapy...
440 # We have a defective desing here (mea culpa) that should be fixed
441 #
442 # TODO improve that by making a better domain or if not possible
443 # by using python sort
444 if not move_line_ids:
445 return []
446 if not isinstance(move_line_ids, list):
447 move_line_ids = [move_line_ids]
448 monster = """
449 SELECT l.id AS id,
450 l.date AS ldate,
451 j.code AS jcode ,
452 j.type AS jtype,
453 l.currency_id,
454 l.account_id,
455 l.amount_currency,
456 l.ref AS lref,
457 l.name AS lname,
458 COALESCE(l.debit, 0.0) - COALESCE(l.credit, 0.0) AS balance,
459 l.debit,
460 l.credit,
461 l.period_id AS lperiod_id,
462 per.code as period_code,
463 per.special AS peropen,
464 l.partner_id AS lpartner_id,
465 p.name AS partner_name,
466 m.name AS move_name,
467 COALESCE(partialrec.name, fullrec.name, '') AS rec_name,
468 COALESCE(partialrec.id, fullrec.id, NULL) AS rec_id,
469 m.id AS move_id,
470 c.name AS currency_code,
471 i.id AS invoice_id,
472 i.type AS invoice_type,
473 i.number AS invoice_number,
474 l.date_maturity
475 FROM account_move_line l
476 JOIN account_move m on (l.move_id=m.id)
477 LEFT JOIN res_currency c on (l.currency_id=c.id)
478 LEFT JOIN account_move_reconcile partialrec on (l.reconcile_partial_id = partialrec.id)
479 LEFT JOIN account_move_reconcile fullrec on (l.reconcile_id = fullrec.id)
480 LEFT JOIN res_partner p on (l.partner_id=p.id)
481 LEFT JOIN account_invoice i on (m.id =i.move_id)
482 LEFT JOIN account_period per on (per.id=l.period_id)
483 JOIN account_journal j on (l.journal_id=j.id)
484 WHERE l.id in %s"""
485 monster += (" ORDER BY %s" % (order,))
486 try:
487 self.cursor.execute(monster, (tuple(move_line_ids),))
488 res = self.cursor.dictfetchall()
489 except Exception, exc:
490 self.cursor.rollback()
491 raise
492 return res or []
494 def _get_moves_counterparts(self, move_ids, account_id, limit=3):
495 if not move_ids:
496 return {}
497 if not isinstance(move_ids, list):
498 move_ids = [move_ids]
499 sql = """
500 SELECT account_move.id,
501 array_to_string(
503 FROM account_move_line m2
504 LEFT JOIN account_account a ON (m2.account_id=a.id)
505 WHERE m2.move_id =account_move_line.move_id
506 AND m2.account_id<>%s limit %s) , ', ')
508 FROM account_move
509 JOIN account_move_line on (account_move_line.move_id = account_move.id)
510 JOIN account_account on (account_move_line.account_id = account_account.id)
511 WHERE move_id in %s"""
513 try:
514 self.cursor.execute(sql, (account_id, limit, tuple(move_ids)))
515 res = self.cursor.fetchall()
516 except Exception as exc:
517 self.cursor.rollback()
518 raise
519 return res and dict(res) or {}
521 def is_initial_balance_enabled(self, main_filter):
522 if main_filter not in ('filter_no', 'filter_year', 'filter_period'):
523 return False
524 return True
526 def _get_initial_balance_mode(self, start_period):
527 opening_period_selected = self.get_included_opening_period(start_period)
528 opening_move_lines = self.periods_contains_move_lines(opening_period_selected)
529 if opening_move_lines:
530 return 'opening_balance'
531 else:
532 return 'initial_balance'