tableExists( $from ) ) { if ( $wgDatabase->tableExists( $to ) ) { echo "...can't move table $from to $to, $to already exists.\n"; } else { echo "Moving table $from to $to..."; dbsource( archive($patch), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } } else { // Source table does not exist // Renames are done before creations, so this is typical for a new installation // Ignore silently } } function add_table( $name, $patch, $fullpath=false ) { global $wgDatabase; if ( $wgDatabase->tableExists( $name ) ) { echo "...$name table already exists.\n"; } else { echo "Creating $name table..."; if( $fullpath ) { dbsource( $patch, $wgDatabase ); } else { dbsource( archive($patch), $wgDatabase ); } echo "ok\n"; } } function add_field( $table, $field, $patch, $fullpath=false ) { global $wgDatabase; if ( !$wgDatabase->tableExists( $table ) ) { echo "...$table table does not exist, skipping new field patch\n"; } elseif ( $wgDatabase->fieldExists( $table, $field ) ) { echo "...have $field field in $table table.\n"; } else { echo "Adding $field field to table $table..."; if( $fullpath ) { dbsource( $patch, $wgDatabase ); } else { dbsource( archive($patch), $wgDatabase ); } echo "ok\n"; } } function add_index( $table, $index, $patch, $fullpath=false ) { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->indexExists( $table, $index ) ) { echo "...$index key already set on $table table.\n"; } else { echo "Adding $index key to table $table... "; if( $fullpath ) { dbsource( $patch, $wgDatabase ); } else { dbsource( archive($patch), $wgDatabase ); } echo "ok\n"; } } function do_revision_updates() { global $wgSoftwareRevision; if ( $wgSoftwareRevision < 1001 ) { update_passwords(); } } function update_passwords() { wfDebugDieBacktrace( "This function needs to be updated or removed.\n" ); global $wgDatabase; $fname = "Update script: update_passwords()"; print "\nIt appears that you need to update the user passwords in your\n" . "database. If you have already done this (if you've run this update\n" . "script once before, for example), doing so again will make all your\n" . "user accounts inaccessible, so be sure you only do this once.\n" . "Update user passwords? (yes/no)"; $resp = readconsole(); if ( ! ( "Y" == $resp{0} || "y" == $resp{0} ) ) { return; } $sql = "SELECT user_id,user_password FROM user"; $source = $wgDatabase->query( $sql, $fname ); while ( $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $source ) ) { $id = $row->user_id; $oldpass = $row->user_password; $newpass = md5( "{$id}-{$oldpass}" ); $sql = "UPDATE user SET user_password='{$newpass}' " . "WHERE user_id={$id}"; $wgDatabase->query( $sql, $fname ); } } function do_interwiki_update() { # Check that interwiki table exists; if it doesn't source it global $wgDatabase, $IP; if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "interwiki" ) ) { echo "...already have interwiki table\n"; return true; } echo "Creating interwiki table: "; dbsource( archive("patch-interwiki.sql") ); echo "ok\n"; echo "Adding default interwiki definitions: "; dbsource( "$IP/maintenance/interwiki.sql" ); echo "ok\n"; } function do_index_update() { # Check that proper indexes are in place global $wgDatabase; $meta = $wgDatabase->fieldInfo( "recentchanges", "rc_timestamp" ); if( !$meta->isMultipleKey() ) { echo "Updating indexes to 20031107: "; dbsource( archive("patch-indexes.sql") ); echo "ok\n"; return true; } echo "...indexes seem up to 20031107 standards\n"; return false; } function do_image_index_update() { global $wgDatabase; $meta = $wgDatabase->fieldInfo( "image", "img_major_mime" ); if( !$meta->isMultipleKey() ) { echo "Updating indexes to 20050912: "; dbsource( archive("patch-mimesearch-indexes.sql") ); echo "ok\n"; return true; } echo "...indexes seem up to 20050912 standards\n"; return false; } function do_image_name_unique_update() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->indexExists( 'image', 'PRIMARY' ) ) { echo "...image primary key already set.\n"; } else { echo "Making img_name the primary key... "; dbsource( archive("patch-image_name_primary.sql"), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } } function do_logging_timestamp_index() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->indexExists( 'logging', 'times' ) ) { echo "...timestamp key on logging already exists.\n"; } else { echo "Adding timestamp key on logging table... "; dbsource( archive("patch-logging-times-index.sql"), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } } function do_archive_user_index() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->indexExists( 'archive', 'usertext_timestamp' ) ) { echo "...usertext,timestamp key on archive already exists.\n"; } else { echo "Adding usertext,timestamp key on archive table... "; dbsource( archive("patch-archive-user-index.sql"), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } } function do_image_user_index() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->indexExists( 'image', 'img_usertext_timestamp' ) ) { echo "...usertext,timestamp key on image already exists.\n"; } else { echo "Adding usertext,timestamp key on image table... "; dbsource( archive("patch-image-user-index.sql"), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } } function do_oldimage_user_index() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->indexExists( 'oldimage', 'oi_usertext_timestamp' ) ) { echo "...usertext,timestamp key on oldimage already exists.\n"; } else { echo "Adding usertext,timestamp key on oldimage table... "; dbsource( archive("patch-oldimage-user-index.sql"), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } } function do_watchlist_update() { global $wgDatabase; $fname = 'do_watchlist_update'; if( $wgDatabase->fieldExists( 'watchlist', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' ) ) { echo "The watchlist table is already set up for email notification.\n"; } else { echo "Adding wl_notificationtimestamp field for email notification management."; /* ALTER TABLE watchlist ADD (wl_notificationtimestamp varchar(14) binary NOT NULL default '0'); */ dbsource( archive( 'patch-email-notification.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } # Check if we need to add talk page rows to the watchlist $talk = $wgDatabase->selectField( 'watchlist', 'count(*)', 'wl_namespace & 1', $fname ); $nontalk = $wgDatabase->selectField( 'watchlist', 'count(*)', 'NOT (wl_namespace & 1)', $fname ); if ( $talk != $nontalk ) { echo "Adding missing watchlist talk page rows... "; flush(); $wgDatabase->insertSelect( 'watchlist', 'watchlist', array( 'wl_user' => 'wl_user', 'wl_namespace' => 'wl_namespace | 1', 'wl_title' => 'wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => 'wl_notificationtimestamp' ), array( 'NOT (wl_namespace & 1)' ), $fname, 'IGNORE' ); echo "ok\n"; } else { echo "...watchlist talk page rows already present\n"; } } function do_copy_newtalk_to_watchlist() { global $wgDatabase; global $wgCommandLineMode; # this needs to be saved while getID() and getName() are called $res = $wgDatabase->safeQuery( 'SELECT user_id, user_ip FROM !', $wgDatabase->tableName( 'user_newtalk' ) ); $num_newtalks=$wgDatabase->numRows($res); echo "Now converting ".$num_newtalks." user_newtalk entries to watchlist table entries ... \n"; $user = new User(); for ( $i = 1; $i <= $num_newtalks; $i++ ) { $wluser = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $res ); if ($wluser->user_id == 0) { # anonymous users ... have IP numbers as "names" if ($user->isIP($wluser->user_ip)) { # do only if it really looks like an IP number (double checked) $wgDatabase->replace( 'watchlist', array(array('wl_user','wl_namespace', 'wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' )), array('wl_user' => 0, 'wl_namespace' => NS_USER_TALK, 'wl_title' => $wluser->user_ip, 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => '19700101000000' ), '' ); } } else { # normal users ... have user_ids $user->setID($wluser->user_id); $wgDatabase->replace( 'watchlist', array(array('wl_user','wl_namespace', 'wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' )), array('wl_user' => $user->getID(), 'wl_namespace' => NS_USER_TALK, 'wl_title' => $user->getName(), 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => '19700101000000' ), '' ); } } echo "Done.\n"; } function do_user_update() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->fieldExists( 'user', 'user_emailauthenticationtimestamp' ) ) { echo "User table contains old email authentication field. Dropping... "; dbsource( archive( 'patch-email-authentication.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } else { echo "...user table does not contain old email authentication field.\n"; } } /** * 1.4 betas were missing the 'binary' marker from logging.log_title, * which causes a collation mismatch error on joins in MySQL 4.1. */ function do_logging_encoding() { global $wgDatabase, $wgDBtype; if ($wgDBtype != 'mysql') return; $logging = $wgDatabase->tableName( 'logging' ); $res = $wgDatabase->query( "SELECT log_title FROM $logging LIMIT 0" ); $flags = explode( ' ', mysql_field_flags( $res->result, 0 ) ); $wgDatabase->freeResult( $res ); if( in_array( 'binary', $flags ) ) { echo "Logging table has correct title encoding.\n"; } else { echo "Fixing title encoding on logging table... "; dbsource( archive( 'patch-logging-title.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } } function do_schema_restructuring() { global $wgDatabase; $fname="do_schema_restructuring"; if ( $wgDatabase->tableExists( 'page' ) ) { echo " table already exists.\n"; } else { echo "...converting from cur/old to page/revision/text DB structure.\n"; flush(); echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "......checking for duplicate entries.\n"; flush(); list ($cur, $old, $page, $revision, $text) = $wgDatabase->tableNamesN( 'cur', 'old', 'page', 'revision', 'text' ); $rows = $wgDatabase->query( "SELECT cur_title, cur_namespace, COUNT(cur_namespace) AS c FROM $cur GROUP BY cur_title, cur_namespace HAVING c>1", $fname ); if ( $wgDatabase->numRows( $rows ) > 0 ) { echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "......Found duplicate entries\n"; echo ( sprintf( " %-60s %3s %5s\n", 'Title', 'NS', 'Count' ) ); while ( $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $rows ) ) { if ( ! isset( $duplicate[$row->cur_namespace] ) ) { $duplicate[$row->cur_namespace] = array(); } $duplicate[$row->cur_namespace][] = $row->cur_title; echo ( sprintf( " %-60s %3s %5s\n", $row->cur_title, $row->cur_namespace, $row->c ) ); } $sql = "SELECT cur_title, cur_namespace, cur_id, cur_timestamp FROM $cur WHERE "; $firstCond = true; foreach ( $duplicate as $ns => $titles ) { if ( $firstCond ) { $firstCond = false; } else { $sql .= ' OR '; } $sql .= "( cur_namespace = {$ns} AND cur_title in ("; $first = true; foreach ( $titles as $t ) { if ( $first ) { $sql .= $wgDatabase->addQuotes( $t ); $first = false; } else { $sql .= ', ' . $wgDatabase->addQuotes( $t ); } } $sql .= ") ) \n"; } # By sorting descending, the most recent entry will be the first in the list. # All following entries will be deleted by the next while-loop. $sql .= 'ORDER BY cur_namespace, cur_title, cur_timestamp DESC'; $rows = $wgDatabase->query( $sql, $fname ); $prev_title = $prev_namespace = false; $deleteId = array(); while ( $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $rows ) ) { if ( $prev_title == $row->cur_title && $prev_namespace == $row->cur_namespace ) { $deleteId[] = $row->cur_id; } $prev_title = $row->cur_title; $prev_namespace = $row->cur_namespace; } $sql = "DELETE FROM $cur WHERE cur_id IN ( " . join( ',', $deleteId ) . ')'; $rows = $wgDatabase->query( $sql, $fname ); echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "......Deleted ".$wgDatabase->affectedRows()." records.\n"; } echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "......Creating tables.\n"; $wgDatabase->query("CREATE TABLE $page ( page_id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, page_namespace int NOT NULL, page_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL, page_restrictions tinyblob NOT NULL, page_counter bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_is_redirect tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_is_new tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_random real unsigned NOT NULL, page_touched char(14) binary NOT NULL default '', page_latest int(8) unsigned NOT NULL, page_len int(8) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY page_id (page_id), UNIQUE INDEX name_title (page_namespace,page_title), INDEX (page_random), INDEX (page_len) ) TYPE=InnoDB", $fname ); $wgDatabase->query("CREATE TABLE $revision ( rev_id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, rev_page int(8) unsigned NOT NULL, rev_comment tinyblob NOT NULL, rev_user int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rev_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', rev_timestamp char(14) binary NOT NULL default '', rev_minor_edit tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rev_deleted tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rev_len int(8) unsigned, rev_parent_id int(8) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY rev_page_id (rev_page, rev_id), UNIQUE INDEX rev_id (rev_id), INDEX rev_timestamp (rev_timestamp), INDEX page_timestamp (rev_page,rev_timestamp), INDEX user_timestamp (rev_user,rev_timestamp), INDEX usertext_timestamp (rev_user_text,rev_timestamp) ) TYPE=InnoDB", $fname ); echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "......Locking tables.\n"; $wgDatabase->query( "LOCK TABLES $page WRITE, $revision WRITE, $old WRITE, $cur WRITE", $fname ); $maxold = intval( $wgDatabase->selectField( 'old', 'max(old_id)', '', $fname ) ); echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "......maxold is {$maxold}\n"; echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); global $wgLegacySchemaConversion; if( $wgLegacySchemaConversion ) { // Create HistoryBlobCurStub entries. // Text will be pulled from the leftover 'cur' table at runtime. echo "......Moving metadata from cur; using blob references to text in cur table.\n"; $cur_text = "concat('O:18:\"historyblobcurstub\":1:{s:6:\"mCurId\";i:',cur_id,';}')"; $cur_flags = "'object'"; } else { // Copy all cur text in immediately: this may take longer but avoids // having to keep an extra table around. echo "......Moving text from cur.\n"; $cur_text = 'cur_text'; $cur_flags = "''"; } $wgDatabase->query( "INSERT INTO $old (old_namespace, old_title, old_text, old_comment, old_user, old_user_text, old_timestamp, old_minor_edit, old_flags) SELECT cur_namespace, cur_title, $cur_text, cur_comment, cur_user, cur_user_text, cur_timestamp, cur_minor_edit, $cur_flags FROM $cur", $fname ); echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "......Setting up revision table.\n"; $wgDatabase->query( "INSERT INTO $revision (rev_id, rev_page, rev_comment, rev_user, rev_user_text, rev_timestamp, rev_minor_edit) SELECT old_id, cur_id, old_comment, old_user, old_user_text, old_timestamp, old_minor_edit FROM $old,$cur WHERE old_namespace=cur_namespace AND old_title=cur_title", $fname ); echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "......Setting up page table.\n"; $wgDatabase->query( "INSERT INTO $page (page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_restrictions, page_counter, page_is_redirect, page_is_new, page_random, page_touched, page_latest, page_len) SELECT cur_id, cur_namespace, cur_title, cur_restrictions, cur_counter, cur_is_redirect, cur_is_new, cur_random, cur_touched, rev_id, LENGTH(cur_text) FROM $cur,$revision WHERE cur_id=rev_page AND rev_timestamp=cur_timestamp AND rev_id > {$maxold}", $fname ); echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "......Unlocking tables.\n"; $wgDatabase->query( "UNLOCK TABLES", $fname ); echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "......Renaming old.\n"; $wgDatabase->query( "ALTER TABLE $old RENAME TO $text", $fname ); echo wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); echo "...done.\n"; } } function do_inverse_timestamp() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->fieldExists( 'revision', 'inverse_timestamp' ) ) { echo "Removing revision.inverse_timestamp and fixing indexes... "; dbsource( archive( 'patch-inverse_timestamp.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } else { echo "revision timestamp indexes already up to 2005-03-13\n"; } } function do_text_id() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->fieldExists( 'revision', 'rev_text_id' ) ) { echo "...rev_text_id already in place.\n"; } else { echo "Adding rev_text_id field... "; dbsource( archive( 'patch-rev_text_id.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } } function do_namespace_size() { $tables = array( 'page' => 'page', 'archive' => 'ar', 'recentchanges' => 'rc', 'watchlist' => 'wl', 'querycache' => 'qc', 'logging' => 'log', ); foreach( $tables as $table => $prefix ) { do_namespace_size_on( $table, $prefix ); flush(); } } function do_namespace_size_on( $table, $prefix ) { global $wgDatabase, $wgDBtype; if ($wgDBtype != 'mysql') return; $field = $prefix . '_namespace'; $tablename = $wgDatabase->tableName( $table ); $result = $wgDatabase->query( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $tablename LIKE '$field'" ); $info = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $result ); $wgDatabase->freeResult( $result ); if( substr( $info->Type, 0, 3 ) == 'int' ) { echo "...$field is already a full int ($info->Type).\n"; } else { echo "Promoting $field from $info->Type to int... "; $sql = "ALTER TABLE $tablename MODIFY $field int NOT NULL"; $wgDatabase->query( $sql ); echo "ok\n"; } } function do_pagelinks_update() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( 'pagelinks' ) ) { echo "...already have pagelinks table.\n"; } else { echo "Converting links and brokenlinks tables to pagelinks... "; dbsource( archive( 'patch-pagelinks.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; flush(); global $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames; foreach( $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames as $ns => $name ) { if( $ns != 0 ) { do_pagelinks_namespace( $ns ); } } } } function do_pagelinks_namespace( $namespace ) { global $wgDatabase, $wgContLang; $ns = intval( $namespace ); echo "Cleaning up broken links for namespace $ns... "; $pagelinks = $wgDatabase->tableName( 'pagelinks' ); $name = $wgContLang->getNsText( $ns ); $prefix = $wgDatabase->strencode( $name ); $likeprefix = str_replace( '_', '\\_', $prefix); $sql = "UPDATE $pagelinks SET pl_namespace=$ns, pl_title=TRIM(LEADING '$prefix:' FROM pl_title) WHERE pl_namespace=0 AND pl_title LIKE '$likeprefix:%'"; $wgDatabase->query( $sql, 'do_pagelinks_namespace' ); echo "ok\n"; } function do_drop_img_type() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->fieldExists( 'image', 'img_type' ) ) { echo "Dropping unused img_type field in image table... "; dbsource( archive( 'patch-drop_img_type.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } else { echo "No img_type field in image table; Good.\n"; } } function do_old_links_update() { global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( 'pagelinks' ) ) { echo "Already have pagelinks; skipping old links table updates.\n"; } else { convertLinks(); flush(); } } function do_user_unique_update() { global $wgDatabase; $duper = new UserDupes( $wgDatabase ); if( $duper->hasUniqueIndex() ) { echo "Already have unique user_name index.\n"; } else { if( !$duper->clearDupes() ) { echo "WARNING: This next step will probably fail due to unfixed duplicates...\n"; } echo "Adding unique index on user_name... "; dbsource( archive( 'patch-user_nameindex.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } } function do_user_groups_update() { $fname = 'do_user_groups_update'; global $wgDatabase; if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( 'user_groups' ) ) { echo "...user_groups table already exists.\n"; return do_user_groups_reformat(); } echo "Adding user_groups table... "; dbsource( archive( 'patch-user_groups.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; if( !$wgDatabase->tableExists( 'user_rights' ) ) { if( $wgDatabase->fieldExists( 'user', 'user_rights' ) ) { echo "Upgrading from a 1.3 or older database? Breaking out user_rights for conversion..."; dbsource( archive( 'patch-user_rights.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } else { echo "*** WARNING: couldn't locate user_rights table or field for upgrade.\n"; echo "*** You may need to manually configure some sysops by manipulating\n"; echo "*** the user_groups table.\n"; return; } } echo "Converting user_rights table to user_groups... "; $result = $wgDatabase->select( 'user_rights', array( 'ur_user', 'ur_rights' ), array( "ur_rights != ''" ), $fname ); while( $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $result ) ) { $groups = array_unique( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $row->ur_rights ) ) ); foreach( $groups as $group ) { $wgDatabase->insert( 'user_groups', array( 'ug_user' => $row->ur_user, 'ug_group' => $group ), $fname ); } } $wgDatabase->freeResult( $result ); echo "ok\n"; } function do_user_groups_reformat() { # Check for bogus formats from previous 1.5 alpha code. global $wgDatabase; $info = $wgDatabase->fieldInfo( 'user_groups', 'ug_group' ); if( $info->type() == 'int' ) { $oldug = $wgDatabase->tableName( 'user_groups' ); $newug = $wgDatabase->tableName( 'user_groups_bogus' ); echo "user_groups is in bogus intermediate format. Renaming to $newug... "; $wgDatabase->query( "ALTER TABLE $oldug RENAME TO $newug" ); echo "ok\n"; echo "Re-adding fresh user_groups table... "; dbsource( archive( 'patch-user_groups.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; echo "***\n"; echo "*** WARNING: You will need to manually fix up user permissions in the user_groups\n"; echo "*** table. Old 1.5 alpha versions did some pretty funky stuff...\n"; echo "***\n"; } else { echo "...user_groups is in current format.\n"; } } function do_watchlist_null() { # Make sure wl_notificationtimestamp can be NULL, # and update old broken items. global $wgDatabase; $info = $wgDatabase->fieldInfo( 'watchlist', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' ); if( !$info->nullable() ) { echo "Making wl_notificationtimestamp nullable... "; dbsource( archive( 'patch-watchlist-null.sql' ), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; } else { echo "...wl_notificationtimestamp is already nullable.\n"; } } /** * @bug 3946 */ function do_page_random_update() { global $wgDatabase; echo "Setting page_random to a random value on rows where it equals 0..."; $page = $wgDatabase->tableName( 'page' ); $wgDatabase->query( "UPDATE $page SET page_random = RAND() WHERE page_random = 0", 'do_page_random_update' ); $rows = $wgDatabase->affectedRows(); echo "changed $rows rows\n"; } function do_templatelinks_update() { global $wgDatabase, $wgLoadBalancer; $fname = 'do_templatelinks_update'; if ( $wgDatabase->tableExists( 'templatelinks' ) ) { echo "...templatelinks table already exists\n"; return; } echo "Creating templatelinks table...\n"; dbsource( archive('patch-templatelinks.sql'), $wgDatabase ); echo "Populating...\n"; if ( isset( $wgLoadBalancer ) && $wgLoadBalancer->getServerCount() > 1 ) { // Slow, replication-friendly update $res = $wgDatabase->select( 'pagelinks', array( 'pl_from', 'pl_namespace', 'pl_title' ), array( 'pl_namespace' => NS_TEMPLATE ), $fname ); $count = 0; while ( $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $res ) ) { $count = ($count + 1) % 100; if ( $count == 0 ) { if ( function_exists( 'wfWaitForSlaves' ) ) { wfWaitForSlaves( 10 ); } else { sleep( 1 ); } } $wgDatabase->insert( 'templatelinks', array( 'tl_from' => $row->pl_from, 'tl_namespace' => $row->pl_namespace, 'tl_title' => $row->pl_title, ), $fname ); } $wgDatabase->freeResult( $res ); } else { // Fast update $wgDatabase->insertSelect( 'templatelinks', 'pagelinks', array( 'tl_from' => 'pl_from', 'tl_namespace' => 'pl_namespace', 'tl_title' => 'pl_title' ), array( 'pl_namespace' => 10 ), $fname ); } echo "Done. Please run maintenance/refreshLinks.php for a more thorough templatelinks update.\n"; } // Add index on ( rc_namespace, rc_user_text ) [Jul. 2006] // Add index on ( rc_user_text, rc_timestamp ) [Nov. 2006] function do_rc_indices_update() { global $wgDatabase; echo( "Checking for additional recent changes indices...\n" ); $indexes = array( 'rc_ns_usertext' => 'patch-recentchanges-utindex.sql', 'rc_user_text' => 'patch-rc_user_text-index.sql', ); foreach( $indexes as $index => $patch ) { $info = $wgDatabase->indexInfo( 'recentchanges', $index, __METHOD__ ); if( !$info ) { echo( "...index `{$index}` not found; adding..." ); dbsource( archive( $patch ) ); echo( "done.\n" ); } else { echo( "...index `{$index}` seems ok.\n" ); } } } function index_has_field($table, $index, $field) { global $wgDatabase; echo( "Checking if $table index $index includes field $field...\n" ); $info = $wgDatabase->indexInfo( $table, $index, __METHOD__ ); if( $info ) { foreach($info as $row) { if($row->Column_name == $field) { echo( "...index $index on table $table seems to be ok\n" ); return true; } } } echo( "...index $index on table $table has no field $field; adding\n" ); return false; } function do_backlinking_indices_update() { echo( "Checking for backlinking indices...\n" ); if (!index_has_field('pagelinks', 'pl_namespace', 'pl_from') || !index_has_field('templatelinks', 'tl_namespace', 'tl_from') || !index_has_field('imagelinks', 'il_to', 'il_from')) { dbsource( archive( 'patch-backlinkindexes.sql' ) ); } } function do_categorylinks_indices_update() { echo( "Checking for categorylinks indices...\n" ); if (!index_has_field('categorylinks', 'cl_sortkey', 'cl_from')) { dbsource( archive( 'patch-categorylinksindex.sql' ) ); } } function do_stats_init() { // Sometimes site_stats table is not properly populated. global $wgDatabase; echo "Checking site_stats row..."; $row = $wgDatabase->selectRow( 'site_stats', '*', array( 'ss_row_id' => 1 ), __METHOD__ ); if( $row === false ) { echo "data is missing! rebuilding...\n"; global $IP; require_once "$IP/maintenance/"; wfInitStats(); } else { echo "ok.\n"; } } function purge_cache() { global $wgDatabase; # We can't guarantee that the user will be able to use TRUNCATE, # but we know that DELETE is available to us echo( "Purging caches..." ); $wgDatabase->delete( 'objectcache', '*', __METHOD__ ); echo( "done.\n" ); } function do_all_updates( $shared = false, $purge = true ) { global $wgNewTables, $wgNewFields, $wgRenamedTables, $wgSharedDB, $wgDatabase, $wgDBtype, $IP; wfRunHooks('LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates'); $doUser = !$wgSharedDB || $shared; if ($wgDBtype === 'postgres') { do_postgres_updates(); return; } # Rename tables foreach ( $wgRenamedTables as $tableRecord ) { rename_table( $tableRecord[0], $tableRecord[1], $tableRecord[2] ); } # Add missing tables foreach ( $wgNewTables as $tableRecord ) { add_table( $tableRecord[0], $tableRecord[1] ); flush(); } # Add missing fields foreach ( $wgNewFields as $fieldRecord ) { if ( $fieldRecord[0] != 'user' || $doUser ) { add_field( $fieldRecord[0], $fieldRecord[1], $fieldRecord[2] ); } flush(); } global $wgExtNewTables, $wgExtNewFields, $wgExtNewIndexes; # Add missing extension tables foreach ( $wgExtNewTables as $tableRecord ) { add_table( $tableRecord[0], $tableRecord[1], true ); flush(); } # Add missing extension fields foreach ( $wgExtNewFields as $fieldRecord ) { if ( $fieldRecord[0] != 'user' || $doUser ) { add_field( $fieldRecord[0], $fieldRecord[1], $fieldRecord[2], true ); } flush(); } # Add missing extension indexes foreach ( $wgExtNewIndexes as $fieldRecord ) { add_index( $fieldRecord[0], $fieldRecord[1], $fieldRecord[2], true ); flush(); } # Do schema updates which require special handling do_interwiki_update(); flush(); do_index_update(); flush(); do_old_links_update(); flush(); do_image_name_unique_update(); flush(); do_watchlist_update(); flush(); if ( $doUser ) { do_user_update(); flush(); } ###### do_copy_newtalk_to_watchlist(); flush(); do_logging_encoding(); flush(); do_schema_restructuring(); flush(); do_inverse_timestamp(); flush(); do_text_id(); flush(); do_namespace_size(); flush(); do_pagelinks_update(); flush(); do_templatelinks_update(); flush(); // after pagelinks do_drop_img_type(); flush(); if ( $doUser ) { do_user_unique_update(); flush(); } do_user_groups_update(); flush(); do_watchlist_null(); flush(); //do_image_index_update(); flush(); do_logging_timestamp_index(); flush(); do_page_random_update(); flush(); do_rc_indices_update(); flush(); do_backlinking_indices_update(); flush(); do_categorylinks_indices_update(); flush(); do_restrictions_update(); flush (); do_archive_user_index(); flush (); do_image_user_index(); flush (); do_oldimage_user_index(); flush (); echo "Deleting old default messages (this may take a long time!)..."; flush(); deleteDefaultMessages(); echo "Done\n"; flush(); do_stats_init(); flush(); if( $purge ) { purge_cache(); flush(); } } function archive($name) { global $wgDBtype, $IP; switch ($wgDBtype) { case "postgres": return "$IP/maintenance/postgres/archives/$name"; default: return "$IP/maintenance/archives/$name"; } } function do_restrictions_update() { # Adding page_restrictions table, obsoleting page.page_restrictions. # Migrating old restrictions to new table # -- Andrew Garrett, January 2007. global $wgDatabase; $name = 'page_restrictions'; $patch = 'patch-page_restrictions.sql'; $patch2 = 'patch-page_restrictions_sortkey.sql'; if ( $wgDatabase->tableExists( $name ) ) { echo "...$name table already exists.\n"; } else { echo "Creating $name table..."; dbsource( archive($patch), $wgDatabase ); dbsource( archive($patch2), $wgDatabase ); echo "ok\n"; echo "Migrating old restrictions to new table..."; $res = $wgDatabase->select( 'page', array( 'page_id', 'page_restrictions' ), array("page_restrictions!=''", "page_restrictions!='edit=:move='"), __METHOD__ ); $count = 0; while ($row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject($res) ) { $count = ($count + 1) % 100; if ($count == 0) { if ( function_exists( 'wfWaitForSlaves' ) ) { wfWaitForSlaves( 10 ); } else { sleep( 1 ); } } # Figure out what the restrictions are.. $id = $row->page_id; $flatrestrictions = explode( ':', $row->page_restrictions ); $restrictions = array (); foreach( $flatrestrictions as $restriction ) { $thisrestriction = explode( '=', $restriction, 2 ); if( count( $thisrestriction ) == 1 ) { // Compatibility with old protections from before // separate move protection was added. list( $level ) = $thisrestriction; if( $level ) { $restrictions['edit'] = $level; $restrictions['move'] = $level; } } else { list( $type, $level ) = $thisrestriction; if( $level ) { $restrictions[$type] = $level; } } $wgDatabase->update( 'page', array ( 'page_restrictions' => ''), array( 'page_id' => $id ), __METHOD__ ); } foreach( $restrictions as $type => $level ) { $wgDatabase->insert( 'page_restrictions', array ( 'pr_page' => $id, 'pr_type' => $type, 'pr_level' => $level, 'pr_cascade' => 0, 'pr_expiry' => 'infinity' ), __METHOD__ ); } } print "ok\n"; } } function pg_describe_table($table) { global $wgDatabase, $wgDBmwschema; $q = << 0 AND relname=%s AND nspname=%s END; $res = $wgDatabase->query(sprintf($q, $wgDatabase->addQuotes($table), $wgDatabase->addQuotes($wgDBmwschema))); if (!$res) return null; $cols = array(); while ($r = $wgDatabase->fetchRow($res)) { $cols[] = array( "name" => $r[0], "ord" => $r[1], ); } return $cols; } function pg_describe_index($idx) { global $wgDatabase, $wgDBmwschema; // first fetch the key (which is a list of columns ords) and // the table the index applies to (an oid) $q = <<query(sprintf($q, $wgDatabase->addQuotes($wgDBmwschema), $wgDatabase->addQuotes($idx))); if (!$res) return null; if (!($r = $wgDatabase->fetchRow($res))) { $wgDatabase->freeResult($res); return null; } $indkey = $r[0]; $relid = intval($r[1]); $indkeys = explode(" ", $indkey); $wgDatabase->freeResult($res); $colnames = array(); foreach ($indkeys as $rid) { $query = <<query(sprintf($query, $rid)); if (!$r2) return null; if (!($row2 = $wgDatabase->fetchRow($r2))) { $wgDatabase->freeResult($r2); return null; } $colnames[] = $row2[0]; $wgDatabase->freeResult($r2); } return $colnames; } function pg_index_exists($table, $index) { global $wgDatabase, $wgDBmwschema; $exists = $wgDatabase->selectField("pg_indexes", "indexname", array( "indexname" => $index, "tablename" => $table, "schemaname" => $wgDBmwschema)); return $exists === $index; } function pg_fkey_deltype($fkey) { global $wgDatabase, $wgDBmwschema; $q = <<query(sprintf($q, $wgDatabase->addQuotes($wgDBmwschema), $wgDatabase->addQuotes($fkey))); if (!($row = $wgDatabase->fetchRow($r))) return null; return $row[0]; } function pg_rule_def($table, $rule) { global $wgDatabase, $wgDBmwschema; $q = <<query(sprintf($q, $wgDatabase->addQuotes($wgDBmwschema), $wgDatabase->addQuotes($table), $wgDatabase->addQuotes($rule))); $row = $wgDatabase->fetchRow($r); if (!$row) return null; $d = $row[0]; $wgDatabase->freeResult($r); return $d; } function do_postgres_updates() { global $wgDatabase, $wgVersion, $wgDBmwschema, $wgDBts2schema, $wgShowExceptionDetails, $wgDBuser; $wgShowExceptionDetails = 1; # Just in case their LocalSettings.php does not have this: if ( !isset( $wgDBmwschema )) $wgDBmwschema = 'mediawiki'; # Verify that this user is configured correctly $safeuser = $wgDatabase->addQuotes($wgDBuser); $SQL = "SELECT array_to_string(useconfig,'*') FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = $safeuser"; $config = pg_fetch_result( $wgDatabase->doQuery( $SQL ), 0, 0 ); $conf = array(); foreach( explode( '*', $config ) as $c ) { list( $x,$y ) = explode( '=', $c ); $conf[$x] = $y; } $newpath = array(); if( $wgDBmwschema === 'mediawiki' ) { if (!array_key_exists( 'search_path', $conf ) or strpos( $conf['search_path'],$wgDBmwschema ) === false ) { echo "Adding in schema \"$wgDBmwschema\" to search_path for user \"$wgDBuser\"\n"; $newpath[$wgDBmwschema] = 1; } } if( !array_key_exists( 'search_path', $conf ) or strpos( $conf['search_path'],$wgDBts2schema ) === false ) { echo "Adding in schema \"$wgDBts2schema\" to search_path for user \"$wgDBuser\"\n"; $newpath[$wgDBts2schema] = 1; } $searchpath = implode( ',', array_keys( $newpath ) ); if( strlen( $searchpath ) ) { $wgDatabase->doQuery( "ALTER USER $wgDBuser SET search_path = $searchpath" ); $wgDatabase->doQuery( "SET search_path = $searchpath" ); } else { $path = $conf['search_path']; echo "... search_path for user \"$wgDBuser\" looks correct ($path)\n"; } $goodconf = array( 'client_min_messages' => 'error', 'DateStyle' => 'ISO, YMD', 'TimeZone' => 'GMT' ); foreach( array_keys( $goodconf ) AS $key ) { $value = $goodconf[$key]; if( !array_key_exists( $key, $conf ) or $conf[$key] !== $value ) { echo "Setting $key to '$value' for user \"$wgDBuser\"\n"; $wgDatabase->doQuery( "ALTER USER $wgDBuser SET $key = '$value'" ); $wgDatabase->doQuery( "SET $key = '$value'" ); } else { echo "... default value of \"$key\" is correctly set to \"$value\" for user \"$wgDBuser\"\n"; } } $newsequences = array( "log_log_id_seq", "pr_id_val", ); $newtables = array( array("mediawiki_version", "patch-mediawiki_version.sql"), array("mwuser", "patch-mwuser.sql"), array("pagecontent", "patch-pagecontent.sql"), array("querycachetwo", "patch-querycachetwo.sql"), array("page_restrictions", "patch-page_restrictions.sql"), array("profiling", "patch-profiling.sql"), array("protected_titles", "patch-protected_titles.sql"), array("redirect", "patch-redirect.sql"), ); $newcols = array( array("archive", "ar_deleted", "SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), array("archive", "ar_len", "INTEGER"), array("archive", "ar_page_id", "INTEGER"), array("image", "img_sha1", "TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"), array("ipblocks", "ipb_anon_only", "CHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"), array("ipblocks", "ipb_block_email", "CHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"), array("ipblocks", "ipb_create_account", "CHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'"), array("ipblocks", "ipb_deleted", "SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), array("ipblocks", "ipb_enable_autoblock", "CHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'"), array("filearchive", "fa_deleted", "SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), array("logging", "log_deleted", "SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), array("logging", "log_id", "INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('log_log_id_seq')"), array("logging", "log_params", "TEXT"), array("mwuser", "user_editcount", "INTEGER"), array("mwuser", "user_newpass_time", "TIMESTAMPTZ"), array("oldimage", "oi_deleted", "SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), array("oldimage", "oi_metadata", "BYTEA NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"), array("oldimage", "oi_media_type", "TEXT"), array("oldimage", "oi_major_mime", "TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown'"), array("oldimage", "oi_minor_mime", "TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown'"), array("oldimage", "oi_sha1", "TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"), array("page_restrictions", "pr_id", "INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE DEFAULT nextval('pr_id_val')"), array("recentchanges", "rc_deleted", "SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), array("recentchanges", "rc_log_action", "TEXT"), array("recentchanges", "rc_log_type", "TEXT"), array("recentchanges", "rc_logid", "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), array("recentchanges", "rc_new_len", "INTEGER"), array("recentchanges", "rc_old_len", "INTEGER"), array("recentchanges", "rc_params", "TEXT"), array("revision", "rev_len", "INTEGER"), array("revision", "rev_deleted", "SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), ); # table, column, desired type, USING clause if needed $typechanges = array( array("archive", "ar_deleted", "smallint", ""), array("filearchive", "fa_deleted", "smallint", ""), array("filearchive", "fa_height", "integer", ""), array("filearchive", "fa_metadata", "bytea", "decode(fa_metadata,'escape')"), array("filearchive", "fa_size", "integer", ""), array("filearchive", "fa_width", "integer", ""), array("filearchive", "fa_storage_group","text", ""), array("filearchive", "fa_storage_key", "text", ""), array("image", "img_metadata", "bytea", "decode(img_metadata,'escape')"), array("image", "img_size", "integer", ""), array("image", "img_width", "integer", ""), array("image", "img_height", "integer", ""), array("ipblocks", "ipb_address", "text", "ipb_address::text"), array("ipblocks", "ipb_deleted", "smallint", ""), array("math", "math_inputhash", "bytea", "decode(math_inputhash,'escape')"), array("math", "math_outputhash", "bytea", "decode(math_outputhash,'escape')"), array("mwuser", "user_token", "text", ""), array("mwuser", "user_email_token","text", ""), array("objectcache", "keyname", "text", ""), array("oldimage", "oi_height", "integer", ""), array("oldimage", "oi_size", "integer", ""), array("oldimage", "oi_width", "integer", ""), array("querycache", "qc_value", "integer", ""), array("querycachetwo","qcc_value", "integer", ""), array("recentchanges","rc_deleted", "smallint", ""), array("templatelinks","tl_namespace", "smallint", "tl_namespace::smallint"), array("user_newtalk", "user_ip", "text", "host(user_ip)"), ); $newindexes = array( array("archive", "archive_user_text", "(ar_user_text)"), array("image", "img_sha1", "(img_sha1)"), array("oldimage", "oi_sha1", "(oi_sha1)"), array("revision", "rev_text_id_idx", "(rev_text_id)"), ); $newrules = array( ); foreach ($newsequences as $ns) { if ($wgDatabase->sequenceExists($ns)) { echo "... sequence \"$ns\" already exists\n"; continue; } echo "Creating sequence \"$ns\"\n"; $wgDatabase->query("CREATE SEQUENCE $ns"); } foreach ($newtables as $nt) { if ($wgDatabase->tableExists($nt[0])) { echo "... table \"$nt[0]\" already exists\n"; continue; } echo "Creating table \"$nt[0]\"\n"; dbsource(archive($nt[1])); } ## Needed before newcols if ($wgDatabase->tableExists("archive2")) { echo "Converting \"archive2\" back to normal archive table\n"; if ($wgDatabase->ruleExists("archive", "archive_insert")) { echo "Dropping rule \"archive_insert\"\n"; $wgDatabase->query("DROP RULE archive_insert ON archive"); } if ($wgDatabase->ruleExists("archive", "archive_delete")) { echo "Dropping rule \"archive_delete\"\n"; $wgDatabase->query("DROP RULE archive_delete ON archive"); } dbsource(archive("patch-remove-archive2.sql")); } else echo "... obsolete table \"archive2\" does not exist\n"; foreach ($newcols as $nc) { $fi = $wgDatabase->fieldInfo($nc[0], $nc[1]); if (!is_null($fi)) { echo "... column \"$nc[0].$nc[1]\" already exists\n"; continue; } echo "Adding column \"$nc[0].$nc[1]\"\n"; $wgDatabase->query("ALTER TABLE $nc[0] ADD $nc[1] $nc[2]"); } foreach ($typechanges as $tc) { $fi = $wgDatabase->fieldInfo($tc[0], $tc[1]); if (is_null($fi)) { echo "... error: expected column $tc[0].$tc[1] to exist\n"; exit(1); } if ($fi->type() === $tc[2]) echo "... column \"$tc[0].$tc[1]\" is already of type \"$tc[2]\"\n"; else { echo "Changing column type of \"$tc[0].$tc[1]\" from \"{$fi->type()}\" to \"$tc[2]\"\n"; $sql = "ALTER TABLE $tc[0] ALTER $tc[1] TYPE $tc[2]"; if (strlen($tc[3])) { $sql .= " USING $tc[3]"; } $sql .= ";\nCOMMIT;\n"; $wgDatabase->query($sql); } } if ($wgDatabase->fieldInfo('oldimage','oi_deleted')->type() !== 'smallint') { echo "Changing \"oldimage.oi_deleted\" to type \"smallint\"\n"; $wgDatabase->query( "ALTER TABLE oldimage ALTER oi_deleted DROP DEFAULT" ); $wgDatabase->query( "ALTER TABLE oldimage ALTER oi_deleted TYPE SMALLINT USING (oi_deleted::smallint)" ); $wgDatabase->query( "ALTER TABLE oldimage ALTER oi_deleted SET DEFAULT 0" ); } else echo "... column \"oldimage.oi_deleted\" is already of type \"smallint\"\n"; foreach ($newindexes as $ni) { if (pg_index_exists($ni[0], $ni[1])) { echo "... index \"$ni[1]\" on table \"$ni[0]\" already exists\n"; continue; } echo "Creating index \"$ni[1]\" on table \"$ni[0]\" $ni[2]\n"; $wgDatabase->query( "CREATE INDEX $ni[1] ON $ni[0] $ni[2]" ); } foreach ($newrules as $nr) { if ($wgDatabase->ruleExists($nr[0], $nr[1])) { echo "... rule \"$nr[1]\" on table \"$nr[0]\" already exists\n"; continue; } echo "Adding rule \"$nr[1]\" to table \"$nr[0]\"\n"; dbsource(archive($nr[2])); } if ($wgDatabase->hasConstraint("oldimage_oi_name_fkey")) { echo "Making foriegn key on table \"oldimage\" (to image) a cascade delete\n"; $wgDatabase->query( "ALTER TABLE oldimage DROP CONSTRAINT oldimage_oi_name_fkey" ); $wgDatabase->query( "ALTER TABLE oldimage ADD CONSTRAINT oldimage_oi_name_fkey_cascade ". "FOREIGN KEY (oi_name) REFERENCES image(img_name) ON DELETE CASCADE" ); } else echo "... table \"oldimage\" has correct cascade delete foreign key to image\n"; if (!$wgDatabase->triggerExists("page", "page_deleted")) { echo "Adding function and trigger \"page_deleted\" to table \"page\"\n"; dbsource(archive('patch-page_deleted.sql')); } else echo "... table \"page\" has \"page_deleted\" trigger\n"; $fi = $wgDatabase->fieldInfo("recentchanges", "rc_cur_id"); if (!$fi->nullable()) { echo "Removing NOT NULL constraint from \"recentchanges.rc_cur_id\"\n"; dbsource(archive('patch-rc_cur_id-not-null.sql')); } else echo "... column \"recentchanges.rc_cur_id\" has a NOT NULL constraint\n"; $pu = pg_describe_index("pagelink_unique"); if (!is_null($pu) && ($pu[0] != "pl_from" || $pu[1] != "pl_namespace" || $pu[2] != "pl_title")) { echo "Dropping obsolete version of index \"pagelink_unique index\"\n"; $wgDatabase->query("DROP INDEX pagelink_unique"); $pu = null; } else echo "... obsolete version of index \"pagelink_unique index\" does not exist\n"; if (is_null($pu)) { echo "Creating index \"pagelink_unique index\"\n"; $wgDatabase->query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pagelink_unique ON pagelinks (pl_from,pl_namespace,pl_title)"); } else echo "... index \"pagelink_unique_index\" aready exists\n"; if (pg_fkey_deltype("revision_rev_user_fkey") == 'r') { echo "... constraint \"revision_rev_user_fkey\" is ON DELETE RESTRICT\n"; } else { echo "Changing constraint \"revision_rev_user_fkey\" to ON DELETE RESTRICT\n"; dbsource(archive('patch-revision_rev_user_fkey.sql')); } global $wgExtNewTables, $wgExtPGNewFields, $wgExtNewIndexes; # Add missing extension tables foreach ( $wgExtNewTables as $nt ) { if ($wgDatabase->tableExists($nt[0])) { echo "... table \"$nt[0]\" already exists\n"; continue; } echo "Creating table \"$nt[0]\"\n"; dbsource($nt[1]); } # Add missing extension fields foreach ( $wgExtPGNewFields as $nc ) { $fi = $wgDatabase->fieldInfo($nc[0], $nc[1]); if (!is_null($fi)) { echo "... column \"$nc[0].$nc[1]\" already exists\n"; continue; } echo "Adding column \"$nc[0].$nc[1]\"\n"; $wgDatabase->query( "ALTER TABLE $nc[0] ADD $nc[1] $nc[2]" ); } # Add missing extension indexes foreach ( $wgExtNewIndexes as $ni ) { if (pg_index_exists($ni[0], $ni[1])) { echo "... index \"$ni[1]\" on table \"$ni[0]\" already exists\n"; continue; } echo "Creating index \"$ni[1]\" on table \"$ni[0]\"\n"; dbsource($ni[2]); } # Tweak the page_title tsearch2 trigger to filter out slashes # This is create or replace, so harmless to call if not needed dbsource(archive("patch-ts2pagetitle.sql")); return; }