* @License GPL v2 or later */ // Some regex definition to "play" with IP address and IP address blocks // An IP is made of 4 bytes from x00 to xFF which is d0 to d255 define( 'RE_IP_BYTE', '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|0?[0-9]?[0-9])'); define( 'RE_IP_ADD' , RE_IP_BYTE . '\.' . RE_IP_BYTE . '\.' . RE_IP_BYTE . '\.' . RE_IP_BYTE ); // An IPv4 block is an IP address and a prefix (d1 to d32) define( 'RE_IP_PREFIX', '(3[0-2]|[12]?\d)'); define( 'RE_IP_BLOCK', RE_IP_ADD . '\/' . RE_IP_PREFIX); // For IPv6 canonicalization (NOT for strict validation; these are quite lax!) define( 'RE_IPV6_WORD', '([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})' ); define( 'RE_IPV6_GAP', ':(?:0+:)*(?::(?:0+:)*)?' ); define( 'RE_IPV6_V4_PREFIX', '0*' . RE_IPV6_GAP . '(?:ffff:)?' ); // An IPv6 block is an IP address and a prefix (d1 to d128) define( 'RE_IPV6_PREFIX', '(12[0-8]|1[01][0-9]|[1-9]?\d)'); // An IPv6 IP is made up of 8 octets. However abbreviations like "::" can be used. This is lax! define( 'RE_IPV6_ADD', '(:(:' . RE_IPV6_WORD . '){1,7}|' . RE_IPV6_WORD . '(:{1,2}' . RE_IPV6_WORD . '|::$){1,7})' ); define( 'RE_IPV6_BLOCK', RE_IPV6_ADD . '\/' . RE_IPV6_PREFIX ); // This might be useful for regexps used elsewhere, matches any IPv6 or IPv6 address or network define( 'IP_ADDRESS_STRING', RE_IP_ADD . '(\/' . RE_IP_PREFIX . '|)|' . RE_IPV6_ADD . '(\/' . RE_IPV6_PREFIX . '|)'); class IP { /** * Given a string, determine if it as valid IP * Unlike isValid(), this looks for networks too * @param $ip IP address. * @return string */ public function isIPAddress( $ip ) { if ( !$ip ) return false; return preg_match( '/^' . IP_ADDRESS_STRING . '$/', $ip); } public function isIPv6( $ip ) { return preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_ADD . '(\/' . RE_IPV6_PREFIX . '|)$/', $ip); } public function isIPv4( $ip ) { return preg_match( '/^' . RE_IP_ADD . '(\/' . RE_IP_PREFIX . '|)$/', $ip); } /** * Given an IP address in dotted-quad notation, returns an IPv6 octet. * See http://www.answers.com/topic/ipv4-compatible-address * IPs with the first 92 bits as zeros are reserved from IPv6 * @param $ip quad-dotted IP address. * @return string */ public function IPv4toIPv6( $ip ) { if ( !$ip ) return null; // Convert only if needed if ( self::isIPv6( $ip ) ) return $ip; // IPv4 CIDRs if ( strpos( $ip, '/' ) !== false ) { $parts = explode( '/', $ip, 2 ); if ( count( $parts ) != 2 ) { return false; } $network = self::toUnsigned( $parts[0] ); if ( $network !== false && is_numeric( $parts[1] ) && $parts[1] >= 0 && $parts[1] <= 32 ) { $bits = $parts[1] + 96; return self::toOctet( $network ) . "/$bits"; } else { return false; } } return self::toOctet( self::toUnsigned( $ip ) ); } /** * Given an IPv6 address in octet notation, returns an unsigned integer. * @param $ip octet ipv6 IP address. * @return string */ public function toUnsigned6( $ip ) { if ( !$ip ) return null; $ip = explode(':', self::sanitizeIP( $ip ) ); $r_ip = ''; foreach ($ip as $v) { $r_ip .= wfBaseConvert( $v, 16, 2, 16); } return wfBaseConvert($r_ip, 2, 10); } /** * Given an IPv6 address in octet notation, returns the expanded octet. * @param $ip octet ipv6 IP address. * @return string */ public function sanitizeIP( $ip ) { if ( !$ip ) return null; // Only IPv6 addresses can be expanded if ( !self::isIPv6( $ip ) ) return $ip; // Convert to upper case $ip = strtoupper( $ip ); // Expand zero abbreviations if ( substr_count($ip, '::') ) { $ip = str_replace('::', str_repeat(':0000', 8 - substr_count($ip, ':')) . ':', $ip); } return $ip; } /** * Given an unsigned integer, returns an IPv6 address in octet notation * @param $ip integer IP address. * @return string */ public function toOctet( $ip_int ) { // Convert integer to binary $ip_int = wfBaseConvert($ip_int, 10, 2, 128); // Seperate into 8 octets $ip_oct = wfBaseConvert( substr( $ip_int, 0, 16 ), 2, 16, 1, false ); for ($n=1; $n < 8; $n++) { // Convert to hex, and add ":" marks $ip_oct .= ':' . wfBaseConvert( substr($ip_int, 16*$n, 16), 2, 16, 1, false ); } return $ip_oct; } /** * Convert a network specification in IPv6 CIDR notation to an integer network and a number of bits * @return array(string, int) */ public static function parseCIDR6( $range ) { # Expand any IPv6 IP $parts = explode( '/', IP::sanitizeIP( $range ), 2 ); if ( count( $parts ) != 2 ) { return array( false, false ); } $network = self::toUnsigned6( $parts[0] ); if ( $network !== false && is_numeric( $parts[1] ) && $parts[1] >= 0 && $parts[1] <= 128 ) { $bits = $parts[1]; if ( $bits == 0 ) { $network = 0; } else { # Native 32 bit functions WONT work here!!! # Convert to a padded binary number $network = wfBaseConvert( $network, 10, 2, 128 ); # Truncate the last (128-$bits) bits and replace them with zeros $network = str_pad( substr( $network, 0, $bits ), 128, 0, STR_PAD_RIGHT ); # Convert back to an integer $network = wfBaseConvert( $network, 2, 10 ); } } else { $network = false; $bits = false; } return array( $network, $bits ); } /** * Given a string range in a number of formats, return the start and end of * the range in hexadecimal. For IPv6. * * Formats are: * 2001:0db8:85a3::7344/96 CIDR * 2001:0db8:85a3::7344 - 2001:0db8:85a3::7344 Explicit range * 2001:0db8:85a3::7344/96 Single IP * @return array(string, int) */ public static function parseRange6( $range ) { # Expand any IPv6 IP $range = IP::sanitizeIP( $range ); if ( strpos( $range, '/' ) !== false ) { # CIDR list( $network, $bits ) = self::parseCIDR6( $range ); if ( $network === false ) { $start = $end = false; } else { $start = wfBaseConvert( $network, 10, 16, 1, false ); # Turn network to binary (again) $end = wfBaseConvert( $network, 10, 2, 128 ); # Truncate the last (128-$bits) bits and replace them with ones $end = str_pad( substr( $end, 0, $bits ), 128, 1, STR_PAD_RIGHT ); # Convert to hex $end = wfBaseConvert( $end, 2, 16, 1, false ); } } elseif ( strpos( $range, '-' ) !== false ) { # Explicit range list( $start, $end ) = array_map( 'trim', explode( '-', $range, 2 ) ); $start = self::toUnsigned6( $start ); $end = self::toUnsigned6( $end ); if ( $start > $end ) { $start = $end = false; } else { $start = wfBaseConvert( $start, 10, 16, 1, false ); $end = wfBaseConvert( $end, 10, 16, 1, false ); } } else { # Single IP $start = $end = self::toHex( $range ); } if ( $start === false || $end === false ) { return array( false, false ); } else { return array( $start, $end ); } } /** * Validate an IP address. * @return boolean True if it is valid. */ public static function isValid( $ip ) { return ( preg_match( '/^' . RE_IP_ADD . '$/', $ip) || preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_ADD . '$/', $ip) ); } /** * Validate an IP Block. * @return boolean True if it is valid. */ public static function isValidBlock( $ipblock ) { return ( count(self::toArray($ipblock)) == 1 + 5 ); } /** * Determine if an IP address really is an IP address, and if it is public, * i.e. not RFC 1918 or similar * Comes from ProxyTools.php */ public static function isPublic( $ip ) { $n = self::toUnsigned( $ip ); if ( !$n ) { return false; } // ip2long accepts incomplete addresses, as well as some addresses // followed by garbage characters. Check that it's really valid. if( $ip != long2ip( $n ) ) { return false; } static $privateRanges = false; if ( !$privateRanges ) { $privateRanges = array( array( '', '' ), # RFC 1918 (private) array( '', '' ), # " array( '', '' ), # " array( '', '' ), # this network array( '', '' ), # loopback ); } foreach ( $privateRanges as $r ) { $start = self::toUnsigned( $r[0] ); $end = self::toUnsigned( $r[1] ); if ( $n >= $start && $n <= $end ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Split out an IP block as an array of 4 bytes and a mask, * return false if it can't be determined * * @parameter $ip string A quad dotted/octet IP address * @return array */ public static function toArray( $ipblock ) { $matches = array(); if( preg_match( '/^' . RE_IP_ADD . '(?:\/(?:'.RE_IP_PREFIX.'))?' . '$/', $ipblock, $matches ) ) { return $matches; } else if ( preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_ADD . '(?:\/(?:'.RE_IPV6_PREFIX.'))?' . '$/', $ipblock, $matches ) ) { return $matches; } else { return false; } } /** * Return a zero-padded hexadecimal representation of an IP address. * * Hexadecimal addresses are used because they can easily be extended to * IPv6 support. To separate the ranges, the return value from this * function for an IPv6 address will be prefixed with "v6-", a non- * hexadecimal string which sorts after the IPv4 addresses. * * @param $ip Quad dotted IP address. * @return hexidecimal */ public static function toHex( $ip ) { // Use IPv6 functions if needed $n = ( self::isIPv6($ip) ) ? self::toUnsigned6( $ip ) : self::toUnsigned( $ip ); if ( $n !== false ) { $n = wfBaseConvert( $n, 10, 16, 1, false ); } return $n; } /** * Given an IP address in dotted-quad notation, returns an unsigned integer. * Like ip2long() except that it actually works and has a consistent error return value. * Comes from ProxyTools.php * @param $ip Quad dotted IP address. * @return integer */ public static function toUnsigned( $ip ) { // Use IPv6 functions if needed if ( self::isIPv6( $ip ) ) { return toUnsigned6( $ip ); } if ( $ip == '' ) { $n = -1; } else { $n = ip2long( $ip ); if ( $n == -1 || $n === false ) { # Return value on error depends on PHP version $n = false; } } if ( $n < 0 ) { $n += pow( 2, 32 ); } return $n; } /** * Convert a dotted-quad IP to a signed integer * Returns false on failure */ public static function toSigned( $ip ) { if ( $ip == '' ) { $n = -1; } else { $n = ip2long( $ip ); if ( $n == -1 ) { $n = false; } } return $n; } /** * Convert a network specification in CIDR notation to an integer network and a number of bits * @return array(string, int) */ public static function parseCIDR( $range ) { $parts = explode( '/', $range, 2 ); if ( count( $parts ) != 2 ) { return array( false, false ); } $network = self::toSigned( $parts[0] ); if ( $network !== false && is_numeric( $parts[1] ) && $parts[1] >= 0 && $parts[1] <= 32 ) { $bits = $parts[1]; if ( $bits == 0 ) { $network = 0; } else { $network &= ~((1 << (32 - $bits)) - 1); } # Convert to unsigned if ( $network < 0 ) { $network += pow( 2, 32 ); } } else { $network = false; $bits = false; } return array( $network, $bits ); } /** * Given a string range in a number of formats, return the start and end of * the range in hexadecimal. For IPv4. * * Formats are: * CIDR * - Explicit range * Single IP * @return array(string, int) */ public static function parseRange( $range ) { // Use IPv6 functions if needed if ( self::isIPv6( $range ) ) { return self::parseRange6( $range ); } if ( strpos( $range, '/' ) !== false ) { # CIDR list( $network, $bits ) = self::parseCIDR( $range ); if ( $network === false ) { $start = $end = false; } else { $start = sprintf( '%08X', $network ); $end = sprintf( '%08X', $network + pow( 2, (32 - $bits) ) - 1 ); } } elseif ( strpos( $range, '-' ) !== false ) { # Explicit range list( $start, $end ) = array_map( 'trim', explode( '-', $range, 2 ) ); $start = self::toUnsigned( $start ); $end = self::toUnsigned( $end ); if ( $start > $end ) { $start = $end = false; } else { $start = sprintf( '%08X', $start ); $end = sprintf( '%08X', $end ); } } else { # Single IP $start = $end = self::toHex( $range ); } if ( $start === false || $end === false ) { return array( false, false ); } else { return array( $start, $end ); } } /** * Determine if a given IPv4 address is in a given CIDR network * @param $addr The address to check against the given range. * @param $range The range to check the given address against. * @return bool Whether or not the given address is in the given range. */ public static function isInRange( $addr, $range ) { // Convert to IPv6 if needed $unsignedIP = self::toUnsigned6( self::IPv4toIPv6($addr) ); list( $start, $end ) = self::parseRange6( self::IPv4toIPv6($range) ); return (($unsignedIP >= $start) && ($unsignedIP <= $end)); } /** * Convert some unusual representations of IPv4 addresses to their * canonical dotted quad representation. * * This currently only checks a few IPV4-to-IPv6 related cases. More * unusual representations may be added later. * * @param $addr something that might be an IP address * @return valid dotted quad IPv4 address or null */ public static function canonicalize( $addr ) { if ( self::isValid( $addr ) ) return $addr; // IPv6 loopback address $m = array(); if ( preg_match( '/^0*' . RE_IPV6_GAP . '1$/', $addr, $m ) ) return ''; // IPv4-mapped and IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses if ( preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_V4_PREFIX . '(' . RE_IP_ADD . ')$/i', $addr, $m ) ) return $m[1]; if ( preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_V4_PREFIX . RE_IPV6_WORD . ':' . RE_IPV6_WORD . '$/i', $addr, $m ) ) return long2ip( ( hexdec( $m[1] ) << 16 ) + hexdec( $m[2] ) ); return null; // give up } } ?>