[SPIP] ~v3.0.14 --> v3.0.15
[lhc/web/www.git] / www / plugins-dist / mots / lang / mots_en.php
1 <?php
2 // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
3 // extrait automatiquement de http://trad.spip.net/tradlang_module/mots?lang_cible=en
4 // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
6 if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
8 $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
10 // A
11 'avis_conseil_selection_mot_cle' => '<b>Important group:</b> it is strongly advised to select a keyword in this group.',
12 'avis_doublon_mot_cle' => 'A keyword with this title already exists. Are you sure you want to create the same again?',
14 // B
15 'bouton_checkbox_qui_attribue_mot_cle_administrateurs' => 'site administrators',
16 'bouton_checkbox_qui_attribue_mot_cle_redacteurs' => 'editors',
17 'bouton_checkbox_qui_attribue_mot_cle_visiteurs' => 'visitors of the public site when they post a message in a forum.',
19 // C
20 'creer_et_associer_un_mot' => 'Create and assign a keyword',
22 // I
23 'icone_creation_groupe_mots' => 'Create a new keyword group',
24 'icone_creation_mots_cles' => 'Create a new keyword',
25 'icone_modif_groupe_mots' => 'Edit this keyword group',
26 'icone_modifier_mot' => 'Edit this keyword',
27 'icone_mots_cles' => 'Keywords',
28 'icone_supprimer_groupe_mots' => 'Delete this group',
29 'icone_voir_groupe_mots' => 'Show this keyword group',
30 'icone_voir_tous_mots_cles' => 'Show all keywords',
31 'info_1_groupe_mots' => '1 keyword group',
32 'info_articles_lies_mot' => 'Articles with this keyword',
33 'info_aucun_groupe_mots' => 'No keyword group',
34 'info_aucun_mot_cle' => 'No keywords',
35 'info_changer_nom_groupe' => 'Change the name of this group:',
36 'info_creation_mots_cles' => 'Create and configure site keywords here',
37 'info_dans_groupe' => 'In group:',
38 'info_delet_mots_cles' => 'You requested the deletion of keyword
39 <b>@titre_mot@</b> (@type_mot@). As this keyword is linked to
40 <b>@texte_lie@</b>you must confirm this decision:',
41 'info_groupe_important' => 'Important group',
42 'info_modifier_mot' => 'Edit the keyword:',
43 'info_mots_cles' => 'Keywords',
44 'info_mots_cles_association' => 'Keywords in this group can be associated with:',
45 'info_nb_groupe_mots' => '@nb@ keyword groups',
46 'info_oui_suppression_mot_cle' => 'I want to delete this keyword permanently.',
47 'info_question_mots_cles' => 'Do you wish to use keywords on your site?',
48 'info_qui_attribue_mot_cle' => 'Keywords in this group can be assigned by:',
49 'info_remplacer_mot' => 'Replace "@titre@"',
50 'info_retirer_mot' => 'Remove this keyword',
51 'info_retirer_mots' => 'Remove all keywords',
52 'info_rubriques_liees_mot' => 'Sections with this keyword',
53 'info_selection_un_seul_mot_cle' => 'You can select only <b>one keyword</b> at a time in this group.',
54 'info_supprimer_mot' => 'delete this keyword',
55 'info_titre_mot_cle' => 'Keyword name or title',
56 'info_un_mot' => 'One keyword at a time',
57 'item_ajout_mots_cles' => 'Allow the use of keywords in forums',
58 'item_non_ajout_mots_cles' => 'Do not allow use of keywords in forums',
59 'item_non_utiliser_config_groupe_mots_cles' => 'Do not use the advanced keyword group configuration',
60 'item_non_utiliser_mots_cles' => 'Do not use keywords',
61 'item_utiliser_config_groupe_mots_cles' => 'Use advanced configuration for keyword groups',
62 'item_utiliser_mots_cles' => 'Use keywords',
64 // L
65 'lien_ajouter_mot' => 'Add this keyword',
66 'logo_groupe' => 'LOGO FOR THIS GROUP',
67 'logo_mot_cle' => 'KEYWORD LOGO',
69 // T
70 'texte_config_groupe_mots_cles' => 'Do you want to activate advanced keyword configuration, e.g. to indicate that one unique word from the group may be used, that a group is important etc.?',
71 'texte_mots_cles' => 'Keywords allow you to create topical links between your articles
72 irrespective of their section. This can be used to
73 improve site navigability, or even as a tool
74 for customising site appearance in a template.',
75 'texte_mots_cles_dans_forum' => 'Do you want to let visitors select keywords in the public forums? (Warning: this option is rather difficult to use properly)',
76 'texte_nouveau_mot' => 'New keyword',
77 'titre_config_groupe_mots_cles' => 'Configuration of the keyword groups',
78 'titre_gauche_mots_edit' => 'KEYWORD NUMBER:',
79 'titre_groupe_mots' => 'Keyword group',
80 'titre_groupe_mots_numero' => 'KEYWORD GROUP NUMBER:',
81 'titre_groupes_mots' => 'Keyword groups',
82 'titre_mots_cles_dans_forum' => 'Keywords in the public site forums',
83 'titre_mots_tous' => 'Keywords',
84 'titre_nouveau_groupe' => 'New group',
85 'titre_objets_lies_mot' => 'Linked to that keyword:',
86 'titre_page_mots_tous' => 'Keywords'
87 );
89 ?>