[[nl:Onderwijs]] '''Education''' is a term which encompasses the teaching of specific [[skill]]s, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of [[knowledge]], good [[judgement]] and [[wisdom]]. Education begins the minute a baby is born and is life-long. For some, the struggles and triumphs of daily life are far more instructive than formal schooling (Thus Mark Twain: "I never let school interfere with my education.") [[Family]] members have an educational effect which is quite profound -- often more profound than they realize -- though family teaching techniques may be highly informal. Formal education occurs when society makes a commitment to educate people, usually the young. Formal education has the advantage of being fairly systematic and thorough; but critics have always noted that whoever sponsors formal education, be it a church, the state or some other group, that group will almost always seek to shape its impressionable scholars in that image. In recent years, life-long education has become far more widespread, and many adults have given up their notion that only children belong in school. However - the recent years of technology developments with portable computing devices may change some of the classical places where we do learn - OR where we find knowledge. In some places the learning can happen in real time as we need the knowledge itself. This is the computer based / networked learning stucture, where people contribute to each other's education. :Categories :[[Classical Education]] -- [[Reading]] -- [[Education/Math|Math]] -- [[Language education|Language]] -- [[Science education|Science]] -- [[Ethics]] -- [[Physical education]] -- [[Religious education]] :Formal education :[[Elementary education]] -- [[Secondary education]] -- [[Vocational education]] -- [[College education]] -- [[Graduate education]] -- [[Colleges and universities]] -- [[School choice]] :Educational policy :[[Literacy]] -- [[Standardized testing]] -- [[Education reform]] -- [[School choice]] :Informal education :[[Early instruction]] -- [[Home schooling]] :Theory and Methodology :[[Philosophy of education]]--[[Teaching method]] -- [[Instructional theory]]-- [[Learning theory]] -- [[Learning disability]] -- [[Instructional technology]] :Biographies :[[F. Matthias Alexander]] :[[John Dewey]] :[[Hermann Ebbinghaus]] :[[Maria Montessori]] :[[Ivan Pavlov]] :[[Plato]] :[[Jean-Jacques Rousseau]] :[[B.F. Skinner]]