[ RevisionRecord::SUPPRESSED_ALL, [ 'oversight' ], true, false ]; yield 'field accessible for oversighter' => [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED | $field, [ 'oversight' ], true, false ]; yield 'field not accessible for sysops (ALL)' => [ RevisionRecord::SUPPRESSED_ALL, [ 'sysop' ], false, false ]; yield 'field not accessible for sysops' => [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED | $field, [ 'sysop' ], false, false ]; yield 'field accessible for sysops' => [ $field, [ 'sysop' ], true, false ]; yield 'field suppressed for logged in users' => [ $field, [ 'user' ], false, false ]; yield 'unrelated field suppressed' => [ $field === RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT ? RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER : RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT, [ 'user' ], true, true ]; yield 'nothing suppressed' => [ 0, [ 'user' ], true, true ]; } public function testSerialization_fails() { $this->setExpectedException( LogicException::class ); $rev = $this->newRevision(); serialize( $rev ); } public function provideGetComment_audience() { return $this->provideAudienceCheckData( RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT ); } private function forceStandardPermissions() { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgGroupPermissions', [ 'user' => [ 'viewsuppressed' => false, 'suppressrevision' => false, 'deletedtext' => false, 'deletedhistory' => false, ], 'sysop' => [ 'viewsuppressed' => false, 'suppressrevision' => false, 'deletedtext' => true, 'deletedhistory' => true, ], 'oversight' => [ 'deletedtext' => true, 'deletedhistory' => true, 'viewsuppressed' => true, 'suppressrevision' => true, ], ] ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetComment_audience */ public function testGetComment_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan ) { $this->forceStandardPermissions(); $user = $this->getTestUser( $groups )->getUser(); $rev = $this->newRevision( [ 'rev_deleted' => $visibility ] ); $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getComment( RevisionRecord::RAW ), 'raw can' ); $this->assertSame( $publicCan, $rev->getComment( RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC ) !== null, 'public can' ); $this->assertSame( $userCan, $rev->getComment( RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user ) !== null, 'user can' ); } public function provideGetUser_audience() { return $this->provideAudienceCheckData( RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetUser_audience */ public function testGetUser_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan ) { $this->forceStandardPermissions(); $user = $this->getTestUser( $groups )->getUser(); $rev = $this->newRevision( [ 'rev_deleted' => $visibility ] ); $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getUser( RevisionRecord::RAW ), 'raw can' ); $this->assertSame( $publicCan, $rev->getUser( RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC ) !== null, 'public can' ); $this->assertSame( $userCan, $rev->getUser( RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user ) !== null, 'user can' ); } public function provideGetSlot_audience() { return $this->provideAudienceCheckData( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetSlot_audience */ public function testGetSlot_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan ) { $this->forceStandardPermissions(); $user = $this->getTestUser( $groups )->getUser(); $rev = $this->newRevision( [ 'rev_deleted' => $visibility ] ); // NOTE: slot meta-data is never suppressed, just the content is! $this->assertTrue( $rev->hasSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN ), 'hasSlot is never suppressed' ); $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW ), 'raw meta' ); $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC ), 'public meta' ); $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user ), 'user can' ); try { $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC )->getContent(); $exception = null; } catch ( SuppressedDataException $ex ) { $exception = $ex; } $this->assertSame( $publicCan, $exception === null, 'public can' ); try { $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user )->getContent(); $exception = null; } catch ( SuppressedDataException $ex ) { $exception = $ex; } $this->assertSame( $userCan, $exception === null, 'user can' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetSlot_audience */ public function testGetContent_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan ) { $this->forceStandardPermissions(); $user = $this->getTestUser( $groups )->getUser(); $rev = $this->newRevision( [ 'rev_deleted' => $visibility ] ); $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW ), 'raw can' ); $this->assertSame( $publicCan, $rev->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC ) !== null, 'public can' ); $this->assertSame( $userCan, $rev->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user ) !== null, 'user can' ); } public function testGetSlot() { $rev = $this->newRevision(); $slot = $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN ); $this->assertNotNull( $slot, 'getSlot()' ); $this->assertSame( 'main', $slot->getRole(), 'getRole()' ); } public function testHasSlot() { $rev = $this->newRevision(); $this->assertTrue( $rev->hasSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN ) ); $this->assertFalse( $rev->hasSlot( 'xyz' ) ); } public function testGetContent() { $rev = $this->newRevision(); $content = $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN ); $this->assertNotNull( $content, 'getContent()' ); $this->assertSame( CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT, $content->getModel(), 'getModel()' ); } public function provideUserCanBitfield() { yield [ 0, 0, [], null, true ]; // Bitfields match, user has no permissions yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, [], null, false ]; yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT, RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT, [], null, false, ]; yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER, RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER, [], null, false ]; yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED, RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED, [], null, false, ]; // Bitfields match, user (admin) does have permissions yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, [ 'sysop' ], null, true, ]; yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT, RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT, [ 'sysop' ], null, true, ]; yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER, RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER, [ 'sysop' ], null, true, ]; // Bitfields match, user (admin) does not have permissions yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED, RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED, [ 'sysop' ], null, false, ]; // Bitfields match, user (oversight) does have permissions yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED, RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED, [ 'oversight' ], null, true, ]; // Check permissions using the title yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, [ 'sysop' ], __METHOD__, true, ]; yield [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, [], __METHOD__, false, ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideUserCanBitfield * @covers \MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionRecord::userCanBitfield */ public function testUserCanBitfield( $bitField, $field, $userGroups, $title, $expected ) { if ( is_string( $title ) ) { // NOTE: Data providers cannot instantiate Title objects! See T202641. $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); } $this->forceStandardPermissions(); $user = $this->getTestUser( $userGroups )->getUser(); $this->assertSame( $expected, RevisionRecord::userCanBitfield( $bitField, $field, $user, $title ) ); } public function provideHasSameContent() { // Create some slots with content $mainA = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( SlotRecord::MAIN, new TextContent( 'A' ) ); $mainB = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( SlotRecord::MAIN, new TextContent( 'B' ) ); $auxA = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'aux', new TextContent( 'A' ) ); $auxB = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'aux', new TextContent( 'A' ) ); $initialRecordSpec = [ [ $mainA ], 12 ]; return [ 'same record object' => [ true, $initialRecordSpec, $initialRecordSpec, ], 'same record content, different object' => [ true, [ [ $mainA ], 12 ], [ [ $mainA ], 13 ], ], 'same record content, aux slot, different object' => [ true, [ [ $auxA ], 12 ], [ [ $auxB ], 13 ], ], 'different content' => [ false, [ [ $mainA ], 12 ], [ [ $mainB ], 13 ], ], 'different content and number of slots' => [ false, [ [ $mainA ], 12 ], [ [ $mainA, $mainB ], 13 ], ], ]; } /** * @note Do not call directly from a data provider! Data providers cannot instantiate * Title objects! See T202641. * * @param SlotRecord[] $slots * @param int $revId * @return RevisionStoreRecord */ private function makeHasSameContentTestRecord( array $slots, $revId ) { $title = Title::newFromText( 'provideHasSameContent' ); $title->resetArticleID( 19 ); $slots = new RevisionSlots( $slots ); return new RevisionStoreRecord( $title, new UserIdentityValue( 11, __METHOD__, 0 ), CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( __METHOD__ ), (object)[ 'rev_id' => strval( $revId ), 'rev_page' => strval( $title->getArticleID() ), 'rev_timestamp' => '20200101000000', 'rev_deleted' => 0, 'rev_minor_edit' => 0, 'rev_parent_id' => '5', 'rev_len' => $slots->computeSize(), 'rev_sha1' => $slots->computeSha1(), 'page_latest' => '18', ], $slots ); } /** * @dataProvider provideHasSameContent * @covers \MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionRecord::hasSameContent * @group Database */ public function testHasSameContent( $expected, $recordSpec1, $recordSpec2 ) { $record1 = $this->makeHasSameContentTestRecord( ...$recordSpec1 ); $record2 = $this->makeHasSameContentTestRecord( ...$recordSpec2 ); $this->assertSame( $expected, $record1->hasSameContent( $record2 ) ); } public function provideIsDeleted() { yield 'no deletion' => [ 0, [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT => false, RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT => false, RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER => false, RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED => false, ] ]; yield 'text deleted' => [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT => true, RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT => false, RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER => false, RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED => false, ] ]; yield 'text and comment deleted' => [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT + RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT, [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT => true, RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT => true, RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER => false, RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED => false, ] ]; yield 'all 4 deleted' => [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT + RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT + RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED + RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER, [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT => true, RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT => true, RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER => true, RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED => true, ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideIsDeleted * @covers \MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionRecord::isDeleted */ public function testIsDeleted( $revDeleted, $assertionMap ) { $rev = $this->newRevision( [ 'rev_deleted' => $revDeleted ] ); foreach ( $assertionMap as $deletionLevel => $expected ) { $this->assertSame( $expected, $rev->isDeleted( $deletionLevel ) ); } } public function testIsReadyForInsertion() { $rev = $this->newRevision(); $this->assertTrue( $rev->isReadyForInsertion() ); } }