getBindingHandle(); if ( $this->getFlag( self::DBO_NOBUFFER ) ) { $ret = $conn->query( $sql, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT ); } else { $ret = $conn->query( $sql ); } return $ret; } /** * @param string $realServer * @param string|null $dbName * @return mysqli|null * @throws DBConnectionError */ protected function mysqlConnect( $realServer, $dbName ) { if ( !function_exists( 'mysqli_init' ) ) { throw $this->newExceptionAfterConnectError( "MySQLi functions missing, have you compiled PHP with the --with-mysqli option?" ); } // Other than mysql_connect, mysqli_real_connect expects an explicit port number // e.g. "localhost:1234" or "" // or Unix domain socket path // e.g. "localhost:/socket_path" or "localhost:/foo/bar:bar:bar" // colons are known to be used by Google AppEngine, // see // // We need to parse the port or socket path out of $realServer $port = null; $socket = null; $hostAndPort = IP::splitHostAndPort( $realServer ); if ( $hostAndPort ) { $realServer = $hostAndPort[0]; if ( $hostAndPort[1] ) { $port = $hostAndPort[1]; } } elseif ( substr_count( $realServer, ':/' ) == 1 ) { // If we have a colon slash instead of a colon and a port number // after the ip or hostname, assume it's the Unix domain socket path list( $realServer, $socket ) = explode( ':', $realServer, 2 ); } $mysqli = mysqli_init(); // Make affectedRows() for UPDATE reflect the number of matching rows, regardless // of whether any column values changed. This is what callers want to know and is // consistent with what Postgres, SQLite, and SQL Server return. $connFlags = MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS; if ( $this->getFlag( self::DBO_SSL ) ) { $connFlags |= MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL; $mysqli->ssl_set( $this->sslKeyPath, $this->sslCertPath, $this->sslCAFile, $this->sslCAPath, $this->sslCiphers ); } if ( $this->getFlag( self::DBO_COMPRESS ) ) { $connFlags |= MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS; } if ( $this->getFlag( self::DBO_PERSISTENT ) ) { $realServer = 'p:' . $realServer; } if ( $this->utf8Mode ) { // Tell the server we're communicating with it in UTF-8. // This may engage various charset conversions. $mysqli->options( MYSQLI_SET_CHARSET_NAME, 'utf8' ); } else { $mysqli->options( MYSQLI_SET_CHARSET_NAME, 'binary' ); } $mysqli->options( MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 3 ); if ( $mysqli->real_connect( $realServer, $this->user, $this->password, $dbName, $port, $socket, $connFlags ) ) { return $mysqli; } return null; } /** * @return bool */ protected function closeConnection() { $conn = $this->getBindingHandle(); return $conn->close(); } /** * @return int */ function insertId() { $conn = $this->getBindingHandle(); return (int)$conn->insert_id; } /** * @return int */ function lastErrno() { if ( $this->conn instanceof mysqli ) { return $this->conn->errno; } else { return mysqli_connect_errno(); } } /** * @return int */ protected function fetchAffectedRowCount() { $conn = $this->getBindingHandle(); return $conn->affected_rows; } /** * @param mysqli_result $res * @return bool */ protected function mysqlFreeResult( $res ) { $res->free_result(); return true; } /** * @param mysqli_result $res * @return stdClass|bool */ protected function mysqlFetchObject( $res ) { $object = $res->fetch_object(); if ( $object === null ) { return false; } return $object; } /** * @param mysqli_result $res * @return array|false */ protected function mysqlFetchArray( $res ) { $array = $res->fetch_array(); if ( $array === null ) { return false; } return $array; } /** * @param mysqli_result $res * @return mixed */ protected function mysqlNumRows( $res ) { return $res->num_rows; } /** * @param mysqli_result $res * @return mixed */ protected function mysqlNumFields( $res ) { return $res->field_count; } /** * @param mysqli_result $res * @param int $n * @return mixed */ protected function mysqlFetchField( $res, $n ) { $field = $res->fetch_field_direct( $n ); // Add missing properties to result (using flags property) // which will be part of function mysql-fetch-field for backward compatibility $field->not_null = $field->flags & MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG; $field->primary_key = $field->flags & MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG; $field->unique_key = $field->flags & MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG; $field->multiple_key = $field->flags & MYSQLI_MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG; $field->binary = $field->flags & MYSQLI_BINARY_FLAG; $field->numeric = $field->flags & MYSQLI_NUM_FLAG; $field->blob = $field->flags & MYSQLI_BLOB_FLAG; $field->unsigned = $field->flags & MYSQLI_UNSIGNED_FLAG; $field->zerofill = $field->flags & MYSQLI_ZEROFILL_FLAG; return $field; } /** * @param mysqli_result $res * @param int $n * @return mixed */ protected function mysqlFieldName( $res, $n ) { $field = $res->fetch_field_direct( $n ); return $field->name; } /** * @param mysqli_result $res * @param int $n * @return mixed */ protected function mysqlFieldType( $res, $n ) { $field = $res->fetch_field_direct( $n ); return $field->type; } /** * @param mysqli_result $res * @param int $row * @return mixed */ protected function mysqlDataSeek( $res, $row ) { return $res->data_seek( $row ); } /** * @param mysqli|null $conn Optional connection object * @return string */ protected function mysqlError( $conn = null ) { if ( $conn === null ) { return mysqli_connect_error(); } else { return $conn->error; } } /** * Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement * @param string $s * @return string */ protected function mysqlRealEscapeString( $s ) { $conn = $this->getBindingHandle(); return $conn->real_escape_string( (string)$s ); } /** * @return mysqli */ protected function getBindingHandle() { return parent::getBindingHandle(); } } /** * @deprecated since 1.29 */ class_alias( DatabaseMysqli::class, 'DatabaseMysqli' );