mData = $data; } function getData() { return $this->mData; } } /** * The oci8 extension is fairly weak and doesn't support oci_num_rows, among * other things. We use a wrapper class to handle that and other * Oracle-specific bits, like converting column names back to lowercase. * @ingroup Database */ class ORAResult { private $rows; private $cursor; private $stmt; private $nrows; private $unique; private function array_unique_md($array_in) { $array_out = array(); $array_hashes = array(); foreach($array_in as $key => $item) { $hash = md5(serialize($item)); if (!isset($array_hashes[$hash])) { $array_hashes[$hash] = $hash; $array_out[] = $item; } } return $array_out; } function __construct(&$db, $stmt, $unique = false) { $this->db =& $db; if (($this->nrows = oci_fetch_all($stmt, $this->rows, 0, -1, OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW | OCI_NUM)) === false) { $e = oci_error($stmt); $db->reportQueryError($e['message'], $e['code'], '', __FUNCTION__); return; } if ($unique) { $this->rows = $this->array_unique_md($this->rows); $this->nrows = count($this->rows); } $this->cursor = 0; $this->stmt = $stmt; } public function free() { oci_free_statement($this->stmt); } public function seek($row) { $this->cursor = min($row, $this->nrows); } public function numRows() { return $this->nrows; } public function numFields() { return oci_num_fields($this->stmt); } public function fetchObject() { if ($this->cursor >= $this->nrows) return false; $row = $this->rows[$this->cursor++]; $ret = new stdClass(); foreach ($row as $k => $v) { $lc = strtolower(oci_field_name($this->stmt, $k + 1)); $ret->$lc = $v; } return $ret; } public function fetchRow() { if ($this->cursor >= $this->nrows) return false; $row = $this->rows[$this->cursor++]; $ret = array(); foreach ($row as $k => $v) { $lc = strtolower(oci_field_name($this->stmt, $k + 1)); $ret[$lc] = $v; $ret[$k] = $v; } return $ret; } } /** * Utility class. * @ingroup Database */ class ORAField { private $name, $tablename, $default, $max_length, $nullable, $is_pk, $is_unique, $is_multiple, $is_key, $type; function __construct($info) { $this->name = $info['column_name']; $this->tablename = $info['table_name']; $this->default = $info['data_default']; $this->max_length = $info['data_length']; $this->nullable = $info['not_null']; $this->is_pk = isset($info['prim']) && $info['prim'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $this->is_unique = isset($info['uniq']) && $info['uniq'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $this->is_multiple = isset($info['nonuniq']) && $info['nonuniq'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $this->is_key = ($this->is_pk || $this->is_unique || $this->is_multiple); $this->type = $info['data_type']; } function name() { return $this->name; } function tableName() { return $this->tablename; } function defaultValue() { return $this->default; } function maxLength() { return $this->max_length; } function nullable() { return $this->nullable; } function isKey() { return $this->is_key; } function isMultipleKey() { return $this->is_multiple; } function type() { return $this->type; } } /** * @ingroup Database */ class DatabaseOracle extends DatabaseBase { var $mInsertId = NULL; var $mLastResult = NULL; var $numeric_version = NULL; var $lastResult = null; var $cursor = 0; var $mAffectedRows; var $ignore_DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX = false; var $sequenceData = null; function DatabaseOracle($server = false, $user = false, $password = false, $dbName = false, $failFunction = false, $flags = 0, $tablePrefix = 'get from global' ) { $tablePrefix = $tablePrefix == 'get from global' ? $tablePrefix : strtoupper($tablePrefix); parent::__construct($server, $user, $password, $dbName, $failFunction, $flags, $tablePrefix); wfRunHooks( 'DatabaseOraclePostInit', array(&$this)); } function cascadingDeletes() { return true; } function cleanupTriggers() { return true; } function strictIPs() { return true; } function realTimestamps() { return true; } function implicitGroupby() { return false; } function implicitOrderby() { return false; } function searchableIPs() { return true; } static function newFromParams( $server = false, $user = false, $password = false, $dbName = false, $failFunction = false, $flags = 0) { return new DatabaseOracle( $server, $user, $password, $dbName, $failFunction, $flags ); } /** * Usually aborts on failure * If the failFunction is set to a non-zero integer, returns success */ function open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName ) { if ( !function_exists( 'oci_connect' ) ) { throw new DBConnectionError( $this, "Oracle functions missing, have you compiled PHP with the --with-oci8 option?\n (Note: if you recently installed PHP, you may need to restart your webserver and database)\n" ); } putenv("NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8"); $this->close(); $this->mServer = $server; $this->mUser = $user; $this->mPassword = $password; $this->mDBname = $dbName; if (!strlen($user)) { ## e.g. the class is being loaded return; } //error_reporting( E_ALL ); //whoever had this bright idea $session_mode = $this->mFlags & DBO_SYSDBA ? OCI_SYSDBA : OCI_DEFAULT; if ( $this->mFlags & DBO_DEFAULT ) $this->mConn = oci_new_connect($user, $password, $dbName, null, $session_mode); else $this->mConn = oci_connect($user, $password, $dbName, null, $session_mode); if ($this->mConn == false) { wfDebug("DB connection error\n"); wfDebug("Server: $server, Database: $dbName, User: $user, Password: " . substr( $password, 0, 3 ) . "...\n"); wfDebug($this->lastError()."\n"); return false; } $this->mOpened = true; #removed putenv calls because they interfere with the system globaly $this->doQuery('ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT=\'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF6\''); $this->doQuery('ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT=\'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF6\''); return $this->mConn; } /** * Closes a database connection, if it is open * Returns success, true if already closed */ function close() { $this->mOpened = false; if ( $this->mConn ) { return oci_close( $this->mConn ); } else { return true; } } function execFlags() { return $this->mTrxLevel ? OCI_DEFAULT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS; } function doQuery($sql) { wfDebug("SQL: [$sql]\n"); if (!mb_check_encoding($sql)) { throw new MWException("SQL encoding is invalid"); } //handle some oracle specifics //remove AS column/table/subquery namings $sql = preg_replace('/ as /i', ' ', $sql); // Oracle has issues with UNION clause if the statement includes LOB fields // So we do a UNION ALL and then filter the results array with array_unique $union_unique = (preg_match('/\/\* UNION_UNIQUE \*\/ /', $sql) != 0); //EXPLAIN syntax in Oracle is EXPLAIN PLAN FOR and it return nothing //you have to select data from plan table after explain $explain_id = date('dmYHis'); $sql = preg_replace('/^EXPLAIN /', 'EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID = \''.$explain_id.'\' FOR', $sql, 1, $explain_count); if (($this->mLastResult = $stmt = oci_parse($this->mConn, $sql)) === false) { $e = oci_error($this->mConn); $this->reportQueryError($e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __FUNCTION__); } $olderr = error_reporting(E_ERROR); if (oci_execute($stmt, $this->execFlags()) == false) { $e = oci_error($stmt); if (!$this->ignore_DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX || $e['code'] != '1') $this->reportQueryError($e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __FUNCTION__); } error_reporting($olderr); if ($explain_count > 0) { return $this->doQuery('SELECT id, cardinality "ROWS" FROM plan_table WHERE statement_id = \''.$explain_id.'\''); } elseif (oci_statement_type($stmt) == "SELECT") { return new ORAResult($this, $stmt, $union_unique); } else { $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows($stmt); return true; } } function queryIgnore($sql, $fname = '') { return $this->query($sql, $fname, true); } function freeResult($res) { if ( $res instanceof ORAResult ) { $res->free(); } else { $res->result->free(); } } function fetchObject($res) { if ( $res instanceof ORAResult ) { return $res->numRows(); } else { return $res->result->fetchObject(); } } function fetchRow($res) { if ( $res instanceof ORAResult ) { return $res->fetchRow(); } else { return $res->result->fetchRow(); } } function numRows($res) { if ( $res instanceof ORAResult ) { return $res->numRows(); } else { return $res->result->numRows(); } } function numFields($res) { if ( $res instanceof ORAResult ) { return $res->numFields(); } else { return $res->result->numFields(); } } function fieldName($stmt, $n) { return oci_field_name($stmt, $n); } /** * This must be called after nextSequenceVal */ function insertId() { return $this->mInsertId; } function dataSeek($res, $row) { if ( $res instanceof ORAResult ) { $res->seek($row); } else { $res->result->seek($row); } } function lastError() { if ($this->mConn === false) $e = oci_error(); else $e = oci_error($this->mConn); return $e['message']; } function lastErrno() { if ($this->mConn === false) $e = oci_error(); else $e = oci_error($this->mConn); return $e['code']; } function affectedRows() { return $this->mAffectedRows; } /** * Returns information about an index * If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure */ function indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname = 'DatabaseOracle::indexExists' ) { return false; } function indexUnique ($table, $index, $fname = 'DatabaseOracle::indexUnique' ) { return false; } function insert( $table, $a, $fname = 'DatabaseOracle::insert', $options = array() ) { if ( !count( $a ) ) return true; if (!is_array($options)) $options = array($options); if (in_array('IGNORE', $options)) $this->ignore_DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX = true; if (!is_array(reset($a))) { $a = array($a); } foreach ($a as $row) { $this->insertOneRow($table, $row, $fname); } $retVal = true; if (in_array('IGNORE', $options)) $this->ignore_DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX = false; return $retVal; } function insertOneRow($table, $row, $fname) { global $wgLang; // "INSERT INTO tables (a, b, c)" $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->tableName($table) . " (" . join(',', array_keys($row)) . ')'; $sql .= " VALUES ("; // for each value, append ":key" $first = true; foreach ($row as $col => $val) { if ($first) $sql .= ':'.$col; else $sql.= ', :'.$col; $first = false; } $sql .= ')'; $stmt = oci_parse($this->mConn, $sql); foreach ($row as $col => $val) { if (!is_object($val)) { if (oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":$col", $row[$col]) === false) $this->reportQueryError($this->lastErrno(), $this->lastError(), $sql, __METHOD__); } } $stmt = oci_parse($this->mConn, $sql); foreach ($row as $col => $val) { $col_type=$this->fieldInfo($this->tableName($table), $col)->type(); if ($col_type != 'BLOB' && $col_type != 'CLOB') { if (is_object($val)) $val = $val->getData(); if (preg_match('/^timestamp.*/i', $col_type) == 1 && strtolower($val) == 'infinity') $val = '31-12-2030 12:00:00.000000'; if (oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":$col", $wgLang->checkTitleEncoding($val)) === false) $this->reportQueryError($this->lastErrno(), $this->lastError(), $sql, __METHOD__); } else { if (($lob[$col] = oci_new_descriptor($this->mConn, OCI_D_LOB)) === false) { $e = oci_error($stmt); throw new DBUnexpectedError($this, "Cannot create LOB descriptor: " . $e['message']); } if (is_object($val)) { $lob[$col]->writeTemporary($val->getData()); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":$col", $lob[$col], -1, SQLT_BLOB); } else { $lob[$col]->writeTemporary($val); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":$col", $lob[$col], -1, OCI_B_CLOB); } } } $olderr = error_reporting(E_ERROR); if (oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT) === false) { $e = oci_error($stmt); if (!$this->ignore_DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX || $e['code'] != '1') $this->reportQueryError($e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__); else $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows($stmt); } else $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows($stmt); error_reporting($olderr); if (isset($lob)){ foreach ($lob as $lob_i => $lob_v) { $lob_v->free(); } } if (!$this->mTrxLevel) oci_commit($this->mConn); oci_free_statement($stmt); } function insertSelect( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname = 'DatabaseOracle::insertSelect', $insertOptions = array(), $selectOptions = array() ) { $destTable = $this->tableName( $destTable ); if( !is_array( $selectOptions ) ) { $selectOptions = array( $selectOptions ); } list( $startOpts, $useIndex, $tailOpts ) = $this->makeSelectOptions( $selectOptions ); if( is_array( $srcTable ) ) { $srcTable = implode( ',', array_map( array( &$this, 'tableName' ), $srcTable ) ); } else { $srcTable = $this->tableName( $srcTable ); } if (($sequenceData = $this->getSequenceData($destTable)) !== false && !isset($varMap[$sequenceData['column']])) $varMap[$sequenceData['column']] = 'GET_SEQUENCE_VALUE(\''.$sequenceData['sequence'].'\')'; // count-alias subselect fields to avoid abigious definition errors $i=0; foreach($varMap as $key=>&$val) $val=$val.' field'.($i++); $sql = "INSERT INTO $destTable (" . implode( ',', array_keys( $varMap ) ) . ')' . " SELECT $startOpts " . implode( ',', $varMap ) . " FROM $srcTable $useIndex "; if ( $conds != '*' ) { $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $this->makeList( $conds, LIST_AND ); } $sql .= " $tailOpts"; if (in_array('IGNORE', $insertOptions)) $this->ignore_DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX = true; $retval = $this->query( $sql, $fname ); if (in_array('IGNORE', $insertOptions)) $this->ignore_DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX = false; return $retval; } function tableName( $name ) { global $wgSharedDB, $wgSharedPrefix, $wgSharedTables; /* Replace reserved words with better ones Useing uppercase, because that's the only way oracle can handle quoted tablenames */ switch( $name ) { case 'user': $name = 'MWUSER'; break; case 'text': $name = 'PAGECONTENT'; break; } /* The rest of procedure is equal to generic Databse class except for the quoting style */ if ( $name[0] == '"' && substr( $name, -1, 1 ) == '"' ) return $name; if( preg_match( '/(^|\s)(DISTINCT|JOIN|ON|AS)(\s|$)/i', $name ) !== 0 ) return $name; $dbDetails = array_reverse( explode( '.', $name, 2 ) ); if( isset( $dbDetails[1] ) ) @list( $table, $database ) = $dbDetails; else @list( $table ) = $dbDetails; $prefix = $this->mTablePrefix; if( isset($database) ) $table = ( $table[0] == '`' ? $table : "`{$table}`" ); if( !isset( $database ) && isset( $wgSharedDB ) && $table[0] != '"' && isset( $wgSharedTables ) && is_array( $wgSharedTables ) && in_array( $table, $wgSharedTables ) ) { $database = $wgSharedDB; $prefix = isset( $wgSharedPrefix ) ? $wgSharedPrefix : $prefix; } if( isset($database) ) $database = ( $database[0] == '"' ? $database : "\"{$database}\"" ); $table = ( $table[0] == '"' ? $table : "\"{$prefix}{$table}\"" ); $tableName = ( isset($database) ? "{$database}.{$table}" : "{$table}" ); return strtoupper($tableName); } /** * Return the next in a sequence, save the value for retrieval via insertId() */ function nextSequenceValue($seqName) { $res = $this->query("SELECT $seqName.nextval FROM dual"); $row = $this->fetchRow($res); $this->mInsertId = $row[0]; $this->freeResult($res); return $this->mInsertId; } /** * Return sequence_name if table has a sequence */ function getSequenceData($table) { if ($this->sequenceData == NULL) { $result = $this->query("SELECT lower(us.sequence_name), lower(utc.table_name), lower(utc.column_name) from user_sequences us, user_tab_columns utc where us.sequence_name = utc.table_name||'_'||utc.column_name||'_SEQ'"); while(($row = $result->fetchRow()) !== false) $this->sequenceData[$this->tableName($row[1])] = array('sequence' => $row[0], 'column' => $row[2]); } return (isset($this->sequenceData[$table])) ? $this->sequenceData[$table] : false; } # REPLACE query wrapper # Oracle simulates this with a DELETE followed by INSERT # $row is the row to insert, an associative array # $uniqueIndexes is an array of indexes. Each element may be either a # field name or an array of field names # # It may be more efficient to leave off unique indexes which are unlikely to collide. # However if you do this, you run the risk of encountering errors which wouldn't have # occurred in MySQL function replace( $table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, $fname = 'DatabaseOracle::replace' ) { $table = $this->tableName($table); if (count($rows)==0) { return; } # Single row case if (!is_array(reset($rows))) { $rows = array($rows); } foreach( $rows as $row ) { # Delete rows which collide if ( $uniqueIndexes ) { $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE "; $first = true; foreach ( $uniqueIndexes as $index ) { if ( $first ) { $first = false; $sql .= "("; } else { $sql .= ') OR ('; } if ( is_array( $index ) ) { $first2 = true; foreach ( $index as $col ) { if ( $first2 ) { $first2 = false; } else { $sql .= ' AND '; } $sql .= $col.'=' . $this->addQuotes( $row[$col] ); } } else { $sql .= $index.'=' . $this->addQuotes( $row[$index] ); } } $sql .= ')'; $this->query( $sql, $fname ); } # Now insert the row $this->insert( $table, $row, $fname ); } } # DELETE where the condition is a join function deleteJoin( $delTable, $joinTable, $delVar, $joinVar, $conds, $fname = "DatabaseOracle::deleteJoin" ) { if ( !$conds ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError($this, 'DatabaseOracle::deleteJoin() called with empty $conds' ); } $delTable = $this->tableName( $delTable ); $joinTable = $this->tableName( $joinTable ); $sql = "DELETE FROM $delTable WHERE $delVar IN (SELECT $joinVar FROM $joinTable "; if ( $conds != '*' ) { $sql .= 'WHERE ' . $this->makeList( $conds, LIST_AND ); } $sql .= ')'; $this->query( $sql, $fname ); } # Returns the size of a text field, or -1 for "unlimited" function textFieldSize( $table, $field ) { $table = $this->tableName( $table ); $sql = "SELECT t.typname as ftype,a.atttypmod as size FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE relname='$table' AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid and a.attname='$field'"; $res =$this->query($sql); $row=$this->fetchObject($res); if ($row->ftype=="varchar") { $size=$row->size-4; } else { $size=$row->size; } $this->freeResult( $res ); return $size; } function limitResult($sql, $limit, $offset) { if ($offset === false) $offset = 0; return "SELECT * FROM ($sql) WHERE rownum >= (1 + $offset) AND rownum < (1 + $limit + $offset)"; } function unionQueries($sqls, $all = false) { $glue = ' UNION ALL '; return 'SELECT * '.($all?'':'/* UNION_UNIQUE */ ').'FROM ('.implode( $glue, $sqls ).')' ; } function wasDeadlock() { return $this->lastErrno() == 'OCI-00060'; } function timestamp($ts = 0) { return wfTimestamp(TS_ORACLE, $ts); } /** * Return aggregated value function call */ function aggregateValue ($valuedata,$valuename='value') { return $valuedata; } function reportQueryError($error, $errno, $sql, $fname, $tempIgnore = false) { # Ignore errors during error handling to avoid infinite # recursion $ignore = $this->ignoreErrors(true); ++$this->mErrorCount; if ($ignore || $tempIgnore) { //echo "error ignored! query = [$sql]\n"; wfDebug("SQL ERROR (ignored): $error\n"); $this->ignoreErrors( $ignore ); } else { //echo "error!\n"; $message = "A database error has occurred\n" . "Query: $sql\n" . "Function: $fname\n" . "Error: $errno $error\n"; throw new DBUnexpectedError($this, $message); } } /** * @return string wikitext of a link to the server software's web site */ function getSoftwareLink() { return "[ Oracle]"; } /** * @return string Version information from the database */ function getServerVersion() { return oci_server_version($this->mConn); } /** * Query whether a given table exists (in the given schema, or the default mw one if not given) */ function tableExists($table) { $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM user_tables WHERE table_name='$table'"; $res = $this->doQuery($SQL); if ($res) { $count = $res->numRows(); $res->free(); } else { $count = 0; } return $count; } /** * Query whether a given column exists in the mediawiki schema * based on prebuilt table to simulate MySQL field info and keep query speed minimal */ function fieldExists( $table, $field ) { if (!isset($this->fieldInfo_stmt)) $this->fieldInfo_stmt = oci_parse($this->mConn, 'SELECT * FROM wiki_field_info_full WHERE table_name = upper(:tab) and column_name = UPPER(:col)'); oci_bind_by_name($this->fieldInfo_stmt, ':tab', trim($table, '"')); oci_bind_by_name($this->fieldInfo_stmt, ':col', $field); if (oci_execute($this->fieldInfo_stmt, OCI_DEFAULT) === false) { $e = oci_error($this->fieldInfo_stmt); $this->reportQueryError($e['message'], $e['code'], 'fieldInfo QUERY', __METHOD__); return false; } $res = new ORAResult($this,$this->fieldInfo_stmt); return $res->numRows() != 0; } function fieldInfo( $table, $field ) { if (!isset($this->fieldInfo_stmt)) $this->fieldInfo_stmt = oci_parse($this->mConn, 'SELECT * FROM wiki_field_info_full WHERE table_name = upper(:tab) and column_name = UPPER(:col)'); oci_bind_by_name($this->fieldInfo_stmt, ':tab', trim($table, '"')); oci_bind_by_name($this->fieldInfo_stmt, ':col', $field); if (oci_execute($this->fieldInfo_stmt, OCI_DEFAULT) === false) { $e = oci_error($this->fieldInfo_stmt); $this->reportQueryError($e['message'], $e['code'], 'fieldInfo QUERY', __METHOD__); return false; } $res = new ORAResult($this,$this->fieldInfo_stmt); return new ORAField($res->fetchRow()); } function begin( $fname = '' ) { $this->mTrxLevel = 1; } function immediateCommit( $fname = '' ) { return true; } function commit( $fname = '' ) { oci_commit($this->mConn); $this->mTrxLevel = 0; } /* Not even sure why this is used in the main codebase... */ function limitResultForUpdate($sql, $num) { return $sql; } /* defines must comply with ^define\s*([^\s=]*)\s*=\s?'\{\$([^\}]*)\}'; */ function sourceStream( $fp, $lineCallback = false, $resultCallback = false ) { $cmd = ""; $done = false; $dollarquote = false; $replacements = array(); while ( ! feof( $fp ) ) { if ( $lineCallback ) { call_user_func( $lineCallback ); } $line = trim( fgets( $fp, 1024 ) ); $sl = strlen( $line ) - 1; if ( $sl < 0 ) { continue; } if ( '-' == $line{0} && '-' == $line{1} ) { continue; } // Allow dollar quoting for function declarations if (substr($line,0,8) == '/*$mw$*/') { if ($dollarquote) { $dollarquote = false; $done = true; } else { $dollarquote = true; } } else if (!$dollarquote) { if ( ';' == $line{$sl} && ($sl < 2 || ';' != $line{$sl - 1})) { $done = true; $line = substr( $line, 0, $sl ); } } if ( '' != $cmd ) { $cmd .= ' '; } $cmd .= "$line\n"; if ( $done ) { $cmd = str_replace(';;', ";", $cmd); if (strtolower(substr($cmd, 0, 6)) == 'define' ) { if (preg_match('/^define\s*([^\s=]*)\s*=\s*\'\{\$([^\}]*)\}\'/', $cmd, $defines)) { $replacements[$defines[2]] = $defines[1]; } } else { foreach ( $replacements as $mwVar=>$scVar ) { $cmd = str_replace( '&' . $scVar . '.', '{$'.$mwVar.'}', $cmd ); } $cmd = $this->replaceVars( $cmd ); $res = $this->query( $cmd, __METHOD__ ); if ( $resultCallback ) { call_user_func( $resultCallback, $res, $this ); } if ( false === $res ) { $err = $this->lastError(); return "Query \"{$cmd}\" failed with error code \"$err\".\n"; } } $cmd = ''; $done = false; } } return true; } function setup_database() { global $wgVersion, $wgDBmwschema, $wgDBts2schema, $wgDBport, $wgDBuser; echo "
  • Creating DB objects
  • \n"; $res = $this->sourceFile( "../maintenance/ora/tables.sql" ); // Avoid the non-standard "REPLACE INTO" syntax echo "
  • Populating table interwiki
  • \n"; $f = fopen( "../maintenance/interwiki.sql", 'r' ); if ($f == false ) { dieout( "
  • Could not find the interwiki.sql file
  • "); } //do it like the postgres :D $SQL = "INSERT INTO interwiki(iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES "; while ( ! feof( $f ) ) { $line = fgets($f,1024); $matches = array(); if (!preg_match('/^\s*(\(.+?),(\d)\)/', $line, $matches)) { continue; } $this->query("$SQL $matches[1],$matches[2])"); } echo "
  • Table interwiki successfully populated
  • \n"; } function strencode($s) { return str_replace("'", "''", $s); } function encodeBlob($b) { return new ORABlob($b); } function decodeBlob($b) { return $b; //return $b->load(); } function addQuotes( $s ) { global $wgLang; if (isset($wgLang->mLoaded) && $wgLang->mLoaded) $s = $wgLang->checkTitleEncoding($s); return "'" . $this->strencode($s) . "'"; } function quote_ident( $s ) { return $s; } function selectRow( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname = 'DatabaseOracle::selectRow', $options = array(), $join_conds = array() ) { if (is_array($table)) foreach ($table as $tab) $tab = $this->tableName($tab); else $table = $this->tableName($table); return parent::selectRow($table, $vars, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds); } /** * Returns an optional USE INDEX clause to go after the table, and a * string to go at the end of the query * * @private * * @param $options Array: an associative array of options to be turned into * an SQL query, valid keys are listed in the function. * @return array */ function makeSelectOptions( $options ) { $preLimitTail = $postLimitTail = ''; $startOpts = ''; $noKeyOptions = array(); foreach ( $options as $key => $option ) { if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) { $noKeyOptions[$option] = true; } } if ( isset( $options['GROUP BY'] ) ) $preLimitTail .= " GROUP BY {$options['GROUP BY']}"; if ( isset( $options['ORDER BY'] ) ) $preLimitTail .= " ORDER BY {$options['ORDER BY']}"; #if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['FOR UPDATE'] ) ) $tailOpts .= ' FOR UPDATE'; #if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['LOCK IN SHARE MODE'] ) ) $tailOpts .= ' LOCK IN SHARE MODE'; if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCT'] ) || isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCTROW'] ) ) $startOpts .= 'DISTINCT'; if ( isset( $options['USE INDEX'] ) && ! is_array( $options['USE INDEX'] ) ) { $useIndex = $this->useIndexClause( $options['USE INDEX'] ); } else { $useIndex = ''; } return array( $startOpts, $useIndex, $preLimitTail, $postLimitTail ); } public function delete( $table, $conds, $fname = 'DatabaseOracle::delete' ) { $conds2 = array(); foreach($conds as $col=>$val) { $col_type=$this->fieldInfo($this->tableName($table), $col)->type(); if ($col_type == 'CLOB') $conds2['TO_CHAR('.$col.')'] = $val; else $conds2[$col] = $val; } return parent::delete( $table, $conds2, $fname ); } function bitNot($field) { //expecting bit-fields smaller than 4bytes return 'BITNOT('.$bitField.')'; } function bitAnd($fieldLeft, $fieldRight) { return 'BITAND('.$fieldLeft.', '.$fieldRight.')'; } function bitOr($fieldLeft, $fieldRight) { return 'BITOR('.$fieldLeft.', '.$fieldRight.')'; } /** * How lagged is this slave? * * @return int */ public function getLag() { # Not implemented for Oracle return 0; } function setFakeSlaveLag( $lag ) {} function setFakeMaster( $enabled = true ) {} function getDBname() { return $this->mDBname; } function getServer() { return $this->mServer; } public function replaceVars( $ins ) { $varnames = array('wgDBprefix'); if ($this->mFlags & DBO_SYSDBA) { $varnames[] = 'wgDBOracleDefTS'; $varnames[] = 'wgDBOracleTempTS'; } // Ordinary variables foreach ( $varnames as $var ) { if( isset( $GLOBALS[$var] ) ) { $val = addslashes( $GLOBALS[$var] ); // FIXME: safety check? $ins = str_replace( '{$' . $var . '}', $val, $ins ); $ins = str_replace( '/*$' . $var . '*/`', '`' . $val, $ins ); $ins = str_replace( '/*$' . $var . '*/', $val, $ins ); } } return parent::replaceVars($ins); } public function getSearchEngine() { return "SearchOracle"; } } // end DatabaseOracle class