loadDefaults(); } # Static factory method # function newFromName( $name ) { $u = new User(); # Clean up name according to title rules $t = Title::newFromText( $name ); $u->setName( $t->getText() ); return $u; } /* static */ function whoIs( $id ) { return wfGetSQL( "user", "user_name", "user_id=$id" ); } /* static */ function idFromName( $name ) { $nt = Title::newFromText( $name ); $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name='" . wfStrencode( $nt->getText() ) . "'"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, "User::idFromName" ); if ( 0 == wfNumRows( $res ) ) { return 0; } else { $s = wfFetchObject( $res ); return $s->user_id; } } # does the string match an anonymous user IP address? /* static */ function isIP( $name ) { return preg_match("/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/",$name); } /* static */ function randomPassword() { $pwchars = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"; $l = strlen( $pwchars ) - 1; wfSeedRandom(); $np = $pwchars{mt_rand( 0, $l )} . $pwchars{mt_rand( 0, $l )} . $pwchars{mt_rand( 0, $l )} . chr( mt_rand(48, 57) ) . $pwchars{mt_rand( 0, $l )} . $pwchars{mt_rand( 0, $l )} . $pwchars{mt_rand( 0, $l )}; return $np; } function loadDefaults() { global $wgLang ; global $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault; $this->mId = $this->mNewtalk = 0; $this->mName = getenv( "REMOTE_ADDR" ); $this->mEmail = ""; $this->mPassword = $this->mNewpassword = ""; $this->mRights = array(); $defOpt = $wgLang->getDefaultUserOptions() ; foreach ( $defOpt as $oname => $val ) { $this->mOptions[$oname] = $val; } foreach ($wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault as $nsnum => $val) { $this->mOptions["searchNs".$nsnum] = $val; } unset( $this->mSkin ); $this->mDataLoaded = false; $this->mBlockedby = -1; # Unset $this->mTouched = '0'; # Allow any pages to be cached $this->cookiePassword = ""; } /* private */ function getBlockedStatus() { if ( -1 != $this->mBlockedby ) { return; } $block = new Block(); if ( !$block->load( getenv( "REMOTE_ADDR" ), $this->mId ) ) { wfDebug( getenv( "REMOTE_ADDR" ) ." is not blocked\n" ); $this->mBlockedby = 0; return; } $this->mBlockedby = $block->mBy; $this->mBlockreason = $block->mReason; } function isBlocked() { $this->getBlockedStatus(); if ( 0 == $this->mBlockedby ) { return false; } return true; } function blockedBy() { $this->getBlockedStatus(); return $this->mBlockedby; } function blockedFor() { $this->getBlockedStatus(); return $this->mBlockreason; } /* static */ function loadFromSession() { global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $wsUserID, $wsUserName, $wsUserPassword; global $wgMemc, $wgDBname; if ( isset( $wsUserID ) ) { if ( 0 != $wsUserID ) { $sId = $wsUserID; } else { return new User(); } } else if ( isset( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["wcUserID"] ) ) { $sId = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["wcUserID"]; $wsUserID = $sId; } else { return new User(); } if ( isset( $wsUserName ) ) { $sName = $wsUserName; } else if ( isset( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["wcUserName"] ) ) { $sName = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["wcUserName"]; $wsUserName = $sName; } else { return new User(); } $passwordCorrect = FALSE; $user = $wgMemc->get( $key = "$wgDBname:user:id:$sId" ); if($makenew = !$user) { wfDebug( "User::loadFromSession() unable to load from memcached\n" ); $user = new User(); $user->mId = $sId; $user->loadFromDatabase(); } else { wfDebug( "User::loadFromSession() got from cache!\n" ); } if ( isset( $wsUserPassword ) ) { $passwordCorrect = $wsUserPassword == $user->mPassword; } else if ( isset( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["wcUserPassword"] ) ) { $user->mCookiePassword = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["wcUserPassword"]; $wsUserPassword = $user->addSalt( $user->mCookiePassword ); $passwordCorrect = $wsUserPassword == $user->mPassword; } else { return new User(); # Can't log in from session } if ( ( $sName == $user->mName ) && $passwordCorrect ) { if($makenew) { if($wgMemc->set( $key, $user )) wfDebug( "User::loadFromSession() successfully saved user\n" ); else wfDebug( "User::loadFromSession() unable to save to memcached\n" ); } $user->spreadBlock(); return $user; } return new User(); # Can't log in from session } function loadFromDatabase() { if ( $this->mDataLoaded ) { return; } # check in separate table if there are changes to the talk page $this->mNewtalk=0; # reset talk page status if($this->mId) { $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM user_newtalk WHERE user_id={$this->mId}"; $res = wfQuery ($sql, "User::loadFromDatabase" ); if (wfNumRows($res)>0) { $this->mNewtalk= 1; } wfFreeResult( $res ); } else { global $wgDBname, $wgMemc; $key = "$wgDBname:newtalk:ip:{$this->mName}"; $newtalk = $wgMemc->get( $key ); if($newtalk === false) { $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM user_newtalk WHERE user_ip='{$this->mName}'"; $res = wfQuery ($sql, "User::loadFromDatabase" ); $this->mNewtalk = (wfNumRows($res)>0) ? 1 : 0; wfFreeResult( $res ); $wgMemc->set( $key, $this->mNewtalk, time() ); // + 1800 ); } else { $this->mNewtalk = $newtalk ? 1 : 0; } } if(!$this->mId) { $this->mDataLoaded = true; return; } # the following stuff is for non-anonymous users only $sql = "SELECT user_name,user_password,user_newpassword,user_email," . "user_options,user_rights,user_touched FROM user WHERE user_id=" . "{$this->mId}"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, "User::loadFromDatabase" ); if ( wfNumRows( $res ) > 0 ) { $s = wfFetchObject( $res ); $this->mName = $s->user_name; $this->mEmail = $s->user_email; $this->mPassword = $s->user_password; $this->mNewpassword = $s->user_newpassword; $this->decodeOptions( $s->user_options ); $this->mRights = explode( ",", strtolower( $s->user_rights ) ); $this->mTouched = $s->user_touched; } wfFreeResult( $res ); $this->mDataLoaded = true; } function getID() { return $this->mId; } function setID( $v ) { $this->mId = $v; $this->mDataLoaded = false; } function getName() { $this->loadFromDatabase(); return $this->mName; } function setName( $str ) { $this->loadFromDatabase(); $this->mName = $str; } function getNewtalk() { $this->loadFromDatabase(); return ( 0 != $this->mNewtalk ); } function setNewtalk( $val ) { $this->loadFromDatabase(); $this->mNewtalk = $val; $this->invalidateCache(); } function invalidateCache() { $this->loadFromDatabase(); $this->mTouched = wfTimestampNow(); # Don't forget to save the options after this or # it won't take effect! } function validateCache( $timestamp ) { $this->loadFromDatabase(); return ($timestamp >= $this->mTouched); } function getPassword() { $this->loadFromDatabase(); return $this->mPassword; } function getNewpassword() { $this->loadFromDatabase(); return $this->mNewpassword; } function addSalt( $p ) { global $wgPasswordSalt; if($wgPasswordSalt) return md5( "{$this->mId}-{$p}" ); else return $p; } function encryptPassword( $p ) { return $this->addSalt( md5( $p ) ); } function setPassword( $str ) { $this->loadFromDatabase(); $this->setCookiePassword( $str ); $this->mPassword = $this->encryptPassword( $str ); $this->mNewpassword = ""; } function setCookiePassword( $str ) { $this->loadFromDatabase(); $this->mCookiePassword = md5( $str ); } function setNewpassword( $str ) { $this->loadFromDatabase(); $this->mNewpassword = $this->encryptPassword( $str ); } function getEmail() { $this->loadFromDatabase(); return $this->mEmail; } function setEmail( $str ) { $this->loadFromDatabase(); $this->mEmail = $str; } function getOption( $oname ) { $this->loadFromDatabase(); if ( array_key_exists( $oname, $this->mOptions ) ) { return $this->mOptions[$oname]; } else { return ""; } } function setOption( $oname, $val ) { $this->loadFromDatabase(); $this->mOptions[$oname] = $val; $this->invalidateCache(); } function getRights() { $this->loadFromDatabase(); return $this->mRights; } function addRight( $rname ) { $this->loadFromDatabase(); array_push( $this->mRights, $rname ); $this->invalidateCache(); } function isSysop() { $this->loadFromDatabase(); if ( 0 == $this->mId ) { return false; } return in_array( "sysop", $this->mRights ); } function isDeveloper() { $this->loadFromDatabase(); if ( 0 == $this->mId ) { return false; } return in_array( "developer", $this->mRights ); } function isBot() { $this->loadFromDatabase(); if ( 0 == $this->mId ) { return false; } return in_array( "bot", $this->mRights ); } function &getSkin() { if ( ! isset( $this->mSkin ) ) { $skinNames = Skin::getSkinNames(); $s = $this->getOption( "skin" ); if ( "" == $s ) { $s = 0; } if ( $s >= count( $skinNames ) ) { $sn = "SkinStandard"; } else $sn = "Skin" . $skinNames[$s]; $this->mSkin = new $sn; } return $this->mSkin; } function isWatched( $title ) { # Note - $title should be a Title _object_ # Pages and their talk pages are considered equivalent for watching; # remember that talk namespaces are numbered as page namespace+1. if( $this->mId ) { $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM watchlist WHERE wl_user={$this->mId} AND wl_namespace = " . ($title->getNamespace() & ~1) . " AND wl_title='" . wfStrencode( $title->getDBkey() ) . "'"; $res = wfQuery( $sql ); return (wfNumRows( $res ) > 0); } else { return false; } } function addWatch( $title ) { if( $this->mId ) { # REPLACE instead of INSERT because occasionally someone # accidentally reloads a watch-add operation. $sql = "REPLACE INTO watchlist (wl_user, wl_namespace,wl_title) VALUES ({$this->mId}," . (($title->getNamespace() | 1) - 1) . ",'" . wfStrencode( $title->getDBkey() ) . "')"; wfQuery( $sql ); $this->invalidateCache(); } } function removeWatch( $title ) { if( $this->mId ) { $sql = "DELETE FROM watchlist WHERE wl_user={$this->mId} AND wl_namespace=" . (($title->getNamespace() | 1) - 1) . " AND wl_title='" . wfStrencode( $title->getDBkey() ) . "'"; wfQuery( $sql ); $this->invalidateCache(); } } /* private */ function encodeOptions() { $a = array(); foreach ( $this->mOptions as $oname => $oval ) { array_push( $a, "{$oname}={$oval}" ); } $s = implode( "\n", $a ); return wfStrencode( $s ); } /* private */ function decodeOptions( $str ) { $a = explode( "\n", $str ); foreach ( $a as $s ) { if ( preg_match( "/^(.[^=]*)=(.*)$/", $s, $m ) ) { $this->mOptions[$m[1]] = $m[2]; } } } function setCookies() { global $wsUserID, $wsUserName, $wsUserPassword; global $wgCookieExpiration; if ( 0 == $this->mId ) return; $this->loadFromDatabase(); $exp = time() + $wgCookieExpiration; $wsUserID = $this->mId; setcookie( "wcUserID", $this->mId, $exp, "/" ); $wsUserName = $this->mName; setcookie( "wcUserName", $this->mName, $exp, "/" ); $wsUserPassword = $this->mPassword; if ( 1 == $this->getOption( "rememberpassword" ) ) { setcookie( "wcUserPassword", $this->mCookiePassword, $exp, "/" ); } else { setcookie( "wcUserPassword", "", time() - 3600 ); } } function logout() { global $wsUserID; $this->mId = 0; $wsUserID = 0; setcookie( "wcUserID", "", time() - 3600 ); setcookie( "wcUserPassword", "", time() - 3600 ); } function saveSettings() { global $wgMemc, $wgDBname; if ( ! $this->mNewtalk ) { if( $this->mId ) { $sql="DELETE FROM user_newtalk WHERE user_id={$this->mId}"; wfQuery ($sql,"User::saveSettings"); } else { $sql="DELETE FROM user_newtalk WHERE user_ip='{$this->mName}'"; wfQuery ($sql,"User::saveSettings"); $wgMemc->delete( "$wgDBname:newtalk:ip:{$this->mName}" ); } } if ( 0 == $this->mId ) { return; } $sql = "UPDATE user SET " . "user_name= '" . wfStrencode( $this->mName ) . "', " . "user_password= '" . wfStrencode( $this->mPassword ) . "', " . "user_newpassword= '" . wfStrencode( $this->mNewpassword ) . "', " . "user_email= '" . wfStrencode( $this->mEmail ) . "', " . "user_options= '" . $this->encodeOptions() . "', " . "user_rights= '" . wfStrencode( implode( ",", $this->mRights ) ) . "', " . "user_touched= '" . wfStrencode( $this->mTouched ) . "' WHERE user_id={$this->mId}"; wfQuery( $sql, "User::saveSettings" ); #$wgMemc->replace( "$wgDBname:user:id:$this->mId", $this ); $wgMemc->delete( "$wgDBname:user:id:$this->mId" ); } # Checks if a user with the given name exists # function idForName() { $gotid = 0; $s = trim( $this->mName ); if ( 0 == strcmp( "", $s ) ) return 0; $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name='" . wfStrencode( $s ) . "'"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, "User::idForName" ); if ( 0 == wfNumRows( $res ) ) { return 0; } $s = wfFetchObject( $res ); if ( "" == $s ) return 0; $gotid = $s->user_id; wfFreeResult( $res ); return $gotid; } function addToDatabase() { $sql = "INSERT INTO user (user_name,user_password,user_newpassword," . "user_email, user_rights, user_options) " . " VALUES ('" . wfStrencode( $this->mName ) . "', '" . wfStrencode( $this->mPassword ) . "', '" . wfStrencode( $this->mNewpassword ) . "', '" . wfStrencode( $this->mEmail ) . "', '" . wfStrencode( implode( ",", $this->mRights ) ) . "', '" . $this->encodeOptions() . "')"; wfQuery( $sql, "User::addToDatabase" ); $this->mId = $this->idForName(); } function spreadBlock() { # If the (non-anonymous) user is blocked, this function will block any IP address # that they successfully log on from. $fname = "User::spreadBlock"; wfDebug( "User:spreadBlock()\n" ); if ( $this->mId == 0 ) { return; } $userblock = Block::newFromDB( "", $this->mId ); if ( !$userblock->isValid() ) { return; } # Check if this IP address is already blocked $addr = getenv( "REMOTE_ADDR" ); $ipblock = Block::newFromDB( $addr ); if ( $ipblock->isValid() ) { # Just update the timestamp $ipblock->updateTimestamp(); return; } # Make a new block object with the desired properties wfDebug( "Autoblocking {$this->mUserName}@{$addr}\n" ); $ipblock->mAddress = $addr; $ipblock->mUser = 0; $ipblock->mBy = $userblock->mBy; $ipblock->mReason = str_replace( "$1", $this->getName(), wfMsg( "autoblocker" ) ); $ipblock->mReason = str_replace( "$2", $userblock->mReason, $ipblock->mReason ); $ipblock->mTimestamp = wfTimestampNow(); $ipblock->mAuto = 1; # Insert it $ipblock->insert(); } function isAllowedToCreateAccount() { global $wgWhitelistAccount; $allowed = false; if (!$wgWhitelistAccount) { return 1; }; // default behaviour foreach ($wgWhitelistAccount as $right => $ok) { $userHasRight = (!strcmp($right, "user") || in_array($right, $this->getRights())); $allowed |= ($ok && $userHasRight); } return $allowed; } } ?>