Prior to version 1.16, maintenance scripts were a hodgepodge of code that had no cohesion or formal method of action. Beginning in 1.16, maintenance scripts have been cleaned up to use a unified class. 1. Directory structure 2. How to run a script 3. How to write your own 1. DIRECTORY STRUCTURE The /maintenance directory of a MediaWiki installation contains several subdirectories, all of which have unique purposes. 2. HOW TO RUN A SCRIPT Ridiculously simple, just call 'php someScript.php' that's in the top- level /maintenance directory. Example: php clear_stats.php The following parameters are available to all maintenance scripts --help : Print a help message --quiet : Quiet non-error output --dbuser : The database user to use for the script (if needed) --dbpass : Same as above (if needed) 3. HOW TO WRITE YOUR OWN Make a file in the maintenance directory called myScript.php or something. In it, write the following: ==BEGIN==