From: Jens Frank Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 19:55:25 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Smarty-2.6.2 import X-Git-Tag: 1.3.0beta1~699 X-Git-Url:;h=6b373621d8e19943e38c2183d4d8dd9a4c277efb;p=lhc%2Fweb%2Fwiklou.git Smarty-2.6.2 import --- diff --git a/RELEASE-NOTES b/RELEASE-NOTES index 45b8ba242a..6a8813807d 100644 --- a/RELEASE-NOTES +++ b/RELEASE-NOTES @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Various things will be happening for 1.3.0... * More advanced parser * New schema... * Magic goodies! +* Included PHPTAL 0.7.0 from * stuff == Version 1.2.0 == diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/BUGS b/Smarty-2.6.2/BUGS new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f1a80f31c --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/BUGS @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Smarty is supported only in PHP 4.0.6 or later. + +Smarty versions previous to 2.0 require the PEAR libraries. Be sure to include +the path to the PEAR libraries in your php include_path. Config_file.class.php +uses the PEAR library for its error handling routines. PEAR comes with the PHP +distribution. Unix users check /usr/local/lib/php, windows users check +C:/php/pear. diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/COPYING.lib b/Smarty-2.6.2/COPYING.lib new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b204400cf --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/COPYING.lib @@ -0,0 +1,458 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/ChangeLog b/Smarty-2.6.2/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c4f376356 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,5942 @@ +2004-02-13 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + correctly handle partially empty dates (like "2004--" or "-12-"). + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + learned something about and sgml and applied this to the + use.sub.dirs-section :) + + * docs/designers.sgml: + changed attribute-name "checked" to "selected" in the docs for + html_radios and html_checkboxes. "checked" is deprecated for ages + AFAIK and selected is recommended for consistency with {html_options} + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + added note about use_sub_dirs and Smarty-2.6.2 . + fixed markup for section about clear_compiled_tpl() . + +2004-02-12 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Config_File.class.php: + YES and NO should not be booleanized inside triple-quotes in a + config-file. this behaviour changed by accident in 2.6.1 and is now + reverted to pre-2.6.1 behaviour + +2004-02-10 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Config_File.class.php: + fixed slurping of a the next line following a triple-quoted value in a + config-file + +2004-02-07 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Config_File.class.php: + avoid @-operator for handling empty lines in Config_File.class.php + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + removed two notices from Smarty_Compiler::_parse_is_expr() + (thanks shuther!) + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + changed default for use_sub_dirs to false + + * libs/plugins/function.mailto.php: + removed notice of undefined variable. (thanks shuther!) + +2004-01-29 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + added file and line-number-information to error-messages regarding + assigned objects an an error messages regarding modifiers with + security. + +2004-01-27 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + removed use of temporary var $_params in compiled code of block-plugins + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.popup.php: + fixed quoting of values in smarty_function_popup() + +2004-01-25 Messju Mohr + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + documented parameters of Smarty::clear_compiled_tpl() + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Smarty_Compiler::_syntax_error() uses Smarty::_trigger_fatal_error() now + instead of the trigger_error()-function + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + Smarty::_trigger_fatal_error() uses Smarty::trigger_error() now, + instead of the native trigger_error()-function + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + unrecognized custom-functions trigger an error at compile now, not at + display-time. + +2004-01-23 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/getting-started.sgml: + reword a paragraph + +2004-01-22 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + removed emission of unnecessary notices for unavailable config-files + in config_load() + + * NEWS + libs/Config_File.class.php: + fixed handling of hidden sections in Config_File + +2004-01-21 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + added handling of resources for {config_load} + +2004-01-19 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_table.php: + fixed bug when using arrays with tr_attr and td_attr in {html_table} + +2004-01-16 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: + add unit testing + + * NEWS + libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + update version numbers, add initial unit test directory + + * (Smarty_2_6_1) + libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + update version numbers for 2.6.1 release + +2004-01-16 Messju Mohr + + * (Smarty_2_6_1) + NEWS + docs/programmers.sgml + libs/Smarty.class.php: + renamed $smarty->tpl_rror_reporting to $smarty->error_reporting + "tpl_" is a bit redundant here (it's a TemPLate-engine overall :) + +2004-01-15 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + forgot to remove duplicate is_secure()-check + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + fix: $smarty->security is now correctly handled + + minor optimizations: + core/core.is_secure.php is only included when needed + $dpi_default is only determined when needed + +2004-01-14 Messju Mohr + + * docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: + removed suggestions to use extract() from the manual + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fixed typo + +2004-01-12 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml: + mention SCRIPT_NAME below {$smarty} reserved variable because it got + lost in the docs for $smarty->global_assign + + * docs/designers.sgml: + added docs for {$smarty.version} special variable + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + removed docs for $global_assign + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + added docs for tpl_error_reporting + + * docs/designers.sgml: + added docs for year_empty-, month_empty- and day_emtpy-attributes of + html_select_date. maybe an example is needed to better explain empty + values in YYY-MM-DD. + +2004-01-10 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed handling of {php}-tags + +2004-01-10 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fix html_checkboxes examples + +2004-01-08 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php: + added caching of requested paths to smarty_core_assemble_plugin_filepath() + + * NEWS: + fix handling of comments inside {php}- and {literal}-blocks + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed handling of comments inside {php} and {literal} + +2004-01-06 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Config_File.class.php: + fixed bug handling triple-quotes in config-files + + * libs/Config_File.class.php: + fixed bugs with triple-quotes in config-files + thanks BRDude for finding them testing! + +2004-01-02 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + removed unnecessary param in call to _fetch_resource_info() + +2003-12-30 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + oops! removed tabs. + +2003-12-27 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + made $SCRIPT_NAME available again + changes default for request_use_auto_global to prefer autoglobals + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + removed tabs and trailing spaces + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + readded default_modifiers. who removed that? + +2003-12-23 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: + add portuguese docs + +2003-12-22 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fix counter example + +2003-12-19 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + add debug console persistance feature + +2003-12-19 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/block.textformat.php + libs/plugins/function.html_table.php + libs/plugins/function.popup.php: + removed extract(). enhanced parameter parsing. + + * libs/plugins/function.counter.php + libs/plugins/function.fetch.php + libs/plugins/function.popup_init.php + libs/plugins/modifier.capitalize.php + libs/plugins/ + libs/plugins/modifier.date_format.php + libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php + libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php + libs/plugins/modifier.indent.php + libs/plugins/modifier.lower.php + libs/plugins/modifier.nl2br.php + libs/plugins/modifier.strip.php + libs/plugins/modifier.upper.php + libs/plugins/modifier.wordwrap.php + libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php + libs/plugins/shared.escape_special_chars.php: + removed tabs. fixed indentiation. + + * libs/plugins/modifier.truncate.php: + removed tabs + + * libs/plugins/function.counter.php + libs/plugins/function.cycle.php: + removed extract() from parameter-parsing + +2003-12-17 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + fix plugin-name in error message + + * libs/plugins/function.html_select_time.php: + remove extract-call from {html_select_time} + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + allow single-digit days and months without smarty_make_timestamp() + this makes dates like "1968-11-6" work correctly since no strtotime() + is involved + + add warning when unknown parameter is passed + +2003-12-16 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + fix headers sent erroneously with cache_modified_check and fetch() + +2003-12-12 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + move set_path() call below the conditional bracket + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + fix config_load filepath bug + +2003-12-12 boots + + * docs/designers.sgml: + Updated language.function.if with additional annotation and to fix error + that broke docs build process + +2003-12-11 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + little optimization for "is odd" and "is even" + +2003-12-11 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix 'is even by' and 'is odd by' logic + +2003-12-11 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml: + update example-output of {mailto} + + * libs/plugins/function.mailto.php: + removed extract-call -> cleaner parameter-handling + + * libs/plugins/function.mailto.php: + fixed indentiation + + * TODO: + removed two done topics + +2003-12-11 boots + + * docs/designers.sgml: + Updated language.function.if to describe qualifiers (thanks andre) + +2003-12-10 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + added day_empty, month_empty, year_empty and all_empty attributes + to pass an undefined date use {html_select_date time="--" ...} + + * libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + removed extract()-call + + * libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + fixed indetiation + +2003-12-10 boots + + * NEWS + docs/designers.sgml: + Added table to language.function.if to describe qualifiers + +2003-12-09 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php + libs/plugins/function.html_options.php: + strict comparason didn't work in all cases. use type-casting now. + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php + libs/plugins/function.html_options.php: + fix bug when comparing array-keys to "selected" in html_options and + html_checkboxes + + in_array() uses "strict" comparason now. + + * libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php + libs/plugins/function.html_options.php + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: + removed tabs, fixed indentiation + +2003-12-08 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + add better checks for correctly nested tags when compiling + +2003-12-04 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + fix: check $smarty->request_use_auto_globals at the last occurences of + HTTP_*_VARS + +2003-12-03 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + remove $global_assign property from Smarty and $global_assign-handling + from the constructor. the only visible change is, that $SCRIPT_NAME is + not available in the tempates anymore. $smarty.server.SCRIPT_NAME has + to be used from now. + +2003-12-03 boots + + * docs/designers.sgml: + Fixed example for count_characters + +2003-12-01 boots + + * docs/designers.sgml: + Added section "Escaping Smarty Parsing" under Basic Syntax. + +2003-12-01 Messju Mohr + + * libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php: + thought again about my latest commit and backed it out. + + * libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php: + fix root-dir-handling on windows filepath + +2003-11-29 boots + + * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + really make the fixes the last patch was supposed to do + + * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + removed tabs and killed trailing white-space + + * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + changed $smarty->_syntax_error to $smarty->trigger_error + +2003-11-27 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: + remove warning in debug_print_var on php-resources + + * README: + fix version number + +2003-11-26 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + raise max_level for $smarty.config... to 3 to allow arrays of config-vars + +2003-11-25 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + changed version-tag to indicate incompatibility to older compiled + templates + +2003-11-24 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/compiler.assign.php + libs/plugins/function.assign.php: + move function.assign.php to compiler.assign.php + + * libs/core/core.get_include_path.php: + silence occasional warnings of open_basedir- and + safe_mode-restrictions in core.get_include_path.php + +2003-11-23 Messju Mohr + + * libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php + libs/core/core.write_file.php: + avoid touch()-ing of recently unlinked files by touch()-ing the + tempfile before rename instead of touch()-ing the resulting file after + rename. + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + add property $tpl_error_reporting + +2003-11-22 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/function.assign.php: + remove use of extract() in smarty_function_assign() + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + remove property $undefined. "null" is used literally instead + +2003-11-21 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + remove two E_NOTICES + +2003-11-20 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + change version to 2.6.1-dev + +2003-11-19 Monte Ohrt + + * (Smarty_2_6_0) + NEWS: + update NEWS file + + * (Smarty_2_6_0) + docs/designers.sgml + libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + change version numbers to 2.6.0 + +2003-11-19 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/de/designers.sgml + docs/fr/designers.sgml: + fix examples of escape-modifier (in docs, docs/de and docs/fr !) + +2003-11-18 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + move Smarty::quote_replace() to Smarty_Compiler::_quote_replace() + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + removed extract-calls from _include()- and _eval()-wrappers + variables passed with {include_php} have to accessed as members of $params + now + +2003-11-17 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fixed typo + +2003-11-13 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Config_File.class.php: + fix occasional notice + +2003-11-13 andreas halter + + * docs/de/designers.sgml: + - added cat modifier, thanks messju :-) + +2003-11-13 Monte Ohrt + + * (Smarty_2_6_0-RC3) + NEWS + libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + commit RC3 tags + +2003-11-13 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix handling of $var.key inside [] + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + fix unnecessary loading of core.load_resource_plugin.php + + * (Smarty_2_6_0-RC3) + docs/fr/designers.sgml: + fixed example of html_table + +2003-11-11 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php: + fix handling of assign inside {insert}-tags + +2003-11-06 Messju Mohr + + * libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: + added $exp_time-parameter + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + added $exp_time to cache_handler_func-example + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php: + added $exp_time-parameter of clear_cache() and clear_all_cache() to + cache_handler_func. + +2003-11-05 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Config_File.class.php: + fix handling if [...] inside triple-quotes in config-files + +2003-11-04 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + fixed little bug in _parse_resource_name() (jlgunter, messju) + +2003-11-03 andreas halter + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/de/designers.sgml + docs/fr/designers.sgml: + - changed Smarty.php.class occurences to Smarty.class.php + +2003-10-29 boots + + * docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/designers.sgml + docs/manual.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml + docs/de/appendixes.sgml + docs/de/designers.sgml + docs/de/programmers.sgml + docs/fr/appendixes.sgml + docs/fr/designers.sgml + docs/fr/getting-started.sgml + docs/fr/manual.sgml + docs/fr/preface.sgml + docs/fr/programmers.sgml: + Fixes to documentation syntax so that all content can be processed used + xsltproc docbook-xsl tools. In particular, fixes unescaped entities, + broken tags, unquoted attributes. + +2003-10-27 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix handling of simple-math-operators inside modifiers + +2003-10-25 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + removed unused property _output_type + removed unused param $tag_attrs of _parse_var_props() + cleaned up alignment of class-properties + +2003-10-23 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + removed notice in php-tag handling in Smarty_Compiler::_compile_file() + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + removed two occasional E_NOTICES from + Smarty_Compiler::_compile_include_php_tag() + + * NEWS + libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php: + fix handling of trailing-slashes in open_basedir in + smarty_core_create_dir_structure() + +2003-10-20 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + elements inside `` are bracketed now inside the compiled-tpl. this + fixes some issues with simple-math inside backticks. + +2003-10-16 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: + update overlib docs, no working examples + +2003-10-12 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.is_secure.php: + move check for template_dir in secure_dir-array into core.is_secure.php + + this makes template_exists() work correctly with security=true even if + template_dir is not inside the secure_dir-array + +2003-10-11 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php: + tightened check for YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-format. thanks konstantin for + pointing this out. + + removed a few tabs. + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix precedence of simple-math-operators before modifiers. + thanks dominik! + + * libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php + libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php + libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php + libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php + libs/core/core.get_include_path.php + libs/core/core.get_microtime.php + libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php + libs/core/core.is_secure.php + libs/core/core.is_trusted.php + libs/core/core.load_plugins.php + libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php + libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php + libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.rm_auto.php + libs/core/core.rmdir.php + libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php + libs/core/core.write_file.php: + removed tabs from the main and the core/*.php files + +2003-10-08 Monte Ohrt + + * (Smarty_2_6_0-RC2) + NEWS + libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + update version numbers to RC2 + +2003-09-18 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/de/designers.sgml: + fixed description of cycle's advance-attribute + +2003-09-16 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + apply modifiers only once to section-loop and foreach-from attributes + +2003-09-15 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php: + backed out _smarty_cached_paths-file-handling + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.rm_auto.php: + fixed clear_compiled_tpl with explicit $tpl_file given + fixed return value of smarty_core_rm_auto() + Smarty::_unlink() + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + little fix in _get_auto_filename() + +2003-09-14 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php: + removed auto-filenames from path-cache. merged assemble_auto_filename + back into Smarty::_get_auto_filename() + +2003-09-12 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed quoting of modifier parameters + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php + libs/core/core.load_plugins.php + libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php: + remove Smarty::_plugin_implementation_exists() - use php's native + is_callable() + +2003-09-11 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + silenced two notices acces HTTP_SERVER_VARS + +2003-09-10 andreas halter + + * docs/de/designers.sgml + docs/de/getting-started.sgml + docs/de/programmers.sgml: + - minor fixes (2 rep), slight wording changes + - jade transform problem fixed + +2003-09-08 andreas halter + + * docs/de/designers.sgml + docs/de/getting-started.sgml + docs/de/manual.sgml + docs/de/preface.sgml + docs/de/programmers.sgml: + all updated for 2.6.0 release, translated everything from 2_5_0 branch to + 20030908 + +2003-09-04 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + proper checking for files in _fetch_resource_info() + +2003-09-02 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + ignore {strip}/{/strip) inside {strip}-blocks + + * libs/plugins/function.mailto.php: + fixed 2 notices in smarty_function_mailto() + +2003-09-01 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + re-include cache_paths on multiple calls to fetch() to avoid + inconsistencies + at multiple calls to fetch() in one script + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed handling of \r in {strip} + renamed $_trailing_lf to $_additional_newline + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + the weekly fix for {strip} :) + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fixed example for simple math. + +2003-08-29 Messju Mohr + + * libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php + libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php + libs/plugins/function.assign.php + libs/plugins/function.html_options.php + libs/plugins/function.html_table.php: + fixed PHPDocumentor-comments (thanks Konstantin) + + * libs/core/core.rmdir.php: + made rmdir a bit more optimistic. especially it now removes + directories correctly that where created accidently by "safe_mode=On + && $use_sub_dirs=true" + +2003-08-27 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed removal of leading/trailing newlines in {strip}-blocks + +2003-08-25 Messju Mohr + + * INSTALL: + added note emphasizing the introduction of "libs/" with 2.5.0 + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php: + fixed proper escaping of " and ' with escape:javascript + +2003-08-22 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php: + fixed bug in traversal of $smarty->plugins_dir-array in + smarty_core_assemble_plugin_filepath(). the first matching plugin in + the path should be used, not the last one. + + * libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: + discard $_cache_info when the cache should be regenerated + +2003-08-20 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/plugins/block.strip.php: + reverted {strip} from a block-plugin back into the compiler + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + fixed examples for register_function() and register_block() + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + made template_exists() quiet when the template does not exist (thanks + to konstatin for pointing this out) + +2003-08-18 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/getting-started.sgml: + fix example title + + * docs/README + docs/getting-started.sgml: + change installation wording confusion + +2003-08-18 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: + fixed unnecessary load of source in template_exists() and the + compile-check of smarty_core_read_cache_file() + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + allow section-, array- and object-dereference in $smarty-references + +2003-08-15 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml: + added parameter-descriptions for count_characters (thanks Konstantin + A. Pelepelin) + + fixed docs for {html_checkboxes} + +2003-08-14 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: + fixed timestamp-check of config-files in smarty_core_read_cache_file() + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + fixed typecasting for arrays in _parse_resource_name() + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + fixes in config_load: + - handling of section-attribute + - reusing the same config-file multiple times + - serialization of config-data for php<4.2.0 (no var_export) + + many thanks to atu for pointing this out and for testing + +2003-08-13 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php: + fixed problem with vars as attributes in {include_php} + +2003-08-13 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/README: + commit README file for documentation compiling + +2003-08-13 Messju Mohr + + * libs/debug.tpl + libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: + removed '\r' from debug_print_vars' output + properly escape vars in javascript-version of debug.tpl + +2003-08-11 Monte Ohrt + + * (Smarty_2_6_0_RC1) + NEWS + docs/designers.sgml + docs/html.dsl + docs/php.dsl + libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + get ready for 2.6.0-RC1 release + +2003-08-10 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + fixed status-header for cache_modified_check under cgi-sapi + +2003-08-09 Messju Mohr + + * libs/core/core.is_secure.php + libs/core/core.is_trusted.php: + synced secure_dir-checking with trusted_dir-checking + + * libs/core/core.is_secure.php: + tightenend path checking in smarty_core_is_secure() + +2003-08-08 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + fix: proper nesting of $smarty->_cache_including flag in cascaded + cached/not-cached/fetched/inserted/foo-templates + + * libs/debug.tpl: + better escaping for $_debug_tpls[templates].filenames + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + removed redundant $smarty from Smarty::_smarty_include() + + * libs/debug.tpl: + proper escaping of filenames in debug-console (thanks to prossel). + +2003-08-07 Messju Mohr + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + added docs for block-methods of registered objects + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + fixed typo in example for registered objects + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fixed exampls of html_image and html_checkboxes + + * libs/plugins/function.debug.php: + fixed {debug} and removed tabs in function.debug.php + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + fixed example for register_object + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: + updated docs for capture, html_table, html_image and register_object + +2003-08-07 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: + add math and default_resource_type to docs + + * docs/getting-started.sgml: + add core to example, add tech note + +2003-08-07 Messju Mohr + + * docs/manual.sgml + docs/fr/manual.sgml: + upd copyright in the docs + +2003-08-07 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/getting-started.sgml: + added core directory to install instructions + +2003-08-07 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: + added docs for php-functions as modifiers + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + better caching of attributes for $cacheable=false-plugins + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + added section "caching.cacheable" to the docs, explaining the usage of + the $cacheable-flag of the register_(block|compiler|function)-functions + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed output of custom-functions with cached attributes + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + docs update on callbacks to the register_*-functions + +2003-08-06 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php: + added optional parameter $cache_attrs to register_function() and + register_block(). $cache_attrs is an array containing attribute- names + that should be cached on calls to functions that have $cacheable set + to false. + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + fixed bug in _run_mod_handler + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed bug with autoload-handling of modifiers. thanks ándre. + +2003-08-05 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + updated copyright notice + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.load_plugins.php: + fixed bug that occurred when using the same not-cacheable plugin in + multiple includes + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + docs-update for plugins.writing + +2003-08-04 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: + updated docs for register_block_function(), block-functions, + $request_use_auto_globals and html_checkboxes + +2003-07-31 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + enabled registration of class-methods as callbacks for the + register_*-functions + + use: array('classname', 'method_name')) as callback + +2003-07-29 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + modifiers are resolved at compile-time now. _run_mod_handler() is + still used for modifiers with map_array=true (== no preceeding '@') + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include.php: + moved _smarty_include() back into Smarty.class.php + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.load_plugins.php: + prevent unnecessary calls to _read_file() in _is_compiled() + converted method-call to internal function-call in + smarty_core_load_plugins() + +2003-07-28 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + quote smarty-header properly to prevent resource-names from escaping from + the comment + +2003-07-25 Messju Mohr + + * libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php: + weakend race-condition and removed bogus error-message caused by that + in smarty_core_create_dir_structure(). + +2003-07-23 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php + libs/core/core.fetch_resource_info.php + libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php + libs/core/core.parse_resource_name.php + libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php + libs/plugins/function.eval.php: + moved _fetch_resource_info and _parse_resource_name back into + Smarty.class.php + renamed smarty_include and smarty_eval wrappers to _include and _eval + +2003-07-17 Messju Mohr + + * libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: + improved checking of compiled_include against cached-template with + non-cached-chunks + + * libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php: + fixed too short open-tag + + * libs/plugins/function.eval.php: + fixed assign parameter for eval (must have gotton lost on its way to 2.5.0) + cleaned up indentiation + +2003-07-03 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + resurrected $foo->$bar syntax + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + i'm so stupid. kick me. + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed initialisation of $this->_plugins in compile_block_tag() + +2003-07-03 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Config_File.class.php: + add preg_quote delimiter + +2003-07-03 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + applied fix for {$var1->p1|modifier:$var2->p2}-syntax - thanks Dominik + +2003-07-02 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed duplicate generation of arg-list in _compile_block_tag() + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed off-by-one-error in nocache-tag-handling + +2003-06-30 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + backed out errornously committed support for $foo->$bar + + * libs/core/core.write_file.php: + fixed indentiation, silenced occasional warning + + * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + match first character of file-attribute against "/" instead of + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR since it is a url-path and not a file-path. + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.write_file.php + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + re-fixed cacheable_state-handling + + * libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php + libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php + libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php + libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php: + extincting $this out of smarty_core_*-functions + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed handling of nocache-state + +2003-06-29 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php + libs/plugins/function.eval.php: + removed $this from smarty_include and smarty_include_php + added cleaner handling of $this to {eval} + + * libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php: + fixed inlude_once-call + + * docs/de/designers.sgml + docs/fr/designers.sgml: + fixed examples of html_radios and html_checkboxes in german and french docs + +2003-06-25 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php: + fix typo, fix write_cache_paths logic + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php: + fix SMARTY_COMPILE_DIR_SEP problem, make local var + +2003-06-24 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php: + fixed cache_paths bug, simplified filename assembly logic + +2003-06-24 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + added parsing of forgotton param "basedir" + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed $smarty.get-reference + + * libs/plugins/block.textformat.php: + removed warning + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed value of _cacheable_state on compiler-startup + +2003-06-23 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php: + make cache_path per resource, fix a couple directory path issues + +2003-06-23 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + removed warning when compiling empty template + + * libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php: + fixed bug in write_compiled_include + + * libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php: + fixed warning + +2003-06-22 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/function.eval.php: + fixed propagation of $this into evald code in smarty_function_eval() + + * libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php: + fix in compiled-include-handling + + * libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php + libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php + libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php + libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php + libs/core/core.fetch_resource_info.php + libs/core/core.get_include_path.php + libs/core/core.get_microtime.php + libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php + libs/core/core.is_secure.php + libs/core/core.is_trusted.php + libs/core/core.load_plugins.php + libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php + libs/core/core.parse_resource_name.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.rm_auto.php + libs/core/core.rmdir.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php + libs/core/core.write_file.php + libs/plugins/modifier.date_format.php: + started moving from $this to $smarty in core.*.php + +2003-06-21 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php + libs/core/core.write_file.php + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + fix more dir paths + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php + libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php + libs/core/core.fetch_resource_info.php + libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php + libs/core/core.parse_resource_name.php + libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.rm_auto.php + libs/core/core.rmdir.php + libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php + libs/core/core.write_file.php + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php + libs/plugins/function.fetch.php + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + fix filepaths to core files to use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR + +2003-06-21 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed {plugin|modifier} syntax + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php: + fixed compiled include handling + +2003-06-21 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php + libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php: + added filepath caching + +2003-06-20 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + update more varnames + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php + libs/core/core.fetch_file_info.php + libs/core/core.fetch_resource_info.php + libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php + libs/core/core.parse_file_path.php + libs/core/core.parse_resource_name.php + libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_template.php + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + refactored var naming to better reflect "resource" instead of "file" where + appropriate + +2003-06-19 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + updated version-number to 2.5.0-cvs + + * libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php: + omit is-cache_dir-writable-check if a cache_handler_function is in use + + * libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php: + fixed comments in smarty_include_php + +2003-06-19 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include.php + libs/plugins/function.eval.php: + split up _compile_template to _compile_file and _compile_source, fix eval + function + VS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + fix logic for _is_compiled() + +2003-06-19 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + added optional assign-attribute to {capture}-tag + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + added $cacheable-parameter to register_compiler_function() + +2003-06-18 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.load_plugins.php + libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php: + added $cacheable-parameter to register_function() and register_block() + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + append '.php' to all compiled templates regardless of the settings of + $use_sub_dirs + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: + fixed $file_path-parameters passed to smarty_core_fetch_file_info() + +2003-06-17 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: + fix name + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + change varnames to follow coding methods + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + add math patch to core + +2003-06-17 Messju Mohr + + * libs/core/core.smarty_include.php: + switched _process_template() to _is_compiled()-logic + +2003-06-17 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + fix _is_compiled logic + + * NEWS: + update news file + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix _run_mod_handler routine + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php + libs/core/core.fetch_file_info.php + libs/core/core.parse_file_path.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_template.php + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + fix path problems, rename some varibles from "template" to "file" + +2003-06-16 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/core/core.fetch_file_info.php + libs/core/core.fetch_template_info.php: + rename file, commit + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.parse_file_path.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/plugins/block.strip.php + libs/plugins/block.textformat.php + libs/plugins/compiler.config_load.php + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php + libs/plugins/function.eval.php + libs/plugins/function.fetch.php + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + fix config_load, compile fetched arrays to compile_dir, switch display + back to runtime. clean up var names and function names, split up compile + testing and compiling to separate funcs, rename some template_* functions + to + file_* functions and update logic so they can be used for file resources + other than templates. + +2003-06-16 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed little bug in _compile_custom_tag() + +2003-06-16 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php + libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php + libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php + libs/core/core.fetch_template_info.php + libs/core/core.get_include_path.php + libs/core/core.get_microtime.php + libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php + libs/core/core.is_secure.php + libs/core/core.is_trusted.php + libs/core/core.load_plugins.php + libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php + libs/core/core.parse_file_path.php + libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php + libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.rm_auto.php + libs/core/core.rmdir.php + libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include.php + libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php + libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php + libs/core/core.write_compiled_template.php + libs/core/core.write_file.php + libs/plugins/core.assign_smarty_interface.php + libs/plugins/core.create_dir_structure.php + libs/plugins/core.display_debug_console.php + libs/plugins/core.fetch_template_info.php + libs/plugins/core.get_include_path.php + libs/plugins/core.get_microtime.php + libs/plugins/core.get_php_resource.php + libs/plugins/core.is_secure.php + libs/plugins/core.is_trusted.php + libs/plugins/core.load_plugins.php + libs/plugins/core.load_resource_plugin.php + libs/plugins/core.parse_file_path.php + libs/plugins/core.process_cached_inserts.php + libs/plugins/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/plugins/core.rm_auto.php + libs/plugins/core.rmdir.php + libs/plugins/core.run_insert_handler.php + libs/plugins/core.smarty_include.php + libs/plugins/core.smarty_include_php.php + libs/plugins/core.write_cache_file.php + libs/plugins/core.write_compiled_template.php + libs/plugins/core.write_file.php: + move core files into their own directory under SMARTY_DIR, + remove abstraction function _execute_core_function + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix newline handling for template for all template tags + +2003-06-11 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/compiler.config_load.php: + add compiler function to cvs repository + +2003-06-11 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + added config-option "request_use_auto_globals" to make auto-globals be + used as request vars instead of HTTP_*_VARS + +2003-06-11 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + make config vars compile statically + +2003-06-11 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + backed out newlines patch + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + removed newlines in compiled templates after closing tags + +2003-06-10 Messju Mohr + + * docs/de/designers.sgml: + fixed german note on html_image and disk-access + +2003-06-10 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/core.parse_file_path.php: + fix bug with resource_type resolving + +2003-06-09 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: + replace example with more practical one + +2003-06-08 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + added block-methods for registered objects + +2003-06-07 Messju Mohr + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + fixed bug in documentation for $smarty->default_modifiers + +2003-06-06 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/core.parse_file_path.php: + fix problem with new default_resource_type changes + + * NEWS: + update NEWS file info + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/plugins/core.parse_file_path.php: + add default_resource_type, ignore 1 char resource names + + * NEWS + libs/Config_File.class.php: + fix bug where config file starts with hidden section + +2003-06-04 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + -** empty log message *** + +2003-06-03 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + fix example in code comments + +2003-06-03 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.counter.php: + fixed behaviour of start=... for {counter} + +2003-06-02 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.counter.php: + fixed assign for {counter} + +2003-05-30 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/core.write_cache_file.php + libs/plugins/core.write_compiled_template.php: + add discrete error checking pertaining to $cache_dir + and $compile_dir, their existance and writability + +2003-05-28 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_table.php: + added params vdir, hdir and inner to html_table to allow looping over + the data in various directions + +2003-05-28 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/core.compile_template.php + libs/plugins/core.display_debug_console.php: + fix problem with security and debug.tpl file + +2003-05-23 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: + upd NEWS file + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + allow spaces in literal tags + +2003-05-22 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/fr/programmers.sgml: + fix special chars + +2003-05-19 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + speed up compiled templates, hardcode plugin filepaths instead of + recalculate at runtime + +2003-05-19 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fixed example of {html_image} + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fixed typo + +2003-05-12 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/plugins/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/plugins/core.smarty_include.php + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + fixed multiple redundant occurrences for 'config' and 'template' in + $smarty->_cache_info + +2003-05-10 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/core.create_dir_structure.php: + refurbished create_dir_structure to use '/' internally + + * libs/plugins/core.create_dir_structure.php: + fixed windows absolute-paths in smarty_core_create_dir_structure() + + * libs/plugins/core.create_dir_structure.php: + fixed error-message + +2003-05-09 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed warning due to missing param to _execute_core_function() + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed quoting in _compile_include_php + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed quoting of "file"-parameter in _compile_include_tag() + +2003-05-08 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + fix typo + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/plugins/core.compile_template.php + libs/plugins/core.create_dir_structure.php + libs/plugins/core.fetch_template_info.php + libs/plugins/core.get_include_path.php + libs/plugins/core.get_microtime.php + libs/plugins/core.get_php_resource.php + libs/plugins/core.is_secure.php + libs/plugins/core.is_trusted.php + libs/plugins/core.load_plugins.php + libs/plugins/core.load_resource_plugin.php + libs/plugins/core.parse_file_path.php + libs/plugins/core.process_cached_inserts.php + libs/plugins/core.read_cache_file.php + libs/plugins/core.rm_auto.php + libs/plugins/core.rmdir.php + libs/plugins/core.run_insert_handler.php + libs/plugins/core.smarty_include.php + libs/plugins/core.smarty_include_php.php + libs/plugins/core.write_cache_file.php + libs/plugins/core.write_compiled_template.php + libs/plugins/core.write_file.php + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php + libs/plugins/function.fetch.php + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + abstract more private functions to plugin directory + + * libs/Config_File.class.php: + only add DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR if it isn't already present + + * libs/Config_File.class.php: + fix directory separator code, use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR + +2003-05-08 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fixed example of html_checkboxes + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + fixed bug in _create_dir_structure() when used with + open_basedir-restriction and relative paths + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fixed example for html_radios + +2003-05-07 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/plugins/core.assign_smarty_interface.php + libs/plugins/core.display_debug_console.php + libs/plugins/function.display_debug_console.php: + abstracted display_debug_console and assign_smarty_interface to plugin dir + as a test + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/plugins/function.display_debug_console.php: + correct misc varnames, abstract debug console display to plugin function + + * libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php: + fix typo + +2003-05-05 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + add % to math + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + clean up comments, formatting + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + keep DIR_SEP for 3rd party compatability + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + remove DIR_SEP, use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR exclusively + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + remove ++ and -- math operators on template vars + +2003-05-04 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + removed unused parameter $quote from Smarty_Compiler::_parse_attrs() + + * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + fixed DIR_SEP in html_image-plugin + +2003-05-04 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + rename DIR_SEP to SMARTY_DIR_SEP to avoid varname collisions + +2003-05-04 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + changed "link" to "href" in html_image. "link" is still working but + deprecated + html_image always renders an alt-tag now (default alt="") + cleaned up indentiation of function.html_image.php + +2003-05-03 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/debug.tpl: + fix typo + +2003-05-02 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.counter.php: + fixed assign attribute for multiple counters + +2003-05-02 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + allow math on negative number + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + added simple math operators to variables + +2003-05-02 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fixed typos + +2003-04-30 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/fr/appendixes.sgml + docs/fr/common.dsl + docs/fr/designers.sgml + docs/fr/getting-started.sgml + docs/fr/html-common.dsl + docs/fr/html.dsl + docs/fr/manual.sgml + docs/fr/php.dsl + docs/fr/preface.sgml + docs/fr/programmers.sgml: + add frech docs to cvs repository + +2003-04-29 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + reverted patch for case-insensitive tag-names + +2003-04-28 Messju Mohr + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + reverted back to humerous redundancy in the docs :). although we all + know we are here to generate template-based output, and not to have + fun ;-) + + * docs/getting-started.sgml: + fixed default user and group for max os x installation + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + made $function[2] and $function[3] options for register_resource + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + fixed issue with object-callback when fetching a php-resource + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + enabled array(&$obj. 'source', 'timestamp', 'secure', 'trusted') as + callback for register_resource() + + enabled array(&$obj, 'method') as callback for + $default_template_handler_func + +2003-04-27 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: + fixed some typos, thank to mehdi + + * libs/plugins/function.counter.php: + prevent assign from overruling print-attribute in function.counter.php + + * libs/plugins/function.counter.php: + fixed problem with counter and assign + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + fixed notice in _load_plugins() + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + made plugin-names case-insensitive. this affects + compiler/block/custom-functions and modifers. + +2003-04-26 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + remove unnecessary close/open tags from compiled templates + +2003-04-26 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml: + added documentation for* + +2003-04-24 Messju Mohr + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fixed example table_attr and tr_attr in html_table-example + +2003-04-21 Greg Beaver + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + fixed small bug in doc comments + +2003-04-21 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + fixed errornous creation of '//' in image_path in html_image + +2003-04-21 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: + fix htmlspecialchars() conflict + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: + fix escapement of special chars in key values of debug console + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: + fixed debug timing logic for config_load + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fix example text + + +2003-04-20 Greg Beaver + * plugins/* + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + Config_File.class.php: + updated all doc comments to phpDocumentor format (whew!) + +2003-04-06 Messju Mohr + + * libs/plugins/function.math.php: + allowed "_" in the name of variable-parameters to {math}-function + +2003-04-04 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + docs/designers.sgml + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + change backtic syntax from $`foo` to `$foo` + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + recognize $foo[][] syntax in embedded quotes without backticks + +2003-04-03 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + name=123 is passed as an integer (not a string) to plugins now + +2003-04-01 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + added CVS $Id$ + +2003-03-31 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + added missing compile_id inside Smarty_Compiler + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed flaw when generating an error for missing postfilter + +2003-03-31 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/getting-started.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: + fix typos + +2003-03-27 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: + $length is now propagated to sub-values in debug_print_var + +2003-03-26 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: + update header + + * RELEASE_NOTES: + commit changes to release notes + + * (Smarty_2_5_0_RC2) + libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + committing RC2 + +2003-03-24 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + made clear_cache() ignore compile_id when clearing cache_groups + + * libs/plugins/function.popup.php: + made onmouseout XHTML-compatible in function.popup.php + +2003-03-21 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + applied new var-names to fetch() + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + renamed $localvars to $_localvars in cache-file-handling-functions, + added _get_auto_id()-function + +2003-03-21 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/function.mailto.php + libs/plugins/function.popup.php: + update functions for XHTML compatability + +2003-03-21 Messju Mohr + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + fixed wrong $auto_id in _read_cache_file() + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + swapped compile_id and cache_id in read_cache_file and write_cache_file + + * libs/Smarty.class.php: + reverted patch for ignoring compile-id back to -r1.364, due to problems + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: + html_radios and html_checkboxes accept "selected" instead of "checked" + optionally now + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + swapped compile_id and cache_id for cache-file-handling again + +2003-03-20 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix notice when no parameter is passed to default + +2003-03-20 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + removed notice of undefined var in _rm_auto() + +2003-03-19 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php + libs/plugins/function.html_table.php: + fix a few error messages, follow consistancy format plugin_name: errormsg + + * libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: + update error messages + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: + add a warning when an array is passed as the 'checked' value of html_radios + +2003-03-19 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed errormessage in _compile_smarty_ref() + + * NEWS + docs/designers.sgml: + updated docs for html_image + +2003-03-18 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + cleaned up calls to readdir() + + * libs/plugins/function.html_options.php: + fixed label for optgroup in html_options + +2003-03-18 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix (newly introduced) bug with passing multiple modifiers to a parameter + +2003-03-18 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + docs/designers.sgml: + updated docs for html_checkboxes, html_options and html_radios + + * libs/plugins/function.html_options.php: + fixed wrong default-"name" in function.html_options.php + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: + renamed "checkbox" and "radios" to "options" in {html_checkboxes} and + {html_radios} + + * libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php: + tried to optimize re-replacement in outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php a + little + + * libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php: + fixed greedy str_replace in outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php + libs/plugins/function.html_options.php + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: + html_options, html_checkboxes and html_radios now pass-thru all unknown + paramters + +2003-03-17 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_options.php: + html_options passthru all unknown paramters now + +2003-03-17 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + Fix link bug in html_image function, also make output XHTML compatible + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix issue of embedded var and escaped double quotes + +2003-03-15 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + back out "@" logic, apply only to default modifier special case + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix @ logic, only use upon an echo + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + append "@" to template var echoes to supress possible notices + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + append "@" to _run_mod_handler to supress warnings + +2003-03-14 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix problem with escaped double quotes + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: + fixed html_options to not return an array + +2003-03-12 Messju Mohr + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/modifier.truncate.php: + fixed length in modifier.truncate.php + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php: + fixed handling of '$'-signs in trimwhitespace outputfilter (messju) + +2003-03-12 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + update technical explanation of assign_by_ref and append_by_ref + +2003-03-11 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + fix config file recompiling code + +2003-03-07 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + change E_USER_ERROR to E_USER_NOTICE + + * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + suppress warning in html_image + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + update changes to html_image + +2003-03-06 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/de/appendixes.sgml + docs/de/common.dsl + docs/de/designers.sgml + docs/de/getting-started.sgml + docs/de/html-common.dsl + docs/de/html.dsl + docs/de/manual.sgml + docs/de/preface.sgml + docs/de/programmers.sgml: + add german docs to dist + + * NEWS: + update news file + + * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + fix width/height parameter index + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + get rid of unsetting name and script attributes to insert tags + +2003-03-05 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + RELEASE_NOTES: + update NEWS file + + * libs/plugins/modifier.string_format.php: + fix argument order, erroneously swapped a while back + + * (Smarty_2_5_0_RC1) + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + libs/Config_File.class.php + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + commit final changes for 2.5.0-RC1 + +2003-03-04 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + remove $show_info_header and $show_info_include property vars from docs + +2003-03-03 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.popup.php: + fixed PHP notice + +2003-02-28 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + simplify and smarty.const.$foo logic + + * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + only allow $foo syntax in embedded quotes, unless escaped with backticks + then allow any dollar var + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix "once" var compiling to work with new attr compiling methods for + include_php + + * FAQ + NEWS + README + docs/designers.sgml + docs/getting-started.sgml + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php + libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php + libs/plugins/function.html_options.php + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php + libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php + libs/plugins/function.html_select_time.php + libs/plugins/function.html_table.php: + fix $ compiling, clean up double quoted strings, + allow full dollar var syntax in quotes again + +2003-02-27 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + update docs, fix smarty var compiling, allow any $smarty.*.$foo syntax, + add $`foobar` for embedded variables + + * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + update functionality + +2003-02-26 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/modifier.nl2br.php: + add nl2br modifier + + * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + add link parameter + +2003-02-24 Monte Ohrt + + * libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + fix rename problem in windows, unlink first + + * libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php + libs/plugins/function.html_options.php + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php + libs/plugins/shared.escape_special_chars.php: + update functions with separate escape_special_chars routine + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: + commit checkboxes, update radios + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php + libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: + fix bug with get_registered_object + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/ + added cat modifier to distribution + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + added << >> <> support to IF statements + + * libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: + apply patch to initial html_radios function + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + fix _assign_smarty_interface to not overwrite keys other than 'request' + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: + added html_radios to distribution + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/modifier.string_format.php: + fixed arg order of string_format + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty.class.php: + use tmp file for file writes, avoid race condition + + * NEWS + libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + add $ var, handle embedded smarty var correctly + + * NEWS + libs/plugins/function.fetch.php: + silence warnings in fetch plugin + +2003-02-21 Monte Ohrt + + * INSTALL: + update wording + + * INSTALL: + update install instructions + + * AUTHORS + BUGS + CREDITS + QUICKSTART + README + RESOURCES + TESTIMONIALS: + remove some files already in docs or elsewhere + + * demo/index.php: + add templates_c to repository + + * index.php: + move demo files to demo directory + + * Config_File.class.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + debug.tpl: + moved lib files under libs directory + +2003-02-20 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + add get_config_vars() method, update get_template_vars() functionality + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + fix minor logic in _fetch_template_info() + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + support merging appended vars + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + fix cache groups behavior with compile_id set + +2003-02-19 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: + back out third parameter, extend functionality of append + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + update imbedded vars, allow special $smarty vars + + * plugins/function.html_table.php: + add plugin html_table + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + support appending key=>val pairs + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + change embedded variable logic to only recognize $foo and $foo[0][bar] + syntax + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + allow null as function attribute value + +2003-02-18 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + support foo->bar[index] syntax + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + allow $foo->bar[0] syntax + +2003-02-17 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/modifier.escape.php: + fix syntax error from previous commit + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + add error msgs to get_registered_object + + * Smarty.class.php: + add function for getting reference to registered object + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + back out patches for object and objref calls on $smarty var + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + treat unrecognized param attribute syntax as a string + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + support $smarty.const.$foo syntax + + * NEWS + debug.tpl + plugins/modifier.count_words.php + plugins/modifier.escape.php: + fix E_NOTICE messages + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + add @ and === to if tokens, few param cleanups + +2003-02-16 Greg Beaver + + * ChangeLog + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + many more phpdoc comment upgrades + +2003-02-15 Greg Beaver + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + continue cleaning of phpdoc comments. All that is needed is the + addition of @return tags and perhaps a bit more verbose comments + and they are finished. + +2003-02-14 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + enable config_load error messages + + * NEWS + plugins/function.html_options.php: + fix html_options to not escape already escaped entities + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + send Last-Modified header on cache creation, misc tab/spacing cleanup + +2003-02-13 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs/designers.sgml: + allow dash in plain text + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + check strict syntax of function attributes + +2003-02-12 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + dropped support for modifiers on object parameters, + added support for objects as modifier parameters + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs/designers.sgml: + fix bug with decimal numbers in if statements, misc doc updates + +2003-02-11 Monte Ohrt + + * (Smarty_2_4_2) + Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + update version numbers + +2003-02-10 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + add support for $foo->$bar syntax + + * NEWS: + update NEWS file + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + support full var syntax in quoted text, fix problem with const var access, + clean up some more regex code, fix object problem with no properties + +2003-02-06 Monte Ohrt + + * (Smarty_2_4_1) + Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + committed 2.4.1 changes + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + ignore case in IF statements + +2003-02-05 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + treat undefined constants as null + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + fix problem with inserts and nested fetches + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix "if" regex for math tokens + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs/getting-started.sgml: + added support for extracting params to include_php + +2003-02-04 Monte Ohrt + + * RELEASE_NOTES: + reformat text + +2003-02-03 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: + update news file + +2003-02-03 Greg Beaver + + * ChangeLog + Smarty.class.php: + begin fixing phpdoc comments in Smarty.class.php + + * ChangeLog + Config_File.class.php: + fixed phpdoc comments + +2003-02-03 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + allow $foo->bar[$x].foo syntax + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + index.php + configs/test.conf + templates/index.tpl: + fix accidental commit + + * index.php + configs/test.conf + templates/index.tpl: + allow $foo->bar[$j].blah type of syntax + +2003-02-02 Greg Beaver + + * Smarty.class.php + begin fixing of phpdoc comments + + * Config_File.class.php + fix phpdoc comments, add phpDocumentor docblock templates + +2003-02-02 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + docs/html.dsl + docs/php.dsl: + fix version number + + * (Smarty_2_4_0) + Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: + update Smarty version numbers + +2003-01-30 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + TODO: + fix order of php tag comparisons + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix known php tag handling problems + +2003-01-29 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + change comments to phpdoc style + +2003-01-28 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + docs/programmers.sgml: + make separate var for compiler file + + * plugins/function.fetch.php: + fix error call + +2003-01-25 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + add support for restriction to registered methods + + * plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php: + update with textarea support + +2003-01-24 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix compiling problem with {foreach} tags + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + put objects in own array, add object param format support, change + object syntax from to foo->bar + +2003-01-23 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + add support for object registration + +2003-01-22 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: + add file & line number of calling error to error message + +2003-01-21 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + put php style object syntax back in + +2003-01-20 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: + move security settings to fetch function for template_dir + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + fix debug template and security, add template_dir to secure_dir at runtime + +2003-01-17 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + added new object support without new template syntax + +2003-01-15 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix if statement syntax for negative integers, fix issue with directories + named '0' + +2003-01-08 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + plugins/function.counter.php + plugins/function.cycle.php + plugins/function.debug.php + plugins/function.eval.php + plugins/function.fetch.php + plugins/function.html_options.php + plugins/function.html_select_date.php + plugins/function.html_select_time.php + plugins/function.mailto.php + plugins/function.math.php + plugins/function.popup.php + plugins/function.popup_init.php: + update plugins to return values instead of echo, fix config file cache + to include global config variables in cache file + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix bug with >= tests in if statements, comment out full object support + +2003-01-06 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + docs/html.dsl + plugins/modifier.escape.php: + add javascript escape parameter to escape modifier + +2003-01-02 Monte Ohrt + + * templates/header.tpl: + move the title into head where it should be + +2002-12-24 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + added correct line numbers to smarty syntax error messages + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + update append documentation, make more clear on its function + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix modifier matching regexp + +2002-12-23 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + support nested function calls in IF statements + +2002-12-20 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + few more fixes, spaces around function parameters + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix misc syntax issues with {if} tags + +2002-12-20 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix misc syntax issues with {if} tags + +2002-12-19 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + commit updates, passes all smoke tests + + * NEWS: + update NEWS file + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed literal string not in quotes as parameters + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix misc syntax issues, add ability to pass modifiers to functions + +2002-12-18 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: + update NEWS + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + update compiler code, clean up regex, add new syntax features + +2002-12-16 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: + update NEWS file + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + commit updates for objects + +2002-12-14 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix bug with compiling config files with caching on + +2002-12-13 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix problem with matching single quoted strings + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + update embedded variable logic, get rid of ."" at end of output + + * NEWS + docs/designers.sgml + plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + add day_value_format to html_select_date + +2002-12-12 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: + fix bug, double escaped values in display + + * Smarty.class.php: + move debug test back into fetch() + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php: + assigned vars are no longer in global name space, few debug cleanups + +2002-12-11 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.popup.php: + fix error in newline code + + * plugins/function.popup.php: + fix popup to allow newlines in text data + +2002-12-10 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: + fix plugin error logic + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: + edit examples, make more verbose + + * NEWS + plugins/function.html_options.php: + escape html entities in the option values and output + + * NEWS + plugins/function.html_options.php: + fixed bug with label of html_options + +2002-12-09 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: + add support for var_export() + + * Config_File.class.php + Smarty.class.php: + clean up code, respect force_compile and compile_check flags + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs/designers.sgml + plugins/function.mailto.php: + add caching feature to config loading, document update, add mailto plugin + +2002-12-08 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.fetch.php: + fix query part of URL + +2002-12-05 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fix typos + +2002-11-22 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + patch for warning message + +2002-11-21 Monte Ohrt + + * RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php: + get rid of testing for a set value with assign function, just set to + whatever is passed into the template + + * docs/programmers.sgml: + fix typo + +2002-11-19 Monte Ohrt + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + commit changes, ready for 2.3.1 release + +2002-11-01 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.html_options.php: + added label attribute to all option outputs, cover w3c spec. + + * NEWS: update NEWS file + + * docs/designers.sgml: update docs for optgroup output + + * plugins/function.html_options.php: + make html_options work with optgroup, make func modular and recursive. + +2002-10-29 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: set mtime on compile files so they match source files + +2002-10-18 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: added proper support for open_basedir setting + + * docs/designers.sgml: clear up docs on index, iteration and rownum + +2002-10-16 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/modifier.default.php: fix warning message in default modifier + +2002-09-25 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml + plugins/modifier.strip.php + NEWS: added strip variable modifier + +2002-09-24 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Fix to be able to use $smarty.x variables as arrays. + +2002-09-23 Monte Ohrt + + * Config_File.class.php: + add support for mac/dos formatted config files (fix newlines) + + * docs/programmers.sgml: add optional tags to clear_cache parameters + + * docs/designers.sgml: + fix error with include_php description, add $this to description + +2002-09-20 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + docs/getting-started.sgml: fixed errors with example setup docs + +2002-09-16 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/block.textformat.php + docs/designers.sgml + NEWS: add textformat block function + +2002-09-10 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: + add assign attribute to cycle function documentation + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: fix typos + +2002-09-09 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.debug.php + templates/header.tpl: + fix header in debug template, fix typo in header.tpl example + +2002-08-15 mohrt + + * docs/programmers.sgml: fix typos + +2002-08-08 mohrt + + * RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php: + supress warnings from unlink() and is_dir(), let error handler deal with it + +2002-08-07 mohrt + + * docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml + Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update files with new version numbers + +2002-08-02 mohrt + + * NEWS: update NEWS file with credits + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: added assign_by_ref() and append_by_ref() functions + +2002-08-01 mohrt + + * TODO + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + changed default warning type for plugin errors from E_USER_WARNING to E_USER_ERROR + +2002-07-29 mohrt + + * plugins/function.html_select_time.php + docs/designers.sgml + NEWS: added paramters to html_select_time plugin + +2002-07-25 Andrei Zmievski + + * TODO: *** empty log message *** + +2002-07-24 mohrt + + * QUICKSTART: update QUICKSTART guide + + * NEWS + debug.tpl + plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: + update debug console to show objects, fix warning in debug.tpl + +2002-07-23 mohrt + + * docs/programmers.sgml: fix load_filter examples + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS: fix error when there are no sections in config file + +2002-07-19 mohrt + + * docs/getting-started.sgml: fix error in install guide + +2002-07-18 mohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + correct the expression match for smarty:nodefaults + +2002-07-17 mohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: fix default modifier to work with config vars + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: got args to strstr backwards... + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + change default modifiers to array instead of string + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs/designers.sgml + Smarty.class.php: add default modifier logic, minor doc updates + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + plugins/function.popup_init.php: + make popup_init xhtml compliant, minor variable name changes for consistancy + +2002-07-16 mohrt + + * NEWS: update NEWS file + + * plugins/function.debug.php + Smarty.class.php + debug.tpl + NEWS: + fix problem with filenames on windows, add ability to supply expire time in seconds when clearing cache or compiled files + +2002-07-15 mohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: + fixed problem with insert tags when loading function from script attribute + and caching enabled (Monte) + +2002-07-14 mohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: fix bug with debug_tpl file path for Windows + +2002-07-12 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: fix append function with array/string issue + +2002-07-11 Monte Ohrt + + * RELEASE_NOTES: update release notes + + * NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + Config_File.class.php: update files to 2.2.0 tags, get ready for release + +2002-07-09 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: make debug.tpl work with any delimiter + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + change tests in append and assign to != '' instead of empty(), which is more accurate + +2002-07-08 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: minor doc update + + * Smarty.class.php: + cast var as an array, simplify and get rid of PHP warning messages + +2002-07-03 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: one more N + + * Smarty.class.php: + prepend "N" to filenames to avoid possible OS issues with dir names starting with "-" + + * Smarty.class.php: only set $debug_tpl in constructor if empty + + * Smarty.class.php + docs/designers.sgml + docs/getting-started.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: + make use_sub_dirs go back to crc32 for subdir separation + +2002-06-29 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.eval.php: do nothing if $val is empty + + * TODO + plugins/function.eval.php + plugins/function.popup_init.php: + add zindex to popup init, fix error message for eval. + +2002-06-27 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: + only loop through relative paths for PHP include_path, remove $_relative variable + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: added {$smarty.version} variable + +2002-06-26 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/designers.sgml + docs/getting-started.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml + Smarty.class.php: + update plugin loading logic, look in SMARTY_DIR, then cwd. If all fail, then retry all with include_path + + * templates/header.tpl + Smarty.class.php: update get_include_path, get _path_array only once + + * Smarty.class.php: fix get_include_path function for windows + + * Smarty.class.php: update plugin search logic + + * Smarty.class.php: only search include_path if relative path + + * plugins/function.html_select_date.php + plugins/function.html_select_time.php + plugins/modifier.date_format.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: allow plugins_dir to be an array of directories + +2002-06-25 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/programmers.sgml + docs/getting-started.sgml: update installation docs + + * debug.tpl + docs/getting-started.sgml + templates/debug.tpl + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: move debug.tpl to SMARTY_DIR, add to constructor + +2002-06-24 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php + NEWS: fixed warning message in function.assign_debug_info + + * Smarty.class.php: update include_path fixes + + * NEWS: + fixed $template_dir, $compile_dir, $cache_dir, $config_dir to respect include_path + +2002-06-23 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php: + update timestamp plugin to work when passed a timestamp + +2002-06-19 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: update NEWS file + + * plugins/modifier.date_format.php + docs/designers.sgml: + update date_format, allow optional 2nd paramater as default date if passed date is empty. update docs. + + * plugins/modifier.date_format.php: + fix date_format modifier, return nothing if given empty string + +2002-06-18 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + plugins/function.cycle.php: + gave $reset a default value in cycle function + + * plugins/function.html_select_date.php + plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php + NEWS: + corrected warnings in html_select_time function, made make timestamp always return a timestamp + +2002-06-17 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: swapped around cache_id and compile_id order + +2002-06-14 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/programmers.sgml + plugins/function.popup_init.php + Smarty.class.php: + change directory delimiter to "^" for cache and compile files + +2002-06-13 Andrei Zmievski + + * TODO: done. + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Optimize the calculation of section 'total' property. + +2002-06-11 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + added support for subdir exclusion, deletion by full or partial cache_id and compile_id, change file format to urlencoded values instead of crc32 + +2002-06-07 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: fix bug with last_modified_check code + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + updated $GLOBALS refererence for HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE + +2002-06-06 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml + overlib.js: + remove overlib.js file from distribution, update plugin and docs + +2002-06-05 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: fix 304 Not Modified, don't send content + +2002-06-03 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.cycle.php: update version number + + * plugins/function.cycle.php + NEWS: + fixed cycle function to respect delimiter setting after initial setting + + * Smarty.class.php + NEWS: + update $GLOBALS references to work properly with track_globals settings + + * plugins/function.math.php: fixed bug with call $assign + + * docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/designers.sgml + plugins/function.html_options.php + plugins/function.html_select_time.php + NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + optimized for loops with count() function calls + +2002-06-01 Andrei Zmievski + + * TODO: *** empty log message *** + +2002-05-21 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: update NEWS file + + * plugins/function.html_select_date.php + RESOURCES + docs/designers.sgml + Config_File.class.php: + update html_select_date with month_value_format attribute for controlling the format of the month values. + +2002-05-17 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Made it possible to use simple variables inside [] for indexing. + +2002-05-16 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml + docs/getting-started.sgml + NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + TESTIMONIALS: add "once" attribute to php_include, update docs + +2002-05-09 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + TODO: *** empty log message *** + +2002-05-07 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.cycle.php: remove \n from cycle function + + * docs/designers.sgml + plugins/function.cycle.php + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + NEWS: + update cycle function to handle array as input, update files to 2.1.1 + +2002-05-06 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.fetch.php: + update fetch function with more error checking + +2002-05-03 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml + plugins/function.counter.php: + update counter to use name instead of id (id still works though) + + * plugins/function.cycle.php + docs/designers.sgml: rename id to name for cycle function + + * plugins/function.cycle.php: + update cycle function to allow blank values parameter after initialized + + * plugins/function.cycle.php: fix syntax error + +2002-05-02 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.cycle.php: ugh, another typo + + * plugins/function.cycle.php: update comments + + * docs/designers.sgml + plugins/function.cycle.php + NEWS: added function cycle + + * FAQ + Smarty.class.php: fix register_outputfilter function + +2002-05-01 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: fixed bug with resource testing and include_path + +2002-04-30 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update files for 2.1.0 release + +2002-04-30 Andrei Zmievski + + * plugins/function.fetch.php + docs/programmers.sgml + Smarty.class.php: Fix. + +2002-04-29 Andrei Zmievski + + * docs/programmers.sgml + docs/designers.sgml: A whole bunch of docs. + +2002-04-26 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + QUICKSTART + docs/programmers.sgml: update FAQ, QUICKSTART, small doc syntax fix + +2002-04-24 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/programmers.sgml + templates/debug.tpl + Smarty.class.php: changed doc structure a bit + +2002-04-16 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: Add register/unregister API for output filters. + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + TODO: + Changed the way filters are loaded, which now has to be done explicitly, + either through load_filter() API or by filling in $autoload_filters variable. + Also renamed internal variable to avoid namespace pollution. + +2002-04-15 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: + Fixed _get_php_resource() to take include_path into account. + +2002-04-15 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: + update docs, get modifiers and functions into index for easy access + + * docs/programmers.sgml + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: update caching documentation + +2002-04-15 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty.class.php: Only turn down error notices if $debugging is false. + +2002-04-15 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: update NEWS file + + * plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + fixed logic so this works right when field_separator = "/" + + * plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + fix regular expression for matching date + +2002-04-13 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: updated html_select_date docs to reflect changes + + * NEWS + plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + added YYYY-MM-DD support to html_select_date + +2002-04-12 Andrei Zmievski + + * TESTIMONIALS: New entry. + +2002-04-12 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php: back out changes to strip_tags + + * docs/programmers.sgml: update docs regarding cache_lifetime + + * plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php + Smarty.class.php: + update cache_lifetime logic: -1 = never expire, 0 = always expire + +2002-04-11 Andrei Zmievski + + * BUGS + FAQ + INSTALL + NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs/getting-started.sgml: + Fixed directory separtor issue. Requiring PHP 4.0.6 now. + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Added ability to use simple variables for array indices or object properties. + + * TESTIMONIALS: Another one. + + * TESTIMONIALS: Adding one from Mark P. + +2002-04-05 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: Make it possible to unregister pre/postfilter plugins. + +2002-04-05 Monte Ohrt + + * INSTALL: Remove addons file from INSTALL instructions + +2002-04-04 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: update doc error + + * docs/designers.sgml + plugins/modifier.escape.php + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: added htmlall attribute to escape modifier + +2002-04-03 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fixed undefined offset warning in {if} tag. + + * Smarty.class.php + NEWS: Added template_exists() API. + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + NEWS: + - Added $smarty.template variable. + - Fixed {include_php} tag when dynamic values were used for 'file' attribute. + + * Config_File.class.php: Separator setting fix. + +2002-03-28 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + README: add digest address + + * FAQ + README + Smarty.class.php: update mailing list addresses + +2002-03-28 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * plugins/function.html_select_date.php + plugins/function.html_select_time.php + plugins/modifier.date_format.php: + Fix for when plugins directory is not the default one. + +2002-03-28 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * plugins/function.html_select_date.php + plugins/function.html_select_time.php + plugins/modifier.date_format.php: + Fix for when plugins directory is not the default one. + +2002-03-27 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ: update FAQ page + +2002-03-26 Andrei Zmievski + + * CREDITS + NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + TODO: Block functions changes. + + * Config_File.class.php: *** empty log message *** + +2002-03-25 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Initial implementation of block functions. + +2002-03-22 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: fix documentation error in capture + +2002-03-22 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty.class.php: Turn off notices. + +2002-03-21 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Make _current_file available to prefilters. + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + Made is possible to assign variables in pre/postfilters. + +2002-03-20 Andrei Zmievski + + * plugins/function.html_select_date.php: Fixed +/- functionality. + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2002-03-20 Monte Ohrt + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update version numbers + + * plugins/function.html_select_date.php + plugins/function.html_select_time.php + plugins/modifier.date_format.php: + move .make_timestamp.php to shared.make_timestamp.php + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + docs/designers.sgml + plugins/function.fetch.php + plugins/function.html_select_date.php: + update file generation, replace crc32() '-' with 'N' + +2002-03-20 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: *** empty log message *** + +2002-03-19 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Fix plugin behavior for inserts with script attribute. + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix bug with $smarty.cookies. + + * TESTIMONIALS: *** empty log message *** + +2002-03-15 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + docs/designers.sgml: update Changelog + + * plugins/modifier.indent.php + plugins/modifier.wordwrap.php: add wordwrap and indent to repository + +2002-03-14 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: + remove show_info_include and show_info_header functions + +2002-03-13 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.fetch.php: update fetch function + + * plugins/function.fetch.php: update fetch function with new parameters + +2002-03-12 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: update doc tables + + * docs/designers.sgml: update docs columns + + * docs/getting-started.sgml + docs/appendixes.sgml: update docs + + * TESTIMONIALS + docs/appendixes.sgml: update syntax error in docs, add to testimonials + +2002-03-04 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + README: update FAQ, README with digest mode info + +2002-03-02 Monte Ohrt + + * QUICKSTART: update quickstart + + * Smarty.class.php: + change behavior so cache_lifetime = 0 never expires (instead of always regenerate) + +2002-03-01 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: update doc example + +2002-03-01 Andrei Zmievski + + * CREDITS + RELEASE_NOTES + TODO + NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2002-03-01 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/designers.sgml + docs/getting-started.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: update document id tags + + * docs.sgml: remove docs.sgml + + * RESOURCES + Smarty.class.php: update resources + +2002-02-28 Andrei Zmievski + + * TESTIMONIALS + docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/designers.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: *** empty log message *** + +2002-02-27 Andrei Zmievski + + * plugins/function.eval.php + docs/designers.sgml: *** empty log message *** + +2002-02-27 Monte Ohrt + + * plugins/function.eval.php: added eval function to plugin dir + +2002-02-27 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2002-02-27 Monte Ohrt + + * docs/designers.sgml: fix syntax error + + * docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/designers.sgml + docs/getting-started.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: convert technical notes to docbook format + + * NEWS + docs/designers.sgml: added "eval" plugin docs + +2002-02-26 Andrei Zmievski + + * docs/programmers.sgml + docs/designers.sgml + docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/getting-started.sgml + docs/html-common.dsl + docs/.cvsignore: *** empty log message *** + + * docs/appendixes.sgml + docs/common.dsl + docs/designers.sgml + docs/getting-started.sgml + docs/html-common.dsl + docs/html.dsl + docs/manual.sgml + docs/preface.sgml + docs/programmers.sgml: Split up docs. + +2002-02-25 Andrei Zmievski + + * docs.sgml: *** empty log message *** + +2002-02-22 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml: update docs + +2002-02-22 Andrei Zmievski + + * docs.sgml + AUTHORS + NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2002-02-21 Monte Ohrt + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml: update misc changes + +2002-02-21 Andrei Zmievski + + * docs.sgml: *** empty log message *** + +2002-02-20 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml: misc updates + +2002-02-20 Andrei Zmievski + + * docs.sgml: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty.class.php + plugins/function.assign.php + plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php + plugins/function.counter.php + plugins/function.fetch.php + plugins/function.math.php + plugins/function.popup.php + plugins/function.popup_init.php + plugins/modifier.escape.php: Fixup some naming. + +2002-02-20 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml: update docs + +2002-02-20 Andrei Zmievski + + * docs.sgml: *** empty log message *** + +2002-02-20 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + docs.sgml + plugins/modifier.escape.php: + removed global vars from fetch function, added attrs to escape modifier + + * docs.sgml: add plugin chapter outline + +2002-02-19 Monte Ohrt + + * README + RELEASE_NOTES + RESOURCES + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml + BUGS + FAQ + INSTALL + QUICKSTART: update docs + +2002-02-19 Andrei Zmievski + + * docs.sgml: Updated resources docs. + + * README: *** empty log message *** + + * docs.sgml: Updated description of {$smarty} variable. + + * BUGS + FAQ + INSTALL + QUICKSTART + RELEASE_NOTES + docs.sgml: Remove PEAR notes. + +2002-02-18 Andrei Zmievski + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS: Removed dependency on PEAR. + +2002-02-18 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + docs.sgml + plugins/function.popup_init.php: add src attribute to popup_init + +2002-02-15 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: Performance enhancements. + +2002-02-06 Andrei Zmievski + + * plugins/function.html_options.php: + Fix html_options output to be XHTML compatible. + +2002-02-05 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix up plugin inclusion. + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + TODO + plugins/function.html_select_date.php + plugins/function.html_select_time.php + plugins/modifier.date_format.php: Fix plugin directory access. + +2002-02-04 Andrei Zmievski + + * .cvsignore + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: *** empty log message *** + +2002-01-31 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + TODO + plugins/function.assign.php + plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php + plugins/function.counter.php + plugins/function.fetch.php + plugins/function.html_options.php + plugins/function.html_select_date.php + plugins/function.html_select_time.php + plugins/function.math.php + plugins/function.popup.php + plugins/function.popup_init.php + plugins/modifier.capitalize.php + plugins/modifier.count_characters.php + plugins/modifier.count_paragraphs.php + plugins/modifier.count_sentences.php + plugins/modifier.count_words.php + plugins/modifier.date_format.php + plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php + plugins/modifier.default.php + plugins/modifier.escape.php + plugins/modifier.lower.php + plugins/modifier.regex_replace.php + plugins/modifier.replace.php + plugins/modifier.spacify.php + plugins/modifier.string_format.php + plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php + plugins/modifier.truncate.php + plugins/modifier.upper.php + plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php + templates/index.tpl + AUTHORS + CREDITS + Config_File.class.php + README: Implemented plugin architecture. + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2002-01-30 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: added modifiers wordwrap and indent + +2002-01-28 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: + add support for is-modified-since headers, adjust a doc example + +2002-01-24 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: cleanup formatting + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: update ChangeLog, remove insert_tag_check parameter + +2002-01-24 Andrei Zmievski + + * plugins/standard.plugin.php: *** empty log message *** + +2002-01-24 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: fix syntax error + + * Smarty.class.php: removed unneccesary test from fetch() + +2002-01-23 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.addons.php: update overlib fixes + + * NEWS: update changelog + + * FAQ + NEWS + RESOURCES + Smarty.addons.php: updated overlib fixes + +2001-12-31 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: Fixed compile_id problem. + +2001-12-28 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed problem with using assigned var with include_php filepath + +2001-12-21 Monte Ohrt + + * RESOURCES: update RESOURCES + +2001-12-20 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + README: update FAQ + +2001-12-18 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: update version numbers + +2001-12-18 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: Fixed clear_cache(). + +2001-12-14 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php: + fixed bug in smarty_make_timestamp introduced in PHP 4.1.0 + +2001-12-13 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: update default function args, fix cached insert debug timing + +2001-12-12 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml: fix syntax error in documentation + + * Smarty.class.php: update default template handling functionality + +2001-12-11 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update file fetching logic + +2001-12-11 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: Added 'script' attribute to {insert..}. + +2001-12-10 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: added default template function handler + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update version numbers in files to 1.5.1 + +2001-12-10 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: Removed error message from the _read_file() method. + + * Smarty.class.php: Fix check for compile and cache IDs. + +2001-12-06 Monte Ohrt + + * QUICKSTART: fix spelling error in QUICKSTART + + * docs.sgml: fixed spelling errors in documenation + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: commit 1.5.0 release + + * RESOURCES + docs.sgml: added RESOURCES file + +2001-12-05 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Refactor. + +2001-12-05 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml: added assign to include and php_include + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml: *** empty log message *** + +2001-12-04 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Formatting. + +2001-12-04 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: update ChangeLog + +2001-12-04 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: Formatting. + +2001-12-04 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: removed SMARTY_DIR setting in constructor + + * Smarty.class.php: fix Smarty.class.php indention error + + * Smarty.class.php: update trusted logic + +2001-12-03 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: + fix up is_secure, is_trusted, make _parse_tpl_path function + + * Smarty.class.php: fix problem with testing SMARTY_DIR as empty + + * NEWS + docs.sgml: update documentation, change log + + * Smarty.class.php: + update constructor to check for SMARTY_DIR before assigning + +2001-12-03 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** + +2001-12-03 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + INSTALL + RELEASE_NOTES: update a few files + + * NEWS + QUICKSTART + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: added trusted_dir functionality, cleaned up secure_dir logic + +2001-12-03 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: - Introduced $compile_id class variable. + - Fixed a situation where if $cache_id and $compile_id were both null + they were passed to auto functions as empty string instead of null. + +2001-11-30 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + change variable names in fetch() fuction to smarty_* to avoid namespace conflicts + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: fixed bug in _rm_auto with catenated null values + +2001-11-29 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Added $smarty.section.* syntax. + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Made 'name' attribute optional for {foreach}. + +2001-11-29 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + index.php: remove assign "now" in index.tpl + +2001-11-29 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: Fix formatting. + +2001-11-28 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: + removed return statements from _read_cache_file (how did they get in there?) + +2001-11-27 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml + NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: + fixed bugs and added assign attribute to several functions + +2001-11-27 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: Some rewording. + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix $smarty.capture access. + + * TODO: *** empty log message *** + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Made {config_load ..} merge globals from each config file only once per scope. + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Added {foreach ...}. + - Made certain $smarty.* references handled at compilation time. + +2001-11-26 Monte Ohrt + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml: commit cache handler functionality + +2001-11-20 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Various fixes and additions. + + * NEWS + index.php: *** empty log message *** + +2001-11-05 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: changed _read_file parameter from $end to $lines + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: fixed is_cache, make cache reading more efficient + +2001-11-02 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + NEWS: update FAQ with mailing list Reply-To header FAQ + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + index.php: supress fopen errors, return false if cache file won't load + +2001-11-01 Monte Ohrt + + * QUICKSTART + docs.sgml + index.php: update QUICKSTART guide with index key example + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml: commit all updates for 1.4.6 + +2001-11-01 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2001-10-30 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.addons.php: fix assign function problem with empty value passed + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + templates/debug.tpl: + fixed bug in assign function when passing an empty value + +2001-10-26 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + index.php: fix minor typo in debug code + +2001-10-26 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: Typo. + +2001-10-26 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.addons.php: + update debug console output, handle html encoding correctly + +2001-10-26 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.addons.php + templates/debug.tpl: Debug formatting. + + * Smarty.class.php: Disable rmdir warning. + +2001-10-26 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + templates/debug.tpl: update debugging to expand array variables + + * Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: + update docs for fetching only timestamp with custom template source functions + + * Smarty.addons.php: fix debug console error + +2001-10-26 Andrei Zmievski + + * docs.sgml: Typos. + + * Smarty.addons.php: Cleanup whitespace. + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Clean up whitespace. + + * Smarty.class.php: Cleaning up code, formatting mostly. + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2001-10-25 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + docs.sgml: update documentation to current version + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php: + updated fetch to give proper warning when fetching unreadable or nonexistant files + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed problem with newline at the end of compiled templates + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: recompile cache if config file gets modified too. + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + added feature to regenerate cache if compile_check is enabled and an + involved template is modified + +2001-10-23 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: fix indent for insert tags in debug console + + * templates/debug.tpl: update debug.tpl file format + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + templates/debug.tpl: + update execution time debugging, move into include list + +2001-10-10 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fixed up execution time output in debug console + +2001-10-09 Andrei Zmievski + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS + Smarty.class.php + TODO: Added support for hidden config vars. + +2001-10-04 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + templates/debug.tpl: added execution times to debug console + +2001-10-02 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Add space. + +2001-10-01 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: Fix reference to compile_id. + +2001-09-28 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Added postfilter functions. + +2001-09-26 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: Rename to clear_compiled_tpl(). + +2001-09-25 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Fixed line number reporting when removing comments. + +2001-09-20 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php: made html_options output xhtml compatible + +2001-09-19 Monte Ohrt + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + templates/debug.tpl: updated version numbers + +2001-09-16 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + NEWS + docs.sgml: fix doc error with insert function + +2001-09-06 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2001-08-31 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: update ChangeLog + + * overlib.js + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: + update overlib to 3.50, adjust addon code so that the overlib.js file isn't modified + +2001-08-31 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: - compile_id changes + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php: - compile_id support + - new options for html_select_date + +2001-08-23 Andrei Zmievski + + * TODO: *** empty log message *** + +2001-08-10 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Modified to pass Smarty object as second parameter to insert functions. + Also moved _smarty_mod_handler() and _smarty_insert_handler() into the class. + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Passing Smarty as second parameter to prefilter functions. + +2001-08-09 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2001-08-09 Monte Ohrt + + * templates/index.tpl + Smarty.class.php: add variable to template + +2001-08-06 Monte Ohrt + + * templates/index.tpl: change config_load section back to setup + +2001-08-06 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.addons.php: Optimize a bit. + +2001-08-04 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml: update capture documentation + +2001-08-03 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + fix bug with URL controlled debugging, works now (Monte) + +2001-08-01 Andrei Zmievski + + * Config_File.class.php: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + Smarty.class.php: - Fixed some E_NOTICE stuff in compiler. + - Generalized assign_smarty_interface() a bit. + +2001-07-24 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + TODO: See ChangeLog for details. + +2001-07-20 Andrei Zmievski + + * Config_File.class.php: Booleanize case-insensitively. + +2001-07-17 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: update ChangeLog + + * Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: put SMARTY_DIR on Config_File require + +2001-07-11 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml + FAQ + NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + updated security to not include insecure docs, only warning + +2001-07-10 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: Adding 'sizeof' as an allowed {if} function. + +2001-07-06 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2001-07-06 Monte Ohrt + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update version number to 1.4.4 + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + templates/header.tpl + templates/index.tpl: update documenatation, template examples + +2001-07-03 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: Implemented access to request vars via $smarty var. + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Fixed a bug with parsing function arguments in {if} tags. + +2001-06-30 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: update ChangeLog + +2001-06-29 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml + overlib.js: + moved overlib to separate file, added SMARTY_DIR, documented. added much documentation + +2001-06-29 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + RELEASE_NOTES + TODO: *** empty log message *** + +2001-06-29 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml + index.php + templates/debug.tpl + templates/header.tpl + templates/index.tpl: update release notes + +2001-06-27 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: *** empty log message *** + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Implemented 'step' section attribute. + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Negative values of 'max' will mean no max. + + * AUTHORS + NEWS: *** empty log message *** + +2001-06-26 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + index.php: Added 'max' and 'start' section attributes. + Added 'total' and 'iteration' section properties. + +2001-06-25 Andrei Zmievski + + * Config_File.class.php + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Update version numbers. + +2001-06-23 Andrei Zmievski + + * TODO: *** empty log message *** + +2001-06-21 Andrei Zmievski + + * Config_File.class.php + NEWS: Fixed booleanization bug. + +2001-06-20 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml: + update documents to reflect changes to cached content & debugging + +2001-06-20 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: Remove debug output for cached and fetched cases. + +2001-06-20 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: update include_info to false + + * Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml + index.php + templates/footer.tpl: + moved debug logic into Smarty completely, created flags for it + +2001-06-19 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + templates/debug.tpl: *** empty log message *** + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: Remove unneeded debug functions. + +2001-06-19 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml + templates/debug.tpl + templates/footer.tpl: commit updates, add debug template + +2001-06-19 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + TODO: + Moved config loading code inside main class, the compiled template now + simply calls that method. + +2001-06-15 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + templates/index.tpl: * moved config array into class itself + * added 'scope' attribute for config_load + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: Finishing up secure mode. + +2001-06-15 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: update ChangeLog + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: cleaned up logic of if statement security + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update if logic to cover more situations + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml: update if statement security feature + +2001-06-14 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Fixed a bug with quoted strings inside if statements. + +2001-06-13 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: added secure_dir array for multiple secure directories + + * Smarty.addons.php: update fetch funtion to respect security setting + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: update documentation, changelog + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: moved _extract setting to assign functions + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + added assign/unassign custom functions, ability to re-extract tpl_vars + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + index.php: commit security features + +2001-06-11 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: Version variable typo. + +2001-06-05 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: + Create config object in fetch() or just set the config path if it already + exists. + +2001-06-04 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Fixed a problem with $ inside strip tags. + +2001-05-31 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * Config_File.class.php: Allow empty config_path. + +2001-05-29 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: update version numbers + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml: moved version variable to internal variable + +2001-05-22 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Moved $_smarty_sections and $_smarty_conf_obj into Smarty class. + +2001-05-18 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: update ChangeLog + + * FAQ + QUICKSTART: update FAQ, QUICKSTART for windows include_path setup + + * configs/test.conf: added configs directory to cvs + +2001-05-18 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php: Use compiler_class for including the file. + +2001-05-18 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml: fix typo + +2001-05-16 Monte Ohrt + + * README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update files to version 1.4.1 + + * NEWS: update ChangeLog + +2001-05-15 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * index.php: forget that! + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + index.php: Fixed a few E_NOTICE warnings. + +2001-05-09 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: update dates versions + +2001-05-09 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty.class.php: + Use absolute paths when requiring/including Smart components. + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty.class.php: Use write mode instead of append. + +2001-05-02 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix indexing by section properties. + +2001-05-02 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: update changelog + + * Smarty.class.php: remove period from syntax error + +2001-05-02 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Double-quote the attribute values by default. + +2001-04-30 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + NEWS: added simple {capture} logic + +2001-04-30 Andrei Zmievski + + * TODO: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + Smarty.class.php: Fix passing config vars to included files. + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix inclusion again. + +2001-04-30 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php + misc/fix_vars.php + NEWS: update paths for windows (c:) + +2001-04-28 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix passing variables to included files. + + * templates/index.tpl: *** empty log message *** + +2001-04-27 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix includes. + +2001-04-26 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + Smarty.class.php: Formatting mostly. + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + Config_File.class.php: *** empty log message *** + +2001-04-26 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + FAQ + NEWS + QUICKSTART + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php: update docs with new changes + +2001-04-26 Andrei Zmievski + + * RELEASE_NOTES: *** empty log message *** + + * docs.sgml + templates/index.tpl + NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Added ability to reference object properties. + +2001-04-25 Andrei Zmievski + + * README + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + AUTHORS + Config_File.class.php + CREDITS + RELEASE_NOTES + NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * docs.sgml: Docs on new parameter to custom functions. + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + Changing the way tpl vars are referenced and passing smarty object + to custom functions. + + * RELEASE_NOTES + docs.sgml: Fixing docs a bit. + +2001-04-24 Andrei Zmievski + + * docs.sgml: Docs for $compiler_class and compiler functions. + + * templates/index.tpl: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Remove debugging. + +2001-04-24 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml: update compiler function docs + +2001-04-24 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + templates/index.tpl: Added compiler function support. + +2001-04-24 Monte Ohrt + + * RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php: + update notes, change show_info_header to false by default + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + CREDITS + FAQ + NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES: update documenation, bug fixes + +2001-04-24 Andrei Zmievski + + * misc/fix_vars.php: Hopefully fix for sure. + +2001-04-23 Monte Ohrt + + * misc/fix_vars.php: uncomment copy/unlink + +2001-04-23 Andrei Zmievski + + * misc/fix_vars.php: Do it more thoroughly. + + * misc/fix_vars.php: check for } + +2001-04-22 Andrei Zmievski + + * misc/fix_vars.php: Fix variable parsing. + +2001-04-20 Monte Ohrt + + * misc/fix_vars.php: fix problem with 4.0.5-dev and preg_replace_callback + +2001-04-19 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + misc/fix_vars.php + NEWS + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php: update notes/documentation + + * NEWS + README + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml: update files for 1.4.0 release + +2001-04-16 Andrei Zmievski + + * misc/fix_vars.php: Added fix_vars.php script. + +2001-04-16 Monte Ohrt + + * QUICKSTART + RELEASE_NOTES + docs.sgml + templates/index.tpl: + update RELEASE_NOTES & scripts with new section var syntax + +2001-04-13 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: * Implement new variable format parser. + * Optimizing config load a bit. + +2001-04-13 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + NEWS + RELEASE_NOTES + Smarty.class.php: + added $check_cached_insert_tags to speed up cached pages if + {insert ...} is not used (Monte) + +2001-04-12 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php + RELEASE_NOTES: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Remove redundant functions. + + * Smarty.class.php: Formatting. + +2001-04-12 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: update file: parsing + + * Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: update documentation + +2001-04-12 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + TODO: *** empty log message *** + +2001-04-11 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + QUICKSTART + RELEASE_NOTES: added RELEASE_NOTES file to cvs + + * NEWS + docs.sgml: update ChangeLog, update documentation + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + templates/index.tpl: + update Smarty to compile at run-time. added ability to get files from + absolute paths, added work around for LOCK_EX and windows, changed a few + file permissions to be more secure. + +2001-03-29 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php: + allow arbitrary date strings instead of just timestamps + +2001-03-28 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + docs.sgml + FAQ + NEWS + README + Smarty.addons.php: + update version in class, update docs for count_ and new vars + + * templates/index.tpl + docs.sgml: update docs, example template + +2001-03-28 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Some variable renaming. + +2001-03-23 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + NEWS: Fixed nested include infinite repeat bug. + +2001-03-23 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: fix version number + + * Smarty.class.php + NEWS: added optional HTML header to output + +2001-03-22 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fixed inclusion of dynamic files. + +2001-03-16 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fixing the config_load scoping. + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: making config variables global for now. + +2001-03-15 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS: *** empty log message *** + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + * Includes are now always done via generated function call to protect + namespace. + * config_load now always uses global config object to improve + performance. + +2001-03-13 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml: update math documentation with format attribute + +2001-03-11 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml + NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update math function with format attribute + +2001-03-10 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.addons.php: *** empty log message *** + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: Added html_select_time custom function. + +2001-03-08 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + NEWS + README + Smarty.addons.php: rename 1.3.1b to 1.3.1pl1 + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update version numbers, changelog + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + moved _syntax_error to Smarty_Compiler.class.php + + * Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: + missing _syntax_error function recovered. fixed minor syntax in docs + +2001-03-07 Monte Ohrt + + * QUICKSTART + README + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + BUGS + INSTALL + NEWS: update everything to 1.3.1 + +2001-03-03 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + Smarty.class.php: fixed bug with cached insert tags + +2001-03-02 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: + fix cache fuctions with separated compiled class + + * FAQ + NEWS + docs.sgml: update changelog + +2001-03-02 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Added 'first' and 'last' section properties. + +2001-03-02 Monte Ohrt + + * TODO: remove compiling separation TODO + + * Smarty_Compiler.class.php + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: update function headers + + * templates/index.tpl + NEWS + Smarty.class.php + Smarty_Compiler.class.php + index.php: split out compiling code for faster execution + + * Smarty.class.php: fixed a few warning messages + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml + NEWS: added fetch, unregister mod/fun, updated docs + +2001-03-01 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.addons.php: added "int" to available list + + * docs.sgml + FAQ + Smarty.class.php: update FAQ, add math functions & update documetation + + * index.php + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: fixed literal tags and other optional delimiters + +2001-02-26 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: + Added index_prev, index_next section properties and ability to + index by them. + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php: Reverting the plugins patch - needs more thought. + + * Smarty.class.php: Fixing plugin loading. + +2001-02-23 Andrei Zmievski + + * Smarty.addons.php + Smarty.class.php + plugins/standard.plugin.php + NEWS: Added plugin functionality. + +2001-02-22 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml + templates/index.tpl + NEWS + README + Smarty.class.php: fixed issue with php tags executed in literal blocks + +2001-02-21 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS: update changelog for LGPL change + + * Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml + README + Smarty.addons.php: updated version numbers to 1.3.0 + + * NEWS + templates/index.tpl: update changelog, rearrange index.tpl file + +2001-02-21 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** + +2001-02-21 Monte Ohrt + + * docs.sgml: update parameters for is_cached and fetch + +2001-02-21 Andrei Zmievski + + * NEWS + Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** + +2001-02-21 Monte Ohrt + + * NEWS + Smarty.addons.php + docs.sgml: update docs, remove header function from addons + +2001-02-20 Monte Ohrt + + * FAQ + NEWS: update changelog + + * TODO: update todo + + * TODO: update todo list + + * Smarty.class.php: update php tag handling logic + +2001-02-19 Monte Ohrt + + * index.php + Config_File.class.php + FAQ + Smarty.class.php + docs.sgml: fixed + + * Smarty.addons.php: *** empty log message *** + +2001-02-13 Andrei Zmievski + + * TODO: *** empty log message *** + +2001-02-12 Andrei Zmievski + + * templates/index.tpl + Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** + +2001-02-10 Monte Ohrt + + * Smarty.class.php: remove unneeded preg_match + + * Smarty.class.php: remove comment + + * Smarty.class.php: updated php escape to handle + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%239^%%239105369^footer.tpl.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%239^%%239105369^footer.tpl.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..69ccb0b856 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%239^%%239105369^footer.tpl.php @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%365^%%365001052^test.conf%7Csetup.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%365^%%365001052^test.conf%7Csetup.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7d0eb0f95 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%365^%%365001052^test.conf%7Csetup.php @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + 'Welcome to Smarty!', + 'cutoff_size' => '40', + 'bold' => true, +); ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/Config_File.class.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/Config_File.class.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0ba9636a0d --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/Config_File.class.php @@ -0,0 +1,389 @@ + + * @access public + * @package Smarty + */ + +/* $Id$ */ + +/** + * Config file reading class + * @package Smarty + */ +class Config_File { + /**#@+ + * Options + * @var boolean + */ + /** + * Controls whether variables with the same name overwrite each other. + */ + var $overwrite = true; + + /** + * Controls whether config values of on/true/yes and off/false/no get + * converted to boolean values automatically. + */ + var $booleanize = true; + + /** + * Controls whether hidden config sections/vars are read from the file. + */ + var $read_hidden = true; + + /** + * Controls whether or not to fix mac or dos formatted newlines. + * If set to true, \r or \r\n will be changed to \n. + */ + var $fix_newlines = true; + /**#@-*/ + + /** @access private */ + var $_config_path = ""; + var $_config_data = array(); + /**#@-*/ + + /** + * Constructs a new config file class. + * + * @param string $config_path (optional) path to the config files + */ + function Config_File($config_path = NULL) + { + if (isset($config_path)) + $this->set_path($config_path); + } + + + /** + * Set the path where configuration files can be found. + * + * @param string $config_path path to the config files + */ + function set_path($config_path) + { + if (!empty($config_path)) { + if (!is_string($config_path) || !file_exists($config_path) || !is_dir($config_path)) { + $this->_trigger_error_msg("Bad config file path '$config_path'"); + return; + } + if(substr($config_path, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { + $config_path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; + } + + $this->_config_path = $config_path; + } + } + + + /** + * Retrieves config info based on the file, section, and variable name. + * + * @param string $file_name config file to get info for + * @param string $section_name (optional) section to get info for + * @param string $var_name (optional) variable to get info for + * @return string|array a value or array of values + */ + function &get($file_name, $section_name = NULL, $var_name = NULL) + { + if (empty($file_name)) { + $this->_trigger_error_msg('Empty config file name'); + return; + } else { + $file_name = $this->_config_path . $file_name; + if (!isset($this->_config_data[$file_name])) + $this->load_file($file_name, false); + } + + if (!empty($var_name)) { + if (empty($section_name)) { + return $this->_config_data[$file_name]["vars"][$var_name]; + } else { + if(isset($this->_config_data[$file_name]["sections"][$section_name]["vars"][$var_name])) + return $this->_config_data[$file_name]["sections"][$section_name]["vars"][$var_name]; + else + return array(); + } + } else { + if (empty($section_name)) { + return (array)$this->_config_data[$file_name]["vars"]; + } else { + if(isset($this->_config_data[$file_name]["sections"][$section_name]["vars"])) + return (array)$this->_config_data[$file_name]["sections"][$section_name]["vars"]; + else + return array(); + } + } + } + + + /** + * Retrieves config info based on the key. + * + * @param $file_name string config key (filename/section/var) + * @return string|array same as get() + * @uses get() retrieves information from config file and returns it + */ + function &get_key($config_key) + { + list($file_name, $section_name, $var_name) = explode('/', $config_key, 3); + $result = &$this->get($file_name, $section_name, $var_name); + return $result; + } + + /** + * Get all loaded config file names. + * + * @return array an array of loaded config file names + */ + function get_file_names() + { + return array_keys($this->_config_data); + } + + + /** + * Get all section names from a loaded file. + * + * @param string $file_name config file to get section names from + * @return array an array of section names from the specified file + */ + function get_section_names($file_name) + { + $file_name = $this->_config_path . $file_name; + if (!isset($this->_config_data[$file_name])) { + $this->_trigger_error_msg("Unknown config file '$file_name'"); + return; + } + + return array_keys($this->_config_data[$file_name]["sections"]); + } + + + /** + * Get all global or section variable names. + * + * @param string $file_name config file to get info for + * @param string $section_name (optional) section to get info for + * @return array an array of variables names from the specified file/section + */ + function get_var_names($file_name, $section = NULL) + { + if (empty($file_name)) { + $this->_trigger_error_msg('Empty config file name'); + return; + } else if (!isset($this->_config_data[$file_name])) { + $this->_trigger_error_msg("Unknown config file '$file_name'"); + return; + } + + if (empty($section)) + return array_keys($this->_config_data[$file_name]["vars"]); + else + return array_keys($this->_config_data[$file_name]["sections"][$section]["vars"]); + } + + + /** + * Clear loaded config data for a certain file or all files. + * + * @param string $file_name file to clear config data for + */ + function clear($file_name = NULL) + { + if ($file_name === NULL) + $this->_config_data = array(); + else if (isset($this->_config_data[$file_name])) + $this->_config_data[$file_name] = array(); + } + + + /** + * Load a configuration file manually. + * + * @param string $file_name file name to load + * @param boolean $prepend_path whether current config path should be + * prepended to the filename + */ + function load_file($file_name, $prepend_path = true) + { + if ($prepend_path && $this->_config_path != "") + $config_file = $this->_config_path . $file_name; + else + $config_file = $file_name; + + ini_set('track_errors', true); + $fp = @fopen($config_file, "r"); + if (!is_resource($fp)) { + $this->_trigger_error_msg("Could not open config file '$config_file'"); + return false; + } + + $contents = fread($fp, filesize($config_file)); + fclose($fp); + + $this->_config_data[$config_file] = $this->parse_contents($contents); + return true; + } + + /** + * Store the contents of a file manually. + * + * @param string $config_file file name of the related contents + * @param string $contents the file-contents to parse + */ + function set_file_contents($config_file, $contents) + { + $this->_config_data[$config_file] = $this->parse_contents($contents); + return true; + } + + /** + * parse the source of a configuration file manually. + * + * @param string $contents the file-contents to parse + */ + function parse_contents($contents) + { + if($this->fix_newlines) { + // fix mac/dos formatted newlines + $contents = preg_replace('!\r\n?!', "\n", $contents); + } + + $config_data = array(); + $config_data['sections'] = array(); + $config_data['vars'] = array(); + + /* reference to fill with data */ + $vars =& $config_data['vars']; + + /* parse file line by line */ + preg_match_all('!^.*\r?\n?!m', $contents, $match); + $lines = $match[0]; + for ($i=0, $count=count($lines); $i<$count; $i++) { + $line = $lines[$i]; + if (empty($line)) continue; + + if ( $line{0} == '[' && preg_match('!^\[(.*?)\]!', $line, $match) ) { + /* section found */ + if ($match[1]{0} == '.') { + /* hidden section */ + if ($this->read_hidden) { + $section_name = substr($match[1], 1); + } else { + /* break reference to $vars to ignore hidden section */ + unset($vars); + $vars = array(); + continue; + } + } else { + $section_name = $match[1]; + } + if (!isset($config_data['sections'][$section_name])) + $config_data['sections'][$section_name] = array('vars' => array()); + $vars =& $config_data['sections'][$section_name]['vars']; + continue; + } + + if (preg_match('/^\s*(\.?\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/s', $line, $match)) { + /* variable found */ + $var_name = rtrim($match[1]); + if (strpos($match[2], '"""') === 0) { + /* handle multiline-value */ + $lines[$i] = substr($match[2], 3); + $var_value = ''; + while ($i<$count) { + if (($pos = strpos($lines[$i], '"""')) === false) { + $var_value .= $lines[$i++]; + } else { + /* end of multiline-value */ + $var_value .= substr($lines[$i], 0, $pos); + break; + } + } + $booleanize = false; + + } else { + /* handle simple value */ + $var_value = preg_replace('/^([\'"])(.*)\1$/', '\2', rtrim($match[2])); + $booleanize = $this->booleanize; + + } + $this->_set_config_var($vars, $var_name, $var_value, $booleanize); + } + /* else unparsable line / means it is a comment / means ignore it */ + } + return $config_data; + } + + /**#@+ @access private */ + /** + * @param array &$container + * @param string $var_name + * @param mixed $var_value + * @param boolean $booleanize determines whether $var_value is converted to + * to true/false + */ + function _set_config_var(&$container, $var_name, $var_value, $booleanize) + { + if ($var_name{0} == '.') { + if (!$this->read_hidden) + return; + else + $var_name = substr($var_name, 1); + } + + if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/", $var_name)) { + $this->_trigger_error_msg("Bad variable name '$var_name'"); + return; + } + + if ($booleanize) { + if (preg_match("/^(on|true|yes)$/i", $var_value)) + $var_value = true; + else if (preg_match("/^(off|false|no)$/i", $var_value)) + $var_value = false; + } + + if (!isset($container[$var_name]) || $this->overwrite) + $container[$var_name] = $var_value; + else { + settype($container[$var_name], 'array'); + $container[$var_name][] = $var_value; + } + } + + /** + * @uses trigger_error() creates a PHP warning/error + * @param string $error_msg + * @param integer $error_type one of + */ + function _trigger_error_msg($error_msg, $error_type = E_USER_WARNING) + { + trigger_error("Config_File error: $error_msg", $error_type); + } + /**#@-*/ +} + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/Smarty.class.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/Smarty.class.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ff8e7e4577 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/Smarty.class.php @@ -0,0 +1,1984 @@ + + * @author Andrei Zmievski + * @package Smarty + * @version 2.6.2 + */ + +/* $Id$ */ + +/** + * DIR_SEP isn't used anymore, but third party apps might + */ +if(!defined('DIR_SEP')) { + define('DIR_SEP', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); +} + +/** + * set SMARTY_DIR to absolute path to Smarty library files. + * if not defined, include_path will be used. Sets SMARTY_DIR only if user + * application has not already defined it. + */ + +if (!defined('SMARTY_DIR')) { + define('SMARTY_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); +} + +define('SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU', 0); +define('SMARTY_PHP_QUOTE', 1); +define('SMARTY_PHP_REMOVE', 2); +define('SMARTY_PHP_ALLOW', 3); + +/** + * @package Smarty + */ +class Smarty +{ + /**#@+ + * Smarty Configuration Section + */ + + /** + * The name of the directory where templates are located. + * + * @var string + */ + var $template_dir = 'templates'; + + /** + * The directory where compiled templates are located. + * + * @var string + */ + var $compile_dir = 'templates_c'; + + /** + * The directory where config files are located. + * + * @var string + */ + var $config_dir = 'configs'; + + /** + * An array of directories searched for plugins. + * + * @var array + */ + var $plugins_dir = array('plugins'); + + /** + * If debugging is enabled, a debug console window will display + * when the page loads (make sure your browser allows unrequested + * popup windows) + * + * @var boolean + */ + var $debugging = false; + + /** + * When set, smarty does uses this value as error_reporting-level. + * + * @var boolean + */ + var $error_reporting = null; + + /** + * This is the path to the debug console template. If not set, + * the default one will be used. + * + * @var string + */ + var $debug_tpl = ''; + + /** + * This determines if debugging is enable-able from the browser. + *
    + *
  • NONE => no debugging control allowed
  • + *
  • URL => enable debugging when SMARTY_DEBUG is found in the URL.
  • + *
+ * @link + * @var string + */ + var $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; + + /** + * This tells Smarty whether to check for recompiling or not. Recompiling + * does not need to happen unless a template or config file is changed. + * Typically you enable this during development, and disable for + * production. + * + * @var boolean + */ + var $compile_check = true; + + /** + * This forces templates to compile every time. Useful for development + * or debugging. + * + * @var boolean + */ + var $force_compile = false; + + /** + * This enables template caching. + *
    + *
  • 0 = no caching
  • + *
  • 1 = use class cache_lifetime value
  • + *
  • 2 = use cache_lifetime in cache file
  • + *
+ * @var integer + */ + var $caching = 0; + + /** + * The name of the directory for cache files. + * + * @var string + */ + var $cache_dir = 'cache'; + + /** + * This is the number of seconds cached content will persist. + *
    + *
  • 0 = always regenerate cache
  • + *
  • -1 = never expires
  • + *
+ * + * @var integer + */ + var $cache_lifetime = 3600; + + /** + * Only used when $caching is enabled. If true, then If-Modified-Since headers + * are respected with cached content, and appropriate HTTP headers are sent. + * This way repeated hits to a cached page do not send the entire page to the + * client every time. + * + * @var boolean + */ + var $cache_modified_check = false; + + /** + * This determines how Smarty handles "" tags in templates. + * possible values: + *
    + *
  • SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU -> print tags as plain text
  • + *
  • SMARTY_PHP_QUOTE -> escape tags as entities
  • + *
  • SMARTY_PHP_REMOVE -> remove php tags
  • + *
  • SMARTY_PHP_ALLOW -> execute php tags
  • + *
+ * + * @var integer + */ + var $php_handling = SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU; + + /** + * This enables template security. When enabled, many things are restricted + * in the templates that normally would go unchecked. This is useful when + * untrusted parties are editing templates and you want a reasonable level + * of security. (no direct execution of PHP in templates for example) + * + * @var boolean + */ + var $security = false; + + /** + * This is the list of template directories that are considered secure. This + * is used only if {@link $security} is enabled. One directory per array + * element. {@link $template_dir} is in this list implicitly. + * + * @var array + */ + var $secure_dir = array(); + + /** + * These are the security settings for Smarty. They are used only when + * {@link $security} is enabled. + * + * @var array + */ + var $security_settings = array( + 'PHP_HANDLING' => false, + 'IF_FUNCS' => array('array', 'list', + 'isset', 'empty', + 'count', 'sizeof', + 'in_array', 'is_array', + 'true','false'), + 'INCLUDE_ANY' => false, + 'PHP_TAGS' => false, + 'MODIFIER_FUNCS' => array('count'), + 'ALLOW_CONSTANTS' => false + ); + + /** + * This is an array of directories where trusted php scripts reside. + * {@link $security} is disabled during their inclusion/execution. + * + * @var array + */ + var $trusted_dir = array(); + + /** + * The left delimiter used for the template tags. + * + * @var string + */ + var $left_delimiter = '{'; + + /** + * The right delimiter used for the template tags. + * + * @var string + */ + var $right_delimiter = '}'; + + /** + * The order in which request variables are registered, similar to + * variables_order in php.ini E = Environment, G = GET, P = POST, + * C = Cookies, S = Server + * + * @var string + */ + var $request_vars_order = "EGPCS"; + + /** + * Indicates wether $HTTP_*_VARS[] (request_use_auto_globals=false) + * are uses as request-vars or $_*[]-vars. note: if + * request_use_auto_globals is true, then $request_vars_order has + * no effect, but the php-ini-value "gpc_order" + * + * @var boolean + */ + var $request_use_auto_globals = true; + + /** + * Set this if you want different sets of compiled files for the same + * templates. This is useful for things like different languages. + * Instead of creating separate sets of templates per language, you + * set different compile_ids like 'en' and 'de'. + * + * @var string + */ + var $compile_id = null; + + /** + * This tells Smarty whether or not to use sub dirs in the cache/ and + * templates_c/ directories. sub directories better organized, but + * may not work well with PHP safe mode enabled. + * + * @var boolean + * + */ + var $use_sub_dirs = false; + + /** + * This is a list of the modifiers to apply to all template variables. + * Put each modifier in a separate array element in the order you want + * them applied. example: array('escape:"htmlall"'); + * + * @var array + */ + var $default_modifiers = array(); + + /** + * This is the resource type to be used when not specified + * at the beginning of the resource path. examples: + * $smarty->display('file:index.tpl'); + * $smarty->display('db:index.tpl'); + * $smarty->display('index.tpl'); // will use default resource type + * {include file="file:index.tpl"} + * {include file="db:index.tpl"} + * {include file="index.tpl"} {* will use default resource type *} + * + * @var array + */ + var $default_resource_type = 'file'; + + /** + * The function used for cache file handling. If not set, built-in caching is used. + * + * @var null|string function name + */ + var $cache_handler_func = null; + + /** + * This indicates which filters are automatically loaded into Smarty. + * + * @var array array of filter names + */ + var $autoload_filters = array(); + + /**#@+ + * @var boolean + */ + /** + * This tells if config file vars of the same name overwrite each other or not. + * if disabled, same name variables are accumulated in an array. + */ + var $config_overwrite = true; + + /** + * This tells whether or not to automatically booleanize config file variables. + * If enabled, then the strings "on", "true", and "yes" are treated as boolean + * true, and "off", "false" and "no" are treated as boolean false. + */ + var $config_booleanize = true; + + /** + * This tells whether hidden sections [.foobar] are readable from the + * tempalates or not. Normally you would never allow this since that is + * the point behind hidden sections: the application can access them, but + * the templates cannot. + */ + var $config_read_hidden = false; + + /** + * This tells whether or not automatically fix newlines in config files. + * It basically converts \r (mac) or \r\n (dos) to \n + */ + var $config_fix_newlines = true; + /**#@-*/ + + /** + * If a template cannot be found, this PHP function will be executed. + * Useful for creating templates on-the-fly or other special action. + * + * @var string function name + */ + var $default_template_handler_func = ''; + + /** + * The file that contains the compiler class. This can a full + * pathname, or relative to the php_include path. + * + * @var string + */ + var $compiler_file = 'Smarty_Compiler.class.php'; + + /** + * The class used for compiling templates. + * + * @var string + */ + var $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Compiler'; + + /** + * The class used to load config vars. + * + * @var string + */ + var $config_class = 'Config_File'; + +/**#@+ + * END Smarty Configuration Section + * There should be no need to touch anything below this line. + * @access private + */ + /** + * error messages. true/false + * + * @var boolean + */ + var $_error_msg = false; + + /** + * where assigned template vars are kept + * + * @var array + */ + var $_tpl_vars = array(); + + /** + * stores run-time $smarty.* vars + * + * @var null|array + */ + var $_smarty_vars = null; + + /** + * keeps track of sections + * + * @var array + */ + var $_sections = array(); + + /** + * keeps track of foreach blocks + * + * @var array + */ + var $_foreach = array(); + + /** + * keeps track of tag hierarchy + * + * @var array + */ + var $_tag_stack = array(); + + /** + * configuration object + * + * @var Config_file + */ + var $_conf_obj = null; + + /** + * loaded configuration settings + * + * @var array + */ + var $_config = array(array('vars' => array(), 'files' => array())); + + /** + * md5 checksum of the string 'Smarty' + * + * @var string + */ + var $_smarty_md5 = 'f8d698aea36fcbead2b9d5359ffca76f'; + + /** + * Smarty version number + * + * @var string + */ + var $_version = '2.6.2'; + + /** + * current template inclusion depth + * + * @var integer + */ + var $_inclusion_depth = 0; + + /** + * for different compiled templates + * + * @var string + */ + var $_compile_id = null; + + /** + * text in URL to enable debug mode + * + * @var string + */ + var $_smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; + + /** + * debugging information for debug console + * + * @var array + */ + var $_smarty_debug_info = array(); + + /** + * info that makes up a cache file + * + * @var array + */ + var $_cache_info = array(); + + /** + * default file permissions + * + * @var integer + */ + var $_file_perms = 0644; + + /** + * default dir permissions + * + * @var integer + */ + var $_dir_perms = 0771; + + /** + * registered objects + * + * @var array + */ + var $_reg_objects = array(); + + /** + * table keeping track of plugins + * + * @var array + */ + var $_plugins = array( + 'modifier' => array(), + 'function' => array(), + 'block' => array(), + 'compiler' => array(), + 'prefilter' => array(), + 'postfilter' => array(), + 'outputfilter' => array(), + 'resource' => array(), + 'insert' => array()); + + + /** + * cache serials + * + * @var array + */ + var $_cache_serials = array(); + + /** + * name of optional cache include file + * + * @var string + */ + var $_cache_include = null; + + /** + * indicate if the current code is used in a compiled + * include + * + * @var string + */ + var $_cache_including = false; + + /**#@-*/ + /** + * The class constructor. + */ + function Smarty() + { + $this->assign('SCRIPT_NAME', isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] + : @$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SCRIPT_NAME']); + } + + /** + * assigns values to template variables + * + * @param array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s) + * @param mixed $value the value to assign + */ + function assign($tpl_var, $value = null) + { + if (is_array($tpl_var)){ + foreach ($tpl_var as $key => $val) { + if ($key != '') { + $this->_tpl_vars[$key] = $val; + } + } + } else { + if ($tpl_var != '') + $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var] = $value; + } + } + + /** + * assigns values to template variables by reference + * + * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name + * @param mixed $value the referenced value to assign + */ + function assign_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value) + { + if ($tpl_var != '') + $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var] = &$value; + } + + /** + * appends values to template variables + * + * @param array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s) + * @param mixed $value the value to append + */ + function append($tpl_var, $value=null, $merge=false) + { + if (is_array($tpl_var)) { + // $tpl_var is an array, ignore $value + foreach ($tpl_var as $_key => $_val) { + if ($_key != '') { + if(!@is_array($this->_tpl_vars[$_key])) { + settype($this->_tpl_vars[$_key],'array'); + } + if($merge && is_array($_val)) { + foreach($_val as $_mkey => $_mval) { + $this->_tpl_vars[$_key][$_mkey] = $_mval; + } + } else { + $this->_tpl_vars[$_key][] = $_val; + } + } + } + } else { + if ($tpl_var != '' && isset($value)) { + if(!@is_array($this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var])) { + settype($this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var],'array'); + } + if($merge && is_array($value)) { + foreach($value as $_mkey => $_mval) { + $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var][$_mkey] = $_mval; + } + } else { + $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var][] = $value; + } + } + } + } + + /** + * appends values to template variables by reference + * + * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name + * @param mixed $value the referenced value to append + */ + function append_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value, $merge=false) + { + if ($tpl_var != '' && isset($value)) { + if(!@is_array($this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var])) { + settype($this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var],'array'); + } + if ($merge && is_array($value)) { + foreach($value as $_key => $_val) { + $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var][$_key] = &$value[$_key]; + } + } else { + $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var][] = &$value; + } + } + } + + + /** + * clear the given assigned template variable. + * + * @param string $tpl_var the template variable to clear + */ + function clear_assign($tpl_var) + { + if (is_array($tpl_var)) + foreach ($tpl_var as $curr_var) + unset($this->_tpl_vars[$curr_var]); + else + unset($this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var]); + } + + + /** + * Registers custom function to be used in templates + * + * @param string $function the name of the template function + * @param string $function_impl the name of the PHP function to register + */ + function register_function($function, $function_impl, $cacheable=true, $cache_attrs=null) + { + $this->_plugins['function'][$function] = + array($function_impl, null, null, false, $cacheable, $cache_attrs); + + } + + /** + * Unregisters custom function + * + * @param string $function name of template function + */ + function unregister_function($function) + { + unset($this->_plugins['function'][$function]); + } + + /** + * Registers object to be used in templates + * + * @param string $object name of template object + * @param object &$object_impl the referenced PHP object to register + * @param null|array $allowed list of allowed methods (empty = all) + * @param boolean $smarty_args smarty argument format, else traditional + * @param null|array $block_functs list of methods that are block format + */ + function register_object($object, &$object_impl, $allowed = array(), $smarty_args = true, $block_methods = array()) + { + settype($allowed, 'array'); + settype($smarty_args, 'boolean'); + $this->_reg_objects[$object] = + array(&$object_impl, $allowed, $smarty_args, $block_methods); + } + + /** + * Unregisters object + * + * @param string $object name of template object + */ + function unregister_object($object) + { + unset($this->_reg_objects[$object]); + } + + + /** + * Registers block function to be used in templates + * + * @param string $block name of template block + * @param string $block_impl PHP function to register + */ + function register_block($block, $block_impl, $cacheable=true, $cache_attrs=null) + { + $this->_plugins['block'][$block] = + array($block_impl, null, null, false, $cacheable, $cache_attrs); + } + + /** + * Unregisters block function + * + * @param string $block name of template function + */ + function unregister_block($block) + { + unset($this->_plugins['block'][$block]); + } + + /** + * Registers compiler function + * + * @param string $function name of template function + * @param string $function_impl name of PHP function to register + */ + function register_compiler_function($function, $function_impl, $cacheable=true) + { + $this->_plugins['compiler'][$function] = + array($function_impl, null, null, false, $cacheable); + } + + /** + * Unregisters compiler function + * + * @param string $function name of template function + */ + function unregister_compiler_function($function) + { + unset($this->_plugins['compiler'][$function]); + } + + /** + * Registers modifier to be used in templates + * + * @param string $modifier name of template modifier + * @param string $modifier_impl name of PHP function to register + */ + function register_modifier($modifier, $modifier_impl) + { + $this->_plugins['modifier'][$modifier] = + array($modifier_impl, null, null, false); + } + + /** + * Unregisters modifier + * + * @param string $modifier name of template modifier + */ + function unregister_modifier($modifier) + { + unset($this->_plugins['modifier'][$modifier]); + } + + /** + * Registers a resource to fetch a template + * + * @param string $type name of resource + * @param array $functions array of functions to handle resource + */ + function register_resource($type, $functions) + { + if (count($functions)==4) { + $this->_plugins['resource'][$type] = + array($functions, false); + + } elseif (count($functions)==5) { + $this->_plugins['resource'][$type] = + array(array(array(&$functions[0], $functions[1]) + ,array(&$functions[0], $functions[2]) + ,array(&$functions[0], $functions[3]) + ,array(&$functions[0], $functions[4])) + ,false); + + } else { + $this->trigger_error("malformed function-list for '$type' in register_resource"); + + } + } + + /** + * Unregisters a resource + * + * @param string $type name of resource + */ + function unregister_resource($type) + { + unset($this->_plugins['resource'][$type]); + } + + /** + * Registers a prefilter function to apply + * to a template before compiling + * + * @param string $function name of PHP function to register + */ + function register_prefilter($function) + { + $_name = (is_array($function)) ? $function[1] : $function; + $this->_plugins['prefilter'][$_name] + = array($function, null, null, false); + } + + /** + * Unregisters a prefilter function + * + * @param string $function name of PHP function + */ + function unregister_prefilter($function) + { + unset($this->_plugins['prefilter'][$function]); + } + + /** + * Registers a postfilter function to apply + * to a compiled template after compilation + * + * @param string $function name of PHP function to register + */ + function register_postfilter($function) + { + $_name = (is_array($function)) ? $function[1] : $function; + $this->_plugins['postfilter'][$_name] + = array($function, null, null, false); + } + + /** + * Unregisters a postfilter function + * + * @param string $function name of PHP function + */ + function unregister_postfilter($function) + { + unset($this->_plugins['postfilter'][$function]); + } + + /** + * Registers an output filter function to apply + * to a template output + * + * @param string $function name of PHP function + */ + function register_outputfilter($function) + { + $_name = (is_array($function)) ? $function[1] : $function; + $this->_plugins['outputfilter'][$_name] + = array($function, null, null, false); + } + + /** + * Unregisters an outputfilter function + * + * @param string $function name of PHP function + */ + function unregister_outputfilter($function) + { + unset($this->_plugins['outputfilter'][$function]); + } + + /** + * load a filter of specified type and name + * + * @param string $type filter type + * @param string $name filter name + */ + function load_filter($type, $name) + { + switch ($type) { + case 'output': + $_params = array('plugins' => array(array($type . 'filter', $name, null, null, false))); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.load_plugins.php'); + smarty_core_load_plugins($_params, $this); + break; + + case 'pre': + case 'post': + if (!isset($this->_plugins[$type . 'filter'][$name])) + $this->_plugins[$type . 'filter'][$name] = false; + break; + } + } + + /** + * clear cached content for the given template and cache id + * + * @param string $tpl_file name of template file + * @param string $cache_id name of cache_id + * @param string $compile_id name of compile_id + * @param string $exp_time expiration time + * @return boolean + */ + function clear_cache($tpl_file = null, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $exp_time = null) + { + + if (!isset($compile_id)) + $compile_id = $this->compile_id; + + if (!isset($tpl_file)) + $compile_id = null; + + $_auto_id = $this->_get_auto_id($cache_id, $compile_id); + + if (!empty($this->cache_handler_func)) { + return call_user_func_array($this->cache_handler_func, + array('clear', &$this, &$dummy, $tpl_file, $cache_id, $compile_id, $exp_time)); + } else { + $_params = array('auto_base' => $this->cache_dir, + 'auto_source' => $tpl_file, + 'auto_id' => $_auto_id, + 'exp_time' => $exp_time); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.rm_auto.php'); + return smarty_core_rm_auto($_params, $this); + } + + } + + + /** + * clear the entire contents of cache (all templates) + * + * @param string $exp_time expire time + * @return boolean results of {@link smarty_core_rm_auto()} + */ + function clear_all_cache($exp_time = null) + { + if (!empty($this->cache_handler_func)) { + $dummy = null; + call_user_func_array($this->cache_handler_func, + array('clear', &$this, &$dummy, null, null, null, $exp_time)); + } else { + $_params = array('auto_base' => $this->cache_dir, + 'auto_source' => null, + 'auto_id' => null, + 'exp_time' => $exp_time); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.rm_auto.php'); + return smarty_core_rm_auto($_params, $this); + } + } + + + /** + * test to see if valid cache exists for this template + * + * @param string $tpl_file name of template file + * @param string $cache_id + * @param string $compile_id + * @return string|false results of {@link _read_cache_file()} + */ + function is_cached($tpl_file, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null) + { + if (!$this->caching) + return false; + + if (!isset($compile_id)) + $compile_id = $this->compile_id; + + $_params = array( + 'tpl_file' => $tpl_file, + 'cache_id' => $cache_id, + 'compile_id' => $compile_id + ); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.read_cache_file.php'); + return smarty_core_read_cache_file($_params, $this); + } + + + /** + * clear all the assigned template variables. + * + */ + function clear_all_assign() + { + $this->_tpl_vars = array(); + } + + /** + * clears compiled version of specified template resource, + * or all compiled template files if one is not specified. + * This function is for advanced use only, not normally needed. + * + * @param string $tpl_file + * @param string $compile_id + * @param string $exp_time + * @return boolean results of {@link smarty_core_rm_auto()} + */ + function clear_compiled_tpl($tpl_file = null, $compile_id = null, $exp_time = null) + { + if (!isset($compile_id)) { + $compile_id = $this->compile_id; + } + $_params = array('auto_base' => $this->compile_dir, + 'auto_source' => $tpl_file, + 'auto_id' => $compile_id, + 'exp_time' => $exp_time, + 'extensions' => array('.inc', '.php')); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.rm_auto.php'); + return smarty_core_rm_auto($_params, $this); + } + + /** + * Checks whether requested template exists. + * + * @param string $tpl_file + * @return boolean + */ + function template_exists($tpl_file) + { + $_params = array('resource_name' => $tpl_file, 'quiet'=>true, 'get_source'=>false); + return $this->_fetch_resource_info($_params); + } + + /** + * Returns an array containing template variables + * + * @param string $name + * @param string $type + * @return array + */ + function &get_template_vars($name=null) + { + if(!isset($name)) { + return $this->_tpl_vars; + } + if(isset($this->_tpl_vars[$name])) { + return $this->_tpl_vars[$name]; + } + } + + /** + * Returns an array containing config variables + * + * @param string $name + * @param string $type + * @return array + */ + function &get_config_vars($name=null) + { + if(!isset($name) && is_array($this->_config[0])) { + return $this->_config[0]['vars']; + } else if(isset($this->_config[0]['vars'][$name])) { + return $this->_config[0]['vars'][$name]; + } + } + + /** + * trigger Smarty error + * + * @param string $error_msg + * @param integer $error_type + */ + function trigger_error($error_msg, $error_type = E_USER_WARNING) + { + trigger_error("Smarty error: $error_msg", $error_type); + } + + + /** + * executes & displays the template results + * + * @param string $resource_name + * @param string $cache_id + * @param string $compile_id + */ + function display($resource_name, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null) + { + $this->fetch($resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id, true); + } + + /** + * executes & returns or displays the template results + * + * @param string $resource_name + * @param string $cache_id + * @param string $compile_id + * @param boolean $display + */ + function fetch($resource_name, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $display = false) + { + static $_cache_info = array(); + + $_smarty_old_error_level = $this->debugging ? error_reporting() : error_reporting(isset($this->error_reporting) + ? $this->error_reporting : error_reporting() & ~E_NOTICE); + + if (!$this->debugging && $this->debugging_ctrl == 'URL') { + $_query_string = $this->request_use_auto_globals ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['QUERY_STRING']; + if (@strstr($_query_string, $this->_smarty_debug_id)) { + if (@strstr($_query_string, $this->_smarty_debug_id . '=on')) { + // enable debugging for this browser session + @setcookie('SMARTY_DEBUG', true); + $this->debugging = true; + } elseif (@strstr($_query_string, $this->_smarty_debug_id . '=off')) { + // disable debugging for this browser session + @setcookie('SMARTY_DEBUG', false); + $this->debugging = false; + } else { + // enable debugging for this page + $this->debugging = true; + } + } else { + $_cookie_var = $this->request_use_auto_globals ? $_COOKIE['SMARTY_DEBUG'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']['SMARTY_DEBUG']; + $this->debugging = $_cookie_var ? true : false; + } + } + + if ($this->debugging) { + // capture time for debugging info + $_params = array(); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_microtime.php'); + $_debug_start_time = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $this); + $this->_smarty_debug_info[] = array('type' => 'template', + 'filename' => $resource_name, + 'depth' => 0); + $_included_tpls_idx = count($this->_smarty_debug_info) - 1; + } + + if (!isset($compile_id)) { + $compile_id = $this->compile_id; + } + + $this->_compile_id = $compile_id; + $this->_inclusion_depth = 0; + + if ($this->caching) { + // save old cache_info, initialize cache_info + array_push($_cache_info, $this->_cache_info); + $this->_cache_info = array(); + $_params = array( + 'tpl_file' => $resource_name, + 'cache_id' => $cache_id, + 'compile_id' => $compile_id, + 'results' => null + ); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.read_cache_file.php'); + if (smarty_core_read_cache_file($_params, $this)) { + $_smarty_results = $_params['results']; + if (@count($this->_cache_info['insert_tags'])) { + $_params = array('plugins' => $this->_cache_info['insert_tags']); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.load_plugins.php'); + smarty_core_load_plugins($_params, $this); + $_params = array('results' => $_smarty_results); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.process_cached_inserts.php'); + $_smarty_results = smarty_core_process_cached_inserts($_params, $this); + } + if (@count($this->_cache_info['cache_serials'])) { + $_params = array('results' => $_smarty_results); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.process_compiled_include.php'); + $_smarty_results = smarty_core_process_compiled_include($_params, $this); + } + + + if ($display) { + if ($this->debugging) + { + // capture time for debugging info + $_params = array(); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_microtime.php'); + $this->_smarty_debug_info[$_included_tpls_idx]['exec_time'] = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $this) - $_debug_start_time; + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.display_debug_console.php'); + $_smarty_results .= smarty_core_display_debug_console($_params, $this); + } + if ($this->cache_modified_check) { + $_server_vars = ($this->request_use_auto_globals) ? $_SERVER : $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']; + $_last_modified_date = @substr($_server_vars['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'], 0, strpos($_server_vars['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'], 'GMT') + 3); + $_gmt_mtime = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $this->_cache_info['timestamp']).' GMT'; + if (@count($this->_cache_info['insert_tags']) == 0 + && !$this->_cache_serials + && $_gmt_mtime == $_last_modified_date) { + if (php_sapi_name()=='cgi') + header("Status: 304 Not Modified"); + else + header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"); + + } else { + header("Last-Modified: ".$_gmt_mtime); + echo $_smarty_results; + } + } else { + echo $_smarty_results; + } + error_reporting($_smarty_old_error_level); + // restore initial cache_info + $this->_cache_info = array_pop($_cache_info); + return true; + } else { + error_reporting($_smarty_old_error_level); + // restore initial cache_info + $this->_cache_info = array_pop($_cache_info); + return $_smarty_results; + } + } else { + $this->_cache_info['template'][$resource_name] = true; + if ($this->cache_modified_check && $display) { + header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()).' GMT'); + } + } + } + + // load filters that are marked as autoload + if (count($this->autoload_filters)) { + foreach ($this->autoload_filters as $_filter_type => $_filters) { + foreach ($_filters as $_filter) { + $this->load_filter($_filter_type, $_filter); + } + } + } + + $_smarty_compile_path = $this->_get_compile_path($resource_name); + + // if we just need to display the results, don't perform output + // buffering - for speed + $_cache_including = $this->_cache_including; + $this->_cache_including = false; + if ($display && !$this->caching && count($this->_plugins['outputfilter']) == 0) { + if ($this->_is_compiled($resource_name, $_smarty_compile_path) + || $this->_compile_resource($resource_name, $_smarty_compile_path)) + { + include($_smarty_compile_path); + } + } else { + ob_start(); + if ($this->_is_compiled($resource_name, $_smarty_compile_path) + || $this->_compile_resource($resource_name, $_smarty_compile_path)) + { + include($_smarty_compile_path); + } + $_smarty_results = ob_get_contents(); + ob_end_clean(); + + foreach ((array)$this->_plugins['outputfilter'] as $_output_filter) { + $_smarty_results = call_user_func_array($_output_filter[0], array($_smarty_results, &$this)); + } + } + + if ($this->caching) { + $_params = array('tpl_file' => $resource_name, + 'cache_id' => $cache_id, + 'compile_id' => $compile_id, + 'results' => $_smarty_results); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.write_cache_file.php'); + smarty_core_write_cache_file($_params, $this); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.process_cached_inserts.php'); + $_smarty_results = smarty_core_process_cached_inserts($_params, $this); + + if ($this->_cache_serials) { + // strip nocache-tags from output + $_smarty_results = preg_replace('!(\{/?nocache\:[0-9a-f]{32}#\d+\})!s' + ,'' + ,$_smarty_results); + } + // restore initial cache_info + $this->_cache_info = array_pop($_cache_info); + } + $this->_cache_including = $_cache_including; + + if ($display) { + if (isset($_smarty_results)) { echo $_smarty_results; } + if ($this->debugging) { + // capture time for debugging info + $_params = array(); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_microtime.php'); + $this->_smarty_debug_info[$_included_tpls_idx]['exec_time'] = (smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $this) - $_debug_start_time); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.display_debug_console.php'); + echo smarty_core_display_debug_console($_params, $this); + } + error_reporting($_smarty_old_error_level); + return; + } else { + error_reporting($_smarty_old_error_level); + if (isset($_smarty_results)) { return $_smarty_results; } + } + } + + /** + * load configuration values + * + * @param string $file + * @param string $section + * @param string $scope + */ + function config_load($file, $section = null, $scope = 'global') + { + require_once($this->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'config_load')); + smarty_function_config_load(array('file' => $file, 'section' => $section, 'scope' => $scope), $this); + } + + /** + * return a reference to a registered object + * + * @param string $name + * @return object + */ + function &get_registered_object($name) { + if (!isset($this->_reg_objects[$name])) + $this->_trigger_fatal_error("'$name' is not a registered object"); + + if (!is_object($this->_reg_objects[$name][0])) + $this->_trigger_fatal_error("registered '$name' is not an object"); + + return $this->_reg_objects[$name][0]; + } + + /** + * clear configuration values + * + * @param string $var + */ + function clear_config($var = null) + { + if(!isset($var)) { + // clear all values + $this->_config = array(array('vars' => array(), + 'files' => array())); + } else { + unset($this->_config[0]['vars'][$var]); + } + } + + /** + * get filepath of requested plugin + * + * @param string $type + * @param string $name + * @return string|false + */ + function _get_plugin_filepath($type, $name) + { + $_params = array('type' => $type, 'name' => $name); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php'); + return smarty_core_assemble_plugin_filepath($_params, $this); + } + + /** + * test if resource needs compiling + * + * @param string $resource_name + * @param string $compile_path + * @return boolean + */ + function _is_compiled($resource_name, $compile_path) + { + if (!$this->force_compile && file_exists($compile_path)) { + if (!$this->compile_check) { + // no need to check compiled file + return true; + } else { + // get file source and timestamp + $_params = array('resource_name' => $resource_name, 'get_source'=>false); + if (!$this->_fetch_resource_info($_params)) { + return false; + } + if ($_params['resource_timestamp'] <= filemtime($compile_path)) { + // template not expired, no recompile + return true; + } else { + // compile template + return false; + } + } + } else { + // compiled template does not exist, or forced compile + return false; + } + } + + /** + * compile the template + * + * @param string $resource_name + * @param string $compile_path + * @return boolean + */ + function _compile_resource($resource_name, $compile_path) + { + + $_params = array('resource_name' => $resource_name); + if (!$this->_fetch_resource_info($_params)) { + return false; + } + + $_source_content = $_params['source_content']; + $_resource_timestamp = $_params['resource_timestamp']; + $_cache_include = substr($compile_path, 0, -4).'.inc'; + + if ($this->_compile_source($resource_name, $_source_content, $_compiled_content, $_cache_include)) { + // if a _cache_serial was set, we also have to write an include-file: + if ($this->_cache_include_info) { + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.write_compiled_include.php'); + smarty_core_write_compiled_include(array_merge($this->_cache_include_info, array('compiled_content'=>$_compiled_content)), $this); + } + + $_params = array('compile_path'=>$compile_path, 'compiled_content' => $_compiled_content, 'resource_timestamp' => $_resource_timestamp); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.write_compiled_resource.php'); + smarty_core_write_compiled_resource($_params, $this); + + return true; + } else { + $this->trigger_error($smarty_compiler->_error_msg); + return false; + } + + } + + /** + * compile the given source + * + * @param string $resource_name + * @param string $source_content + * @param string $compiled_content + * @return boolean + */ + function _compile_source($resource_name, &$source_content, &$compiled_content, $cache_include_path=null) + { + if (file_exists(SMARTY_DIR . $this->compiler_file)) { + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . $this->compiler_file); + } else { + // use include_path + require_once($this->compiler_file); + } + + + $smarty_compiler = new $this->compiler_class; + + $smarty_compiler->template_dir = $this->template_dir; + $smarty_compiler->compile_dir = $this->compile_dir; + $smarty_compiler->plugins_dir = $this->plugins_dir; + $smarty_compiler->config_dir = $this->config_dir; + $smarty_compiler->force_compile = $this->force_compile; + $smarty_compiler->caching = $this->caching; + $smarty_compiler->php_handling = $this->php_handling; + $smarty_compiler->left_delimiter = $this->left_delimiter; + $smarty_compiler->right_delimiter = $this->right_delimiter; + $smarty_compiler->_version = $this->_version; + $smarty_compiler->security = $this->security; + $smarty_compiler->secure_dir = $this->secure_dir; + $smarty_compiler->security_settings = $this->security_settings; + $smarty_compiler->trusted_dir = $this->trusted_dir; + $smarty_compiler->_reg_objects = &$this->_reg_objects; + $smarty_compiler->_plugins = &$this->_plugins; + $smarty_compiler->_tpl_vars = &$this->_tpl_vars; + $smarty_compiler->default_modifiers = $this->default_modifiers; + $smarty_compiler->compile_id = $this->_compile_id; + $smarty_compiler->_config = $this->_config; + $smarty_compiler->request_use_auto_globals = $this->request_use_auto_globals; + + $smarty_compiler->_cache_serial = null; + $smarty_compiler->_cache_include = $cache_include_path; + + + $_results = $smarty_compiler->_compile_file($resource_name, $source_content, $compiled_content); + + if ($smarty_compiler->_cache_serial) { + $this->_cache_include_info = array( + 'cache_serial'=>$smarty_compiler->_cache_serial + ,'plugins_code'=>$smarty_compiler->_plugins_code + ,'include_file_path' => $cache_include_path); + + } else { + $this->_cache_include_info = null; + + } + + return $_results; + } + + /** + * Get the compile path for this resource + * + * @param string $resource_name + * @return string results of {@link _get_auto_filename()} + */ + function _get_compile_path($resource_name) + { + return $this->_get_auto_filename($this->compile_dir, $resource_name, + $this->_compile_id) . '.php'; + } + + /** + * fetch the template info. Gets timestamp, and source + * if get_source is true + * + * sets $source_content to the source of the template, and + * $resource_timestamp to its time stamp + * @param string $resource_name + * @param string $source_content + * @param integer $resource_timestamp + * @param boolean $get_source + * @param boolean $quiet + * @return boolean + */ + + function _fetch_resource_info(&$params) + { + if(!isset($params['get_source'])) { $params['get_source'] = true; } + if(!isset($params['quiet'])) { $params['quiet'] = false; } + + $_return = false; + $_params = array('resource_name' => $params['resource_name']) ; + if (isset($params['resource_base_path'])) + $_params['resource_base_path'] = $params['resource_base_path']; + + if ($this->_parse_resource_name($_params)) { + $_resource_type = $_params['resource_type']; + $_resource_name = $_params['resource_name']; + switch ($_resource_type) { + case 'file': + if ($params['get_source']) { + $params['source_content'] = $this->_read_file($_resource_name); + } + $params['resource_timestamp'] = filemtime($_resource_name); + $_return = is_file($_resource_name); + break; + + default: + // call resource functions to fetch the template source and timestamp + if ($params['get_source']) { + $_source_return = isset($this->_plugins['resource'][$_resource_type]) && + call_user_func_array($this->_plugins['resource'][$_resource_type][0][0], + array($_resource_name, &$params['source_content'], &$this)); + } else { + $_source_return = true; + } + + $_timestamp_return = isset($this->_plugins['resource'][$_resource_type]) && + call_user_func_array($this->_plugins['resource'][$_resource_type][0][1], + array($_resource_name, &$params['resource_timestamp'], &$this)); + + $_return = $_source_return && $_timestamp_return; + break; + } + } + + if (!$_return) { + // see if we can get a template with the default template handler + if (!empty($this->default_template_handler_func)) { + if (!is_callable($this->default_template_handler_func)) { + $this->trigger_error("default template handler function \"$this->default_template_handler_func\" doesn't exist."); + } else { + $_return = call_user_func_array( + $this->default_template_handler_func, + array($_params['resource_type'], $_params['resource_name'], &$params['source_content'], &$params['resource_timestamp'], &$this)); + } + } + } + + if (!$_return) { + if (!$params['quiet']) { + $this->trigger_error('unable to read resource: "' . $params['resource_name'] . '"'); + } + } else if ($_return && $this->security) { + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.is_secure.php'); + if (!smarty_core_is_secure($_params, $this)) { + if (!$params['quiet']) + $this->trigger_error('(secure mode) accessing "' . $params['resource_name'] . '" is not allowed'); + $params['source_content'] = null; + $params['resource_timestamp'] = null; + return false; + } + } + return $_return; + } + + + /** + * parse out the type and name from the resource + * + * @param string $resource_base_path + * @param string $resource_name + * @param string $resource_type + * @param string $resource_name + * @return boolean + */ + + function _parse_resource_name(&$params) + { + + // split tpl_path by the first colon + $_resource_name_parts = explode(':', $params['resource_name'], 2); + + if (count($_resource_name_parts) == 1) { + // no resource type given + $params['resource_type'] = $this->default_resource_type; + $params['resource_name'] = $_resource_name_parts[0]; + } else { + if(strlen($_resource_name_parts[0]) == 1) { + // 1 char is not resource type, but part of filepath + $params['resource_type'] = $this->default_resource_type; + $params['resource_name'] = $params['resource_name']; + } else { + $params['resource_type'] = $_resource_name_parts[0]; + $params['resource_name'] = $_resource_name_parts[1]; + } + } + + if ($params['resource_type'] == 'file') { + if (!preg_match("/^([\/\\\\]|[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\\\])/", $params['resource_name'])) { + // relative pathname to $params['resource_base_path'] + // use the first directory where the file is found + if (isset($params['resource_base_path'])) { + $_resource_base_path = (array)$params['resource_base_path']; + } else { + $_resource_base_path = (array)$this->template_dir; + $_resource_base_path[] = '.'; + } + foreach ($_resource_base_path as $_curr_path) { + $_fullpath = $_curr_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $params['resource_name']; + if (file_exists($_fullpath) && is_file($_fullpath)) { + $params['resource_name'] = $_fullpath; + return true; + } + // didn't find the file, try include_path + $_params = array('file_path' => $_fullpath); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_include_path.php'); + if(smarty_core_get_include_path($_params, $this)) { + $params['resource_name'] = $_params['new_file_path']; + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + } elseif (empty($this->_plugins['resource'][$params['resource_type']])) { + $_params = array('type' => $params['resource_type']); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.load_resource_plugin.php'); + smarty_core_load_resource_plugin($_params, $this); + } + + return true; + } + + + /** + * Handle modifiers + * + * @param string|null $modifier_name + * @param array|null $map_array + * @return string result of modifiers + */ + function _run_mod_handler() + { + $_args = func_get_args(); + list($_modifier_name, $_map_array) = array_splice($_args, 0, 2); + list($_func_name, $_tpl_file, $_tpl_line) = + $this->_plugins['modifier'][$_modifier_name]; + + $_var = $_args[0]; + foreach ($_var as $_key => $_val) { + $_args[0] = $_val; + $_var[$_key] = call_user_func_array($_func_name, $_args); + } + return $_var; + } + + /** + * Remove starting and ending quotes from the string + * + * @param string $string + * @return string + */ + function _dequote($string) + { + if (($string{0} == "'" || $string{0} == '"') && + $string{strlen($string)-1} == $string{0}) + return substr($string, 1, -1); + else + return $string; + } + + + /** + * read in a file from line $start for $lines. + * read the entire file if $start and $lines are null. + * + * @param string $filename + * @param integer $start + * @param integer $lines + * @return string + */ + function _read_file($filename, $start=null, $lines=null) + { + if (!($fd = @fopen($filename, 'r'))) { + return false; + } + flock($fd, LOCK_SH); + if ($start == null && $lines == null) { + // read the entire file + $contents = fread($fd, filesize($filename)); + } else { + if ( $start > 1 ) { + // skip the first lines before $start + for ($loop=1; $loop < $start; $loop++) { + fgets($fd, 65536); + } + } + if ( $lines == null ) { + // read the rest of the file + while (!feof($fd)) { + $contents .= fgets($fd, 65536); + } + } else { + // read up to $lines lines + for ($loop=0; $loop < $lines; $loop++) { + $contents .= fgets($fd, 65536); + if (feof($fd)) { + break; + } + } + } + } + fclose($fd); + return $contents; + } + + /** + * get a concrete filename for automagically created content + * + * @param string $auto_base + * @param string $auto_source + * @param string $auto_id + * @return string + * @staticvar string|null + * @staticvar string|null + */ + function _get_auto_filename($auto_base, $auto_source = null, $auto_id = null) + { + $_compile_dir_sep = $this->use_sub_dirs ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : '^'; + + if(@is_dir($auto_base)) { + $_return = $auto_base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; + } else { + // auto_base not found, try include_path + $_params = array('file_path' => $auto_base); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_include_path.php'); + smarty_core_get_include_path($_params, $this); + $_return = isset($_params['new_file_path']) ? $_params['new_file_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : null; + } + + if(isset($auto_id)) { + // make auto_id safe for directory names + $auto_id = str_replace('%7C',$_compile_dir_sep,(urlencode($auto_id))); + // split into separate directories + $_return .= $auto_id . $_compile_dir_sep; + } + + if(isset($auto_source)) { + // make source name safe for filename + $_filename = urlencode(basename($auto_source)); + $_crc32 = crc32($auto_source) . $_compile_dir_sep; + // prepend %% to avoid name conflicts with + // with $params['auto_id'] names + $_crc32 = '%%' . substr($_crc32,0,3) . $_compile_dir_sep . '%%' . $_crc32; + $_return .= $_crc32 . $_filename; + } + + return $_return; + } + + /** + * unlink a file, possibly using expiration time + * + * @param string $resource + * @param integer $exp_time + */ + function _unlink($resource, $exp_time = null) + { + if(isset($exp_time)) { + if(time() - @filemtime($resource) >= $exp_time) { + return @unlink($resource); + } + } else { + return @unlink($resource); + } + } + + /** + * returns an auto_id for auto-file-functions + * + * @param string $cache_id + * @param string $compile_id + * @return string|null + */ + function _get_auto_id($cache_id=null, $compile_id=null) { + if (isset($cache_id)) + return (isset($compile_id)) ? $cache_id . '|' . $compile_id : $cache_id; + elseif(isset($compile_id)) + return $compile_id; + else + return null; + } + + /** + * trigger Smarty plugin error + * + * @param string $error_msg + * @param string $tpl_file + * @param integer $tpl_line + * @param string $file + * @param integer $line + * @param integer $error_type + */ + function _trigger_fatal_error($error_msg, $tpl_file = null, $tpl_line = null, + $file = null, $line = null, $error_type = E_USER_ERROR) + { + if(isset($file) && isset($line)) { + $info = ' ('.basename($file).", line $line)"; + } else { + $info = ''; + } + if (isset($tpl_line) && isset($tpl_file)) { + $this->trigger_error('[in ' . $tpl_file . ' line ' . $tpl_line . "]: $error_msg$info", $error_type); + } else { + $this->trigger_error($error_msg . $info, $error_type); + } + } + + + /** + * callback function for preg_replace, to call a non-cacheable block + * @return string + */ + function _process_compiled_include_callback($match) { + $_func = '_smarty_tplfunc_'.$match[2].'_'.$match[3]; + ob_start(); + $_func($this); + $_ret = ob_get_contents(); + ob_end_clean(); + return $_ret; + } + + + /** + * called for included templates + * + * @param string $_smarty_include_tpl_file + * @param string $_smarty_include_vars + */ + + // $_smarty_include_tpl_file, $_smarty_include_vars + + function _smarty_include($params) + { + if ($this->debugging) { + $_params = array(); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_microtime.php'); + $debug_start_time = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $this); + $this->_smarty_debug_info[] = array('type' => 'template', + 'filename' => $params['smarty_include_tpl_file'], + 'depth' => ++$this->_inclusion_depth); + $included_tpls_idx = count($this->_smarty_debug_info) - 1; + } + + $this->_tpl_vars = array_merge($this->_tpl_vars, $params['smarty_include_vars']); + + // config vars are treated as local, so push a copy of the + // current ones onto the front of the stack + array_unshift($this->_config, $this->_config[0]); + + $_smarty_compile_path = $this->_get_compile_path($params['smarty_include_tpl_file']); + + + if ($this->_is_compiled($params['smarty_include_tpl_file'], $_smarty_compile_path) + || $this->_compile_resource($params['smarty_include_tpl_file'], $_smarty_compile_path)) + { + include($_smarty_compile_path); + } + + // pop the local vars off the front of the stack + array_shift($this->_config); + + $this->_inclusion_depth--; + + if ($this->debugging) { + // capture time for debugging info + $_params = array(); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_microtime.php'); + $this->_smarty_debug_info[$included_tpls_idx]['exec_time'] = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $this) - $debug_start_time; + } + + if ($this->caching) { + $this->_cache_info['template'][$params['smarty_include_tpl_file']] = true; + } + } + + + /** + * get or set an array of cached attributes for function that is + * not cacheable + * @return array + */ + function &_smarty_cache_attrs($cache_serial, $count) { + $_cache_attrs =& $this->_cache_info['cache_attrs'][$cache_serial][$count]; + + if ($this->_cache_including) { + /* return next set of cache_attrs */ + $_return =& current($_cache_attrs); + next($_cache_attrs); + return $_return; + + } else { + /* add a reference to a new set of cache_attrs */ + $_cache_attrs[] = array(); + return $_cache_attrs[count($_cache_attrs)-1]; + + } + + } + + + /** + * wrapper for include() retaining $this + * @return mixed + */ + function _include($filename, $once=false, $params=null) + { + if ($once) { + return include_once($filename); + } else { + return include($filename); + } + } + + + /** + * wrapper for eval() retaining $this + * @return mixed + */ + function _eval($code, $params=null) + { + return eval($code); + } + /**#@-*/ + +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..597c86b855 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php @@ -0,0 +1,2225 @@ + + * @author Andrei Zmievski + * @version 2.6.2 + * @copyright 2001-2004 ispi of Lincoln, Inc. + * @package Smarty + */ + +/* $Id$ */ + +/** + * Template compiling class + * @package Smarty + */ +class Smarty_Compiler extends Smarty { + + // internal vars + /**#@+ + * @access private + */ + var $_folded_blocks = array(); // keeps folded template blocks + var $_current_file = null; // the current template being compiled + var $_current_line_no = 1; // line number for error messages + var $_capture_stack = array(); // keeps track of nested capture buffers + var $_plugin_info = array(); // keeps track of plugins to load + var $_init_smarty_vars = false; + var $_permitted_tokens = array('true','false','yes','no','on','off','null'); + var $_db_qstr_regexp = null; // regexps are setup in the constructor + var $_si_qstr_regexp = null; + var $_qstr_regexp = null; + var $_func_regexp = null; + var $_var_bracket_regexp = null; + var $_dvar_guts_regexp = null; + var $_dvar_regexp = null; + var $_cvar_regexp = null; + var $_svar_regexp = null; + var $_avar_regexp = null; + var $_mod_regexp = null; + var $_var_regexp = null; + var $_parenth_param_regexp = null; + var $_func_call_regexp = null; + var $_obj_ext_regexp = null; + var $_obj_start_regexp = null; + var $_obj_params_regexp = null; + var $_obj_call_regexp = null; + var $_cacheable_state = 0; + var $_cache_attrs_count = 0; + var $_nocache_count = 0; + var $_cache_serial = null; + var $_cache_include = null; + + var $_strip_depth = 0; + var $_additional_newline = "\n"; + + /**#@-*/ + /** + * The class constructor. + */ + function Smarty_Compiler() + { + // matches double quoted strings: + // "foobar" + // "foo\"bar" + $this->_db_qstr_regexp = '"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"'; + + // matches single quoted strings: + // 'foobar' + // 'foo\'bar' + $this->_si_qstr_regexp = '\'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*\''; + + // matches single or double quoted strings + $this->_qstr_regexp = '(?:' . $this->_db_qstr_regexp . '|' . $this->_si_qstr_regexp . ')'; + + // matches bracket portion of vars + // [0] + // [foo] + // [$bar] + $this->_var_bracket_regexp = '\[\$?[\w\.]+\]'; + + // matches $ vars (not objects): + // $foo + // $ + // $ + // $foo[0] + // $foo[$bar] + // $foo[5][blah] + // $foo[5].bar[$foobar][4] + $this->_dvar_math_regexp = '[\+\-\*\/\%]'; + $this->_dvar_math_var_regexp = '[\$\w\.\+\-\*\/\%\d\>\[\]]'; + $this->_dvar_num_var_regexp = '\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?' . $this->_dvar_math_var_regexp; + $this->_dvar_guts_regexp = '\w+(?:' . $this->_var_bracket_regexp + . ')*(?:\.\$?\w+(?:' . $this->_var_bracket_regexp . ')*)*(?:' . $this->_dvar_math_regexp . '(?:\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?|' . $this->_dvar_math_var_regexp . ')*)?'; + $this->_dvar_regexp = '\$' . $this->_dvar_guts_regexp; + + // matches config vars: + // #foo# + // #foobar123_foo# + $this->_cvar_regexp = '\#\w+\#'; + + // matches section vars: + // + $this->_svar_regexp = '\%\w+\.\w+\%'; + + // matches all valid variables (no quotes, no modifiers) + $this->_avar_regexp = '(?:' . $this->_dvar_regexp . '|' + . $this->_cvar_regexp . '|' . $this->_svar_regexp . ')'; + + // matches valid variable syntax: + // $foo + // $foo + // #foo# + // #foo# + // "text" + // "text" + $this->_var_regexp = '(?:' . $this->_avar_regexp . '|' . $this->_qstr_regexp . ')'; + + // matches valid object call (no objects allowed in parameters): + // $foo->bar + // $foo->bar() + // $foo->bar("text") + // $foo->bar($foo, $bar, "text") + // $foo->bar($foo, "foo") + // $foo->bar->foo() + // $foo->bar->foo->bar() + $this->_obj_ext_regexp = '\->(?:\$?' . $this->_dvar_guts_regexp . ')'; + $this->_obj_params_regexp = '\((?:\w+|' + . $this->_var_regexp . '(?:\s*,\s*(?:(?:\w+|' + . $this->_var_regexp . ')))*)?\)'; + $this->_obj_start_regexp = '(?:' . $this->_dvar_regexp . '(?:' . $this->_obj_ext_regexp . ')+)'; + $this->_obj_call_regexp = '(?:' . $this->_obj_start_regexp . '(?:' . $this->_obj_params_regexp . ')?)'; + + // matches valid modifier syntax: + // |foo + // |@foo + // |foo:"bar" + // |foo:$bar + // |foo:"bar":$foobar + // |foo|bar + // |foo:$foo->bar + $this->_mod_regexp = '(?:\|@?\w+(?::(?>-?\w+|' + . $this->_obj_call_regexp . '|' . $this->_avar_regexp . '|' . $this->_qstr_regexp .'))*)'; + + // matches valid function name: + // foo123 + // _foo_bar + $this->_func_regexp = '[a-zA-Z_]\w*'; + + // matches valid registered object: + // foo->bar + $this->_reg_obj_regexp = '[a-zA-Z_]\w*->[a-zA-Z_]\w*'; + + // matches valid parameter values: + // true + // $foo + // $foo|bar + // #foo# + // #foo#|bar + // "text" + // "text"|bar + // $foo->bar + $this->_param_regexp = '(?:\s*(?:' . $this->_obj_call_regexp . '|' + . $this->_var_regexp . '|\w+)(?>' . $this->_mod_regexp . '*)\s*)'; + + // matches valid parenthesised function parameters: + // + // "text" + // $foo, $bar, "text" + // $foo|bar, "foo"|bar, $foo->bar($foo)|bar + $this->_parenth_param_regexp = '(?:\((?:\w+|' + . $this->_param_regexp . '(?:\s*,\s*(?:(?:\w+|' + . $this->_param_regexp . ')))*)?\))'; + + // matches valid function call: + // foo() + // foo_bar($foo) + // _foo_bar($foo,"bar") + // foo123($foo,$foo->bar(),"foo") + $this->_func_call_regexp = '(?:' . $this->_func_regexp . '\s*(?:' + . $this->_parenth_param_regexp . '))'; + } + + /** + * compile a resource + * + * sets $compiled_content to the compiled source + * @param string $resource_name + * @param string $source_content + * @param string $compiled_content + * @return true + */ + function _compile_file($resource_name, $source_content, &$compiled_content) + { + + if ($this->security) { + // do not allow php syntax to be executed unless specified + if ($this->php_handling == SMARTY_PHP_ALLOW && + !$this->security_settings['PHP_HANDLING']) { + $this->php_handling = SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU; + } + } + + $this->_load_filters(); + + $this->_current_file = $resource_name; + $this->_current_line_no = 1; + $ldq = preg_quote($this->left_delimiter, '!'); + $rdq = preg_quote($this->right_delimiter, '!'); + + // run template source through prefilter functions + if (count($this->_plugins['prefilter']) > 0) { + foreach ($this->_plugins['prefilter'] as $filter_name => $prefilter) { + if ($prefilter === false) continue; + if ($prefilter[3] || is_callable($prefilter[0])) { + $source_content = call_user_func_array($prefilter[0], + array($source_content, &$this)); + $this->_plugins['prefilter'][$filter_name][3] = true; + } else { + $this->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] prefilter '$filter_name' is not implemented"); + } + } + } + + /* fetch all special blocks */ + $search = "!{$ldq}\*(.*?)\*{$rdq}|{$ldq}\s*literal\s*{$rdq}(.*?){$ldq}\s*/literal\s*{$rdq}|{$ldq}\s*php\s*{$rdq}(.*?){$ldq}\s*/php\s*{$rdq}!s"; + + preg_match_all($search, $source_content, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER); + $this->_folded_blocks = $match; + reset($this->_folded_blocks); + + /* replace special blocks by "{php}" */ + $source_content = preg_replace($search.'e', "'" + . $this->_quote_replace($this->left_delimiter) . 'php' + . "' . str_repeat(\"\n\", substr_count('\\0', \"\n\")) .'" + . $this->_quote_replace($this->right_delimiter) + . "'" + , $source_content); + + /* Gather all template tags. */ + preg_match_all("!{$ldq}\s*(.*?)\s*{$rdq}!s", $source_content, $_match); + $template_tags = $_match[1]; + /* Split content by template tags to obtain non-template content. */ + $text_blocks = preg_split("!{$ldq}.*?{$rdq}!s", $source_content); + + /* loop through text blocks */ + for ($curr_tb = 0, $for_max = count($text_blocks); $curr_tb < $for_max; $curr_tb++) { + /* match anything resembling php tags */ + if (preg_match_all('!(<\?(?:\w+|=)?|\?>|language\s*=\s*[\"\']?php[\"\']?)!is', $text_blocks[$curr_tb], $sp_match)) { + /* replace tags with placeholders to prevent recursive replacements */ + $sp_match[1] = array_unique($sp_match[1]); + usort($sp_match[1], '_smarty_sort_length'); + for ($curr_sp = 0, $for_max2 = count($sp_match[1]); $curr_sp < $for_max2; $curr_sp++) { + $text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace($sp_match[1][$curr_sp],'%%%SMARTYSP'.$curr_sp.'%%%',$text_blocks[$curr_tb]); + } + /* process each one */ + for ($curr_sp = 0, $for_max2 = count($sp_match[1]); $curr_sp < $for_max2; $curr_sp++) { + if ($this->php_handling == SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU) { + /* echo php contents */ + $text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace('%%%SMARTYSP'.$curr_sp.'%%%', ''."\n", $text_blocks[$curr_tb]); + } else if ($this->php_handling == SMARTY_PHP_QUOTE) { + /* quote php tags */ + $text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace('%%%SMARTYSP'.$curr_sp.'%%%', htmlspecialchars($sp_match[1][$curr_sp]), $text_blocks[$curr_tb]); + } else if ($this->php_handling == SMARTY_PHP_REMOVE) { + /* remove php tags */ + $text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace('%%%SMARTYSP'.$curr_sp.'%%%', '', $text_blocks[$curr_tb]); + } else { + /* SMARTY_PHP_ALLOW, but echo non php starting tags */ + $sp_match[1][$curr_sp] = preg_replace('%(<\?(?!php|=|$))%i', ''."\n", $sp_match[1][$curr_sp]); + $text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace('%%%SMARTYSP'.$curr_sp.'%%%', $sp_match[1][$curr_sp], $text_blocks[$curr_tb]); + } + } + } + } + + /* Compile the template tags into PHP code. */ + $compiled_tags = array(); + for ($i = 0, $for_max = count($template_tags); $i < $for_max; $i++) { + $this->_current_line_no += substr_count($text_blocks[$i], "\n"); + $compiled_tags[] = $this->_compile_tag($template_tags[$i]); + $this->_current_line_no += substr_count($template_tags[$i], "\n"); + } + if (count($this->_tag_stack)>0) { + list($_open_tag, $_line_no) = end($this->_tag_stack); + $this->_syntax_error("unclosed tag \{$_open_tag} (opened line $_line_no).", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + return; + } + + $compiled_content = ''; + + /* Interleave the compiled contents and text blocks to get the final result. */ + for ($i = 0, $for_max = count($compiled_tags); $i < $for_max; $i++) { + if ($compiled_tags[$i] == '') { + // tag result empty, remove first newline from following text block + $text_blocks[$i+1] = preg_replace('!^(\r\n|\r|\n)!', '', $text_blocks[$i+1]); + } + $compiled_content .= $text_blocks[$i].$compiled_tags[$i]; + } + $compiled_content .= $text_blocks[$i]; + + /* Reformat data between 'strip' and '/strip' tags, removing spaces, tabs and newlines. */ + if (preg_match_all("!{$ldq}strip{$rdq}.*?{$ldq}/strip{$rdq}!s", $compiled_content, $_match)) { + $strip_tags = $_match[0]; + $strip_tags_modified = preg_replace("!{$ldq}/?strip{$rdq}|[\t ]+$|^[\t ]+!m", '', $strip_tags); + $strip_tags_modified = preg_replace('![\r\n]+!m', '', $strip_tags_modified); + for ($i = 0, $for_max = count($strip_tags); $i < $for_max; $i++) + $compiled_content = preg_replace("!{$ldq}strip{$rdq}.*?{$ldq}/strip{$rdq}!s", + $this->_quote_replace($strip_tags_modified[$i]), + $compiled_content, 1); + } + + // remove \n from the end of the file, if any + if (($_len=strlen($compiled_content)) && ($compiled_content{$_len - 1} == "\n" )) { + $compiled_content = substr($compiled_content, 0, -1); + } + + if (!empty($this->_cache_serial)) { + $compiled_content = "_cache_serials['".$this->_cache_include."'] = '".$this->_cache_serial."'; ?>" . $compiled_content; + } + + // remove unnecessary close/open tags + $compiled_content = preg_replace('!\?>\n?<\?php!', '', $compiled_content); + + // run compiled template through postfilter functions + if (count($this->_plugins['postfilter']) > 0) { + foreach ($this->_plugins['postfilter'] as $filter_name => $postfilter) { + if ($postfilter === false) continue; + if ($postfilter[3] || is_callable($postfilter[0])) { + $compiled_content = call_user_func_array($postfilter[0], + array($compiled_content, &$this)); + $this->_plugins['postfilter'][$filter_name][3] = true; + } else { + $this->_trigger_fatal_error("Smarty plugin error: postfilter '$filter_name' is not implemented"); + } + } + } + + // put header at the top of the compiled template + $template_header = "_version.", created on ".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")."\n"; + $template_header .= " compiled from ".strtr(urlencode($resource_name), array('%2F'=>'/', '%3A'=>':'))." */ ?>\n"; + + /* Emit code to load needed plugins. */ + $this->_plugins_code = ''; + if (count($this->_plugin_info)) { + $_plugins_params = "array('plugins' => array("; + foreach ($this->_plugin_info as $plugin_type => $plugins) { + foreach ($plugins as $plugin_name => $plugin_info) { + $_plugins_params .= "array('$plugin_type', '$plugin_name', '$plugin_info[0]', $plugin_info[1], "; + $_plugins_params .= $plugin_info[2] ? 'true),' : 'false),'; + } + } + $_plugins_params .= '))'; + $plugins_code = "\n"; + $template_header .= $plugins_code; + $this->_plugin_info = array(); + $this->_plugins_code = $plugins_code; + } + + if ($this->_init_smarty_vars) { + $template_header .= "\n"; + $this->_init_smarty_vars = false; + } + + $compiled_content = $template_header . $compiled_content; + return true; + } + + /** + * Compile a template tag + * + * @param string $template_tag + * @return string + */ + function _compile_tag($template_tag) + { + /* Matched comment. */ + if ($template_tag{0} == '*' && $template_tag{strlen($template_tag) - 1} == '*') + return ''; + + /* Split tag into two three parts: command, command modifiers and the arguments. */ + if(! preg_match('/^(?:(' . $this->_obj_call_regexp . '|' . $this->_var_regexp + . '|\/?' . $this->_reg_obj_regexp . '|\/?' . $this->_func_regexp . ')(' . $this->_mod_regexp . '*)) + (?:\s+(.*))?$ + /xs', $template_tag, $match)) { + $this->_syntax_error("unrecognized tag: $template_tag", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + $tag_command = $match[1]; + $tag_modifier = isset($match[2]) ? $match[2] : null; + $tag_args = isset($match[3]) ? $match[3] : null; + + if (preg_match('!^' . $this->_obj_call_regexp . '|' . $this->_var_regexp . '$!', $tag_command)) { + /* tag name is a variable or object */ + $_return = $this->_parse_var_props($tag_command . $tag_modifier, $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args)); + if(isset($_tag_attrs['assign'])) { + return "assign('" . $this->_dequote($_tag_attrs['assign']) . "', $_return ); ?>\n"; + } else { + return "" . $this->_additional_newline; + } + } + + /* If the tag name is a registered object, we process it. */ + if (preg_match('!^\/?' . $this->_reg_obj_regexp . '$!', $tag_command)) { + return $this->_compile_registered_object_tag($tag_command, $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args), $tag_modifier); + } + + switch ($tag_command) { + case 'include': + return $this->_compile_include_tag($tag_args); + + case 'include_php': + return $this->_compile_include_php_tag($tag_args); + + case 'if': + $this->_push_tag('if'); + return $this->_compile_if_tag($tag_args); + + case 'else': + list($_open_tag) = end($this->_tag_stack); + if ($_open_tag != 'if' && $_open_tag != 'elseif') + $this->_syntax_error('unxepected {else}', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + else + $this->_push_tag('else'); + return ''; + + case 'elseif': + list($_open_tag) = end($this->_tag_stack); + if ($_open_tag != 'if' && $_open_tag != 'elseif') + $this->_syntax_error('unxepected {elseif}', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + if ($_open_tag == 'if') + $this->_push_tag('elseif'); + return $this->_compile_if_tag($tag_args, true); + + case '/if': + $this->_pop_tag('if'); + return ''; + + case 'capture': + return $this->_compile_capture_tag(true, $tag_args); + + case '/capture': + return $this->_compile_capture_tag(false); + + case 'ldelim': + return $this->left_delimiter; + + case 'rdelim': + return $this->right_delimiter; + + case 'section': + $this->_push_tag('section'); + return $this->_compile_section_start($tag_args); + + case 'sectionelse': + $this->_push_tag('sectionelse'); + return ""; + break; + + case '/section': + $_open_tag = $this->_pop_tag('section'); + if ($_open_tag == 'sectionelse') + return ""; + else + return ""; + + case 'foreach': + $this->_push_tag('foreach'); + return $this->_compile_foreach_start($tag_args); + break; + + case 'foreachelse': + $this->_push_tag('foreachelse'); + return ""; + + case '/foreach': + $_open_tag = $this->_pop_tag('foreach'); + if ($_open_tag == 'foreachelse') + return ""; + else + return ""; + break; + + case 'strip': + case '/strip': + if ($tag_command{0}=='/') { + $this->_pop_tag('strip'); + if (--$this->_strip_depth==0) { /* outermost closing {/strip} */ + $this->_additional_newline = "\n"; + return $this->left_delimiter.$tag_command.$this->right_delimiter; + } + } else { + $this->_push_tag('strip'); + if ($this->_strip_depth++==0) { /* outermost opening {strip} */ + $this->_additional_newline = ""; + return $this->left_delimiter.$tag_command.$this->right_delimiter; + } + } + return ''; + + case 'php': + /* handle folded tags replaced by {php} */ + list(, $block) = each($this->_folded_blocks); + $this->_current_line_no += substr_count($block[0], "\n"); + /* the number of matched elements in the regexp in _compile_file() + determins the type of folded tag that was found */ + switch (count($block)) { + case 2: /* comment */ + return ''; + + case 3: /* literal */ + return ""\'", "\\"=>"\\\\")) . "'; ?>" . $this->_additional_newline; + + case 4: /* php */ + if ($this->security && !$this->security_settings['PHP_TAGS']) { + $this->_syntax_error("(secure mode) php tags not permitted", E_USER_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__); + return; + } + return ''; + } + break; + + case 'insert': + return $this->_compile_insert_tag($tag_args); + + default: + if ($this->_compile_compiler_tag($tag_command, $tag_args, $output)) { + return $output; + } else if ($this->_compile_block_tag($tag_command, $tag_args, $tag_modifier, $output)) { + return $output; + } else if ($this->_compile_custom_tag($tag_command, $tag_args, $tag_modifier, $output)) { + return $output; + } else { + $this->_syntax_error("unrecognized tag '$tag_command'", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + } + } + + + /** + * compile the custom compiler tag + * + * sets $output to the compiled custom compiler tag + * @param string $tag_command + * @param string $tag_args + * @param string $output + * @return boolean + */ + function _compile_compiler_tag($tag_command, $tag_args, &$output) + { + $found = false; + $have_function = true; + + /* + * First we check if the compiler function has already been registered + * or loaded from a plugin file. + */ + if (isset($this->_plugins['compiler'][$tag_command])) { + $found = true; + $plugin_func = $this->_plugins['compiler'][$tag_command][0]; + if (!is_callable($plugin_func)) { + $message = "compiler function '$tag_command' is not implemented"; + $have_function = false; + } + } + /* + * Otherwise we need to load plugin file and look for the function + * inside it. + */ + else if ($plugin_file = $this->_get_plugin_filepath('compiler', $tag_command)) { + $found = true; + + include_once $plugin_file; + + $plugin_func = 'smarty_compiler_' . $tag_command; + if (!is_callable($plugin_func)) { + $message = "plugin function $plugin_func() not found in $plugin_file\n"; + $have_function = false; + } else { + $this->_plugins['compiler'][$tag_command] = array($plugin_func, null, null, null, true); + } + } + + /* + * True return value means that we either found a plugin or a + * dynamically registered function. False means that we didn't and the + * compiler should now emit code to load custom function plugin for this + * tag. + */ + if ($found) { + if ($have_function) { + $output = call_user_func_array($plugin_func, array($tag_args, &$this)); + if($output != '') { + $output = '_push_cacheable_state('compiler', $tag_command) + . $output + . $this->_pop_cacheable_state('compiler', $tag_command) . ' ?>'; + } + } else { + $this->_syntax_error($message, E_USER_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + + + /** + * compile block function tag + * + * sets $output to compiled block function tag + * @param string $tag_command + * @param string $tag_args + * @param string $tag_modifier + * @param string $output + * @return boolean + */ + function _compile_block_tag($tag_command, $tag_args, $tag_modifier, &$output) + { + if ($tag_command{0} == '/') { + $start_tag = false; + $tag_command = substr($tag_command, 1); + } else + $start_tag = true; + + $found = false; + $have_function = true; + + /* + * First we check if the block function has already been registered + * or loaded from a plugin file. + */ + if (isset($this->_plugins['block'][$tag_command])) { + $found = true; + $plugin_func = $this->_plugins['block'][$tag_command][0]; + if (!is_callable($plugin_func)) { + $message = "block function '$tag_command' is not implemented"; + $have_function = false; + } + } + /* + * Otherwise we need to load plugin file and look for the function + * inside it. + */ + else if ($plugin_file = $this->_get_plugin_filepath('block', $tag_command)) { + $found = true; + + include_once $plugin_file; + + $plugin_func = 'smarty_block_' . $tag_command; + if (!function_exists($plugin_func)) { + $message = "plugin function $plugin_func() not found in $plugin_file\n"; + $have_function = false; + } else { + $this->_plugins['block'][$tag_command] = array($plugin_func, null, null, null, true); + + } + } + + if (!$found) { + return false; + } else if (!$have_function) { + $this->_syntax_error($message, E_USER_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__); + return true; + } + + /* + * Even though we've located the plugin function, compilation + * happens only once, so the plugin will still need to be loaded + * at runtime for future requests. + */ + $this->_add_plugin('block', $tag_command); + + if ($start_tag) + $this->_push_tag($tag_command); + else + $this->_pop_tag($tag_command); + + if ($start_tag) { + $output = '_push_cacheable_state('block', $tag_command); + $attrs = $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args); + $arg_list = $this->_compile_arg_list('block', $tag_command, $attrs, $_cache_attrs=''); + $output .= "$_cache_attrs\$this->_tag_stack[] = array('$tag_command', array(".implode(',', $arg_list).')); '; + $output .= $this->_compile_plugin_call('block', $tag_command).'($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack)-1][1], null, $this, $_block_repeat=true);'; + $output .= 'while ($_block_repeat) { ob_start(); ?>'; + } else { + $output = '_block_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); '; + $_out_tag_text = $this->_compile_plugin_call('block', $tag_command).'($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack)-1][1], $this->_block_content, $this, $_block_repeat=false)'; + if ($tag_modifier != '') { + $this->_parse_modifiers($_out_tag_text, $tag_modifier); + } + $output .= 'echo '.$_out_tag_text.'; } '; + $output .= " array_pop(\$this->_tag_stack); " . $this->_pop_cacheable_state('block', $tag_command) . '?>'; + } + + return true; + } + + + /** + * compile custom function tag + * + * @param string $tag_command + * @param string $tag_args + * @param string $tag_modifier + * @return string + */ + function _compile_custom_tag($tag_command, $tag_args, $tag_modifier, &$output) + { + $found = false; + $have_function = true; + + /* + * First we check if the custom function has already been registered + * or loaded from a plugin file. + */ + if (isset($this->_plugins['function'][$tag_command])) { + $found = true; + $plugin_func = $this->_plugins['function'][$tag_command][0]; + if (!is_callable($plugin_func)) { + $message = "custom function '$tag_command' is not implemented"; + $have_function = false; + } + } + /* + * Otherwise we need to load plugin file and look for the function + * inside it. + */ + else if ($plugin_file = $this->_get_plugin_filepath('function', $tag_command)) { + $found = true; + + include_once $plugin_file; + + $plugin_func = 'smarty_function_' . $tag_command; + if (!function_exists($plugin_func)) { + $message = "plugin function $plugin_func() not found in $plugin_file\n"; + $have_function = false; + } else { + $this->_plugins['function'][$tag_command] = array($plugin_func, null, null, null, true); + + } + } + + if (!$found) { + return false; + } else if (!$have_function) { + $this->_syntax_error($message, E_USER_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__); + return true; + } + + /* declare plugin to be loaded on display of the template that + we compile right now */ + $this->_add_plugin('function', $tag_command); + + $_cacheable_state = $this->_push_cacheable_state('function', $tag_command); + $attrs = $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args); + $arg_list = $this->_compile_arg_list('function', $tag_command, $attrs, $_cache_attrs=''); + + $output = $this->_compile_plugin_call('function', $tag_command).'(array('.implode(',', $arg_list)."), \$this)"; + if($tag_modifier != '') { + $this->_parse_modifiers($output, $tag_modifier); + } + + if($output != '') { + $output = '_pop_cacheable_state('function', $tag_command) . "?>" . $this->_additional_newline; + } + + return true; + } + + /** + * compile a registered object tag + * + * @param string $tag_command + * @param array $attrs + * @param string $tag_modifier + * @return string + */ + function _compile_registered_object_tag($tag_command, $attrs, $tag_modifier) + { + if ($tag_command{0} == '/') { + $start_tag = false; + $tag_command = substr($tag_command, 1); + } else { + $start_tag = true; + } + + list($object, $obj_comp) = explode('->', $tag_command); + + $arg_list = array(); + if(count($attrs)) { + $_assign_var = false; + foreach ($attrs as $arg_name => $arg_value) { + if($arg_name == 'assign') { + $_assign_var = $arg_value; + unset($attrs['assign']); + continue; + } + if (is_bool($arg_value)) + $arg_value = $arg_value ? 'true' : 'false'; + $arg_list[] = "'$arg_name' => $arg_value"; + } + } + + if($this->_reg_objects[$object][2]) { + // smarty object argument format + $args = "array(".implode(',', (array)$arg_list)."), \$this"; + } else { + // traditional argument format + $args = implode(',', array_values($attrs)); + if (empty($args)) { + $args = 'null'; + } + } + + $prefix = ''; + $postfix = ''; + $newline = ''; + if(!is_object($this->_reg_objects[$object][0])) { + $this->_trigger_fatal_error("registered '$object' is not an object" , $this->_current_file, $this->_current_line_no, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } elseif(!empty($this->_reg_objects[$object][1]) && !in_array($obj_comp, $this->_reg_objects[$object][1])) { + $this->_trigger_fatal_error("'$obj_comp' is not a registered component of object '$object'", $this->_current_file, $this->_current_line_no, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } elseif(method_exists($this->_reg_objects[$object][0], $obj_comp)) { + // method + if(in_array($obj_comp, $this->_reg_objects[$object][3])) { + // block method + if ($start_tag) { + $prefix = "\$this->_tag_stack[] = array('$obj_comp', $args); "; + $prefix .= "\$this->_reg_objects['$object'][0]->$obj_comp(\$this->_tag_stack[count(\$this->_tag_stack)-1][1], null, \$this, \$_block_repeat=true); "; + $prefix .= "while (\$_block_repeat) { ob_start();"; + $return = null; + $postfix = ''; + } else { + $prefix = "\$this->_obj_block_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); "; + $return = "\$this->_reg_objects['$object'][0]->$obj_comp(\$this->_tag_stack[count(\$this->_tag_stack)-1][1], \$this->_obj_block_content, \$this, \$_block_repeat=false)"; + $postfix = "} array_pop(\$this->_tag_stack);"; + } + } else { + // non-block method + $return = "\$this->_reg_objects['$object'][0]->$obj_comp($args)"; + } + } else { + // property + $return = "\$this->_reg_objects['$object'][0]->$obj_comp"; + } + + if($return != null) { + if($tag_modifier != '') { + $this->_parse_modifiers($return, $tag_modifier); + } + + if(!empty($_assign_var)) { + $output = "\$this->assign('" . $this->_dequote($_assign_var) ."', $return);"; + } else { + $output = 'echo ' . $return . ';'; + $newline = $this->_additional_newline; + } + } else { + $output = ''; + } + + return '" . $newline; + } + + /** + * Compile {insert ...} tag + * + * @param string $tag_args + * @return string + */ + function _compile_insert_tag($tag_args) + { + $attrs = $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args); + $name = $this->_dequote($attrs['name']); + + if (empty($name)) { + $this->_syntax_error("missing insert name", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + if (!empty($attrs['script'])) { + $delayed_loading = true; + } else { + $delayed_loading = false; + } + + foreach ($attrs as $arg_name => $arg_value) { + if (is_bool($arg_value)) + $arg_value = $arg_value ? 'true' : 'false'; + $arg_list[] = "'$arg_name' => $arg_value"; + } + + $this->_add_plugin('insert', $name, $delayed_loading); + + $_params = "array('args' => array(".implode(', ', (array)$arg_list)."))"; + + return "" . $this->_additional_newline; + } + + /** + * Compile {include ...} tag + * + * @param string $tag_args + * @return string + */ + function _compile_include_tag($tag_args) + { + $attrs = $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args); + $arg_list = array(); + + if (empty($attrs['file'])) { + $this->_syntax_error("missing 'file' attribute in include tag", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + foreach ($attrs as $arg_name => $arg_value) { + if ($arg_name == 'file') { + $include_file = $arg_value; + continue; + } else if ($arg_name == 'assign') { + $assign_var = $arg_value; + continue; + } + if (is_bool($arg_value)) + $arg_value = $arg_value ? 'true' : 'false'; + $arg_list[] = "'$arg_name' => $arg_value"; + } + + $output = '_tpl_vars;\n"; + + + $_params = "array('smarty_include_tpl_file' => " . $include_file . ", 'smarty_include_vars' => array(".implode(',', (array)$arg_list)."))"; + $output .= "\$this->_smarty_include($_params);\n" . + "\$this->_tpl_vars = \$_smarty_tpl_vars;\n" . + "unset(\$_smarty_tpl_vars);\n"; + + if (isset($assign_var)) { + $output .= "\$this->assign(" . $assign_var . ", ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean();\n"; + } + + $output .= ' ?>'; + + return $output; + + } + + /** + * Compile {include ...} tag + * + * @param string $tag_args + * @return string + */ + function _compile_include_php_tag($tag_args) + { + $attrs = $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args); + + if (empty($attrs['file'])) { + $this->_syntax_error("missing 'file' attribute in include_php tag", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + $assign_var = (empty($attrs['assign'])) ? '' : $this->_dequote($attrs['assign']); + $once_var = (empty($attrs['once']) || $attrs['once']=='false') ? 'false' : 'true'; + + $arg_list = array(); + foreach($attrs as $arg_name => $arg_value) { + if($arg_name != 'file' AND $arg_name != 'once' AND $arg_name != 'assign') { + if(is_bool($arg_value)) + $arg_value = $arg_value ? 'true' : 'false'; + $arg_list[] = "'$arg_name' => $arg_value"; + } + } + + $_params = "array('smarty_file' => " . $attrs['file'] . ", 'smarty_assign' => '$assign_var', 'smarty_once' => $once_var, 'smarty_include_vars' => array(".implode(',', $arg_list)."))"; + + return "" . $this->_additional_newline; + } + + + /** + * Compile {section ...} tag + * + * @param string $tag_args + * @return string + */ + function _compile_section_start($tag_args) + { + $attrs = $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args); + $arg_list = array(); + + $output = '_syntax_error("missing section name", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + $output .= "if (isset(\$this->_sections[$section_name])) unset(\$this->_sections[$section_name]);\n"; + $section_props = "\$this->_sections[$section_name]"; + + foreach ($attrs as $attr_name => $attr_value) { + switch ($attr_name) { + case 'loop': + $output .= "{$section_props}['loop'] = is_array(\$_loop=$attr_value) ? count(\$_loop) : max(0, (int)\$_loop); unset(\$_loop);\n"; + break; + + case 'show': + if (is_bool($attr_value)) + $show_attr_value = $attr_value ? 'true' : 'false'; + else + $show_attr_value = "(bool)$attr_value"; + $output .= "{$section_props}['show'] = $show_attr_value;\n"; + break; + + case 'name': + $output .= "{$section_props}['$attr_name'] = $attr_value;\n"; + break; + + case 'max': + case 'start': + $output .= "{$section_props}['$attr_name'] = (int)$attr_value;\n"; + break; + + case 'step': + $output .= "{$section_props}['$attr_name'] = ((int)$attr_value) == 0 ? 1 : (int)$attr_value;\n"; + break; + + default: + $this->_syntax_error("unknown section attribute - '$attr_name'", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + break; + } + } + + if (!isset($attrs['show'])) + $output .= "{$section_props}['show'] = true;\n"; + + if (!isset($attrs['loop'])) + $output .= "{$section_props}['loop'] = 1;\n"; + + if (!isset($attrs['max'])) + $output .= "{$section_props}['max'] = {$section_props}['loop'];\n"; + else + $output .= "if ({$section_props}['max'] < 0)\n" . + " {$section_props}['max'] = {$section_props}['loop'];\n"; + + if (!isset($attrs['step'])) + $output .= "{$section_props}['step'] = 1;\n"; + + if (!isset($attrs['start'])) + $output .= "{$section_props}['start'] = {$section_props}['step'] > 0 ? 0 : {$section_props}['loop']-1;\n"; + else { + $output .= "if ({$section_props}['start'] < 0)\n" . + " {$section_props}['start'] = max({$section_props}['step'] > 0 ? 0 : -1, {$section_props}['loop'] + {$section_props}['start']);\n" . + "else\n" . + " {$section_props}['start'] = min({$section_props}['start'], {$section_props}['step'] > 0 ? {$section_props}['loop'] : {$section_props}['loop']-1);\n"; + } + + $output .= "if ({$section_props}['show']) {\n"; + if (!isset($attrs['start']) && !isset($attrs['step']) && !isset($attrs['max'])) { + $output .= " {$section_props}['total'] = {$section_props}['loop'];\n"; + } else { + $output .= " {$section_props}['total'] = min(ceil(({$section_props}['step'] > 0 ? {$section_props}['loop'] - {$section_props}['start'] : {$section_props}['start']+1)/abs({$section_props}['step'])), {$section_props}['max']);\n"; + } + $output .= " if ({$section_props}['total'] == 0)\n" . + " {$section_props}['show'] = false;\n" . + "} else\n" . + " {$section_props}['total'] = 0;\n"; + + $output .= "if ({$section_props}['show']):\n"; + $output .= " + for ({$section_props}['index'] = {$section_props}['start'], {$section_props}['iteration'] = 1; + {$section_props}['iteration'] <= {$section_props}['total']; + {$section_props}['index'] += {$section_props}['step'], {$section_props}['iteration']++):\n"; + $output .= "{$section_props}['rownum'] = {$section_props}['iteration'];\n"; + $output .= "{$section_props}['index_prev'] = {$section_props}['index'] - {$section_props}['step'];\n"; + $output .= "{$section_props}['index_next'] = {$section_props}['index'] + {$section_props}['step'];\n"; + $output .= "{$section_props}['first'] = ({$section_props}['iteration'] == 1);\n"; + $output .= "{$section_props}['last'] = ({$section_props}['iteration'] == {$section_props}['total']);\n"; + + $output .= "?>"; + + return $output; + } + + + /** + * Compile {foreach ...} tag. + * + * @param string $tag_args + * @return string + */ + function _compile_foreach_start($tag_args) + { + $attrs = $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args); + $arg_list = array(); + + if (empty($attrs['from'])) { + $this->_syntax_error("missing 'from' attribute", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + if (empty($attrs['item'])) { + $this->_syntax_error("missing 'item' attribute", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + $from = $attrs['from']; + $item = $this->_dequote($attrs['item']); + if (isset($attrs['name'])) + $name = $attrs['name']; + + $output = '_foreach[$name])) unset(\$this->_foreach[$name]);\n"; + $foreach_props = "\$this->_foreach[$name]"; + } + + $key_part = ''; + + foreach ($attrs as $attr_name => $attr_value) { + switch ($attr_name) { + case 'key': + $key = $this->_dequote($attrs['key']); + $key_part = "\$this->_tpl_vars['$key'] => "; + break; + + case 'name': + $output .= "{$foreach_props}['$attr_name'] = $attr_value;\n"; + break; + } + } + + if (isset($name)) { + $output .= "{$foreach_props}['total'] = count(\$_from = (array)$from);\n"; + $output .= "{$foreach_props}['show'] = {$foreach_props}['total'] > 0;\n"; + $output .= "if ({$foreach_props}['show']):\n"; + $output .= "{$foreach_props}['iteration'] = 0;\n"; + $output .= " foreach (\$_from as $key_part\$this->_tpl_vars['$item']):\n"; + $output .= " {$foreach_props}['iteration']++;\n"; + $output .= " {$foreach_props}['first'] = ({$foreach_props}['iteration'] == 1);\n"; + $output .= " {$foreach_props}['last'] = ({$foreach_props}['iteration'] == {$foreach_props}['total']);\n"; + } else { + $output .= "if (count(\$_from = (array)$from)):\n"; + $output .= " foreach (\$_from as $key_part\$this->_tpl_vars['$item']):\n"; + } + $output .= '?>'; + + return $output; + } + + + /** + * Compile {capture} .. {/capture} tags + * + * @param boolean $start true if this is the {capture} tag + * @param string $tag_args + * @return string + */ + + function _compile_capture_tag($start, $tag_args = '') + { + $attrs = $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args); + + if ($start) { + if (isset($attrs['name'])) + $buffer = $attrs['name']; + else + $buffer = "'default'"; + + if (isset($attrs['assign'])) + $assign = $attrs['assign']; + else + $assign = null; + $output = ""; + $this->_capture_stack[] = array($buffer, $assign); + } else { + list($buffer, $assign) = array_pop($this->_capture_stack); + $output = "_smarty_vars['capture'][$buffer] = ob_get_contents(); "; + if (isset($assign)) { + $output .= " \$this->assign($assign, ob_get_contents());"; + } + $output .= "ob_end_clean(); ?>"; + } + + return $output; + } + + /** + * Compile {if ...} tag + * + * @param string $tag_args + * @param boolean $elseif if true, uses elseif instead of if + * @return string + */ + function _compile_if_tag($tag_args, $elseif = false) + { + + /* Tokenize args for 'if' tag. */ + preg_match_all('/(?> + ' . $this->_obj_call_regexp . '(?:' . $this->_mod_regexp . '*)? | # valid object call + ' . $this->_var_regexp . '(?:' . $this->_mod_regexp . '*)? | # var or quoted string + \-?0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+|!==|===|==|!=|<>|<<|>>|<=|>=|\&\&|\|\||\(|\)|,|\!|\^|=|\&|\~|<|>|\||\%|\+|\-|\/|\*|\@ | # valid non-word token + \b\w+\b | # valid word token + \S+ # anything else + )/x', $tag_args, $match); + + $tokens = $match[0]; + + // make sure we have balanced parenthesis + $token_count = array_count_values($tokens); + if(isset($token_count['(']) && $token_count['('] != $token_count[')']) { + $this->_syntax_error("unbalanced parenthesis in if statement", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + $is_arg_stack = array(); + + for ($i = 0; $i < count($tokens); $i++) { + + $token = &$tokens[$i]; + + switch (strtolower($token)) { + case '!': + case '%': + case '!==': + case '==': + case '===': + case '>': + case '<': + case '!=': + case '<>': + case '<<': + case '>>': + case '<=': + case '>=': + case '&&': + case '||': + case '|': + case '^': + case '&': + case '~': + case ')': + case ',': + case '+': + case '-': + case '*': + case '/': + case '@': + break; + + case 'eq': + $token = '=='; + break; + + case 'ne': + case 'neq': + $token = '!='; + break; + + case 'lt': + $token = '<'; + break; + + case 'le': + case 'lte': + $token = '<='; + break; + + case 'gt': + $token = '>'; + break; + + case 'ge': + case 'gte': + $token = '>='; + break; + + case 'and': + $token = '&&'; + break; + + case 'or': + $token = '||'; + break; + + case 'not': + $token = '!'; + break; + + case 'mod': + $token = '%'; + break; + + case '(': + array_push($is_arg_stack, $i); + break; + + case 'is': + /* If last token was a ')', we operate on the parenthesized + expression. The start of the expression is on the stack. + Otherwise, we operate on the last encountered token. */ + if ($tokens[$i-1] == ')') + $is_arg_start = array_pop($is_arg_stack); + else + $is_arg_start = $i-1; + /* Construct the argument for 'is' expression, so it knows + what to operate on. */ + $is_arg = implode(' ', array_slice($tokens, $is_arg_start, $i - $is_arg_start)); + + /* Pass all tokens from next one until the end to the + 'is' expression parsing function. The function will + return modified tokens, where the first one is the result + of the 'is' expression and the rest are the tokens it + didn't touch. */ + $new_tokens = $this->_parse_is_expr($is_arg, array_slice($tokens, $i+1)); + + /* Replace the old tokens with the new ones. */ + array_splice($tokens, $is_arg_start, count($tokens), $new_tokens); + + /* Adjust argument start so that it won't change from the + current position for the next iteration. */ + $i = $is_arg_start; + break; + + default: + if(preg_match('!^' . $this->_func_regexp . '$!', $token) ) { + // function call + if($this->security && + !in_array($token, $this->security_settings['IF_FUNCS'])) { + $this->_syntax_error("(secure mode) '$token' not allowed in if statement", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + } elseif(preg_match('!^' . $this->_obj_call_regexp . '|' . $this->_var_regexp . '(?:' . $this->_mod_regexp . '*)$!', $token)) { + // object or variable + $token = $this->_parse_var_props($token); + } elseif(is_numeric($token)) { + // number, skip it + } else { + $this->_syntax_error("unidentified token '$token'", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + break; + } + } + + if ($elseif) + return ''; + else + return ''; + } + + + function _compile_arg_list($type, $name, $attrs, &$cache_code) { + $arg_list = array(); + + if (isset($type) && isset($name) + && isset($this->_plugins[$type]) + && isset($this->_plugins[$type][$name]) + && empty($this->_plugins[$type][$name][4]) + && is_array($this->_plugins[$type][$name][5]) + ) { + /* we have a list of parameters that should be cached */ + $_cache_attrs = $this->_plugins[$type][$name][5]; + $_count = $this->_cache_attrs_count++; + $cache_code = "\$_cache_attrs =& \$this->_smarty_cache_attrs('$this->_cache_serial','$_count');"; + + } else { + /* no parameters are cached */ + $_cache_attrs = null; + } + + foreach ($attrs as $arg_name => $arg_value) { + if (is_bool($arg_value)) + $arg_value = $arg_value ? 'true' : 'false'; + if (is_null($arg_value)) + $arg_value = 'null'; + if ($_cache_attrs && in_array($arg_name, $_cache_attrs)) { + $arg_list[] = "'$arg_name' => (\$this->_cache_including) ? \$_cache_attrs['$arg_name'] : (\$_cache_attrs['$arg_name']=$arg_value)"; + } else { + $arg_list[] = "'$arg_name' => $arg_value"; + } + } + return $arg_list; + } + + /** + * Parse is expression + * + * @param string $is_arg + * @param array $tokens + * @return array + */ + function _parse_is_expr($is_arg, $tokens) + { + $expr_end = 0; + $negate_expr = false; + + if (($first_token = array_shift($tokens)) == 'not') { + $negate_expr = true; + $expr_type = array_shift($tokens); + } else + $expr_type = $first_token; + + switch ($expr_type) { + case 'even': + if (isset($tokens[$expr_end]) && $tokens[$expr_end] == 'by') { + $expr_end++; + $expr_arg = $tokens[$expr_end++]; + $expr = "!(1 & ($is_arg / " . $this->_parse_var_props($expr_arg) . "))"; + } else + $expr = "!(1 & $is_arg)"; + break; + + case 'odd': + if (isset($tokens[$expr_end]) && $tokens[$expr_end] == 'by') { + $expr_end++; + $expr_arg = $tokens[$expr_end++]; + $expr = "(1 & ($is_arg / " . $this->_parse_var_props($expr_arg) . "))"; + } else + $expr = "(1 & $is_arg)"; + break; + + case 'div': + if (@$tokens[$expr_end] == 'by') { + $expr_end++; + $expr_arg = $tokens[$expr_end++]; + $expr = "!($is_arg % " . $this->_parse_var_props($expr_arg) . ")"; + } else { + $this->_syntax_error("expecting 'by' after 'div'", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + break; + + default: + $this->_syntax_error("unknown 'is' expression - '$expr_type'", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + break; + } + + if ($negate_expr) { + $expr = "!($expr)"; + } + + array_splice($tokens, 0, $expr_end, $expr); + + return $tokens; + } + + + /** + * Parse attribute string + * + * @param string $tag_args + * @return array + */ + function _parse_attrs($tag_args) + { + + /* Tokenize tag attributes. */ + preg_match_all('/(?:' . $this->_obj_call_regexp . '|' . $this->_qstr_regexp . ' | (?>[^"\'=\s]+) + )+ | + [=] + /x', $tag_args, $match); + $tokens = $match[0]; + + $attrs = array(); + /* Parse state: + 0 - expecting attribute name + 1 - expecting '=' + 2 - expecting attribute value (not '=') */ + $state = 0; + + foreach ($tokens as $token) { + switch ($state) { + case 0: + /* If the token is a valid identifier, we set attribute name + and go to state 1. */ + if (preg_match('!^\w+$!', $token)) { + $attr_name = $token; + $state = 1; + } else + $this->_syntax_error("invalid attribute name: '$token'", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + break; + + case 1: + /* If the token is '=', then we go to state 2. */ + if ($token == '=') { + $state = 2; + } else + $this->_syntax_error("expecting '=' after attribute name '$last_token'", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + break; + + case 2: + /* If token is not '=', we set the attribute value and go to + state 0. */ + if ($token != '=') { + /* We booleanize the token if it's a non-quoted possible + boolean value. */ + if (preg_match('!^(on|yes|true)$!', $token)) { + $token = 'true'; + } else if (preg_match('!^(off|no|false)$!', $token)) { + $token = 'false'; + } else if ($token == 'null') { + $token = 'null'; + } else if (preg_match('!^-?([0-9]+|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)$!', $token)) { + /* treat integer literally */ + } else if (!preg_match('!^' . $this->_obj_call_regexp . '|' . $this->_var_regexp . '(?:' . $this->_mod_regexp . ')*$!', $token)) { + /* treat as a string, double-quote it escaping quotes */ + $token = '"'.addslashes($token).'"'; + } + + $attrs[$attr_name] = $token; + $state = 0; + } else + $this->_syntax_error("'=' cannot be an attribute value", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + break; + } + $last_token = $token; + } + + if($state != 0) { + if($state == 1) { + $this->_syntax_error("expecting '=' after attribute name '$last_token'", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } else { + $this->_syntax_error("missing attribute value", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + } + + $this->_parse_vars_props($attrs); + + return $attrs; + } + + /** + * compile multiple variables and section properties tokens into + * PHP code + * + * @param array $tokens + */ + function _parse_vars_props(&$tokens) + { + foreach($tokens as $key => $val) { + $tokens[$key] = $this->_parse_var_props($val); + } + } + + /** + * compile single variable and section properties token into + * PHP code + * + * @param string $val + * @param string $tag_attrs + * @return string + */ + function _parse_var_props($val) + { + $val = trim($val); + + if(preg_match('!^(' . $this->_obj_call_regexp . '|' . $this->_dvar_regexp . ')(' . $this->_mod_regexp . '*)$!', $val, $match)) { + // $ variable or object + $return = $this->_parse_var($match[1]); + $modifiers = $match[2]; + if (!empty($this->default_modifiers) && !preg_match('!(^|\|)smarty:nodefaults($|\|)!',$modifiers)) { + $_default_mod_string = implode('|',(array)$this->default_modifiers); + $modifiers = empty($modifiers) ? $_default_mod_string : $_default_mod_string . '|' . $modifiers; + } + $this->_parse_modifiers($return, $modifiers); + return $return; + } elseif (preg_match('!^' . $this->_db_qstr_regexp . '(?:' . $this->_mod_regexp . '*)$!', $val)) { + // double quoted text + preg_match('!^(' . $this->_db_qstr_regexp . ')('. $this->_mod_regexp . '*)$!', $val, $match); + $return = $this->_expand_quoted_text($match[1]); + if($match[2] != '') { + $this->_parse_modifiers($return, $match[2]); + } + return $return; + } + elseif(preg_match('!^' . $this->_si_qstr_regexp . '(?:' . $this->_mod_regexp . '*)$!', $val)) { + // single quoted text + preg_match('!^(' . $this->_si_qstr_regexp . ')('. $this->_mod_regexp . '*)$!', $val, $match); + if($match[2] != '') { + $this->_parse_modifiers($match[1], $match[2]); + return $match[1]; + } + } + elseif(preg_match('!^' . $this->_cvar_regexp . '(?:' . $this->_mod_regexp . '*)$!', $val)) { + // config var + return $this->_parse_conf_var($val); + } + elseif(preg_match('!^' . $this->_svar_regexp . '(?:' . $this->_mod_regexp . '*)$!', $val)) { + // section var + return $this->_parse_section_prop($val); + } + elseif(!in_array($val, $this->_permitted_tokens) && !is_numeric($val)) { + // literal string + return $this->_expand_quoted_text('"' . $val .'"'); + } + return $val; + } + + /** + * expand quoted text with embedded variables + * + * @param string $var_expr + * @return string + */ + function _expand_quoted_text($var_expr) + { + // if contains unescaped $, expand it + if(preg_match_all('%(?:\`(?_dvar_guts_regexp . '\`)|(?:(?_parse_var(str_replace('`','',$_var)) . ')."', $var_expr); + } + $_return = preg_replace('%\.""|(?_dvar_math_regexp.'|'.$this->_qstr_regexp.')!', $var_expr, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); + + if(count($_math_vars) > 1) { + $_first_var = ""; + $_complete_var = ""; + $_output = ""; + // simple check if there is any math, to stop recursion (due to modifiers with "xx % yy" as parameter) + foreach($_math_vars as $_k => $_math_var) { + $_math_var = $_math_vars[$_k]; + + if(!empty($_math_var) || is_numeric($_math_var)) { + // hit a math operator, so process the stuff which came before it + if(preg_match('!^' . $this->_dvar_math_regexp . '$!', $_math_var)) { + $_has_math = true; + if(!empty($_complete_var) || is_numeric($_complete_var)) { + $_output .= $this->_parse_var($_complete_var); + } + + // just output the math operator to php + $_output .= $_math_var; + + if(empty($_first_var)) + $_first_var = $_complete_var; + + $_complete_var = ""; + } else { + // fetch multiple -> (like $foo->bar->baz ) which wouldn't get fetched else, because it would only get $foo->bar and treat the ->baz as "-" ">baz" then + for($_i = $_k + 1; $_i <= count($_math_vars); $_i += 2) { + // fetch -> because it gets splitted at - and move it back together + if( /* prevent notice */ (isset($_math_vars[$_i]) && isset($_math_vars[$_i+1])) && ($_math_vars[$_i] === '-' && $_math_vars[$_i+1]{0} === '>')) { + $_math_var .= $_math_vars[$_i].$_math_vars[$_i+1]; + $_math_vars[$_i] = $_math_vars[$_i+1] = ''; + } else { + break; + } + } + $_complete_var .= $_math_var; + } + } + } + if($_has_math) { + if(!empty($_complete_var) || is_numeric($_complete_var)) + $_output .= $this->_parse_var($_complete_var, true); + + // get the modifiers working (only the last var from math + modifier is left) + $var_expr = $_complete_var; + } + } + + // prevent cutting of first digit in the number (we _definitly_ got a number if the first char is a digit) + if(is_numeric($var_expr{0})) + $_var_ref = $var_expr; + else + $_var_ref = substr($var_expr, 1); + + if(!$_has_math) { + // get [foo] and .foo and ->foo and (...) pieces + preg_match_all('!(?:^\w+)|' . $this->_obj_params_regexp . '|(?:' . $this->_var_bracket_regexp . ')|->\$?\w+|\.\$?\w+|\S+!', $_var_ref, $match); + + $_indexes = $match[0]; + $_var_name = array_shift($_indexes); + + /* Handle $smarty.* variable references as a special case. */ + if ($_var_name == 'smarty') { + /* + * If the reference could be compiled, use the compiled output; + * otherwise, fall back on the $smarty variable generated at + * run-time. + */ + if (($smarty_ref = $this->_compile_smarty_ref($_indexes)) !== null) { + $_output = $smarty_ref; + } else { + $_var_name = substr(array_shift($_indexes), 1); + $_output = "\$this->_smarty_vars['$_var_name']"; + } + } elseif(is_numeric($_var_name) && is_numeric($var_expr{0})) { + // because . is the operator for accessing arrays thru inidizes we need to put it together again for floating point numbers + if(count($_indexes) > 0) + { + $_var_name .= implode("", $_indexes); + $_indexes = array(); + } + $_output = $_var_name; + } else { + $_output = "\$this->_tpl_vars['$_var_name']"; + } + + foreach ($_indexes as $_index) { + if ($_index{0} == '[') { + $_index = substr($_index, 1, -1); + if (is_numeric($_index)) { + $_output .= "[$_index]"; + } elseif ($_index{0} == '$') { + if (strpos($_index, '.') !== false) { + $_output .= '[' . $this->_parse_var($_index) . ']'; + } else { + $_output .= "[\$this->_tpl_vars['" . substr($_index, 1) . "']]"; + } + } else { + $_var_parts = explode('.', $_index); + $_var_section = $_var_parts[0]; + $_var_section_prop = isset($_var_parts[1]) ? $_var_parts[1] : 'index'; + $_output .= "[\$this->_sections['$_var_section']['$_var_section_prop']]"; + } + } else if ($_index{0} == '.') { + if ($_index{1} == '$') + $_output .= "[\$this->_tpl_vars['" . substr($_index, 2) . "']]"; + else + $_output .= "['" . substr($_index, 1) . "']"; + } else if (substr($_index,0,2) == '->') { + if(substr($_index,2,2) == '__') { + $this->_syntax_error('call to internal object members is not allowed', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } elseif($this->security && substr($_index, 2, 1) == '_') { + $this->_syntax_error('(secure) call to private object member is not allowed', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } elseif ($_index{2} == '$') { + if ($this->security) { + $this->_syntax_error('(secure) call to dynamic object member is not allowed', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } else { + $_output .= '->{(($_var=$this->_tpl_vars[\''.substr($_index,3).'\']) && substr($_var,0,2)!=\'__\') ? $_var : $this->trigger_error("cannot access property \\"$_var\\"")}'; + } + } else { + $_output .= $_index; + } + } elseif ($_index{0} == '(') { + $_index = $this->_parse_parenth_args($_index); + $_output .= $_index; + } else { + $_output .= $_index; + } + } + } + + return $_output; + } + + /** + * parse arguments in function call parenthesis + * + * @param string $parenth_args + * @return string + */ + function _parse_parenth_args($parenth_args) + { + preg_match_all('!' . $this->_param_regexp . '!',$parenth_args, $match); + $match = $match[0]; + rsort($match); + reset($match); + $orig_vals = $match; + $this->_parse_vars_props($match); + return str_replace($orig_vals, $match, $parenth_args); + } + + /** + * parse configuration variable expression into PHP code + * + * @param string $conf_var_expr + */ + function _parse_conf_var($conf_var_expr) + { + $parts = explode('|', $conf_var_expr, 2); + $var_ref = $parts[0]; + $modifiers = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : ''; + + $var_name = substr($var_ref, 1, -1); + + $output = "\$this->_config[0]['vars']['$var_name']"; + + $this->_parse_modifiers($output, $modifiers); + + return $output; + } + + /** + * parse section property expression into PHP code + * + * @param string $section_prop_expr + * @return string + */ + function _parse_section_prop($section_prop_expr) + { + $parts = explode('|', $section_prop_expr, 2); + $var_ref = $parts[0]; + $modifiers = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : ''; + + preg_match('!%(\w+)\.(\w+)%!', $var_ref, $match); + $section_name = $match[1]; + $prop_name = $match[2]; + + $output = "\$this->_sections['$section_name']['$prop_name']"; + + $this->_parse_modifiers($output, $modifiers); + + return $output; + } + + + /** + * parse modifier chain into PHP code + * + * sets $output to parsed modified chain + * @param string $output + * @param string $modifier_string + */ + function _parse_modifiers(&$output, $modifier_string) + { + preg_match_all('!\|(@?\w+)((?>:(?:'. $this->_qstr_regexp . '|[^|]+))*)!', '|' . $modifier_string, $_match); + list(, $_modifiers, $modifier_arg_strings) = $_match; + + for ($_i = 0, $_for_max = count($_modifiers); $_i < $_for_max; $_i++) { + $_modifier_name = $_modifiers[$_i]; + + if($_modifier_name == 'smarty') { + // skip smarty modifier + continue; + } + + preg_match_all('!:(' . $this->_qstr_regexp . '|[^:]+)!', $modifier_arg_strings[$_i], $_match); + $_modifier_args = $_match[1]; + + if ($_modifier_name{0} == '@') { + $_map_array = false; + $_modifier_name = substr($_modifier_name, 1); + } else { + $_map_array = true; + } + + if (empty($this->_plugins['modifier'][$_modifier_name]) + && !$this->_get_plugin_filepath('modifier', $_modifier_name) + && function_exists($_modifier_name)) { + if ($this->security && !in_array($_modifier_name, $this->security_settings['MODIFIER_FUNCS'])) { + $this->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] (secure mode) modifier '$_modifier_name' is not allowed" , $this->_current_file, $this->_current_line_no, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } else { + $this->_plugins['modifier'][$_modifier_name] = array($_modifier_name, null, null, false); + } + } + $this->_add_plugin('modifier', $_modifier_name); + + $this->_parse_vars_props($_modifier_args); + + if($_modifier_name == 'default') { + // supress notifications of default modifier vars and args + if($output{0} == '$') { + $output = '@' . $output; + } + if(isset($_modifier_args[0]) && $_modifier_args[0]{0} == '$') { + $_modifier_args[0] = '@' . $_modifier_args[0]; + } + } + if (count($_modifier_args) > 0) + $_modifier_args = ', '.implode(', ', $_modifier_args); + else + $_modifier_args = ''; + + if ($_map_array) { + $output = "((is_array(\$_tmp=$output)) ? \$this->_run_mod_handler('$_modifier_name', true, \$_tmp$_modifier_args) : " . $this->_compile_plugin_call('modifier', $_modifier_name) . "(\$_tmp$_modifier_args))"; + + } else { + + $output = $this->_compile_plugin_call('modifier', $_modifier_name)."($output$_modifier_args)"; + + } + } + } + + + /** + * add plugin + * + * @param string $type + * @param string $name + * @param boolean? $delayed_loading + */ + function _add_plugin($type, $name, $delayed_loading = null) + { + if (!isset($this->_plugin_info[$type])) { + $this->_plugin_info[$type] = array(); + } + if (!isset($this->_plugin_info[$type][$name])) { + $this->_plugin_info[$type][$name] = array($this->_current_file, + $this->_current_line_no, + $delayed_loading); + } + } + + + /** + * Compiles references of type $ + * + * @param string $indexes + * @return string + */ + function _compile_smarty_ref(&$indexes) + { + /* Extract the reference name. */ + $_ref = substr($indexes[0], 1); + foreach($indexes as $_index_no=>$_index) { + if ($_index{0} != '.' && $_index_no<2 || !preg_match('!^(\.|\[|->)!', $_index)) { + $this->_syntax_error('$smarty' . implode('', array_slice($indexes, 0, 2)) . ' is an invalid reference', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + } + + switch ($_ref) { + case 'now': + $compiled_ref = 'time()'; + $_max_index = 1; + break; + + case 'foreach': + case 'section': + array_shift($indexes); + $_var = $this->_parse_var_props(substr($indexes[0], 1)); + if ($_ref == 'foreach') + $compiled_ref = "\$this->_foreach[$_var]"; + else + $compiled_ref = "\$this->_sections[$_var]"; + break; + + case 'get': + $compiled_ref = ($this->request_use_auto_globals) ? '$_GET' : "\$GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']"; + break; + + case 'post': + $compiled_ref = ($this->request_use_auto_globals) ? '$_POST' : "\$GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']"; + break; + + case 'cookies': + $compiled_ref = ($this->request_use_auto_globals) ? '$_COOKIE' : "\$GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']"; + break; + + case 'env': + $compiled_ref = ($this->request_use_auto_globals) ? '$_ENV' : "\$GLOBALS['HTTP_ENV_VARS']"; + break; + + case 'server': + $compiled_ref = ($this->request_use_auto_globals) ? '$_SERVER' : "\$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']"; + break; + + case 'session': + $compiled_ref = ($this->request_use_auto_globals) ? '$_SESSION' : "\$GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']"; + break; + + /* + * These cases are handled either at run-time or elsewhere in the + * compiler. + */ + case 'request': + if ($this->request_use_auto_globals) { + $compiled_ref = '$_REQUEST'; + break; + } else { + $this->_init_smarty_vars = true; + } + return null; + + case 'capture': + return null; + + case 'template': + $compiled_ref = "'$this->_current_file'"; + $_max_index = 1; + break; + + case 'version': + $compiled_ref = "'$this->_version'"; + $_max_index = 1; + break; + + case 'const': + array_shift($indexes); + $_val = $this->_parse_var_props(substr($indexes[0],1)); + $compiled_ref = '@constant(' . $_val . ')'; + $_max_index = 1; + break; + + case 'config': + $compiled_ref = "\$this->_config[0]['vars']"; + $_max_index = 3; + break; + + default: + $this->_syntax_error('$smarty.' . $_ref . ' is an unknown reference', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + break; + } + + if (isset($_max_index) && count($indexes) > $_max_index) { + $this->_syntax_error('$smarty' . implode('', $indexes) .' is an invalid reference', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + array_shift($indexes); + return $compiled_ref; + } + + /** + * compiles call to plugin of type $type with name $name + * returns a string containing the function-name or method call + * without the paramter-list that would have follow to make the + * call valid php-syntax + * + * @param string $type + * @param string $name + * @return string + */ + function _compile_plugin_call($type, $name) { + if (isset($this->_plugins[$type][$name])) { + /* plugin loaded */ + if (is_array($this->_plugins[$type][$name][0])) { + return ((is_object($this->_plugins[$type][$name][0][0])) ? + "\$this->_plugins['$type']['$name'][0][0]->" /* method callback */ + : (string)($this->_plugins[$type][$name][0][0]).'::' /* class callback */ + ). $this->_plugins[$type][$name][0][1]; + + } else { + /* function callback */ + return $this->_plugins[$type][$name][0]; + + } + } else { + /* plugin not loaded -> auto-loadable-plugin */ + return 'smarty_'.$type.'_'.$name; + + } + } + + /** + * load pre- and post-filters + */ + function _load_filters() + { + if (count($this->_plugins['prefilter']) > 0) { + foreach ($this->_plugins['prefilter'] as $filter_name => $prefilter) { + if ($prefilter === false) { + unset($this->_plugins['prefilter'][$filter_name]); + $_params = array('plugins' => array(array('prefilter', $filter_name, null, null, false))); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.load_plugins.php'); + smarty_core_load_plugins($_params, $this); + } + } + } + if (count($this->_plugins['postfilter']) > 0) { + foreach ($this->_plugins['postfilter'] as $filter_name => $postfilter) { + if ($postfilter === false) { + unset($this->_plugins['postfilter'][$filter_name]); + $_params = array('plugins' => array(array('postfilter', $filter_name, null, null, false))); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.load_plugins.php'); + smarty_core_load_plugins($_params, $this); + } + } + } + } + + + /** + * Quote subpattern references + * + * @param string $string + * @return string + */ + function _quote_replace($string) + { + return preg_replace('![\\$]\d!', '\\\\\\0', $string); + } + + /** + * display Smarty syntax error + * + * @param string $error_msg + * @param integer $error_type + * @param string $file + * @param integer $line + */ + function _syntax_error($error_msg, $error_type = E_USER_ERROR, $file=null, $line=null) + { + $this->_trigger_fatal_error("syntax error: $error_msg", $this->_current_file, $this->_current_line_no, $file, $line, $error_type); + } + + + /** + * check if the compilation changes from cacheable to + * non-cacheable state with the beginning of the current + * plugin. return php-code to reflect the transition. + * @return string + */ + function _push_cacheable_state($type, $name) { + $_cacheable = !isset($this->_plugins[$type][$name]) || $this->_plugins[$type][$name][4]; + if ($_cacheable + || 0<$this->_cacheable_state++) return ''; + if (!isset($this->_cache_serial)) $this->_cache_serial = md5(uniqid('Smarty')); + $_ret = 'if ($this->caching) { echo \'{nocache:' + . $this->_cache_serial . '#' . $this->_nocache_count + . '}\';}'; + return $_ret; + } + + + /** + * check if the compilation changes from non-cacheable to + * cacheable state with the end of the current plugin return + * php-code to reflect the transition. + * @return string + */ + function _pop_cacheable_state($type, $name) { + $_cacheable = !isset($this->_plugins[$type][$name]) || $this->_plugins[$type][$name][4]; + if ($_cacheable + || --$this->_cacheable_state>0) return ''; + return 'if ($this->caching) { echo \'{/nocache:' + . $this->_cache_serial . '#' . ($this->_nocache_count++) + . '}\';}'; + } + + + /** + * push opening tag-name, file-name and line-number on the tag-stack + * @param: string the opening tag's name + */ + function _push_tag($open_tag) + { + array_push($this->_tag_stack, array($open_tag, $this->_current_line_no)); + } + + /** + * pop closing tag-name + * raise an error if this stack-top doesn't match with the closing tag + * @param: string the closing tag's name + * @return: string the opening tag's name + */ + function _pop_tag($close_tag) + { + $message = ''; + if (count($this->_tag_stack)>0) { + list($_open_tag, $_line_no) = array_pop($this->_tag_stack); + if ($close_tag == $_open_tag) { + return $_open_tag; + } + if ($close_tag == 'if' && ($_open_tag == 'else' || $_open_tag == 'elseif' )) { + return $this->_pop_tag($close_tag); + } + if ($close_tag == 'section' && $_open_tag == 'sectionelse') { + $this->_pop_tag($close_tag); + return $_open_tag; + } + if ($close_tag == 'foreach' && $_open_tag == 'foreachelse') { + $this->_pop_tag($close_tag); + return $_open_tag; + } + $message = " expected {/$_open_tag} (opened line $_line_no)."; + } + $this->_syntax_error("mismatched tag {/$close_tag}.$message", + E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + +} + +/** + * compare to values by their string length + * + * @access private + * @param string $a + * @param string $b + * @return 0|-1|1 + */ +function _smarty_sort_length($a, $b) +{ + if($a == $b) + return 0; + + if(strlen($a) == strlen($b)) + return ($a > $b) ? -1 : 1; + + return (strlen($a) > strlen($b)) ? -1 : 1; +} + + +/* vim: set et: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0d9d8665a --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +plugins_dir as $_plugin_dir) { + + $_plugin_filepath = $_plugin_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_plugin_filename; + + // see if path is relative + if (!preg_match("/^([\/\\\\]|[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\\\])/", $_plugin_dir)) { + $_relative_paths[] = $_plugin_dir; + // relative path, see if it is in the SMARTY_DIR + if (@is_readable(SMARTY_DIR . $_plugin_filepath)) { + $_return = SMARTY_DIR . $_plugin_filepath; + break; + } + } + // try relative to cwd (or absolute) + if (@is_readable($_plugin_filepath)) { + $_return = $_plugin_filepath; + break; + } + } + + if($_return === false) { + // still not found, try PHP include_path + if(isset($_relative_paths)) { + foreach ((array)$_relative_paths as $_plugin_dir) { + + $_plugin_filepath = $_plugin_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_plugin_filename; + + $_params = array('file_path' => $_plugin_filepath); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_include_path.php'); + if(smarty_core_get_include_path($_params, $smarty)) { + return $_params['new_file_path']; + } + } + } + } + $_filepaths_cache[$_plugin_filename] = $_return; + return $_return; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7e65a73ec2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + * Name: assign_smarty_interface
+ * Purpose: assign the $smarty interface variable + * @param array Format: null + * @param Smarty + */ +function smarty_core_assign_smarty_interface($params, &$smarty) +{ + if (isset($smarty->_smarty_vars) && isset($smarty->_smarty_vars['request'])) { + return; + } + + $_globals_map = array('g' => 'HTTP_GET_VARS', + 'p' => 'HTTP_POST_VARS', + 'c' => 'HTTP_COOKIE_VARS', + 's' => 'HTTP_SERVER_VARS', + 'e' => 'HTTP_ENV_VARS'); + + $_smarty_vars_request = array(); + + foreach (preg_split('!!', strtolower($smarty->request_vars_order)) as $_c) { + if (isset($_globals_map[$_c])) { + $_smarty_vars_request = array_merge($_smarty_vars_request, $GLOBALS[$_globals_map[$_c]]); + } + } + $_smarty_vars_request = @array_merge($_smarty_vars_request, $GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']); + + $smarty->_smarty_vars['request'] = $_smarty_vars_request; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..999cf59302 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +_dir_perms) && !is_dir($_new_dir)) { + $smarty->trigger_error("problem creating directory '" . $_new_dir . "'"); + return false; + } + $_new_dir .= '/'; + } + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c509ff72f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ + + * Name: display_debug_console
+ * Purpose: display the javascript debug console window + * @param array Format: null + * @param Smarty + */ +function smarty_core_display_debug_console($params, &$smarty) +{ + // we must force compile the debug template in case the environment + // changed between separate applications. + + if(empty($smarty->debug_tpl)) { + // set path to debug template from SMARTY_DIR + $smarty->debug_tpl = SMARTY_DIR . 'debug.tpl'; + if($smarty->security && is_file($smarty->debug_tpl)) { + $smarty->secure_dir[] = dirname(realpath($smarty->debug_tpl)); + } + } + + $_ldelim_orig = $smarty->left_delimiter; + $_rdelim_orig = $smarty->right_delimiter; + + $smarty->left_delimiter = '{'; + $smarty->right_delimiter = '}'; + + $_compile_id_orig = $smarty->_compile_id; + $smarty->_compile_id = null; + + $_compile_path = $smarty->_get_compile_path($smarty->debug_tpl); + if ($smarty->_compile_resource($smarty->debug_tpl, $_compile_path)) + { + ob_start(); + $smarty->_include($_compile_path); + $_results = ob_get_contents(); + ob_end_clean(); + } else { + $_results = ''; + } + + $smarty->_compile_id = $_compile_id_orig; + + $smarty->left_delimiter = $_ldelim_orig; + $smarty->right_delimiter = $_rdelim_orig; + + return $_results; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.get_include_path.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.get_include_path.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..43432412b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.get_include_path.php @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.get_microtime.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.get_microtime.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f1a28e0425 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.get_microtime.php @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8121acf8b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +trusted_dir; + $smarty->_parse_resource_name($params, $smarty); + + /* + * Find out if the resource exists. + */ + + if ($params['resource_type'] == 'file') { + $_readable = false; + if(file_exists($params['resource_name']) && is_readable($params['resource_name'])) { + $_readable = true; + } else { + // test for file in include_path + $_params = array('file_path' => $params['resource_name']); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_include_path.php'); + if(smarty_core_get_include_path($_params, $smarty)) { + $_include_path = $_params['new_file_path']; + $_readable = true; + } + } + } else if ($params['resource_type'] != 'file') { + $_template_source = null; + $_readable = is_callable($smarty->_plugins['resource'][$params['resource_type']][0][0]) + && call_user_func_array($smarty->_plugins['resource'][$params['resource_type']][0][0], + array($params['resource_name'], &$_template_source, &$smarty)); + } + + /* + * Set the error function, depending on which class calls us. + */ + if (method_exists($smarty, '_syntax_error')) { + $_error_funcc = '_syntax_error'; + } else { + $_error_funcc = 'trigger_error'; + } + + if ($_readable) { + if ($smarty->security) { + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.is_trusted.php'); + if (!smarty_core_is_trusted($params, $smarty)) { + $smarty->$_error_funcc('(secure mode) ' . $params['resource_type'] . ':' . $params['resource_name'] . ' is not trusted'); + return false; + } + } + } else { + $smarty->$_error_funcc($params['resource_type'] . ':' . $params['resource_name'] . ' is not readable'); + return false; + } + + if ($params['resource_type'] == 'file') { + $params['php_resource'] = $params['resource_name']; + } else { + $params['php_resource'] = $_template_source; + } + return true; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.is_secure.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.is_secure.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..877886b885 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.is_secure.php @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +security || $smarty->security_settings['INCLUDE_ANY']) { + return true; + } + + $_smarty_secure = false; + if ($params['resource_type'] == 'file') { + if($check_template_dir) { + if (!in_array($smarty->template_dir, $smarty->secure_dir)) + // add template_dir to secure_dir array + array_unshift($smarty->secure_dir, $smarty->template_dir); + $check_template_dir = false; + } + if (!empty($smarty->secure_dir)) { + $_rp = realpath($params['resource_name']); + foreach ((array)$smarty->secure_dir as $curr_dir) { + if ( !empty($curr_dir) && is_readable ($curr_dir)) { + $_cd = realpath($curr_dir); + if (strncmp($_rp, $_cd, strlen($_cd)) == 0 + && $_rp{strlen($_cd)} == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) { + $_smarty_secure = true; + break; + } + } + } + } + } else { + // resource is not on local file system + $_smarty_secure = call_user_func_array( + $smarty->_plugins['resource'][$params['resource_type']][0][2], + array($params['resource_name'], &$_smarty_secure, &$smarty)); + } + + return $_smarty_secure; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.is_trusted.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.is_trusted.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c90e3ef992 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.is_trusted.php @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +trusted_dir)) { + $_rp = realpath($params['resource_name']); + foreach ((array)$smarty->trusted_dir as $curr_dir) { + if (!empty($curr_dir) && is_readable ($curr_dir)) { + $_cd = realpath($curr_dir); + if (strncmp($_rp, $_cd, strlen($_cd)) == 0 + && $_rp{strlen($_cd)} == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) { + $_smarty_trusted = true; + break; + } + } + } + } + + } else { + // resource is not on local file system + $_smarty_trusted = call_user_func_array($smarty->_plugins['resource'][$params['resource_type']][0][3], + array($params['resource_name'], $smarty)); + } + + return $_smarty_trusted; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.load_plugins.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.load_plugins.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6db1dc51d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.load_plugins.php @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +_plugins[$_type][$_name]; + + /* + * We do not load plugin more than once for each instance of Smarty. + * The following code checks for that. The plugin can also be + * registered dynamically at runtime, in which case template file + * and line number will be unknown, so we fill them in. + * + * The final element of the info array is a flag that indicates + * whether the dynamically registered plugin function has been + * checked for existence yet or not. + */ + if (isset($_plugin)) { + if (empty($_plugin[3])) { + if (!is_callable($_plugin[0])) { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] $_type '$_name' is not implemented", $_tpl_file, $_tpl_line, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } else { + $_plugin[1] = $_tpl_file; + $_plugin[2] = $_tpl_line; + $_plugin[3] = true; + if (!isset($_plugin[4])) $_plugin[4] = true; /* cacheable */ + } + } + continue; + } else if ($_type == 'insert') { + /* + * For backwards compatibility, we check for insert functions in + * the symbol table before trying to load them as a plugin. + */ + $_plugin_func = 'insert_' . $_name; + if (function_exists($_plugin_func)) { + $_plugin = array($_plugin_func, $_tpl_file, $_tpl_line, true, false); + continue; + } + } + + $_plugin_file = $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath($_type, $_name); + + if (! $_found = ($_plugin_file != false)) { + $_message = "could not load plugin file '$_type.$_name.php'\n"; + } + + /* + * If plugin file is found, it -must- provide the properly named + * plugin function. In case it doesn't, simply output the error and + * do not fall back on any other method. + */ + if ($_found) { + include_once $_plugin_file; + + $_plugin_func = 'smarty_' . $_type . '_' . $_name; + if (!function_exists($_plugin_func)) { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] function $_plugin_func() not found in $_plugin_file", $_tpl_file, $_tpl_line, __FILE__, __LINE__); + continue; + } + } + /* + * In case of insert plugins, their code may be loaded later via + * 'script' attribute. + */ + else if ($_type == 'insert' && $_delayed_loading) { + $_plugin_func = 'smarty_' . $_type . '_' . $_name; + $_found = true; + } + + /* + * Plugin specific processing and error checking. + */ + if (!$_found) { + if ($_type == 'modifier') { + /* + * In case modifier falls back on using PHP functions + * directly, we only allow those specified in the security + * context. + */ + if ($smarty->security && !in_array($_name, $smarty->security_settings['MODIFIER_FUNCS'])) { + $_message = "(secure mode) modifier '$_name' is not allowed"; + } else { + if (!function_exists($_name)) { + $_message = "modifier '$_name' is not implemented"; + } else { + $_plugin_func = $_name; + $_found = true; + } + } + } else if ($_type == 'function') { + /* + * This is a catch-all situation. + */ + $_message = "unknown tag - '$_name'"; + } + } + + if ($_found) { + $smarty->_plugins[$_type][$_name] = array($_plugin_func, $_tpl_file, $_tpl_line, true, true); + } else { + // output error + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error('[plugin] ' . $_message, $_tpl_file, $_tpl_line, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7d37d1afc --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +_plugins['resource'][$params['type']]; + if (isset($_plugin)) { + if (!$_plugin[1] && count($_plugin[0])) { + $_plugin[1] = true; + foreach ($_plugin[0] as $_plugin_func) { + if (!is_callable($_plugin_func)) { + $_plugin[1] = false; + break; + } + } + } + + if (!$_plugin[1]) { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] resource '" . $params['type'] . "' is not implemented", null, null, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + return; + } + + $_plugin_file = $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('resource', $params['type']); + $_found = ($_plugin_file != false); + + if ($_found) { /* + * If the plugin file is found, it -must- provide the properly named + * plugin functions. + */ + include_once($_plugin_file); + + /* + * Locate functions that we require the plugin to provide. + */ + $_resource_ops = array('source', 'timestamp', 'secure', 'trusted'); + $_resource_funcs = array(); + foreach ($_resource_ops as $_op) { + $_plugin_func = 'smarty_resource_' . $params['type'] . '_' . $_op; + if (!function_exists($_plugin_func)) { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] function $_plugin_func() not found in $_plugin_file", null, null, __FILE__, __LINE__); + return; + } else { + $_resource_funcs[] = $_plugin_func; + } + } + + $smarty->_plugins['resource'][$params['type']] = array($_resource_funcs, true); + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e368fdd60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +_smarty_md5.'{insert_cache (.*)}'.$smarty->_smarty_md5.'!Uis', + $params['results'], $match); + list($cached_inserts, $insert_args) = $match; + + for ($i = 0, $for_max = count($cached_inserts); $i < $for_max; $i++) { + if ($smarty->debugging) { + $_params = array(); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_microtime.php'); + $debug_start_time = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $smarty); + } + + $args = unserialize($insert_args[$i]); + $name = $args['name']; + + if (isset($args['script'])) { + $_params = array('resource_name' => $smarty->_dequote($args['script'])); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_php_resource.php'); + if(!smarty_core_get_php_resource($_params, $smarty)) { + return false; + } + $resource_type = $_params['resource_type']; + $php_resource = $_params['php_resource']; + + + if ($resource_type == 'file') { + $smarty->_include($php_resource, true); + } else { + $smarty->_eval($php_resource); + } + } + + $function_name = $smarty->_plugins['insert'][$name][0]; + if (empty($args['assign'])) { + $replace = $function_name($args, $smarty); + } else { + $smarty->assign($args['assign'], $function_name($args, $smarty)); + $replace = ''; + } + + $params['results'] = str_replace($cached_inserts[$i], $replace, $params['results']); + if ($smarty->debugging) { + $_params = array(); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_microtime.php'); + $smarty->_smarty_debug_info[] = array('type' => 'insert', + 'filename' => 'insert_'.$name, + 'depth' => $smarty->_inclusion_depth, + 'exec_time' => smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $smarty) - $debug_start_time); + } + } + + return $params['results']; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e1d4c15a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +_cache_including; + $smarty->_cache_including = true; + + $_return = $params['results']; + foreach ($smarty->_cache_serials as $_include_file_path=>$_cache_serial) { + $_return = preg_replace_callback('!(\{nocache\:('.$_cache_serial.')#(\d+)\})!s', + array(&$smarty, '_process_compiled_include_callback'), + $_return); + } + $smarty->_cache_including = $_cache_including; + return $_return; +} + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ab428111d --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +force_compile) { + // force compile enabled, always regenerate + return false; + } + + if (isset($content_cache[$params['tpl_file'].','.$params['cache_id'].','.$params['compile_id']])) { + list($params['results'], $smarty->_cache_info) = $content_cache[$params['tpl_file'].','.$params['cache_id'].','.$params['compile_id']]; + return true; + } + + if (!empty($smarty->cache_handler_func)) { + // use cache_handler function + call_user_func_array($smarty->cache_handler_func, + array('read', &$smarty, &$params['results'], $params['tpl_file'], $params['cache_id'], $params['compile_id'], null)); + } else { + // use local cache file + $_auto_id = $smarty->_get_auto_id($params['cache_id'], $params['compile_id']); + $_cache_file = $smarty->_get_auto_filename($smarty->cache_dir, $params['tpl_file'], $_auto_id); + $params['results'] = $smarty->_read_file($_cache_file); + } + + if (empty($params['results'])) { + // nothing to parse (error?), regenerate cache + return false; + } + + $cache_split = explode("\n", $params['results'], 2); + $cache_header = $cache_split[0]; + + $_cache_info = unserialize($cache_header); + + if ($smarty->caching == 2 && isset ($_cache_info['expires'])){ + // caching by expiration time + if ($_cache_info['expires'] > -1 && (time() > $_cache_info['expires'])) { + // cache expired, regenerate + return false; + } + } else { + // caching by lifetime + if ($smarty->cache_lifetime > -1 && (time() - $_cache_info['timestamp'] > $smarty->cache_lifetime)) { + // cache expired, regenerate + return false; + } + } + + if ($smarty->compile_check) { + $_params = array('get_source' => false, 'quiet'=>true); + foreach (array_keys($_cache_info['template']) as $_template_dep) { + $_params['resource_name'] = $_template_dep; + if (!$smarty->_fetch_resource_info($_params) || $_cache_info['timestamp'] < $_params['resource_timestamp']) { + // template file has changed, regenerate cache + return false; + } + } + + if (isset($_cache_info['config'])) { + $_params = array('resource_base_path' => $smarty->config_dir, 'get_source' => false, 'quiet'=>true); + foreach (array_keys($_cache_info['config']) as $_config_dep) { + $_params['resource_name'] = $_config_dep; + if (!$smarty->_fetch_resource_info($_params) || $_cache_info['timestamp'] < $_params['resource_timestamp']) { + // config file has changed, regenerate cache + return false; + } + } + } + } + + foreach ($_cache_info['cache_serials'] as $_include_file_path=>$_cache_serial) { + if (empty($smarty->_cache_serials[$_include_file_path])) { + $smarty->_include($_include_file_path, true); + } + + if ($smarty->_cache_serials[$_include_file_path] != $_cache_serial) { + /* regenerate */ + return false; + } + } + $params['results'] = $cache_split[1]; + $content_cache[$params['tpl_file'].','.$params['cache_id'].','.$params['compile_id']] = array($params['results'], $_cache_info); + + $smarty->_cache_info = $_cache_info; + return true; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.rm_auto.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.rm_auto.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7cdaf8c5d --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.rm_auto.php @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ + $params['auto_base'], + 'level' => 0, + 'exp_time' => $params['exp_time'] + ); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.rmdir.php'); + $_res = smarty_core_rmdir($_params, $smarty); + } else { + $_tname = $smarty->_get_auto_filename($params['auto_base'], $params['auto_source'], $params['auto_id']); + + if(isset($params['auto_source'])) { + if (isset($params['extensions'])) { + $_res = false; + foreach ((array)$params['extensions'] as $_extension) + $_res |= $smarty->_unlink($_tname.$_extension, $params['exp_time']); + } else { + $_res = $smarty->_unlink($_tname, $params['exp_time']); + } + } elseif ($smarty->use_sub_dirs) { + $_params = array( + 'dirname' => $_tname, + 'level' => 1, + 'exp_time' => $params['exp_time'] + ); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.rmdir.php'); + $_res = smarty_core_rmdir($_params, $smarty); + } else { + // remove matching file names + $_handle = opendir($params['auto_base']); + $_res = true; + while (false !== ($_filename = readdir($_handle))) { + if($_filename == '.' || $_filename == '..') { + continue; + } elseif (substr($params['auto_base'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_filename, 0, strlen($_tname)) == $_tname) { + $_res &= (bool)$smarty->_unlink($params['auto_base'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_filename, $params['exp_time']); + } + } + } + } + + return $_res; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.rmdir.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.rmdir.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38df822cea --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.rmdir.php @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + keep root) + * WARNING: no tests, it will try to remove what you tell it! + * + * @param string $dirname + * @param integer $level + * @param integer $exp_time + * @return boolean + */ + +// $dirname, $level = 1, $exp_time = null + +function smarty_core_rmdir($params, &$smarty) +{ + if(!isset($params['level'])) { $params['level'] = 1; } + if(!isset($params['exp_time'])) { $params['exp_time'] = null; } + + if($_handle = @opendir($params['dirname'])) { + + while (false !== ($_entry = readdir($_handle))) { + if ($_entry != '.' && $_entry != '..') { + if (@is_dir($params['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_entry)) { + $_params = array( + 'dirname' => $params['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_entry, + 'level' => $params['level'] + 1, + 'exp_time' => $params['exp_time'] + ); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.rmdir.php'); + smarty_core_rmdir($_params, $smarty); + } + else { + $smarty->_unlink($params['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_entry, $params['exp_time']); + } + } + } + closedir($_handle); + } + + if ($params['level']) { + return @rmdir($params['dirname']); + } + return (bool)$_handle; + +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa391ab3b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +debugging) { + $_params = array(); + $_debug_start_time = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $smarty); + } + + if ($smarty->caching) { + $_arg_string = serialize($params['args']); + $_name = $params['args']['name']; + if (!isset($smarty->_cache_info['insert_tags'][$_name])) { + $smarty->_cache_info['insert_tags'][$_name] = array('insert', + $_name, + $smarty->_plugins['insert'][$_name][1], + $smarty->_plugins['insert'][$_name][2], + !empty($params['args']['script']) ? true : false); + } + return $smarty->_smarty_md5."{insert_cache $_arg_string}".$smarty->_smarty_md5; + } else { + if (isset($params['args']['script'])) { + $_params = array('resource_name' => $smarty->_dequote($params['args']['script'])); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_php_resource.php'); + if(!smarty_core_get_php_resource($_params, $smarty)) { + return false; + } + + if ($_params['resource_type'] == 'file') { + $smarty->_include($_params['php_resource'], true); + } else { + $smarty->_eval($_params['php_resource']); + } + unset($params['args']['script']); + } + + $_funcname = $smarty->_plugins['insert'][$params['args']['name']][0]; + $_content = $_funcname($params['args'], $smarty); + if ($smarty->debugging) { + $_params = array(); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_microtime.php'); + $smarty->_smarty_debug_info[] = array('type' => 'insert', + 'filename' => 'insert_'.$params['args']['name'], + 'depth' => $smarty->_inclusion_depth, + 'exec_time' => smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $smarty) - $_debug_start_time); + } + + if (!empty($params['args']["assign"])) { + $smarty->assign($params['args']["assign"], $_content); + } else { + return $_content; + } + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b3164801a --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ + $params['smarty_file']); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_php_resource.php'); + smarty_core_get_php_resource($_params, $smarty); + $_smarty_resource_type = $_params['resource_type']; + $_smarty_php_resource = $_params['php_resource']; + + if (!empty($params['smarty_assign'])) { + ob_start(); + if ($_smarty_resource_type == 'file') { + $smarty->_include($_smarty_php_resource, $params['smarty_once'], $params['smarty_include_vars']); + } else { + $smarty->_eval($_smarty_php_resource, $params['smarty_include_vars']); + } + $smarty->assign($params['smarty_assign'], ob_get_contents()); + ob_end_clean(); + } else { + if ($_smarty_resource_type == 'file') { + $smarty->_include($_smarty_php_resource, $params['smarty_once'], $params['smarty_include_vars']); + } else { + $smarty->_eval($_smarty_php_resource, $params['smarty_include_vars']); + } + } +} + + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7429ad98a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +_cache_info['timestamp'] = time(); + if ($smarty->cache_lifetime > -1){ + // expiration set + $smarty->_cache_info['expires'] = $smarty->_cache_info['timestamp'] + $smarty->cache_lifetime; + } else { + // cache will never expire + $smarty->_cache_info['expires'] = -1; + } + + // collapse {nocache...}-tags + $params['results'] = preg_replace('!((\{nocache\:([0-9a-f]{32})#(\d+)\})' + .'.*' + .'{/nocache\:\\3#\\4\})!Us' + ,'\\2' + ,$params['results']); + $smarty->_cache_info['cache_serials'] = $smarty->_cache_serials; + + // prepend the cache header info into cache file + $params['results'] = serialize($smarty->_cache_info)."\n".$params['results']; + + if (!empty($smarty->cache_handler_func)) { + // use cache_handler function + call_user_func_array($smarty->cache_handler_func, + array('write', &$smarty, &$params['results'], $params['tpl_file'], $params['cache_id'], $params['compile_id'], null)); + } else { + // use local cache file + + if(!@is_writable($smarty->cache_dir)) { + // cache_dir not writable, see if it exists + if(!@is_dir($smarty->cache_dir)) { + $smarty->trigger_error('the $cache_dir \'' . $smarty->cache_dir . '\' does not exist, or is not a directory.', E_USER_ERROR); + return false; + } + $smarty->trigger_error('unable to write to $cache_dir \'' . realpath($smarty->cache_dir) . '\'. Be sure $cache_dir is writable by the web server user.', E_USER_ERROR); + return false; + } + + $_auto_id = $smarty->_get_auto_id($params['cache_id'], $params['compile_id']); + $_cache_file = $smarty->_get_auto_filename($smarty->cache_dir, $params['tpl_file'], $_auto_id); + $_params = array('filename' => $_cache_file, 'contents' => $params['results'], 'create_dirs' => true); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.write_file.php'); + smarty_core_write_file($_params, $smarty); + return true; + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c6a49199c --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +caching\) \{ echo \'\{nocache\:('.$params['cache_serial'].')#(\d+)\}\';\}'; + $_tag_end = 'if \(\$this->caching\) \{ echo \'\{/nocache\:(\\2)#(\\3)\}\';\}'; + + preg_match_all('!('.$_tag_start.'(.*)'.$_tag_end.')!Us', + $params['compiled_content'], $_match_source, PREG_SET_ORDER); + + // no nocache-parts found: done + if (count($_match_source)==0) return; + + // convert the matched php-code to functions + $_include_compiled = "_cache_serials[$_compile_path] = $params['cache_serial']; + $_include_compiled .= "\$this->_cache_serials['".$_compile_path."'] = '".$params['cache_serial']."';\n\n?>"; + + $_include_compiled .= $params['plugins_code']; + $_include_compiled .= "\n"; + + $_params = array('filename' => $_compile_path, + 'contents' => $_include_compiled, 'create_dirs' => true); + + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.write_file.php'); + smarty_core_write_file($_params, $smarty); + return true; +} + + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c701448cd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +compile_dir)) { + // compile_dir not writable, see if it exists + if(!@is_dir($smarty->compile_dir)) { + $smarty->trigger_error('the $compile_dir \'' . $smarty->compile_dir . '\' does not exist, or is not a directory.', E_USER_ERROR); + return false; + } + $smarty->trigger_error('unable to write to $compile_dir \'' . realpath($smarty->compile_dir) . '\'. Be sure $compile_dir is writable by the web server user.', E_USER_ERROR); + return false; + } + + $_params = array('filename' => $params['compile_path'], 'timestamp'=>$params['resource_timestamp'], 'contents' => $params['compiled_content'], 'create_dirs' => true); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.write_file.php'); + smarty_core_write_file($_params, $smarty); + return true; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_file.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_file.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b4fa92e5e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/core/core.write_file.php @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + $_dirname); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.create_dir_structure.php'); + smarty_core_create_dir_structure($_params, $smarty); + } + + // write to tmp file, then rename it to avoid + // file locking race condition + $_tmp_file = $_dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid(''); + + if (!($fd = @fopen($_tmp_file, 'w'))) { + $smarty->trigger_error("problem writing temporary file '$_tmp_file'"); + return false; + } + + fwrite($fd, $params['contents']); + if (isset($params['timestamp'])) { + touch($_tmp_file, $params['timestamp']); + } + fclose($fd); + if(file_exists($params['filename'])) { + @unlink($params['filename']); + } + @rename($_tmp_file, $params['filename']); + @chmod($params['filename'], $smarty->_file_perms); + + return true; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/debug.tpl b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/debug.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01265fb445 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/debug.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{* Smarty *} + +{* debug.tpl, last updated version 2.0.1 *} + +{assign_debug_info} + +{if isset($_smarty_debug_output) and $_smarty_debug_output eq "html"} + + + + {section name=templates loop=$_debug_tpls} + + {sectionelse} + + {/section} + + {section name=vars loop=$_debug_keys} + + {sectionelse} + + {/section} + + {section name=config_vars loop=$_debug_config_keys} + + {sectionelse} + + {/section} +
Smarty Debug Console
included templates & config files (load time in seconds):
{section name=indent loop=$_debug_tpls[templates].depth}   {/section}{$_debug_tpls[templates].filename|escape:html}{if isset($_debug_tpls[templates].exec_time)} ({$_debug_tpls[templates].exec_time|string_format:"%.5f"}){if %templates.index% eq 0} (total){/if}{/if}
no templates included
assigned template variables:
no template variables assigned
assigned config file variables (outer template scope):
no config vars assigned
+ +{else} + +{/if} diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/block.textformat.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/block.textformat.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..760b313fd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/block.textformat.php @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + + * Name: textformat
+ * Purpose: format text a certain way with preset styles + * or custom wrap/indent settings
+ * @link {textformat} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param array + *
+ * Params:   style: string (email)
+ *           indent: integer (0)
+ *           wrap: integer (80)
+ *           wrap_char string ("\n")
+ *           indent_char: string (" ")
+ *           wrap_boundary: boolean (true)
+ * 
+ * @param string contents of the block + * @param Smarty clever simulation of a method + * @return string string $content re-formatted + */ +function smarty_block_textformat($params, $content, &$smarty) +{ + if (is_null($content)) { + return; + } + + $style = null; + $indent = 0; + $indent_first = 0; + $indent_char = ' '; + $wrap = 80; + $wrap_char = "\n"; + $wrap_cut = false; + $assign = null; + + foreach ($params as $_key => $_val) { + switch ($_key) { + case 'style': + case 'indent_char': + case 'wrap_char': + case 'assign': + $$_key = (string)$_val; + break; + + case 'indent': + case 'indent_first': + case 'wrap': + $$_key = (int)$_val; + break; + + case 'wrap_cut': + $$_key = (bool)$_val; + break; + + default: + $smarty->trigger_error("textformat: unknown attribute '$_key'"); + } + } + + if ($style == 'email') { + $wrap = 72; + } + + // split into paragraphs + $paragraphs = preg_split('![\r\n][\r\n]!',$content); + $output = ''; + + foreach ($paragraphs as $paragraph) { + if ($paragraph == '') { + continue; + } + // convert mult. spaces & special chars to single space + $paragraph = preg_replace(array('!\s+!','!(^\s+)|(\s+$)!'),array(' ',''),$paragraph); + // indent first line + if($indent_first > 0) { + $paragraph = str_repeat($indent_char,$indent_first) . $paragraph; + } + // wordwrap sentences + $paragraph = wordwrap($paragraph, $wrap - $indent, $wrap_char, $wrap_cut); + // indent lines + if($indent > 0) { + $paragraph = preg_replace('!^!m',str_repeat($indent_char,$indent),$paragraph); + } + $output .= $paragraph . $wrap_char . $wrap_char; + } + + if ($assign) { + $smarty->assign($assign,$output); + } else { + return $output; + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/compiler.assign.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/compiler.assign.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..506083c592 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/compiler.assign.php @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + * Name: assign
+ * Purpose: assign a value to a template variable + * @link {assign} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param string containing var-attribute and value-attribute + * @param Smarty_Compiler + */ +function smarty_compiler_assign($tag_attrs, &$compiler) +{ + $_params = $compiler->_parse_attrs($tag_attrs); + + if (!isset($_params['var'])) { + $compiler->_syntax_error("assign: missing 'var' parameter", E_USER_WARNING); + return; + } + + if (!isset($_params['value'])) { + $compiler->_syntax_error("assign: missing 'value' parameter", E_USER_WARNING); + return; + } + + return "\$this->assign({$_params['var']}, {$_params['value']});"; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c281ce879d --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + + * Name: assign_debug_info
+ * Purpose: assign debug info to the template
+ * @param array unused in this plugin, this plugin uses {@link Smarty::$_config}, + * {@link Smarty::$_tpl_vars} and {@link Smarty::$_smarty_debug_info} + * @param Smarty + */ +function smarty_function_assign_debug_info($params, &$smarty) +{ + $assigned_vars = $smarty->_tpl_vars; + ksort($assigned_vars); + if (@is_array($smarty->_config[0])) { + $config_vars = $smarty->_config[0]; + ksort($config_vars); + $smarty->assign("_debug_config_keys", array_keys($config_vars)); + $smarty->assign("_debug_config_vals", array_values($config_vars)); + } + + $included_templates = $smarty->_smarty_debug_info; + + $smarty->assign("_debug_keys", array_keys($assigned_vars)); + $smarty->assign("_debug_vals", array_values($assigned_vars)); + + $smarty->assign("_debug_tpls", $included_templates); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.config_load.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.config_load.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f0b8eddeef --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.config_load.php @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ + + * Name: config_load
+ * Purpose: load config file vars + * @link {config_load} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param array Format: + *
+ * array('file' => required config file name,
+ *       'section' => optional config file section to load
+ *       'scope' => local/parent/global
+ *       'global' => overrides scope, setting to parent if true)
+ * 
+ * @param Smarty + */ +function smarty_function_config_load($params, &$smarty) +{ + if ($smarty->debugging) { + $_params = array(); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_microtime.php'); + $_debug_start_time = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $smarty); + } + + $_file = isset($params['file']) ? $smarty->_dequote($params['file']) : null; + $_section = isset($params['section']) ? $smarty->_dequote($params['section']) : null; + $_scope = isset($params['scope']) ? $smarty->_dequote($params['scope']) : 'global'; + $_global = isset($params['global']) ? $smarty->_dequote($params['global']) : false; + + if (!isset($_file) || strlen($_file) == 0) { + $smarty->trigger_error("missing 'file' attribute in config_load tag", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + + if (isset($_scope)) { + if ($_scope != 'local' && + $_scope != 'parent' && + $_scope != 'global') { + $smarty->trigger_error("invalid 'scope' attribute value", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + } else { + if ($_global) { + $_scope = 'parent'; + } else { + $_scope = 'local'; + } + } + + $_params = array('resource_name' => $_file, 'resource_base_path' => $smarty->config_dir); + $smarty->_parse_resource_name($_params); + $_file_path = $_params['resource_type'] . ':' . $_params['resource_name']; + if (isset($_section)) + $_compile_file = $smarty->_get_compile_path($_file_path.'|'.$_section); + else + $_compile_file = $smarty->_get_compile_path($_file_path); + + if($smarty->force_compile + || !file_exists($_compile_file) + || ($smarty->compile_check + && !$smarty->_is_compiled($_file_path, $_compile_file))) { + // compile config file + if(!is_object($smarty->_conf_obj)) { + require_once SMARTY_DIR . $smarty->config_class . '.class.php'; + $smarty->_conf_obj = new $smarty->config_class(); + $smarty->_conf_obj->overwrite = $smarty->config_overwrite; + $smarty->_conf_obj->booleanize = $smarty->config_booleanize; + $smarty->_conf_obj->read_hidden = $smarty->config_read_hidden; + $smarty->_conf_obj->fix_newlines = $smarty->config_fix_newlines; + } + $_params = array('resource_name' => $_file, 'resource_base_path' => $smarty->config_dir); + if (!$smarty->_fetch_resource_info($_params)) { + return; + } + $smarty->_conf_obj->set_file_contents($_file, $_params['source_content']); + $_config_vars = array_merge($smarty->_conf_obj->get($_file), + $smarty->_conf_obj->get($_file, $_section)); + if(function_exists('var_export')) { + $_output = ''; + } else { + $_output = ''\\\'', '\\'=>'\\\\')) . '\'); ?>'; + } + $_params = (array('compile_path' => $_compile_file, 'compiled_content' => $_output, 'resource_timestamp' => $_params['resource_timestamp'])); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.write_compiled_resource.php'); + smarty_core_write_compiled_resource($_params, $smarty); + } else { + include($_compile_file); + } + + if ($smarty->caching) { + $smarty->_cache_info['config'][$_file] = true; + } + + $smarty->_config[0]['vars'] = @array_merge($smarty->_config[0]['vars'], $_config_vars); + $smarty->_config[0]['files'][$_file] = true; + + if ($_scope == 'parent') { + $smarty->_config[1]['vars'] = @array_merge($smarty->_config[1]['vars'], $_config_vars); + $smarty->_config[1]['files'][$_file] = true; + } else if ($_scope == 'global') { + for ($i = 1, $for_max = count($smarty->_config); $i < $for_max; $i++) { + $smarty->_config[$i]['vars'] = @array_merge($smarty->_config[$i]['vars'], $_config_vars); + $smarty->_config[$i]['files'][$_file] = true; + } + } + + if ($smarty->debugging) { + $_params = array(); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.get_microtime.php'); + $smarty->_smarty_debug_info[] = array('type' => 'config', + 'filename' => $_file.' ['.$_section.'] '.$_scope, + 'depth' => $smarty->_inclusion_depth, + 'exec_time' => smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $smarty) - $_debug_start_time); + } + +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.counter.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.counter.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cfe5dd886f --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.counter.php @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ + + * Name: counter
+ * Purpose: print out a counter value + * @link {counter} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param array parameters + * @param Smarty + * @return string|null + */ +function smarty_function_counter($params, &$smarty) +{ + static $counters = array(); + + $name = (isset($params['name'])) ? $params['name'] : 'default'; + if (!isset($counters[$name])) { + $counters[$name] = array( + 'start'=>1, + 'skip'=>1, + 'direction'=>'up', + 'count'=>1 + ); + } + $counter =& $counters[$name]; + + if (isset($params['start'])) { + $counter['start'] = $counter['count'] = (int)$params['start']; + } + + if (!empty($params['assign'])) { + $counter['assign'] = $params['assign']; + } + + if (isset($counter['assign'])) { + $smarty->assign($counter['assign'], $counter['count']); + } + + if (isset($params['print'])) { + $print = (bool)$params['print']; + } else { + $print = empty($counter['assign']); + } + + if ($print) { + $retval = $counter['count']; + } else { + $retval = null; + } + + if (isset($params['skip'])) { + $counter['skip'] = $params['skip']; + } + + if (isset($params['direction'])) { + $counter['direction'] = $params['direction']; + } + + if ($counter['direction'] == "down") + $counter['count'] -= $counter['skip']; + else + $counter['count'] += $counter['skip']; + + return $retval; + +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.cycle.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.cycle.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f4ec9e62e --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.cycle.php @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ + + * Name: cycle
+ * Date: May 3, 2002
+ * Purpose: cycle through given values
+ * Input: + * - name = name of cycle (optional) + * - values = comma separated list of values to cycle, + * or an array of values to cycle + * (this can be left out for subsequent calls) + * - reset = boolean - resets given var to true + * - print = boolean - print var or not. default is true + * - advance = boolean - whether or not to advance the cycle + * - delimiter = the value delimiter, default is "," + * - assign = boolean, assigns to template var instead of + * printed. + * + * Examples:
+ *
+ * {cycle values="#eeeeee,#d0d0d0d"}
+ * {cycle name=row values="one,two,three" reset=true}
+ * {cycle name=row}
+ * 
+ * @link {cycle} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @author Monte Ohrt + * @author credit to Mark Priatel + * @author credit to Gerard + * @author credit to Jason Sweat + * @version 1.3 + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string|null + */ +function smarty_function_cycle($params, &$smarty) +{ + static $cycle_vars; + + $name = (empty($params['name'])) ? 'default' : $params['name']; + $print = (isset($params['print'])) ? (bool)$params['print'] : true; + $advance = (isset($params['advance'])) ? (bool)$params['advance'] : true; + $reset = (isset($params['reset'])) ? (bool)$params['reset'] : false; + + if (!in_array('values', array_keys($params))) { + if(!isset($cycle_vars[$name]['values'])) { + $smarty->trigger_error("cycle: missing 'values' parameter"); + return; + } + } else { + if(isset($cycle_vars[$name]['values']) + && $cycle_vars[$name]['values'] != $params['values'] ) { + $cycle_vars[$name]['index'] = 0; + } + $cycle_vars[$name]['values'] = $params['values']; + } + + $cycle_vars[$name]['delimiter'] = (isset($params['delimiter'])) ? $params['delimiter'] : ','; + + if(is_array($cycle_vars[$name]['values'])) { + $cycle_array = $cycle_vars[$name]['values']; + } else { + $cycle_array = explode($cycle_vars[$name]['delimiter'],$cycle_vars[$name]['values']); + } + + if(!isset($cycle_vars[$name]['index']) || $reset ) { + $cycle_vars[$name]['index'] = 0; + } + + if (isset($params['assign'])) { + $print = false; + $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $cycle_array[$cycle_vars[$name]['index']]); + } + + if($print) { + $retval = $cycle_array[$cycle_vars[$name]['index']]; + } else { + $retval = null; + } + + if($advance) { + if ( $cycle_vars[$name]['index'] >= count($cycle_array) -1 ) { + $cycle_vars[$name]['index'] = 0; + } else { + $cycle_vars[$name]['index']++; + } + } + + return $retval; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.debug.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.debug.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2452d625e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.debug.php @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + + * Name: debug
+ * Date: July 1, 2002
+ * Purpose: popup debug window + * @link {debug} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @author Monte Ohrt + * @version 1.0 + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string output from {@link Smarty::_generate_debug_output()} + */ +function smarty_function_debug($params, &$smarty) +{ + if($params['output']) { + $smarty->assign('_smarty_debug_output',$params['output']); + } + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.display_debug_console.php'); + return smarty_core_display_debug_console(null, $smarty); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.eval.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.eval.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a4b8b2b8c --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.eval.php @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ + + * Name: eval
+ * Purpose: evaluate a template variable as a template
+ * @link {eval} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param array + * @param Smarty + */ +function smarty_function_eval($params, &$smarty) +{ + + if (!isset($params['var'])) { + $smarty->trigger_error("eval: missing 'var' parameter"); + return; + } + + if($params['var'] == '') { + return; + } + + $smarty->_compile_source('evaluated template', $params['var'], $_var_compiled); + + ob_start(); + $smarty->_eval('?>' . $_var_compiled); + $_contents = ob_get_contents(); + ob_end_clean(); + + if (!empty($params['assign'])) { + $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $_contents); + } else { + return $_contents; + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.fetch.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.fetch.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3273a1e43 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.fetch.php @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ + + * Name: fetch
+ * Purpose: fetch file, web or ftp data and display results + * @link {fetch} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string|null if the assign parameter is passed, Smarty assigns the + * result to a template variable + */ +function smarty_function_fetch($params, &$smarty) +{ + if (empty($params['file'])) { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] parameter 'file' cannot be empty"); + return; + } + + if ($smarty->security && !preg_match('!^(http|ftp)://!i', $params['file'])) { + $_params = array('resource_type' => 'file', 'resource_name' => $params['file']); + require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.is_secure.php'); + if(!smarty_core_is_secure($_params, $smarty)) { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error('[plugin] (secure mode) fetch \'' . $params['file'] . '\' is not allowed'); + return; + } + + // fetch the file + if($fp = @fopen($params['file'],'r')) { + while(!feof($fp)) { + $content .= fgets ($fp,4096); + } + fclose($fp); + } else { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error('[plugin] fetch cannot read file \'' . $params['file'] . '\''); + return; + } + } else { + // not a local file + if(preg_match('!^http://!i',$params['file'])) { + // http fetch + if($uri_parts = parse_url($params['file'])) { + // set defaults + $host = $server_name = $uri_parts['host']; + $timeout = 30; + $accept = "image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*"; + $agent = "Smarty Template Engine ".$smarty->_version; + $referer = ""; + $uri = !empty($uri_parts['path']) ? $uri_parts['path'] : '/'; + $uri .= !empty($uri_parts['query']) ? '?' . $uri_parts['query'] : ''; + $_is_proxy = false; + if(empty($uri_parts['port'])) { + $port = 80; + } else { + $port = $uri_parts['port']; + } + if(empty($uri_parts['user'])) { + $user = ''; + } + // loop through parameters, setup headers + foreach($params as $param_key => $param_value) { + switch($param_key) { + case "file": + case "assign": + case "assign_headers": + break; + case "user": + if(!empty($param_value)) { + $user = $param_value; + } + break; + case "pass": + if(!empty($param_value)) { + $pass = $param_value; + } + break; + case "accept": + if(!empty($param_value)) { + $accept = $param_value; + } + break; + case "header": + if(!empty($param_value)) { + if(!preg_match('![\w\d-]+: .+!',$param_value)) { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] invalid header format '".$param_value."'"); + return; + } else { + $extra_headers[] = $param_value; + } + } + break; + case "proxy_host": + if(!empty($param_value)) { + $proxy_host = $param_value; + } + break; + case "proxy_port": + if(!preg_match('!\D!', $param_value)) { + $proxy_port = (int) $param_value; + } else { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] invalid value for attribute '".$param_key."'"); + return; + } + break; + case "agent": + if(!empty($param_value)) { + $agent = $param_value; + } + break; + case "referer": + if(!empty($param_value)) { + $referer = $param_value; + } + break; + case "timeout": + if(!preg_match('!\D!', $param_value)) { + $timeout = (int) $param_value; + } else { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] invalid value for attribute '".$param_key."'"); + return; + } + break; + default: + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] unrecognized attribute '".$param_key."'"); + return; + } + } + if(!empty($proxy_host) && !empty($proxy_port)) { + $_is_proxy = true; + $fp = fsockopen($proxy_host,$proxy_port,$errno,$errstr,$timeout); + } else { + $fp = fsockopen($server_name,$port,$errno,$errstr,$timeout); + } + + if(!$fp) { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] unable to fetch: $errstr ($errno)"); + return; + } else { + if($_is_proxy) { + fputs($fp, 'GET ' . $params['file'] . " HTTP/1.0\r\n"); + } else { + fputs($fp, "GET $uri HTTP/1.0\r\n"); + } + if(!empty($host)) { + fputs($fp, "Host: $host\r\n"); + } + if(!empty($accept)) { + fputs($fp, "Accept: $accept\r\n"); + } + if(!empty($agent)) { + fputs($fp, "User-Agent: $agent\r\n"); + } + if(!empty($referer)) { + fputs($fp, "Referer: $referer\r\n"); + } + if(isset($extra_headers) && is_array($extra_headers)) { + foreach($extra_headers as $curr_header) { + fputs($fp, $curr_header."\r\n"); + } + } + if(!empty($user) && !empty($pass)) { + fputs($fp, "Authorization: BASIC ".base64_encode("$user:$pass")."\r\n"); + } + + $content = ''; + fputs($fp, "\r\n"); + while(!feof($fp)) { + $content .= fgets($fp,4096); + } + fclose($fp); + $csplit = split("\r\n\r\n",$content,2); + + $content = $csplit[1]; + + if(!empty($params['assign_headers'])) { + $smarty->assign($params['assign_headers'],split("\r\n",$csplit[0])); + } + } + } else { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] unable to parse URL, check syntax"); + return; + } + } else { + // ftp fetch + if($fp = @fopen($params['file'],'r')) { + while(!feof($fp)) { + $content .= fgets ($fp,4096); + } + fclose($fp); + } else { + $smarty->_trigger_fatal_error('[plugin] fetch cannot read file \'' . $params['file'] .'\''); + return; + } + } + + } + + + if (!empty($params['assign'])) { + $smarty->assign($params['assign'],$content); + } else { + return $content; + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fd272a0cd --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ + + * Type: function
+ * Name: html_checkboxes
+ * Date: 24.Feb.2003
+ * Purpose: Prints out a list of checkbox input types
+ * Input:
+ * - name (optional) - string default "checkbox" + * - values (required) - array + * - options (optional) - associative array + * - checked (optional) - array default not set + * - separator (optional) - ie
or   + * - output (optional) - without this one the buttons don't have names + * Examples: + *
+ * {html_checkboxes values=$ids output=$names}
+ * {html_checkboxes values=$ids name='box' separator='
' output=$names} + * {html_checkboxes values=$ids checked=$checked separator='
' output=$names} + *
+ * @link {html_checkboxes} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @author Christopher Kvarme + * @author credits to Monte Ohrt + * @version 1.0 + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string + * @uses smarty_function_escape_special_chars() + */ +function smarty_function_html_checkboxes($params, &$smarty) +{ + require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('shared','escape_special_chars'); + + $name = 'checkbox'; + $values = null; + $options = null; + $selected = null; + $separator = ''; + $labels = true; + $output = null; + + $extra = ''; + + foreach($params as $_key => $_val) { + switch($_key) { + case 'name': + case 'separator': + $$_key = $_val; + break; + + case 'labels': + $$_key = (bool)$_val; + break; + + case 'options': + $$_key = (array)$_val; + break; + + case 'values': + case 'output': + $$_key = array_values((array)$_val); + break; + + case 'checked': + case 'selected': + $selected = array_map('strval', array_values((array)$_val)); + break; + + case 'checkboxes': + $smarty->trigger_error('html_checkboxes: the use of the "checkboxes" attribute is deprecated, use "options" instead', E_USER_WARNING); + $options = (array)$_val; + break; + + default: + if(!is_array($_val)) { + $extra .= ' '.$_key.'="'.smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val).'"'; + } else { + $smarty->trigger_error("html_checkboxes: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE); + } + break; + } + } + + if (!isset($options) && !isset($values)) + return ''; /* raise error here? */ + + settype($selected, 'array'); + $_html_result = ''; + + if (is_array($options)) { + + foreach ($options as $_key=>$_val) + $_html_result .= smarty_function_html_checkboxes_output($name, $_key, $_val, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels); + + + } else { + foreach ($values as $_i=>$_key) { + $_val = isset($output[$_i]) ? $output[$_i] : ''; + $_html_result .= smarty_function_html_checkboxes_output($name, $_key, $_val, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels); + } + + } + + return $_html_result; + +} + +function smarty_function_html_checkboxes_output($name, $value, $output, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels) { + $_output = ''; + if ($labels) $_output .= ''; + $_output .= $separator . "\n"; + + return $_output; +} + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_image.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_image.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2654b03d97 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_image.php @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ + + * Name: html_image
+ * Date: Feb 24, 2003
+ * Purpose: format HTML tags for the image
+ * Input:
+ * - file = file (and path) of image (required) + * - border = border width (optional, default 0) + * - height = image height (optional, default actual height) + * - image =image width (optional, default actual width) + * - basedir = base directory for absolute paths, default + * is environment variable DOCUMENT_ROOT + * + * Examples: {html_image file="images/masthead.gif"} + * Output: + * @link {html_image} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @author Monte Ohrt + * @author credits to Duda - wrote first image function + * in repository, helped with lots of functionality + * @version 1.0 + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string + * @uses smarty_function_escape_special_chars() + */ +function smarty_function_html_image($params, &$smarty) +{ + require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('shared','escape_special_chars'); + + $alt = ''; + $file = ''; + $border = 0; + $height = ''; + $width = ''; + $extra = ''; + $prefix = ''; + $suffix = ''; + $server_vars = ($smarty->request_use_auto_globals) ? $_SERVER : $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']; + $basedir = isset($server_vars['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) ? $server_vars['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] : ''; + foreach($params as $_key => $_val) { + switch($_key) { + case 'file': + case 'border': + case 'height': + case 'width': + case 'dpi': + case 'basedir': + $$_key = $_val; + break; + + case 'alt': + if(!is_array($_val)) { + $$_key = smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val); + } else { + $smarty->trigger_error("html_image: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE); + } + break; + + case 'link': + case 'href': + $prefix = ''; + $suffix = ''; + break; + + default: + if(!is_array($_val)) { + $extra .= ' '.$_key.'="'.smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val).'"'; + } else { + $smarty->trigger_error("html_image: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE); + } + break; + } + } + + if (empty($file)) { + $smarty->trigger_error("html_image: missing 'file' parameter", E_USER_NOTICE); + return; + } + + if (substr($file,0,1) == '/') { + $_image_path = $basedir . $file; + } else { + $_image_path = $file; + } + + if(!isset($params['width']) || !isset($params['height'])) { + if ($smarty->security && + ($_params = array('resource_type' => 'file', 'resource_name' => $_image_path)) && + (require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.is_secure.php')) && + (!smarty_core_is_secure($_params, $smarty)) ) { + $smarty->trigger_error("html_image: (secure) '$_image_path' not in secure directory", E_USER_NOTICE); + + } elseif (!$_image_data = @getimagesize($_image_path)) { + if(!file_exists($_image_path)) { + $smarty->trigger_error("html_image: unable to find '$_image_path'", E_USER_NOTICE); + return; + } else if(!is_readable($_image_path)) { + $smarty->trigger_error("html_image: unable to read '$_image_path'", E_USER_NOTICE); + return; + } else { + $smarty->trigger_error("html_image: '$_image_path' is not a valid image file", E_USER_NOTICE); + return; + } + } + + if(!isset($params['width'])) { + $width = $_image_data[0]; + } + if(!isset($params['height'])) { + $height = $_image_data[1]; + } + + } + + if(isset($params['dpi'])) { + if(strstr($server_vars['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Mac')) { + $dpi_default = 72; + } else { + $dpi_default = 96; + } + $_resize = $dpi_default/$params['dpi']; + $width = round($width * $_resize); + $height = round($height * $_resize); + } + + return $prefix . ''.$alt.'' . $suffix; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_options.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_options.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..da5571c5b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_options.php @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ + + * Name: html_options
+ * Input:
+ * - name (optional) - string default "select" + * - values (required if no options supplied) - array + * - options (required if no values supplied) - associative array + * - selected (optional) - string default not set + * - output (required if not options supplied) - array + * Purpose: Prints the list of ' . "\n"; + foreach ($values as $key => $value) { + $optgroup_html .= smarty_function_html_options_optoutput($key, $value, $selected); + } + $optgroup_html .= "\n"; + return $optgroup_html; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f74688f13e --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ + + * Type: function
+ * Name: html_radios
+ * Date: 24.Feb.2003
+ * Purpose: Prints out a list of radio input types
+ * Input:
+ * - name (optional) - string default "radio" + * - values (required) - array + * - options (optional) - associative array + * - checked (optional) - array default not set + * - separator (optional) - ie
or   + * - output (optional) - without this one the buttons don't have names + * Examples: + *
+ * {html_radios values=$ids output=$names}
+ * {html_radios values=$ids name='box' separator='
' output=$names} + * {html_radios values=$ids checked=$checked separator='
' output=$names} + *
+ * @link {html_radios} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @author Christopher Kvarme + * @author credits to Monte Ohrt + * @version 1.0 + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string + * @uses smarty_function_escape_special_chars() + */ +function smarty_function_html_radios($params, &$smarty) +{ + require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('shared','escape_special_chars'); + + $name = 'radio'; + $values = null; + $options = null; + $selected = null; + $separator = ''; + $labels = true; + $output = null; + $extra = ''; + + foreach($params as $_key => $_val) { + switch($_key) { + case 'name': + case 'separator': + $$_key = (string)$_val; + break; + + case 'checked': + case 'selected': + if(is_array($_val)) { + $smarty->trigger_error('html_radios: the "' . $_key . '" attribute cannot be an array', E_USER_WARNING); + } else { + $selected = (string)$_val; + } + break; + + case 'labels': + $$_key = (bool)$_val; + break; + + case 'options': + $$_key = (array)$_val; + break; + + case 'values': + case 'output': + $$_key = array_values((array)$_val); + break; + + case 'radios': + $smarty->trigger_error('html_radios: the use of the "radios" attribute is deprecated, use "options" instead', E_USER_WARNING); + $options = (array)$_val; + break; + + + default: + if(!is_array($_val)) { + $extra .= ' '.$_key.'="'.smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val).'"'; + } else { + $smarty->trigger_error("html_radios: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE); + } + break; + } + } + + if (!isset($options) && !isset($values)) + return ''; /* raise error here? */ + + $_html_result = ''; + + if (isset($options) && is_array($options)) { + + foreach ((array)$options as $_key=>$_val) + $_html_result .= smarty_function_html_radios_output($name, $_key, $_val, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels); + + } else { + + foreach ((array)$values as $_i=>$_key) { + $_val = isset($output[$_i]) ? $output[$_i] : ''; + $_html_result .= smarty_function_html_radios_output($name, $_key, $_val, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels); + } + + } + + return $_html_result; + +} + +function smarty_function_html_radios_output($name, $value, $output, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels) { + $_output = ''; + if ($labels) $_output .= ''; + $_output .= $separator . "\n"; + + return $_output; +} + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac4f2a14d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ + + * Name: html_select_date
+ * Purpose: Prints the dropdowns for date selection. + * + * ChangeLog:
+ * - 1.0 initial release + * - 1.1 added support for +/- N syntax for begin + * and end year values. (Monte) + * - 1.2 added support for yyyy-mm-dd syntax for + * time value. (Jan Rosier) + * - 1.3 added support for choosing format for + * month values (Gary Loescher) + * - 1.3.1 added support for choosing format for + * day values (Marcus Bointon) + * @link {html_select_date} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @version 1.3.1 + * @author Andrei Zmievski + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string + */ +function smarty_function_html_select_date($params, &$smarty) +{ + require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('shared','make_timestamp'); + require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function','html_options'); + /* Default values. */ + $prefix = "Date_"; + $start_year = strftime("%Y"); + $end_year = $start_year; + $display_days = true; + $display_months = true; + $display_years = true; + $month_format = "%B"; + /* Write months as numbers by default GL */ + $month_value_format = "%m"; + $day_format = "%02d"; + /* Write day values using this format MB */ + $day_value_format = "%d"; + $year_as_text = false; + /* Display years in reverse order? Ie. 2000,1999,.... */ + $reverse_years = false; + /* Should the select boxes be part of an array when returned from PHP? + e.g. setting it to "birthday", would create "birthday[Day]", + "birthday[Month]" & "birthday[Year]". Can be combined with prefix */ + $field_array = null; + /* tags. + If not set, uses default dropdown. */ + $day_size = null; + $month_size = null; + $year_size = null; + /* Unparsed attributes common to *ALL* the tags. + An example might be in the template: all_extra ='class ="foo"'. */ + $all_extra = null; + /* Separate attributes for the tags. */ + $day_extra = null; + $month_extra = null; + $year_extra = null; + /* Order in which to display the fields. + "D" -> day, "M" -> month, "Y" -> year. */ + $field_order = 'MDY'; + /* String printed between the different fields. */ + $field_separator = "\n"; + $time = time(); + $all_empty = null; + $day_empty = null; + $month_empty = null; + $year_empty = null; + + foreach ($params as $_key=>$_value) { + switch ($_key) { + case 'prefix': + case 'time': + case 'start_year': + case 'end_year': + case 'month_format': + case 'day_format': + case 'day_value_format': + case 'field_array': + case 'day_size': + case 'month_size': + case 'year_size': + case 'all_extra': + case 'day_extra': + case 'month_extra': + case 'year_extra': + case 'field_order': + case 'field_separator': + case 'month_value_format': + case 'month_empty': + case 'day_empty': + case 'year_empty': + $$_key = (string)$_value; + break; + + case 'all_empty': + $$_key = (string)$_value; + $day_empty = $month_empty = $year_empty = $all_empty; + break; + + case 'display_days': + case 'display_months': + case 'display_years': + case 'year_as_text': + case 'reverse_years': + $$_key = (bool)$_value; + break; + + default: + $smarty->trigger_error("[html_select_date] unknown parameter $_key", E_USER_WARNING); + + } + } + + // If $time is not in format yyyy-mm-dd + if (!preg_match('/^\d{0,4}-\d{0,2}-\d{0,2}$/', $time)) { + // then $time is empty or unix timestamp or mysql timestamp + // using smarty_make_timestamp to get an unix timestamp and + // strftime to make yyyy-mm-dd + $time = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', smarty_make_timestamp($time)); + } + // Now split this in pieces, which later can be used to set the select + $time = explode("-", $time); + + // make syntax "+N" or "-N" work with start_year and end_year + if (preg_match('!^(\+|\-)\s*(\d+)$!', $end_year, $match)) { + if ($match[1] == '+') { + $end_year = strftime('%Y') + $match[2]; + } else { + $end_year = strftime('%Y') - $match[2]; + } + } + if (preg_match('!^(\+|\-)\s*(\d+)$!', $start_year, $match)) { + if ($match[1] == '+') { + $start_year = strftime('%Y') + $match[2]; + } else { + $start_year = strftime('%Y') - $match[2]; + } + } + + $field_order = strtoupper($field_order); + + $html_result = $month_result = $day_result = $year_result = ""; + + if ($display_months) { + $month_names = array(); + $month_values = array(); + if(isset($month_empty)) { + $month_names[''] = $month_empty; + $month_values[''] = ''; + } + for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { + $month_names[$i] = strftime($month_format, mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000)); + $month_values[$i] = strftime($month_value_format, mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000)); + } + + $month_result .= ''; + } + + if ($display_days) { + $days = array(); + if (isset($day_empty)) { + $days[''] = $day_empty; + $day_values[''] = ''; + } + for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { + $days[] = sprintf($day_format, $i); + $day_values[] = sprintf($day_value_format, $i); + } + + $day_result .= ''; + } + + if ($display_years) { + if (null !== $field_array){ + $year_name = $field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Year]'; + } else { + $year_name = $prefix . 'Year'; + } + if ($year_as_text) { + $year_result .= ' $years, + 'values' => $yearvals, + 'selected' => $time[0], + 'print_result' => false), + $smarty); + $year_result .= ''; + } + } + + // Loop thru the field_order field + for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++){ + $c = substr($field_order, $i, 1); + switch ($c){ + case 'D': + $html_result .= $day_result; + break; + + case 'M': + $html_result .= $month_result; + break; + + case 'Y': + $html_result .= $year_result; + break; + } + // Add the field seperator + if($i != 2) { + $html_result .= $field_separator; + } + } + + return $html_result; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_select_time.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_select_time.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00cd1ae889 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_select_time.php @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ + + * Name: html_select_time
+ * Purpose: Prints the dropdowns for time selection + * @link {html_select_time} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string + * @uses smarty_make_timestamp() + */ +function smarty_function_html_select_time($params, &$smarty) +{ + require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('shared','make_timestamp'); + require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function','html_options'); + /* Default values. */ + $prefix = "Time_"; + $time = time(); + $display_hours = true; + $display_minutes = true; + $display_seconds = true; + $display_meridian = true; + $use_24_hours = true; + $minute_interval = 1; + $second_interval = 1; + /* Should the select boxes be part of an array when returned from PHP? + e.g. setting it to "birthday", would create "birthday[Hour]", + "birthday[Minute]", "birthday[Seconds]" & "birthday[Meridian]". + Can be combined with prefix. */ + $field_array = null; + $all_extra = null; + $hour_extra = null; + $minute_extra = null; + $second_extra = null; + $meridian_extra = null; + + foreach ($params as $_key=>$_value) { + switch ($_key) { + case 'prefix': + case 'time': + case 'field_array': + case 'all_extra': + case 'hour_extra': + case 'minute_extra': + case 'second_extra': + case 'meridian_extra': + $$_key = (string)$_value; + break; + + case 'display_hours': + case 'display_minutes': + case 'display_seconds': + case 'display_meridian': + case 'use_24_hours': + $$_key = (bool)$_value; + break; + + case 'minute_interval': + case 'second_interval': + $$_key = (int)$_value; + break; + + default: + $smarty->trigger_error("[html_select_time] unknown parameter $_key", E_USER_WARNING); + } + } + + $time = smarty_make_timestamp($time); + + $html_result = ''; + + if ($display_hours) { + $hours = $use_24_hours ? range(0, 23) : range(1, 12); + $hour_fmt = $use_24_hours ? '%H' : '%I'; + for ($i = 0, $for_max = count($hours); $i < $for_max; $i++) + $hours[$i] = sprintf('%02d', $hours[$i]); + $html_result .= '\n"; + } + + if ($display_minutes) { + $all_minutes = range(0, 59); + for ($i = 0, $for_max = count($all_minutes); $i < $for_max; $i+= $minute_interval) + $minutes[] = sprintf('%02d', $all_minutes[$i]); + $selected = intval(floor(strftime('%M', $time) / $minute_interval) * $minute_interval); + $html_result .= '\n"; + } + + if ($display_seconds) { + $all_seconds = range(0, 59); + for ($i = 0, $for_max = count($all_seconds); $i < $for_max; $i+= $second_interval) + $seconds[] = sprintf('%02d', $all_seconds[$i]); + $selected = intval(floor(strftime('%S', $time) / $second_interval) * $second_interval); + $html_result .= '\n"; + } + + if ($display_meridian && !$use_24_hours) { + $html_result .= '\n"; + } + + return $html_result; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_table.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c6693d88db --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.html_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ + + * Name: html_table
+ * Date: Feb 17, 2003
+ * Purpose: make an html table from an array of data
+ * Input:
+ * - loop = array to loop through + * - cols = number of columns + * - rows = number of rows + * - table_attr = table attributes + * - tr_attr = table row attributes (arrays are cycled) + * - td_attr = table cell attributes (arrays are cycled) + * - trailpad = value to pad trailing cells with + * - vdir = vertical direction (default: "down", means top-to-bottom) + * - hdir = horizontal direction (default: "right", means left-to-right) + * - inner = inner loop (default "cols": print $loop line by line, + * $loop will be printed column by column otherwise) + * + * + * Examples: + *
+ * {table loop=$data}
+ * {table loop=$data cols=4 tr_attr='"bgcolor=red"'}
+ * {table loop=$data cols=4 tr_attr=$colors}
+ * 
+ * @author Monte Ohrt + * @version 1.0 + * @link {html_table} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string + */ +function smarty_function_html_table($params, &$smarty) +{ + $table_attr = 'border="1"'; + $tr_attr = ''; + $td_attr = ''; + $cols = 3; + $rows = 3; + $trailpad = ' '; + $vdir = 'down'; + $hdir = 'right'; + $inner = 'cols'; + + if (!isset($params['loop'])) { + $smarty->trigger_error("html_table: missing 'loop' parameter"); + return; + } + + foreach ($params as $_key=>$_value) { + switch ($_key) { + case 'loop': + $$_key = (array)$_value; + break; + + case 'cols': + case 'rows': + $$_key = (int)$_value; + break; + + case 'table_attr': + case 'trailpad': + case 'hdir': + case 'vdir': + $$_key = (string)$_value; + break; + + case 'tr_attr': + case 'td_attr': + $$_key = $_value; + break; + } + } + + $loop_count = count($loop); + if (empty($params['rows'])) { + /* no rows specified */ + $rows = ceil($loop_count/$cols); + } elseif (empty($params['cols'])) { + if (!empty($params['rows'])) { + /* no cols specified, but rows */ + $cols = ceil($loop_count/$rows); + } + } + + $output = "\n"; + + for ($r=0; $r<$rows; $r++) { + $output .= "\n"; + $rx = ($vdir == 'down') ? $r*$cols : ($rows-1-$r)*$cols; + + for ($c=0; $c<$cols; $c++) { + $x = ($hdir == 'right') ? $rx+$c : $rx+$cols-1-$c; + if ($inner!='cols') { + /* shuffle x to loop over rows*/ + $x = floor($x/$cols) + ($x%$cols)*$rows; + } + + if ($x<$loop_count) { + $output .= "" . $loop[$x] . "\n"; + } else { + $output .= "$trailpad\n"; + } + } + $output .= "\n"; + } + $output .= "
\n"; + + return $output; +} + +function smarty_function_html_table_cycle($name, $var, $no) { + if(!is_array($var)) { + $ret = $var; + } else { + $ret = $var[$no % count($var)]; + } + + return ($ret) ? ' '.$ret : ''; +} + + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.mailto.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.mailto.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92bb9d3b8a --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.mailto.php @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ + + * Name: mailto
+ * Date: May 21, 2002 + * Purpose: automate mailto address link creation, and optionally + * encode them.
+ * Input:
+ * - address = e-mail address + * - text = (optional) text to display, default is address + * - encode = (optional) can be one of: + * * none : no encoding (default) + * * javascript : encode with javascript + * * hex : encode with hexidecimal (no javascript) + * - cc = (optional) address(es) to carbon copy + * - bcc = (optional) address(es) to blind carbon copy + * - subject = (optional) e-mail subject + * - newsgroups = (optional) newsgroup(s) to post to + * - followupto = (optional) address(es) to follow up to + * - extra = (optional) extra tags for the href link + * + * Examples: + *
+ * {mailto address=""}
+ * {mailto address="" encode="javascript"}
+ * {mailto address="" encode="hex"}
+ * {mailto address="" subject="Hello to you!"}
+ * {mailto address="" cc=","}
+ * {mailto address="" extra='class="mailto"'}
+ * 
+ * @link {mailto} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @version 1.2 + * @author Monte Ohrt + * @author credits to Jason Sweat (added cc, bcc and subject functionality) + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string + */ +function smarty_function_mailto($params, &$smarty) +{ + $extra = ''; + + if (empty($params['address'])) { + $smarty->trigger_error("mailto: missing 'address' parameter"); + return; + } else { + $address = $params['address']; + } + + $text = $address; + + // netscape and mozilla do not decode %40 (@) in BCC field (bug?) + // so, don't encode it. + $mail_parms = array(); + foreach ($params as $var=>$value) { + switch ($var) { + case 'cc': + case 'bcc': + case 'followupto': + if (!empty($value)) + $mail_parms[] = $var.'='.str_replace('%40','@',rawurlencode($value)); + break; + + case 'subject': + case 'newsgroups': + $mail_parms[] = $var.'='.rawurlencode($value); + break; + + case 'extra': + case 'text': + $$var = $value; + + default: + } + } + + $mail_parm_vals = ''; + for ($i=0; $itrigger_error("mailto: 'encode' parameter must be none, javascript or hex"); + return; + } + + if ($encode == 'javascript' ) { + $string = 'document.write(\''.$text.'\');'; + + $js_encode = ''; + for ($x=0; $x < strlen($string); $x++) { + $js_encode .= '%' . bin2hex($string[$x]); + } + + return ''; + + } elseif ($encode == 'hex') { + + preg_match('!^(.*)(\?.*)$!',$address,$match); + if(!empty($match[2])) { + $smarty->trigger_error("mailto: hex encoding does not work with extra attributes. Try javascript."); + return; + } + for ($x=0; $x < strlen($address); $x++) { + if(preg_match('!\w!',$address[$x])) { + $address_encode .= '%' . bin2hex($address[$x]); + } else { + $address_encode .= $address[$x]; + } + } + for ($x=0; $x < strlen($text); $x++) { + $text_encode .= '&#x' . bin2hex($text[$x]).';'; + } + + return ''.$text_encode.''; + + } else { + // no encoding + return ''.$text.''; + + } + +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.math.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.math.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c080d4dfe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.math.php @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ + + * Name: math
+ * Purpose: handle math computations in template
+ * @link {math} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string + */ +function smarty_function_math($params, &$smarty) +{ + // be sure equation parameter is present + if (empty($params['equation'])) { + $smarty->trigger_error("math: missing equation parameter"); + return; + } + + $equation = $params['equation']; + + // make sure parenthesis are balanced + if (substr_count($equation,"(") != substr_count($equation,")")) { + $smarty->trigger_error("math: unbalanced parenthesis"); + return; + } + + // match all vars in equation, make sure all are passed + preg_match_all("!\!(0x)([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)!",$equation, $match); + $allowed_funcs = array('int','abs','ceil','cos','exp','floor','log','log10', + 'max','min','pi','pow','rand','round','sin','sqrt','srand','tan'); + foreach($match[2] as $curr_var) { + if (!in_array($curr_var,array_keys($params)) && !in_array($curr_var, $allowed_funcs)) { + $smarty->trigger_error("math: parameter $curr_var not passed as argument"); + return; + } + } + + foreach($params as $key => $val) { + if ($key != "equation" && $key != "format" && $key != "assign") { + // make sure value is not empty + if (strlen($val)==0) { + $smarty->trigger_error("math: parameter $key is empty"); + return; + } + if (!is_numeric($val)) { + $smarty->trigger_error("math: parameter $key: is not numeric"); + return; + } + $equation = preg_replace("/\b$key\b/",$val, $equation); + } + } + + eval("\$smarty_math_result = ".$equation.";"); + + if (empty($params['format'])) { + if (empty($params['assign'])) { + return $smarty_math_result; + } else { + $smarty->assign($params['assign'],$smarty_math_result); + } + } else { + if (empty($params['assign'])){ + printf($params['format'],$smarty_math_result); + } else { + $smarty->assign($params['assign'],sprintf($params['format'],$smarty_math_result)); + } + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.popup.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.popup.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..90323ce502 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.popup.php @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ + + * Name: popup
+ * Purpose: make text pop up in windows via overlib + * @link {popup} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string + */ +function smarty_function_popup($params, &$smarty) +{ + $append = ''; + foreach ($params as $_key=>$_value) { + switch ($_key) { + case 'text': + case 'trigger': + $$_key = (string)$_value; + break; + + case 'caption': + case 'closetext': + case 'status': + $append .= ',' . strtoupper($_key) . ",'" . str_replace("'","\'",$_value) . "'"; + break; + + case 'fgcolor': + case 'bgcolor': + case 'textcolor': + case 'capcolor': + case 'closecolor': + case 'textfont': + case 'captionfont': + case 'closefont': + case 'textsize': + case 'captionsize': + case 'closesize': + case 'width': + case 'height': + case 'border': + case 'offsetx': + case 'offsety': + case 'fgbackground': + case 'bgbackground': + case 'inarray': + case 'caparray': + case 'capicon': + case 'snapx': + case 'snapy': + case 'fixx': + case 'fixy': + case 'background': + case 'padx': + case 'pady': + case 'frame': + case 'timeout': + case 'delay': + case 'function': + $append .= ',' . strtoupper($_key) . ",'$_value'"; + break; + + case 'sticky': + case 'left': + case 'right': + case 'center': + case 'above': + case 'below': + case 'noclose': + case 'autostatus': + case 'autostatuscap': + case 'fullhtml': + case 'hauto': + case 'vauto': + if ($_value) $append .= ',' . strtoupper($_key); + break; + + default: + $smarty->trigger_error("[popup] unknown parameter $_key", E_USER_WARNING); + } + } + + if (empty($text) && !isset($inarray) && empty($function)) { + $smarty->trigger_error("overlib: attribute 'text' or 'inarray' or 'function' required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($trigger)) { $trigger = "onmouseover"; } + + $retval = $trigger . '="return overlib(\''.preg_replace(array("!'!","![\r\n]!"),array("\'",'\r'),$text).'\''; + $retval .= $append . ');" onmouseout="nd();"'; + + return $retval; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.popup_init.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.popup_init.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f62c33c13f --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/function.popup_init.php @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + + * Name: popup_init
+ * Purpose: initialize overlib + * @link {popup_init} + * (Smarty online manual) + * @param array + * @param Smarty + * @return string + */ +function smarty_function_popup_init($params, &$smarty) +{ + $zindex = 1000; + + if (!empty($params['zindex'])) { + $zindex = $params['zindex']; + } + + if (!empty($params['src'])) { + return '' . "\n" + . '' . "\n"; + } else { + $smarty->trigger_error("popup_init: missing src parameter"); + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.capitalize.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.capitalize.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..adf862b3fe --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.capitalize.php @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + * Name: capitalize
+ * Purpose: capitalize words in the string + * @link + * capitalize (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_capitalize($string) +{ + return ucwords($string); +} + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f5dc3d6893 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + * Name: cat
+ * Date: Feb 24, 2003 + * Purpose: catenate a value to a variable + * Input: string to catenate + * Example: {$var|cat:"foo"} + * @link cat + * (Smarty online manual) + * @author Monte Ohrt + * @version 1.0 + * @param string + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_cat($string, $cat) +{ + return $string . $cat; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_characters.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_characters.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49ce655e85 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_characters.php @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + + * Name: count_characteres
+ * Purpose: count the number of characters in a text + * @link + * count_characters (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param boolean include whitespace in the character count + * @return integer + */ +function smarty_modifier_count_characters($string, $include_spaces = false) +{ + if ($include_spaces) + return(strlen($string)); + + return preg_match_all("/[^\s]/",$string, $match); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_paragraphs.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_paragraphs.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6a9833c97c --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_paragraphs.php @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + + * Name: count_paragraphs
+ * Purpose: count the number of paragraphs in a text + * @link + * count_paragraphs (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @return integer + */ +function smarty_modifier_count_paragraphs($string) +{ + // count \r or \n characters + return count(preg_split('/[\r\n]+/', $string)); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_sentences.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_sentences.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c210f08fe --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_sentences.php @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + + * Name: count_sentences + * Purpose: count the number of sentences in a text + * @link + * count_sentences (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @return integer + */ +function smarty_modifier_count_sentences($string) +{ + // find periods with a word before but not after. + return preg_match_all('/[^\s]\.(?!\w)/', $string, $match); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_words.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_words.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42c8a741c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.count_words.php @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + * Name: count_words
+ * Purpose: count the number of words in a text + * @link + * count_words (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @return integer + */ +function smarty_modifier_count_words($string) +{ + // split text by ' ',\r,\n,\f,\t + $split_array = preg_split('/\s+/',$string); + // count matches that contain alphanumerics + $word_count = preg_grep('/[a-zA-Z0-9\\x80-\\xff]/', $split_array); + + return count($word_count); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.date_format.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.date_format.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..351a4b6588 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.date_format.php @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +_get_plugin_filepath('shared','make_timestamp'); +/** + * Smarty date_format modifier plugin + * + * Type: modifier
+ * Name: date_format
+ * Purpose: format datestamps via strftime
+ * Input:
+ * - string: input date string + * - format: strftime format for output + * - default_date: default date if $string is empty + * @link + * date_format (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param string + * @param string + * @return string|void + * @uses smarty_make_timestamp() + */ +function smarty_modifier_date_format($string, $format="%b %e, %Y", $default_date=null) +{ + if($string != '') { + return strftime($format, smarty_make_timestamp($string)); + } elseif (isset($default_date) && $default_date != '') { + return strftime($format, smarty_make_timestamp($default_date)); + } else { + return; + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9bb184880 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + + * Name: debug_print_var
+ * Purpose: formats variable contents for display in the console + * @link + * debug_print_var (Smarty online manual) + * @param array|object + * @param integer + * @param integer + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_debug_print_var($var, $depth = 0, $length = 40) +{ + $_replace = array("\n"=>'\n', "\r"=>'\r', "\t"=>'\t'); + if (is_array($var)) { + $results = "Array (".count($var).")"; + foreach ($var as $curr_key => $curr_val) { + $return = smarty_modifier_debug_print_var($curr_val, $depth+1, $length); + $results .= "
".str_repeat(' ', $depth*2)."".strtr($curr_key, $_replace)." => $return"; + } + } else if (is_object($var)) { + $object_vars = get_object_vars($var); + $results = "".get_class($var)." Object (".count($object_vars).")"; + foreach ($object_vars as $curr_key => $curr_val) { + $return = smarty_modifier_debug_print_var($curr_val, $depth+1, $length); + $results .= "
".str_repeat(' ', $depth*2)."$curr_key => $return"; + } + } else if (is_resource($var)) { + $results = ''.(string)$var.''; + } else if (empty($var) && $var != "0") { + $results = 'empty'; + } else { + if (strlen($var) > $length ) { + $results = substr($var, 0, $length-3).'...'; + } else { + $results = $var; + } + $results = htmlspecialchars($results); + $results = strtr($results, $_replace); + } + return $results; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.default.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.default.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8268e396ff --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.default.php @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + + * Name: default
+ * Purpose: designate default value for empty variables + * @link + * default (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_default($string, $default = '') +{ + if (!isset($string) || $string === '') + return $default; + else + return $string; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b497955436 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + * Name: escape
+ * Purpose: Escape the string according to escapement type + * @link + * escape (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param html|htmlall|url|quotes|hex|hexentity|javascript + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_escape($string, $esc_type = 'html') +{ + switch ($esc_type) { + case 'html': + return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES); + + case 'htmlall': + return htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES); + + case 'url': + return urlencode($string); + + case 'quotes': + // escape unescaped single quotes + return preg_replace("%(?'\\\\',"'"=>"\\'",'"'=>'\\"',"\r"=>'\\r',"\n"=>'\\n')); + + default: + return $string; + } +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.indent.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.indent.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1642bac3de --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.indent.php @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + + * Name: indent
+ * Purpose: indent lines of text + * @link + * indent (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param integer + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_indent($string,$chars=4,$char=" ") +{ + return preg_replace('!^!m',str_repeat($char,$chars),$string); +} + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.lower.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.lower.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b4d1517dc --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.lower.php @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + * Name: lower
+ * Purpose: convert string to lowercase + * @link + * lower (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_lower($string) +{ + return strtolower($string); +} + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.nl2br.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.nl2br.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..86a28d207a --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.nl2br.php @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + + * Name: nl2br
+ * Date: Feb 26, 2003 + * Purpose: convert \r\n, \r or \n to <
> + * Input:
+ * - contents = contents to replace + * - preceed_test = if true, includes preceeding break tags + * in replacement + * Example: {$text|nl2br} + * @link + * nl2br (Smarty online manual) + * @version 1.0 + * @author Monte Ohrt + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_nl2br($string) +{ + return nl2br($string); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.regex_replace.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.regex_replace.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9cc865ea8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.regex_replace.php @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + * Name: regex_replace
+ * Purpose: regular epxression search/replace + * @link + * regex_replace (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param string|array + * @param string|array + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_regex_replace($string, $search, $replace) +{ + return preg_replace($search, $replace, $string); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.replace.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.replace.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a43515f7e --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.replace.php @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + * Name: replace
+ * Purpose: simple search/replace + * @link + * replace (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param string + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_replace($string, $search, $replace) +{ + return str_replace($search, $replace, $string); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.spacify.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.spacify.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dad057f9b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.spacify.php @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + * Name: spacify
+ * Purpose: add spaces between characters in a string + * @link + * spacify (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_spacify($string, $spacify_char = ' ') +{ + return implode($spacify_char, + preg_split('//', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.string_format.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.string_format.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..efd621506f --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.string_format.php @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + + * Name: string_format
+ * Purpose: format strings via sprintf + * @link + * string_format (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_string_format($string, $format) +{ + return sprintf($format, $string); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.strip.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.strip.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..738c6407e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.strip.php @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + * Name: strip
+ * Purpose: Replace all repeated spaces, newlines, tabs + * with a single space or supplied replacement string.
+ * Example: {$var|strip} {$var|strip:" "} + * Date: September 25th, 2002 + * @link + * strip (Smarty online manual) + * @author Monte Ohrt + * @version 1.0 + * @param string + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_strip($text, $replace = ' ') +{ + return preg_replace('!\s+!', $replace, $text); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..45f1ec14d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + + * Name: strip_tags
+ * Purpose: strip html tags from text + * @link + * strip_tags (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param boolean + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_strip_tags($string, $replace_with_space = true) +{ + if ($replace_with_space) + return preg_replace('!<[^>]*?>!', ' ', $string); + else + return strip_tags($string); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.truncate.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.truncate.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15a26ba975 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.truncate.php @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + * Name: truncate
+ * Purpose: Truncate a string to a certain length if necessary, + * optionally splitting in the middle of a word, and + * appending the $etc string. + * @link + * truncate (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param integer + * @param string + * @param boolean + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_truncate($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...', + $break_words = false) +{ + if ($length == 0) + return ''; + + if (strlen($string) > $length) { + $length -= strlen($etc); + if (!$break_words) + $string = preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '', substr($string, 0, $length+1)); + + return substr($string, 0, $length).$etc; + } else + return $string; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.upper.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.upper.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..69960ae721 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.upper.php @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + * Name: upper
+ * Purpose: convert string to uppercase + * @link + * upper (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_upper($string) +{ + return strtoupper($string); +} + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.wordwrap.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.wordwrap.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9a9fe94b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/modifier.wordwrap.php @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + + * Name: wordwrap
+ * Purpose: wrap a string of text at a given length + * @link + * wordwrap (Smarty online manual) + * @param string + * @param integer + * @param string + * @param boolean + * @return string + */ +function smarty_modifier_wordwrap($string,$length=80,$break="\n",$cut=false) +{ + return wordwrap($string,$length,$break,$cut); +} + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9979e85867 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ + + * Type: outputfilter
+ * Name: trimwhitespace
+ * Date: Jan 25, 2003
+ * Purpose: trim leading white space and blank lines from + * template source after it gets interpreted, cleaning + * up code and saving bandwidth. Does not affect + * <
and blocks.
+ * Install: Drop into the plugin directory, call + * $smarty->load_filter('output','trimwhitespace'); + * from application. + * @author Monte Ohrt + * @author Contributions from Lars Noschinski + * @version 1.3 + * @param string + * @param Smarty + */ +function smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace($source, &$smarty) +{ + // Pull out the script blocks + preg_match_all("!]+>.*?!is", $source, $match); + $_script_blocks = $match[0]; + $source = preg_replace("!]+>.*?!is", + '@@@SMARTY:TRIM:SCRIPT@@@', $source); + + // Pull out the pre blocks + preg_match_all("!
!is", $source, $match); + $_pre_blocks = $match[0]; + $source = preg_replace("!
!is", + '@@@SMARTY:TRIM:PRE@@@', $source); + + // Pull out the textarea blocks + preg_match_all("!]+>.*?!is", $source, $match); + $_textarea_blocks = $match[0]; + $source = preg_replace("!]+>.*?!is", + '@@@SMARTY:TRIM:TEXTAREA@@@', $source); + + // remove all leading spaces, tabs and carriage returns NOT + // preceeded by a php close tag. + $source = trim(preg_replace('/((?)\n)[\s]+/m', '\1', $source)); + + // replace script blocks + smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace_replace("@@@SMARTY:TRIM:SCRIPT@@@",$_script_blocks, $source); + + // replace pre blocks + smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace_replace("@@@SMARTY:TRIM:PRE@@@",$_pre_blocks, $source); + + // replace textarea blocks + smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace_replace("@@@SMARTY:TRIM:TEXTAREA@@@",$_textarea_blocks, $source); + + return $source; +} + +function smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace_replace($search_str, $replace, &$subject) { + $_len = strlen($search_str); + $_pos = 0; + for ($_i=0, $_count=count($replace); $_i<$_count; $_i++) + if (($_pos=strpos($subject, $search_str, $_pos))!==false) + $subject = substr_replace($subject, $replace[$_i], $_pos, $_len); + else + break; + +} + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/shared.escape_special_chars.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/shared.escape_special_chars.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..515763abed --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/shared.escape_special_chars.php @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + * Purpose: used by other smarty functions to escape + * special chars except for already escaped ones + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_function_escape_special_chars($string) +{ + if(!is_array($string)) { + $string = preg_replace('!&(#?\w+);!', '%%%SMARTY_START%%%\\1%%%SMARTY_END%%%', $string); + $string = htmlspecialchars($string); + $string = str_replace(array('%%%SMARTY_START%%%','%%%SMARTY_END%%%'), array('&',';'), $string); + } + return $string; +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..acdd777359 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/libs/plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + * Purpose: used by other smarty functions to make a timestamp + * from a string. + * @param string + * @return string + */ +function smarty_make_timestamp($string) +{ + if(empty($string)) { + $string = "now"; + } + $time = strtotime($string); + if (is_numeric($time) && $time != -1) + return $time; + + // is mysql timestamp format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS? + if (preg_match('/^\d{14}$/', $string)) { + $time = mktime(substr($string,8,2),substr($string,10,2),substr($string,12,2), + substr($string,4,2),substr($string,6,2),substr($string,0,4)); + + return $time; + } + + // couldn't recognize it, try to return a time + $time = (int) $string; + if ($time > 0) + return $time; + else + return time(); +} + +/* vim: set expandtab: */ + +?> diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.README b/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.README new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a5b4d05cc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.README @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Feel free to put the smarty icon on your site. +You can cut-and-paste the following code, be sure +to adjust the path to the image: + + + diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.gif b/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c077b02d8 Binary files /dev/null and b/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.gif differ diff --git a/stylesheets/davinci/wiki.png b/stylesheets/davinci/wiki.png index cd5bd4e256..69fce98855 100644 Binary files a/stylesheets/davinci/wiki.png and b/stylesheets/davinci/wiki.png differ