'.phan/internal_stubs/imagick.phan_php', 'memcached' => '.phan/internal_stubs/memcached.phan_php', 'oci8' => '.phan/internal_stubs/oci8.phan_php', 'pcntl' => '.phan/internal_stubs/pcntl.phan_php', 'redis' => '.phan/internal_stubs/redis.phan_php', 'sockets' => '.phan/internal_stubs/sockets.phan_php', 'sqlsrv' => '.phan/internal_stubs/sqlsrv.phan_php', 'tideways' => '.phan/internal_stubs/tideways.phan_php', ]; $cfg['directory_list'] = [ 'includes/', 'languages/', 'maintenance/', 'mw-config/', 'resources/', 'vendor/', '.phan/stubs/', ]; $cfg['exclude_analysis_directory_list'] = [ 'vendor/', '.phan/stubs/', // The referenced classes are not available in vendor, only when // included from composer. 'includes/composer/', // Directly references classes that only exist in Translate extension 'maintenance/language/', // External class 'includes/libs/jsminplus.php', ]; $cfg['suppress_issue_types'] = array_merge( $cfg['suppress_issue_types'], [ // approximate error count: 18 "PhanAccessMethodInternal", // approximate error count: 17 "PhanCommentParamOnEmptyParamList", // approximate error count: 29 "PhanCommentParamWithoutRealParam", // approximate error count: 21 "PhanParamReqAfterOpt", // approximate error count: 26 "PhanParamSignatureMismatch", // approximate error count: 127 "PhanParamTooMany", // approximate error count: 30 "PhanTypeArraySuspicious", // approximate error count: 27 "PhanTypeArraySuspiciousNullable", // approximate error count: 26 "PhanTypeComparisonFromArray", // approximate error count: 63 "PhanTypeInvalidDimOffset", // approximate error count: 154 "PhanTypeMismatchArgument", // approximate error count: 27 "PhanTypeMismatchArgumentInternal", // approximate error count: 27 "PhanTypeMismatchDimFetch", // approximate error count: 10 "PhanTypeMismatchForeach", // approximate error count: 77 "PhanTypeMismatchProperty", // approximate error count: 84 "PhanTypeMismatchReturn", // approximate error count: 12 "PhanTypeObjectUnsetDeclaredProperty", // approximate error count: 22 "PhanUndeclaredConstant", // approximate error count: 237 "PhanUndeclaredMethod", // approximate error count: 846 "PhanUndeclaredProperty", // approximate error count: 55 "PhanUndeclaredVariableDim", ] ); $cfg['ignore_undeclared_variables_in_global_scope'] = true; $cfg['globals_type_map'] = array_merge( $cfg['globals_type_map'], [ 'IP' => 'string', 'wgGalleryOptions' => 'array', 'wgDummyLanguageCodes' => 'string[]', ] ); return $cfg;