1234, 'slot_content_id' => 33, 'content_size' => '5', 'content_sha1' => 'someHash', 'content_address' => 'tt:456', 'model_name' => CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'format_name' => CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT, 'slot_revision_id' => '2', 'slot_inherited' => '1', 'role_name' => 'myRole', ]; return (object)$data; } public function testCompleteConstruction() { $row = $this->makeRow(); $record = new SlotRecord( $row, new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); $this->assertTrue( $record->hasAddress() ); $this->assertTrue( $record->hasRevision() ); $this->assertTrue( $record->isInherited() ); $this->assertSame( 'A', $record->getContent()->getNativeData() ); $this->assertSame( 5, $record->getSize() ); $this->assertSame( 'someHash', $record->getSha1() ); $this->assertSame( CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, $record->getModel() ); $this->assertSame( 2, $record->getRevision() ); $this->assertSame( 'tt:456', $record->getAddress() ); $this->assertSame( 33, $record->getContentId() ); $this->assertSame( CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT, $record->getFormat() ); $this->assertSame( 'myRole', $record->getRole() ); } public function testConstructionDeferred() { $row = $this->makeRow( [ 'content_size' => null, // to be computed 'content_sha1' => null, // to be computed 'format_name' => function () { return CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT; }, 'slot_inherited' => '0' ] ); $content = function () { return new WikitextContent( 'A' ); }; $record = new SlotRecord( $row, $content ); $this->assertTrue( $record->hasAddress() ); $this->assertTrue( $record->hasRevision() ); $this->assertFalse( $record->isInherited() ); $this->assertSame( 'A', $record->getContent()->getNativeData() ); $this->assertSame( 1, $record->getSize() ); $this->assertNotNull( $record->getSha1() ); $this->assertSame( CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, $record->getModel() ); $this->assertSame( 2, $record->getRevision() ); $this->assertSame( 'tt:456', $record->getAddress() ); $this->assertSame( 33, $record->getContentId() ); $this->assertSame( CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT, $record->getFormat() ); $this->assertSame( 'myRole', $record->getRole() ); } public function testNewUnsaved() { $record = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'myRole', new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); $this->assertFalse( $record->hasAddress() ); $this->assertFalse( $record->hasRevision() ); $this->assertFalse( $record->isInherited() ); $this->assertSame( 'A', $record->getContent()->getNativeData() ); $this->assertSame( 1, $record->getSize() ); $this->assertNotNull( $record->getSha1() ); $this->assertSame( CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, $record->getModel() ); $this->assertSame( 'myRole', $record->getRole() ); } public function provideInvalidConstruction() { yield 'both null' => [ null, null ]; yield 'null row' => [ null, new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ]; yield 'array row' => [ [], new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ]; yield 'empty row' => [ (object)[], new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ]; yield 'null content' => [ (object)[], null ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideInvalidConstruction */ public function testInvalidConstruction( $row, $content ) { $this->setExpectedException( InvalidArgumentException::class ); new SlotRecord( $row, $content ); } public function testGetContentId_fails() { $record = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'main', new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); $this->setExpectedException( IncompleteRevisionException::class ); $record->getContentId(); } public function testGetAddress_fails() { $record = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'main', new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); $this->setExpectedException( IncompleteRevisionException::class ); $record->getAddress(); } public function testGetRevision_fails() { $record = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'main', new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); $this->setExpectedException( IncompleteRevisionException::class ); $record->getRevision(); } public function provideHashStability() { yield [ '', 'phoiac9h4m842xq45sp7s6u21eteeq1' ]; yield [ 'Lorem ipsum', 'hcr5u40uxr81d3nx89nvwzclfz6r9c5' ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideHashStability */ public function testHashStability( $text, $hash ) { // Changing the output of the hash function will break things horribly! $this->assertSame( $hash, SlotRecord::base36Sha1( $text ) ); $record = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'main', new WikitextContent( $text ) ); $this->assertSame( $hash, $record->getSha1() ); } public function testNewWithSuppressedContent() { $input = new SlotRecord( $this->makeRow(), new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); $output = SlotRecord::newWithSuppressedContent( $input ); $this->setExpectedException( SuppressedDataException::class ); $output->getContent(); } public function testNewInherited() { $row = $this->makeRow( [ 'slot_revision_id' => 7, 'slot_inherited' => 0 ] ); $parent = new SlotRecord( $row, new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); // This would happen while doing an edit, before saving revision meta-data. $inherited = SlotRecord::newInherited( $parent ); $this->assertSame( $parent->getContentId(), $inherited->getContentId() ); $this->assertSame( $parent->getAddress(), $inherited->getAddress() ); $this->assertSame( $parent->getContent(), $inherited->getContent() ); $this->assertTrue( $inherited->isInherited() ); $this->assertFalse( $inherited->hasRevision() ); // make sure we didn't mess with the internal state of $parent $this->assertFalse( $parent->isInherited() ); $this->assertSame( 7, $parent->getRevision() ); // This would happen while doing an edit, after saving the revision meta-data // and content meta-data. $saved = SlotRecord::newSaved( 10, $inherited->getContentId(), $inherited->getAddress(), $inherited ); $this->assertSame( $parent->getContentId(), $saved->getContentId() ); $this->assertSame( $parent->getAddress(), $saved->getAddress() ); $this->assertSame( $parent->getContent(), $saved->getContent() ); $this->assertTrue( $saved->isInherited() ); $this->assertTrue( $saved->hasRevision() ); $this->assertSame( 10, $saved->getRevision() ); // make sure we didn't mess with the internal state of $parent or $inherited $this->assertSame( 7, $parent->getRevision() ); $this->assertFalse( $inherited->hasRevision() ); } public function testNewSaved() { // This would happen while doing an edit, before saving revision meta-data. $unsaved = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'main', new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); // This would happen while doing an edit, after saving the revision meta-data // and content meta-data. $saved = SlotRecord::newSaved( 10, 20, 'theNewAddress', $unsaved ); $this->assertFalse( $saved->isInherited() ); $this->assertTrue( $saved->hasRevision() ); $this->assertTrue( $saved->hasAddress() ); $this->assertSame( 'theNewAddress', $saved->getAddress() ); $this->assertSame( 20, $saved->getContentId() ); $this->assertSame( 'A', $saved->getContent()->getNativeData() ); $this->assertSame( 10, $saved->getRevision() ); // make sure we didn't mess with the internal state of $unsaved $this->assertFalse( $unsaved->hasAddress() ); $this->assertFalse( $unsaved->hasRevision() ); } public function provideNewSaved_LogicException() { $freshRow = $this->makeRow( [ 'content_id' => 10, 'content_address' => 'address:1', 'slot_inherited' => 0, 'slot_revision_id' => 1, ] ); $freshSlot = new SlotRecord( $freshRow, new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); yield 'mismatching address' => [ 1, 10, 'address:BAD', $freshSlot ]; yield 'mismatching revision' => [ 5, 10, 'address:1', $freshSlot ]; yield 'mismatching content ID' => [ 1, 17, 'address:1', $freshSlot ]; $inheritedRow = $this->makeRow( [ 'content_id' => null, 'content_address' => null, 'slot_inherited' => 1 ] ); $inheritedSlot = new SlotRecord( $inheritedRow, new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); yield 'inherited, but no address' => [ 1, 10, 'address:2', $inheritedSlot ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideNewSaved_LogicException */ public function testNewSaved_LogicException( $revisionId, $contentId, $contentAddress, SlotRecord $protoSlot ) { $this->setExpectedException( LogicException::class ); SlotRecord::newSaved( $revisionId, $contentId, $contentAddress, $protoSlot ); } public function provideNewSaved_InvalidArgumentException() { $unsaved = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'main', new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); yield 'bad revision id' => [ 'xyzzy', 5, 'address', $unsaved ]; yield 'bad content id' => [ 7, 'xyzzy', 'address', $unsaved ]; yield 'bad content address' => [ 7, 5, 77, $unsaved ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideNewSaved_InvalidArgumentException */ public function testNewSaved_InvalidArgumentException( $revisionId, $contentId, $contentAddress, SlotRecord $protoSlot ) { $this->setExpectedException( InvalidArgumentException::class ); SlotRecord::newSaved( $revisionId, $contentId, $contentAddress, $protoSlot ); } }