Moved stand-alone libraries to includes/libs.
authorTrevor Parscal <>
Thu, 9 Sep 2010 19:57:11 +0000 (19:57 +0000)
committerTrevor Parscal <>
Thu, 9 Sep 2010 19:57:11 +0000 (19:57 +0000)
includes/CSSJanus.php [deleted file]
includes/CSSMin.php [deleted file]
includes/JSMin.php [deleted file]
includes/libs/CSSJanus.php [new file with mode: 0644]
includes/libs/CSSMin.php [new file with mode: 0644]
includes/libs/JSMin.php [new file with mode: 0644]

index a37bf26..a994880 100644 (file)
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ $wgAutoloadLocalClasses = array(
        'ConstantDependency' => 'includes/CacheDependency.php',
        'CreativeCommonsRdf' => 'includes/Metadata.php',
        'Credits' => 'includes/Credits.php',
-       'CSSJanus' => 'includes/CSSJanus.php',
-       'CSSMin' => 'includes/CSSMin.php',
+       'CSSJanus' => 'includes/libs/CSSJanus.php',
+       'CSSMin' => 'includes/libs/CSSMin.php',
        'DBABagOStuff' => 'includes/BagOStuff.php',
        'DependencyWrapper' => 'includes/CacheDependency.php',
        'DiffHistoryBlob' => 'includes/HistoryBlob.php',
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ $wgAutoloadLocalClasses = array(
        'IndexPager' => 'includes/Pager.php',
        'Interwiki' => 'includes/Interwiki.php',
        'IP' => 'includes/IP.php',
-       'JSMin' => 'includes/JSMin.php',
+       'JSMin' => 'includes/libs/JSMin.php',
        'LCStore_DB' => 'includes/LocalisationCache.php',
        'LCStore_CDB' => 'includes/LocalisationCache.php',
        'LCStore_Null' => 'includes/LocalisationCache.php',
diff --git a/includes/CSSJanus.php b/includes/CSSJanus.php
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 08e8e09..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- *
- */
- * This is a PHP port of CSSJanus, a utility that transforms CSS style sheets
- * written for LTR to RTL.
- *
- * The original Python version of CSSJanus is Copyright 2008 by Google Inc. and
- * is distributed under the Apache license.
- *
- * Original code:
- * License of original code:
- * @author Roan Kattouw
- *
- */
-class CSSJanus {
-       // Patterns defined as null are built dynamically by buildPatterns()
-       private static $patterns = array(
-               'tmpToken' => '`TMP`',
-               'nonAscii' => '[\200-\377]',
-               'unicode' => '(?:(?:\\[0-9a-f]{1,6})(?:\r\n|\s)?)',
-               'num' => '(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)',
-               'unit' => '(?:em|ex|px|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|deg|rad|grad|ms|s|hz|khz|%)',
-               'body_selector' => 'body\s*{\s*',
-               'direction' => 'direction\s*:\s*',
-               'escape' => null,
-               'nmstart' => null,
-               'nmchar' => null,
-               'ident' => null,
-               'quantity' => null,
-               'possibly_negative_quantity' => null,
-               'color' => null,
-               'url_special_chars' => '[!#$%&*-~]',
-               'valid_after_uri_chars' => '[\'\"]?\s*',
-               'url_chars' => null,
-               'lookahead_not_open_brace' => null,
-               'lookahead_not_closing_paren' => null,
-               'lookahead_for_closing_paren' => null,
-               'lookbehind_not_letter' => '(?<![a-zA-Z])',
-               'chars_within_selector' => '[^\}]*?',
-               'noflip_annotation' => '\/\*\s*@noflip\s*\*\/',
-               'noflip_single' => null,
-               'noflip_class' => null,
-               'comment' => '/\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/*][^*]*\*+)*\//',
-               'body_direction_ltr' => null,
-               'body_direction_rtl' => null,
-               'left' => null,
-               'right' => null,
-               'left_in_url' => null,
-               'right_in_url' => null,
-               'ltr_in_url' => null,
-               'rtl_in_url' => null,
-               'cursor_east' => null,
-               'cursor_west' => null,
-               'four_notation_quantity' => null,
-               'four_notation_color' => null,
-               'bg_horizontal_percentage' => null,
-               'bg_horizontal_percentage_x' => null,
-       );
-       /**
-        * Build patterns we can't define above because they depend on other patterns.
-        */
-       private static function buildPatterns() {
-               if ( !is_null( self::$patterns['escape'] ) ) {
-                       // Patterns have already been built
-                       return;
-               }
-               $patterns =& self::$patterns;
-               $patterns['escape'] = "(?:{$patterns['unicode']}|\\[^\r\n\f0-9a-f])";
-               $patterns['nmstart'] = "(?:[_a-z]|{$patterns['nonAscii']}|{$patterns['escape']})";
-               $patterns['nmchar'] = "(?:[_a-z0-9-]|{$patterns['nonAscii']}|{$patterns['escape']})";
-               $patterns['ident'] = "-?{$patterns['nmstart']}{$patterns['nmchar']}*";
-               $patterns['quantity'] = "{$patterns['num']}(?:\s*{$patterns['unit']}|{$patterns['ident']})?";
-               $patterns['possibly_negative_quantity'] = "((?:-?{$patterns['quantity']})|(?:inherit|auto))";
-               $patterns['color'] = "(#?{$patterns['nmchar']}+)";
-               $patterns['url_chars'] = "(?:{$patterns['url_special_chars']}|{$patterns['nonAscii']}|{$patterns['escape']})*";
-               $patterns['lookahead_not_open_brace'] = "(?!({$patterns['nmchar']}|\r?\n|\s|#|\:|\.|\,|\+|>)*?{)";
-               $patterns['lookahead_not_closing_paren'] = "(?!{$patterns['url_chars']}?{$patterns['valid_after_uri_chars']}\))";
-               $patterns['lookahead_for_closing_paren'] = "(?={$patterns['url_chars']}?{$patterns['valid_after_uri_chars']}\))";
-               $patterns['noflip_single'] = "/({$patterns['noflip_annotation']}{$patterns['lookahead_not_open_brace']}[^;}]+;?)/i";
-               $patterns['noflip_class'] = "/({$patterns['noflip_annotation']}{$patterns['chars_within_selector']}})/i";
-               $patterns['body_direction_ltr'] = "/({$patterns['body_selector']}{$patterns['chars_within_selector']}{$patterns['direction']})ltr/i";
-               $patterns['body_direction_rtl'] = "/({$patterns['body_selector']}{$patterns['chars_within_selector']}{$patterns['direction']})rtl/i";
-               $patterns['left'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(left){$patterns['lookahead_not_closing_paren']}{$patterns['lookahead_not_open_brace']}/i";
-               $patterns['right'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(right){$patterns['lookahead_not_closing_paren']}{$patterns['lookahead_not_open_brace']}/i";
-               $patterns['left_in_url'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(left){$patterns['lookahead_for_closing_paren']}/i";
-               $patterns['right_in_url'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(right){$patterns['lookahead_for_closing_paren']}/i";
-               $patterns['ltr_in_url'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(ltr){$patterns['lookahead_for_closing_paren']}/i";
-               $patterns['rtl_in_url'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(rtl){$patterns['lookahead_for_closing_paren']}/i";
-               $patterns['cursor_east'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}([ns]?)e-resize/";
-               $patterns['cursor_west'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}([ns]?)w-resize/";
-               $patterns['four_notation_quantity'] = "/{$patterns['possibly_negative_quantity']}(\s+){$patterns['possibly_negative_quantity']}(\s+){$patterns['possibly_negative_quantity']}(\s+){$patterns['possibly_negative_quantity']}/i";
-               $patterns['four_notation_color'] = "/(-color\s*:\s*){$patterns['color']}(\s+){$patterns['color']}(\s+){$patterns['color']}(\s+){$patterns['color']}/i";
-               // The two regexes below are parenthesized differently then in the original implementation to make the
-               // callback's job more straightforward
-               $patterns['bg_horizontal_percentage'] = "/(background(?:-position)?\s*:\s*[^%]*?)({$patterns['num']})(%\s*(?:{$patterns['quantity']}|{$patterns['ident']}))/";
-               $patterns['bg_horizontal_percentage_x'] = "/(background-position-x\s*:\s*)({$patterns['num']})(%)/";
-       }
-       /**
-        * Transform an LTR stylesheet to RTL
-        * @param string $css Stylesheet to transform
-        * @param bool $swapLtrRtlInURL If true, swap 'ltr' and 'rtl' in URLs
-        * @param bool $swapLeftRightInURL If true, swap 'left' and 'right' in URLs
-        * @return Transformed stylesheet
-        */
-       public static function transform( $css, $swapLtrRtlInURL = false, $swapLeftRightInURL = false ) {
-               // We wrap tokens in ` , not ~ like the original implementation does.
-               // This was done because ` is not a legal character in CSS and can only
-               // occur in URLs, where we escape it to %60 before inserting our tokens.
-               $css = str_replace( '`', '%60', $css );
-               self::buildPatterns();
-               // Tokenize single line rules with /* @noflip */
-               $noFlipSingle = new CSSJanus_Tokenizer( self::$patterns['noflip_single'], '`NOFLIP_SINGLE`' );
-               $css = $noFlipSingle->tokenize( $css );
-               // Tokenize class rules with /* @noflip */
-               $noFlipClass = new CSSJanus_Tokenizer( self::$patterns['noflip_class'], '`NOFLIP_CLASS`' );
-               $css = $noFlipClass->tokenize( $css );
-               // Tokenize comments
-               $comments = new CSSJanus_Tokenizer( self::$patterns['comment'], '`C`' );
-               $css = $comments->tokenize( $css );
-               // LTR->RTL fixes start here
-               $css = self::fixBodyDirection( $css );
-               if ( $swapLtrRtlInURL ) {
-                       $css = self::fixLtrRtlInURL( $css );
-               }
-               if ( $swapLeftRightInURL ) {
-                       $css = self::fixLeftRightInURL( $css );
-               }
-               $css = self::fixLeftAndRight( $css );
-               $css = self::fixCursorProperties( $css );
-               $css = self::fixFourPartNotation( $css );
-               $css = self::fixBackgroundPosition( $css );
-               // Detokenize stuff we tokenized before
-               $css = $comments->detokenize( $css );
-               $css = $noFlipClass->detokenize( $css );
-               $css = $noFlipSingle->detokenize( $css );
-               return $css;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Replace direction: ltr; with direction: rtl; and vice versa, but *only*
-        * those inside a body { .. } selector.
-        *
-        * Unlike the original implementation, this function doesn't suffer from
-        * the bug causing "body\n{\ndirection: ltr;\n}" to be missed.
-        * See
-        */
-       private static function fixBodyDirection( $css ) {
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['body_direction_ltr'],
-                       '$1' . self::$patterns['tmpToken'], $css );
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['body_direction_rtl'], '$1ltr', $css );
-               $css = str_replace( self::$patterns['tmpToken'], 'rtl', $css );
-               return $css;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Replace 'ltr' with 'rtl' and vice versa in background URLs
-        */
-       private static function fixLtrRtlInURL( $css ) {
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['ltr_in_url'], self::$patterns['tmpToken'], $css );
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['rtl_in_url'], 'ltr', $css );
-               $css = str_replace( self::$patterns['tmpToken'], 'rtl', $css );
-               return $css;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Replace 'left' with 'right' and vice versa in background URLs
-        */
-       private static function fixLeftRightInURL( $css ) {
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['left_in_url'], self::$patterns['tmpToken'], $css );
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['right_in_url'], 'left', $css );
-               $css = str_replace( self::$patterns['tmpToken'], 'right', $css );
-               return $css;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Flip rules like left: , padding-right: , etc.
-        */
-       private static function fixLeftAndRight( $css ) {
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['left'], self::$patterns['tmpToken'], $css );
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['right'], 'left', $css );
-               $css = str_replace( self::$patterns['tmpToken'], 'right', $css );
-               return $css;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Flip East and West in rules like cursor: nw-resize;
-        */
-       private static function fixCursorProperties( $css ) {
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['cursor_east'],
-                       '$1' . self::$patterns['tmpToken'], $css );
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['cursor_west'], '$1e-resize', $css );
-               $css = str_replace( self::$patterns['tmpToken'], 'w-resize', $css );
-               return $css;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Swap the second and fourth parts in four-part notation rules like
-        * padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px;
-        *
-        * Unlike the original implementation, this function doesn't suffer from
-        * the bug where whitespace is not preserved when flipping four-part rules
-        * and four-part color rules with multiple whitespace characters between
-        * colors are not recognized.
-        * See
-        */
-       private static function fixFourPartNotation( $css ) {
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['four_notation_quantity'], '$1$2$7$4$5$6$3', $css );
-               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['four_notation_color'], '$1$2$3$8$5$6$7$4', $css );
-               return $css;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Flip horizontal background percentages.
-        */
-       private static function fixBackgroundPosition( $css ) {
-               $css = preg_replace_callback( self::$patterns['bg_horizontal_percentage'],
-                       array( 'self', 'calculateNewBackgroundPosition' ), $css );
-               $css = preg_replace_callback( self::$patterns['bg_horizontal_percentage_x'],
-                       array( 'self', 'calculateNewBackgroundPosition' ), $css );
-               return $css;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Callback for calculateNewBackgroundPosition()
-        */
-       private static function calculateNewBackgroundPosition( $matches ) {
-               return $matches[1] . ( 100 - $matches[2] ) . $matches[3];
-       }
- * Utility class used by CSSJanus that tokenizes and untokenizes things we want
- * to protect from being janused.
- * @author Roan Kattouw
- */
-class CSSJanus_Tokenizer {
-       private $regex, $token;
-       private $originals;
-       /**
-        * Constructor
-        * @param $regex string Regular expression whose matches to replace by a token.
-        * @param $token string Token
-        */
-       public function __construct( $regex, $token ) {
-               $this->regex = $regex;
-               $this->token = $token;
-               $this->originals = array();
-       }
-       /**
-        * Replace all occurrences of $regex in $str with a token and remember
-        * the original strings.
-        * @param $str string String to tokenize
-        * @return string Tokenized string
-        */
-       public function tokenize( $str ) {
-               return preg_replace_callback( $this->regex, array( $this, 'tokenizeCallback' ), $str );
-       }
-       private function tokenizeCallback( $matches ) {
-               $this->originals[] = $matches[0];
-               return $this->token;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Replace tokens with their originals. If multiple strings were tokenized, it's important they be
-        * detokenized in exactly the SAME ORDER.
-        * @param string $str String previously run through tokenize()
-        * @return string Original string
-        */
-       public function detokenize( $str ) {
-               // PHP has no function to replace only the first occurrence or to
-               // replace occurrences of the same string with different values,
-               // so we use preg_replace_callback() even though we don't really need a regex
-               return preg_replace_callback( '/' . preg_quote( $this->token, '/' ) . '/',
-                       array( $this, 'detokenizeCallback' ), $str );
-       }
-       private function detokenizeCallback( $matches ) {
-               $retval = current( $this->originals );
-               next( $this->originals );
-               return $retval;
-       }
diff --git a/includes/CSSMin.php b/includes/CSSMin.php
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 40f893d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
- * Transforms CSS data
- * 
- * This class provides minification, URL remapping, URL extracting, and data-URL embedding.
- * 
- * @author Trevor Parscal
- */
-class CSSMin {
-       /* Constants */
-       /**
-        * Maximum file size to still qualify for in-line embedding as a data-URI
-        *
-        * 24,576 is used because Internet Explorer has a 32,768 byte limit for data URIs, which when base64 encoded will
-        * result in a 1/3 increase in size.
-        */
-       const EMBED_SIZE_LIMIT = 24576;
-       /* Static Methods */
-       /**
-        * Gets a list of local file paths which are referenced in a CSS style sheet
-        *
-        * @param $source string CSS data to remap
-        * @param $path string File path where the source was read from (optional)
-        * @return array List of local file references
-        */
-       public static function getLocalFileReferences( $source, $path = null ) {
-               $pattern = '/url\([\'"]?(?<file>[^\?\)\:]*)\??[^\)]*[\'"]?\)/';
-               $files = array();
-               if ( preg_match_all( $pattern, $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
-                       foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
-                               $file = ( isset( $path ) ? rtrim( $path, '/' ) . '/' : '' ) . "{$match['file'][0]}";
-                               // Only proceed if we can access the file
-                               if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
-                                       $files[] = $file;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               return $files;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Remaps CSS URL paths and automatically embeds data URIs for URL rules preceded by an /* @embed * / comment
-        *
-        * @param $source string CSS data to remap
-        * @param $path string File path where the source was read from
-        * @return string Remapped CSS data
-        */
-       public static function remap( $source, $path, $embed = true ) {
-               $pattern = '/((?<embed>\s*\/\*\s*\@embed\s*\*\/)(?<rule>[^\;\}]*))?url\([\'"]?(?<file>[^\?\)\:]*)\??[^\)]*[\'"]?\)(?<extra>[^;]*)[\;]?/';
-               $offset = 0;
-               while ( preg_match( $pattern, $source, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset ) ) {
-                       // Shortcuts
-                       $embed = $match['embed'][0];
-                       $rule = $match['rule'][0];
-                       $extra = $match['extra'][0];
-                       $file = "{$path}/{$match['file'][0]}";
-                       // Only proceed if we can access the file
-                       if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
-                               // Add version parameter as a time-stamp in ISO 8601 format, using Z for the timezone, meaning GMT
-                               $url = "{$file}?" . gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', round( filemtime( $file ), -2 ) );
-                               // Detect when URLs were preceeded with embed tags, and also verify file size is below the limit
-                               if ( $embed && $match['embed'][1] > 0 && filesize( $file ) < self::EMBED_SIZE_LIMIT ) {
-                                       // If we ever get to PHP 5.3, we should use the Fileinfo extension instead of mime_content_type
-                                       $type = mime_content_type( $file );
-                                       // Strip off any trailing = symbols (makes browsers freak out)
-                                       $data = base64_encode( file_get_contents( $file ) );
-                                       // Build 2 CSS properties; one which uses a base64 encoded data URI in place of the @embed
-                                       // comment to try and retain line-number integrity , and the other with a remapped an versioned
-                                       // URL and an Internet Explorer hack making it ignored in all browsers that support data URIs
-                                       $replacement = "{$rule}url(data:{$type};base64,{$data}){$extra};{$rule}url({$url}){$extra}!ie;";
-                               } else {
-                                       // Build a CSS property with a remapped and versioned URL
-                                       $replacement = "{$embed}{$rule}url({$url}){$extra};";
-                               }
-                               // Perform replacement on the source
-                               $source = substr_replace( $source, $replacement, $match[0][1], strlen( $match[0][0] ) );
-                               // Move the offset to the end of the replacement in the source
-                               $offset = $match[0][1] + strlen( $replacement );
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       // Move the offset to the end of the match, leaving it alone
-                       $offset = $match[0][1] + strlen( $match[0][0] );
-               }
-               return $source;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Removes whitespace from CSS data
-        *
-        * @param $source string CSS data to minify
-        * @return string Minified CSS data
-        */
-       public static function minify( $css ) {
-               return trim(
-                       str_replace(
-                               array( '; ', ': ', ' {', '{ ', ', ', '} ', ';}' ),
-                               array( ';', ':', '{', '{', ',', '}', '}' ),
-                               preg_replace( array( '/\s+/', '/\/\*.*?\*\//s' ), array( ' ', '' ), $css )
-                       )
-               );
-       }
diff --git a/includes/JSMin.php b/includes/JSMin.php
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5c8391d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
- * jsmin.php - PHP implementation of Douglas Crockford's JSMin.
- *
- * This is pretty much a direct port of jsmin.c to PHP with just a few
- * PHP-specific performance tweaks. Also, whereas jsmin.c reads from stdin and
- * outputs to stdout, this library accepts a string as input and returns another
- * string as output.
- *
- * PHP 5 or higher is required.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted to use this version of the library under the
- * same terms as jsmin.c, which has the following license:
- *
- * --
- * Copyright (c) 2002 Douglas Crockford  (
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
- * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
- * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
- * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
- * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
- * so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- * The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.
- *
- * --
- *
- * @file
- * @author Ryan Grove <>
- * @copyright 2002 Douglas Crockford <> (jsmin.c)
- * @copyright 2008 Ryan Grove <> (PHP port)
- * @license MIT License
- * @version 1.1.1 (2008-03-02)
- * @link
- */
-class JSMin {
-       const ORD_LF    = 10;
-       const ORD_SPACE = 32;
-       protected $a           = '';
-       protected $b           = '';
-       protected $input       = '';
-       protected $inputIndex  = 0;
-       protected $inputLength = 0;
-       protected $lookAhead   = null;
-       protected $output      = '';
-       // -- Public Static Methods --------------------------------------------------
-       public static function minify( $js ) {
-               $jsmin = new JSMin( $js );
-               $ret = $jsmin->min();
-               return $ret;
-       }
-       // -- Public Instance Methods ------------------------------------------------
-       public function __construct( $input ) {
-               $this->input       = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $input );
-               $this->inputLength = strlen( $this->input );
-       }
-       // -- Protected Instance Methods ---------------------------------------------
-       protected function action( $d ) {
-               switch( $d ) {
-                       case 1:
-                               $this->output .= $this->a;
-                       case 2:
-                               $this->a = $this->b;
-                               if ( $this->a === "'" || $this->a === '"' ) {
-                                       for ( ; ; ) {
-                                               $this->output .= $this->a;
-                                               $this->a       = $this->get();
-                                               if ( $this->a === $this->b ) {
-                                                       break;
-                                               }
-                                               if ( ord( $this->a ) <= self::ORD_LF ) {
-                                                       throw new JSMinException( 'Unterminated string literal.' );
-                                               }
-                                               if ( $this->a === '\\' ) {
-                                                       $this->output .= $this->a;
-                                                       $this->a       = $this->get();
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       case 3:
-                               $this->b = $this->next();
-                               if ( $this->b === '/' && (
-                                               $this->a === '(' || $this->a === ',' || $this->a === '=' ||
-                                               $this->a === ':' || $this->a === '[' || $this->a === '!' ||
-                                               $this->a === '&' || $this->a === '|' || $this->a === '?' ) ) {
-                                       $this->output .= $this->a . $this->b;
-                                       for ( ; ; ) {
-                                               $this->a = $this->get();
-                                               if ( $this->a === '/' ) {
-                                                       break;
-                                               } elseif ( $this->a === '\\' ) {
-                                                       $this->output .= $this->a;
-                                                       $this->a       = $this->get();
-                                               } elseif ( ord( $this->a ) <= self::ORD_LF ) {
-                                                       throw new JSMinException( 'Unterminated regular expression ' .
-                                                                       'literal.' );
-                                               }
-                                               $this->output .= $this->a;
-                                       }
-                                       $this->b = $this->next();
-                               }
-               }
-       }
-       protected function get() {
-               $c = $this->lookAhead;
-               $this->lookAhead = null;
-               if ( $c === null ) {
-                       if ( $this->inputIndex < $this->inputLength ) {
-                               $c = substr( $this->input, $this->inputIndex, 1 );
-                               $this->inputIndex += 1;
-                       } else {
-                               $c = null;
-                       }
-               }
-               if ( $c === "\r" ) {
-                       return "\n";
-               }
-               if ( $c === null || $c === "\n" || ord( $c ) >= self::ORD_SPACE ) {
-                       return $c;
-               }
-               return ' ';
-       }
-       protected function isAlphaNum( $c ) {
-               return ord( $c ) > 126 || $c === '\\' || preg_match( '/^[\w\$]$/', $c ) === 1;
-       }
-       protected function min() {
-               $this->a = "\n";
-               $this->action( 3 );
-               while ( $this->a !== null ) {
-                       switch ( $this->a ) {
-                               case ' ':
-                                       if ( $this->isAlphaNum( $this->b ) ) {
-                                               $this->action( 1 );
-                                       } else {
-                                               $this->action( 2 );
-                                       }
-                                       break;
-                               case "\n":
-                                       switch ( $this->b ) {
-                                               case '{':
-                                               case '[':
-                                               case '(':
-                                               case '+':
-                                               case '-':
-                                                       $this->action( 1 );
-                                                       break;
-                                               case ' ':
-                                                       $this->action( 3 );
-                                                       break;
-                                               default:
-                                                       if ( $this->isAlphaNum( $this->b ) ) {
-                                                               $this->action( 1 );
-                                                       }
-                                                       else {
-                                                               $this->action( 2 );
-                                                       }
-                                       }
-                                       break;
-                               default:
-                                       switch ( $this->b ) {
-                                               case ' ':
-                                                       if ( $this->isAlphaNum( $this->a ) ) {
-                                                               $this->action( 1 );
-                                                               break;
-                                                       }
-                                                       $this->action( 3 );
-                                                       break;
-                                               case "\n":
-                                                       switch ( $this->a ) {
-                                                               case '}':
-                                                               case ']':
-                                                               case ')':
-                                                               case '+':
-                                                               case '-':
-                                                               case '"':
-                                                               case "'":
-                                                                       $this->action( 1 );
-                                                                       break;
-                                                               default:
-                                                                       if ( $this->isAlphaNum( $this->a ) ) {
-                                                                               $this->action( 1 );
-                                                                       }
-                                                                       else {
-                                                                               $this->action( 3 );
-                                                                       }
-                                                       }
-                                                       break;
-                                               default:
-                                                       $this->action( 1 );
-                                                       break;
-                                       }
-                       }
-               }
-               return $this->output;
-       }
-       protected function next() {
-               $c = $this->get();
-               if ( $c === '/' ) {
-                       switch( $this->peek() ) {
-                               case '/':
-                                       for ( ; ; ) {
-                                               $c = $this->get();
-                                               if ( ord( $c ) <= self::ORD_LF ) {
-                                                       return $c;
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               case '*':
-                                       $this->get();
-                                       for ( ; ; ) {
-                                               switch( $this->get() ) {
-                                                       case '*':
-                                                               if ( $this->peek() === '/' ) {
-                                                                       $this->get();
-                                                                       return ' ';
-                                                               }
-                                                               break;
-                                                       case null:
-                                                               throw new JSMinException( 'Unterminated comment.' );
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               default:
-                                       return $c;
-                       }
-               }
-               return $c;
-       }
-       protected function peek() {
-               $this->lookAhead = $this->get();
-               return $this->lookAhead;
-       }
-// -- Exceptions ---------------------------------------------------------------
-class JSMinException extends Exception {}
diff --git a/includes/libs/CSSJanus.php b/includes/libs/CSSJanus.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..08e8e09
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ * This is a PHP port of CSSJanus, a utility that transforms CSS style sheets
+ * written for LTR to RTL.
+ *
+ * The original Python version of CSSJanus is Copyright 2008 by Google Inc. and
+ * is distributed under the Apache license.
+ *
+ * Original code:
+ * License of original code:
+ * @author Roan Kattouw
+ *
+ */
+class CSSJanus {
+       // Patterns defined as null are built dynamically by buildPatterns()
+       private static $patterns = array(
+               'tmpToken' => '`TMP`',
+               'nonAscii' => '[\200-\377]',
+               'unicode' => '(?:(?:\\[0-9a-f]{1,6})(?:\r\n|\s)?)',
+               'num' => '(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)',
+               'unit' => '(?:em|ex|px|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|deg|rad|grad|ms|s|hz|khz|%)',
+               'body_selector' => 'body\s*{\s*',
+               'direction' => 'direction\s*:\s*',
+               'escape' => null,
+               'nmstart' => null,
+               'nmchar' => null,
+               'ident' => null,
+               'quantity' => null,
+               'possibly_negative_quantity' => null,
+               'color' => null,
+               'url_special_chars' => '[!#$%&*-~]',
+               'valid_after_uri_chars' => '[\'\"]?\s*',
+               'url_chars' => null,
+               'lookahead_not_open_brace' => null,
+               'lookahead_not_closing_paren' => null,
+               'lookahead_for_closing_paren' => null,
+               'lookbehind_not_letter' => '(?<![a-zA-Z])',
+               'chars_within_selector' => '[^\}]*?',
+               'noflip_annotation' => '\/\*\s*@noflip\s*\*\/',
+               'noflip_single' => null,
+               'noflip_class' => null,
+               'comment' => '/\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/*][^*]*\*+)*\//',
+               'body_direction_ltr' => null,
+               'body_direction_rtl' => null,
+               'left' => null,
+               'right' => null,
+               'left_in_url' => null,
+               'right_in_url' => null,
+               'ltr_in_url' => null,
+               'rtl_in_url' => null,
+               'cursor_east' => null,
+               'cursor_west' => null,
+               'four_notation_quantity' => null,
+               'four_notation_color' => null,
+               'bg_horizontal_percentage' => null,
+               'bg_horizontal_percentage_x' => null,
+       );
+       /**
+        * Build patterns we can't define above because they depend on other patterns.
+        */
+       private static function buildPatterns() {
+               if ( !is_null( self::$patterns['escape'] ) ) {
+                       // Patterns have already been built
+                       return;
+               }
+               $patterns =& self::$patterns;
+               $patterns['escape'] = "(?:{$patterns['unicode']}|\\[^\r\n\f0-9a-f])";
+               $patterns['nmstart'] = "(?:[_a-z]|{$patterns['nonAscii']}|{$patterns['escape']})";
+               $patterns['nmchar'] = "(?:[_a-z0-9-]|{$patterns['nonAscii']}|{$patterns['escape']})";
+               $patterns['ident'] = "-?{$patterns['nmstart']}{$patterns['nmchar']}*";
+               $patterns['quantity'] = "{$patterns['num']}(?:\s*{$patterns['unit']}|{$patterns['ident']})?";
+               $patterns['possibly_negative_quantity'] = "((?:-?{$patterns['quantity']})|(?:inherit|auto))";
+               $patterns['color'] = "(#?{$patterns['nmchar']}+)";
+               $patterns['url_chars'] = "(?:{$patterns['url_special_chars']}|{$patterns['nonAscii']}|{$patterns['escape']})*";
+               $patterns['lookahead_not_open_brace'] = "(?!({$patterns['nmchar']}|\r?\n|\s|#|\:|\.|\,|\+|>)*?{)";
+               $patterns['lookahead_not_closing_paren'] = "(?!{$patterns['url_chars']}?{$patterns['valid_after_uri_chars']}\))";
+               $patterns['lookahead_for_closing_paren'] = "(?={$patterns['url_chars']}?{$patterns['valid_after_uri_chars']}\))";
+               $patterns['noflip_single'] = "/({$patterns['noflip_annotation']}{$patterns['lookahead_not_open_brace']}[^;}]+;?)/i";
+               $patterns['noflip_class'] = "/({$patterns['noflip_annotation']}{$patterns['chars_within_selector']}})/i";
+               $patterns['body_direction_ltr'] = "/({$patterns['body_selector']}{$patterns['chars_within_selector']}{$patterns['direction']})ltr/i";
+               $patterns['body_direction_rtl'] = "/({$patterns['body_selector']}{$patterns['chars_within_selector']}{$patterns['direction']})rtl/i";
+               $patterns['left'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(left){$patterns['lookahead_not_closing_paren']}{$patterns['lookahead_not_open_brace']}/i";
+               $patterns['right'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(right){$patterns['lookahead_not_closing_paren']}{$patterns['lookahead_not_open_brace']}/i";
+               $patterns['left_in_url'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(left){$patterns['lookahead_for_closing_paren']}/i";
+               $patterns['right_in_url'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(right){$patterns['lookahead_for_closing_paren']}/i";
+               $patterns['ltr_in_url'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(ltr){$patterns['lookahead_for_closing_paren']}/i";
+               $patterns['rtl_in_url'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}(rtl){$patterns['lookahead_for_closing_paren']}/i";
+               $patterns['cursor_east'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}([ns]?)e-resize/";
+               $patterns['cursor_west'] = "/{$patterns['lookbehind_not_letter']}([ns]?)w-resize/";
+               $patterns['four_notation_quantity'] = "/{$patterns['possibly_negative_quantity']}(\s+){$patterns['possibly_negative_quantity']}(\s+){$patterns['possibly_negative_quantity']}(\s+){$patterns['possibly_negative_quantity']}/i";
+               $patterns['four_notation_color'] = "/(-color\s*:\s*){$patterns['color']}(\s+){$patterns['color']}(\s+){$patterns['color']}(\s+){$patterns['color']}/i";
+               // The two regexes below are parenthesized differently then in the original implementation to make the
+               // callback's job more straightforward
+               $patterns['bg_horizontal_percentage'] = "/(background(?:-position)?\s*:\s*[^%]*?)({$patterns['num']})(%\s*(?:{$patterns['quantity']}|{$patterns['ident']}))/";
+               $patterns['bg_horizontal_percentage_x'] = "/(background-position-x\s*:\s*)({$patterns['num']})(%)/";
+       }
+       /**
+        * Transform an LTR stylesheet to RTL
+        * @param string $css Stylesheet to transform
+        * @param bool $swapLtrRtlInURL If true, swap 'ltr' and 'rtl' in URLs
+        * @param bool $swapLeftRightInURL If true, swap 'left' and 'right' in URLs
+        * @return Transformed stylesheet
+        */
+       public static function transform( $css, $swapLtrRtlInURL = false, $swapLeftRightInURL = false ) {
+               // We wrap tokens in ` , not ~ like the original implementation does.
+               // This was done because ` is not a legal character in CSS and can only
+               // occur in URLs, where we escape it to %60 before inserting our tokens.
+               $css = str_replace( '`', '%60', $css );
+               self::buildPatterns();
+               // Tokenize single line rules with /* @noflip */
+               $noFlipSingle = new CSSJanus_Tokenizer( self::$patterns['noflip_single'], '`NOFLIP_SINGLE`' );
+               $css = $noFlipSingle->tokenize( $css );
+               // Tokenize class rules with /* @noflip */
+               $noFlipClass = new CSSJanus_Tokenizer( self::$patterns['noflip_class'], '`NOFLIP_CLASS`' );
+               $css = $noFlipClass->tokenize( $css );
+               // Tokenize comments
+               $comments = new CSSJanus_Tokenizer( self::$patterns['comment'], '`C`' );
+               $css = $comments->tokenize( $css );
+               // LTR->RTL fixes start here
+               $css = self::fixBodyDirection( $css );
+               if ( $swapLtrRtlInURL ) {
+                       $css = self::fixLtrRtlInURL( $css );
+               }
+               if ( $swapLeftRightInURL ) {
+                       $css = self::fixLeftRightInURL( $css );
+               }
+               $css = self::fixLeftAndRight( $css );
+               $css = self::fixCursorProperties( $css );
+               $css = self::fixFourPartNotation( $css );
+               $css = self::fixBackgroundPosition( $css );
+               // Detokenize stuff we tokenized before
+               $css = $comments->detokenize( $css );
+               $css = $noFlipClass->detokenize( $css );
+               $css = $noFlipSingle->detokenize( $css );
+               return $css;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Replace direction: ltr; with direction: rtl; and vice versa, but *only*
+        * those inside a body { .. } selector.
+        *
+        * Unlike the original implementation, this function doesn't suffer from
+        * the bug causing "body\n{\ndirection: ltr;\n}" to be missed.
+        * See
+        */
+       private static function fixBodyDirection( $css ) {
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['body_direction_ltr'],
+                       '$1' . self::$patterns['tmpToken'], $css );
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['body_direction_rtl'], '$1ltr', $css );
+               $css = str_replace( self::$patterns['tmpToken'], 'rtl', $css );
+               return $css;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Replace 'ltr' with 'rtl' and vice versa in background URLs
+        */
+       private static function fixLtrRtlInURL( $css ) {
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['ltr_in_url'], self::$patterns['tmpToken'], $css );
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['rtl_in_url'], 'ltr', $css );
+               $css = str_replace( self::$patterns['tmpToken'], 'rtl', $css );
+               return $css;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Replace 'left' with 'right' and vice versa in background URLs
+        */
+       private static function fixLeftRightInURL( $css ) {
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['left_in_url'], self::$patterns['tmpToken'], $css );
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['right_in_url'], 'left', $css );
+               $css = str_replace( self::$patterns['tmpToken'], 'right', $css );
+               return $css;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Flip rules like left: , padding-right: , etc.
+        */
+       private static function fixLeftAndRight( $css ) {
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['left'], self::$patterns['tmpToken'], $css );
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['right'], 'left', $css );
+               $css = str_replace( self::$patterns['tmpToken'], 'right', $css );
+               return $css;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Flip East and West in rules like cursor: nw-resize;
+        */
+       private static function fixCursorProperties( $css ) {
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['cursor_east'],
+                       '$1' . self::$patterns['tmpToken'], $css );
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['cursor_west'], '$1e-resize', $css );
+               $css = str_replace( self::$patterns['tmpToken'], 'w-resize', $css );
+               return $css;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Swap the second and fourth parts in four-part notation rules like
+        * padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px;
+        *
+        * Unlike the original implementation, this function doesn't suffer from
+        * the bug where whitespace is not preserved when flipping four-part rules
+        * and four-part color rules with multiple whitespace characters between
+        * colors are not recognized.
+        * See
+        */
+       private static function fixFourPartNotation( $css ) {
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['four_notation_quantity'], '$1$2$7$4$5$6$3', $css );
+               $css = preg_replace( self::$patterns['four_notation_color'], '$1$2$3$8$5$6$7$4', $css );
+               return $css;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Flip horizontal background percentages.
+        */
+       private static function fixBackgroundPosition( $css ) {
+               $css = preg_replace_callback( self::$patterns['bg_horizontal_percentage'],
+                       array( 'self', 'calculateNewBackgroundPosition' ), $css );
+               $css = preg_replace_callback( self::$patterns['bg_horizontal_percentage_x'],
+                       array( 'self', 'calculateNewBackgroundPosition' ), $css );
+               return $css;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Callback for calculateNewBackgroundPosition()
+        */
+       private static function calculateNewBackgroundPosition( $matches ) {
+               return $matches[1] . ( 100 - $matches[2] ) . $matches[3];
+       }
+ * Utility class used by CSSJanus that tokenizes and untokenizes things we want
+ * to protect from being janused.
+ * @author Roan Kattouw
+ */
+class CSSJanus_Tokenizer {
+       private $regex, $token;
+       private $originals;
+       /**
+        * Constructor
+        * @param $regex string Regular expression whose matches to replace by a token.
+        * @param $token string Token
+        */
+       public function __construct( $regex, $token ) {
+               $this->regex = $regex;
+               $this->token = $token;
+               $this->originals = array();
+       }
+       /**
+        * Replace all occurrences of $regex in $str with a token and remember
+        * the original strings.
+        * @param $str string String to tokenize
+        * @return string Tokenized string
+        */
+       public function tokenize( $str ) {
+               return preg_replace_callback( $this->regex, array( $this, 'tokenizeCallback' ), $str );
+       }
+       private function tokenizeCallback( $matches ) {
+               $this->originals[] = $matches[0];
+               return $this->token;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Replace tokens with their originals. If multiple strings were tokenized, it's important they be
+        * detokenized in exactly the SAME ORDER.
+        * @param string $str String previously run through tokenize()
+        * @return string Original string
+        */
+       public function detokenize( $str ) {
+               // PHP has no function to replace only the first occurrence or to
+               // replace occurrences of the same string with different values,
+               // so we use preg_replace_callback() even though we don't really need a regex
+               return preg_replace_callback( '/' . preg_quote( $this->token, '/' ) . '/',
+                       array( $this, 'detokenizeCallback' ), $str );
+       }
+       private function detokenizeCallback( $matches ) {
+               $retval = current( $this->originals );
+               next( $this->originals );
+               return $retval;
+       }
diff --git a/includes/libs/CSSMin.php b/includes/libs/CSSMin.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..40f893d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+ * Transforms CSS data
+ * 
+ * This class provides minification, URL remapping, URL extracting, and data-URL embedding.
+ * 
+ * @author Trevor Parscal
+ */
+class CSSMin {
+       /* Constants */
+       /**
+        * Maximum file size to still qualify for in-line embedding as a data-URI
+        *
+        * 24,576 is used because Internet Explorer has a 32,768 byte limit for data URIs, which when base64 encoded will
+        * result in a 1/3 increase in size.
+        */
+       const EMBED_SIZE_LIMIT = 24576;
+       /* Static Methods */
+       /**
+        * Gets a list of local file paths which are referenced in a CSS style sheet
+        *
+        * @param $source string CSS data to remap
+        * @param $path string File path where the source was read from (optional)
+        * @return array List of local file references
+        */
+       public static function getLocalFileReferences( $source, $path = null ) {
+               $pattern = '/url\([\'"]?(?<file>[^\?\)\:]*)\??[^\)]*[\'"]?\)/';
+               $files = array();
+               if ( preg_match_all( $pattern, $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
+                       foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
+                               $file = ( isset( $path ) ? rtrim( $path, '/' ) . '/' : '' ) . "{$match['file'][0]}";
+                               // Only proceed if we can access the file
+                               if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
+                                       $files[] = $file;
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               return $files;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Remaps CSS URL paths and automatically embeds data URIs for URL rules preceded by an /* @embed * / comment
+        *
+        * @param $source string CSS data to remap
+        * @param $path string File path where the source was read from
+        * @return string Remapped CSS data
+        */
+       public static function remap( $source, $path, $embed = true ) {
+               $pattern = '/((?<embed>\s*\/\*\s*\@embed\s*\*\/)(?<rule>[^\;\}]*))?url\([\'"]?(?<file>[^\?\)\:]*)\??[^\)]*[\'"]?\)(?<extra>[^;]*)[\;]?/';
+               $offset = 0;
+               while ( preg_match( $pattern, $source, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset ) ) {
+                       // Shortcuts
+                       $embed = $match['embed'][0];
+                       $rule = $match['rule'][0];
+                       $extra = $match['extra'][0];
+                       $file = "{$path}/{$match['file'][0]}";
+                       // Only proceed if we can access the file
+                       if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
+                               // Add version parameter as a time-stamp in ISO 8601 format, using Z for the timezone, meaning GMT
+                               $url = "{$file}?" . gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', round( filemtime( $file ), -2 ) );
+                               // Detect when URLs were preceeded with embed tags, and also verify file size is below the limit
+                               if ( $embed && $match['embed'][1] > 0 && filesize( $file ) < self::EMBED_SIZE_LIMIT ) {
+                                       // If we ever get to PHP 5.3, we should use the Fileinfo extension instead of mime_content_type
+                                       $type = mime_content_type( $file );
+                                       // Strip off any trailing = symbols (makes browsers freak out)
+                                       $data = base64_encode( file_get_contents( $file ) );
+                                       // Build 2 CSS properties; one which uses a base64 encoded data URI in place of the @embed
+                                       // comment to try and retain line-number integrity , and the other with a remapped an versioned
+                                       // URL and an Internet Explorer hack making it ignored in all browsers that support data URIs
+                                       $replacement = "{$rule}url(data:{$type};base64,{$data}){$extra};{$rule}url({$url}){$extra}!ie;";
+                               } else {
+                                       // Build a CSS property with a remapped and versioned URL
+                                       $replacement = "{$embed}{$rule}url({$url}){$extra};";
+                               }
+                               // Perform replacement on the source
+                               $source = substr_replace( $source, $replacement, $match[0][1], strlen( $match[0][0] ) );
+                               // Move the offset to the end of the replacement in the source
+                               $offset = $match[0][1] + strlen( $replacement );
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       // Move the offset to the end of the match, leaving it alone
+                       $offset = $match[0][1] + strlen( $match[0][0] );
+               }
+               return $source;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Removes whitespace from CSS data
+        *
+        * @param $source string CSS data to minify
+        * @return string Minified CSS data
+        */
+       public static function minify( $css ) {
+               return trim(
+                       str_replace(
+                               array( '; ', ': ', ' {', '{ ', ', ', '} ', ';}' ),
+                               array( ';', ':', '{', '{', ',', '}', '}' ),
+                               preg_replace( array( '/\s+/', '/\/\*.*?\*\//s' ), array( ' ', '' ), $css )
+                       )
+               );
+       }
diff --git a/includes/libs/JSMin.php b/includes/libs/JSMin.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5c8391d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+ * jsmin.php - PHP implementation of Douglas Crockford's JSMin.
+ *
+ * This is pretty much a direct port of jsmin.c to PHP with just a few
+ * PHP-specific performance tweaks. Also, whereas jsmin.c reads from stdin and
+ * outputs to stdout, this library accepts a string as input and returns another
+ * string as output.
+ *
+ * PHP 5 or higher is required.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted to use this version of the library under the
+ * same terms as jsmin.c, which has the following license:
+ *
+ * --
+ * Copyright (c) 2002 Douglas Crockford  (
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+ * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+ * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+ * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+ * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
+ * so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ * The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.
+ *
+ * --
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @author Ryan Grove <>
+ * @copyright 2002 Douglas Crockford <> (jsmin.c)
+ * @copyright 2008 Ryan Grove <> (PHP port)
+ * @license MIT License
+ * @version 1.1.1 (2008-03-02)
+ * @link
+ */
+class JSMin {
+       const ORD_LF    = 10;
+       const ORD_SPACE = 32;
+       protected $a           = '';
+       protected $b           = '';
+       protected $input       = '';
+       protected $inputIndex  = 0;
+       protected $inputLength = 0;
+       protected $lookAhead   = null;
+       protected $output      = '';
+       // -- Public Static Methods --------------------------------------------------
+       public static function minify( $js ) {
+               $jsmin = new JSMin( $js );
+               $ret = $jsmin->min();
+               return $ret;
+       }
+       // -- Public Instance Methods ------------------------------------------------
+       public function __construct( $input ) {
+               $this->input       = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $input );
+               $this->inputLength = strlen( $this->input );
+       }
+       // -- Protected Instance Methods ---------------------------------------------
+       protected function action( $d ) {
+               switch( $d ) {
+                       case 1:
+                               $this->output .= $this->a;
+                       case 2:
+                               $this->a = $this->b;
+                               if ( $this->a === "'" || $this->a === '"' ) {
+                                       for ( ; ; ) {
+                                               $this->output .= $this->a;
+                                               $this->a       = $this->get();
+                                               if ( $this->a === $this->b ) {
+                                                       break;
+                                               }
+                                               if ( ord( $this->a ) <= self::ORD_LF ) {
+                                                       throw new JSMinException( 'Unterminated string literal.' );
+                                               }
+                                               if ( $this->a === '\\' ) {
+                                                       $this->output .= $this->a;
+                                                       $this->a       = $this->get();
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       case 3:
+                               $this->b = $this->next();
+                               if ( $this->b === '/' && (
+                                               $this->a === '(' || $this->a === ',' || $this->a === '=' ||
+                                               $this->a === ':' || $this->a === '[' || $this->a === '!' ||
+                                               $this->a === '&' || $this->a === '|' || $this->a === '?' ) ) {
+                                       $this->output .= $this->a . $this->b;
+                                       for ( ; ; ) {
+                                               $this->a = $this->get();
+                                               if ( $this->a === '/' ) {
+                                                       break;
+                                               } elseif ( $this->a === '\\' ) {
+                                                       $this->output .= $this->a;
+                                                       $this->a       = $this->get();
+                                               } elseif ( ord( $this->a ) <= self::ORD_LF ) {
+                                                       throw new JSMinException( 'Unterminated regular expression ' .
+                                                                       'literal.' );
+                                               }
+                                               $this->output .= $this->a;
+                                       }
+                                       $this->b = $this->next();
+                               }
+               }
+       }
+       protected function get() {
+               $c = $this->lookAhead;
+               $this->lookAhead = null;
+               if ( $c === null ) {
+                       if ( $this->inputIndex < $this->inputLength ) {
+                               $c = substr( $this->input, $this->inputIndex, 1 );
+                               $this->inputIndex += 1;
+                       } else {
+                               $c = null;
+                       }
+               }
+               if ( $c === "\r" ) {
+                       return "\n";
+               }
+               if ( $c === null || $c === "\n" || ord( $c ) >= self::ORD_SPACE ) {
+                       return $c;
+               }
+               return ' ';
+       }
+       protected function isAlphaNum( $c ) {
+               return ord( $c ) > 126 || $c === '\\' || preg_match( '/^[\w\$]$/', $c ) === 1;
+       }
+       protected function min() {
+               $this->a = "\n";
+               $this->action( 3 );
+               while ( $this->a !== null ) {
+                       switch ( $this->a ) {
+                               case ' ':
+                                       if ( $this->isAlphaNum( $this->b ) ) {
+                                               $this->action( 1 );
+                                       } else {
+                                               $this->action( 2 );
+                                       }
+                                       break;
+                               case "\n":
+                                       switch ( $this->b ) {
+                                               case '{':
+                                               case '[':
+                                               case '(':
+                                               case '+':
+                                               case '-':
+                                                       $this->action( 1 );
+                                                       break;
+                                               case ' ':
+                                                       $this->action( 3 );
+                                                       break;
+                                               default:
+                                                       if ( $this->isAlphaNum( $this->b ) ) {
+                                                               $this->action( 1 );
+                                                       }
+                                                       else {
+                                                               $this->action( 2 );
+                                                       }
+                                       }
+                                       break;
+                               default:
+                                       switch ( $this->b ) {
+                                               case ' ':
+                                                       if ( $this->isAlphaNum( $this->a ) ) {
+                                                               $this->action( 1 );
+                                                               break;
+                                                       }
+                                                       $this->action( 3 );
+                                                       break;
+                                               case "\n":
+                                                       switch ( $this->a ) {
+                                                               case '}':
+                                                               case ']':
+                                                               case ')':
+                                                               case '+':
+                                                               case '-':
+                                                               case '"':
+                                                               case "'":
+                                                                       $this->action( 1 );
+                                                                       break;
+                                                               default:
+                                                                       if ( $this->isAlphaNum( $this->a ) ) {
+                                                                               $this->action( 1 );
+                                                                       }
+                                                                       else {
+                                                                               $this->action( 3 );
+                                                                       }
+                                                       }
+                                                       break;
+                                               default:
+                                                       $this->action( 1 );
+                                                       break;
+                                       }
+                       }
+               }
+               return $this->output;
+       }
+       protected function next() {
+               $c = $this->get();
+               if ( $c === '/' ) {
+                       switch( $this->peek() ) {
+                               case '/':
+                                       for ( ; ; ) {
+                                               $c = $this->get();
+                                               if ( ord( $c ) <= self::ORD_LF ) {
+                                                       return $c;
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               case '*':
+                                       $this->get();
+                                       for ( ; ; ) {
+                                               switch( $this->get() ) {
+                                                       case '*':
+                                                               if ( $this->peek() === '/' ) {
+                                                                       $this->get();
+                                                                       return ' ';
+                                                               }
+                                                               break;
+                                                       case null:
+                                                               throw new JSMinException( 'Unterminated comment.' );
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               default:
+                                       return $c;
+                       }
+               }
+               return $c;
+       }
+       protected function peek() {
+               $this->lookAhead = $this->get();
+               return $this->lookAhead;
+       }
+// -- Exceptions ---------------------------------------------------------------
+class JSMinException extends Exception {}