MWLogger implements a PSR-3 [0] compatible message logging system. The MWLogger class is actually a thin wrapper around any PSR-3 LoggerInterface implementation. Named MWLogger instances can be obtained from the MWLogger::getInstance() static method. MWLogger expects a class implementing the MWLoggerSpi interface to act as a factory for new MWLogger instances. The "Spi" in MWLoggerSpi stands for "service provider interface". An SPI is a API intended to be implemented or extended by a third party. This software design pattern is intended to enable framework extension and replaceable components. It is specifically used in the MWLogger service to allow alternate PSR-3 logging implementations to be easily integrated with MediaWiki. The MWLogger::getInstance() static method is the means by which most code acquires an MWLogger instance. This in turn delegates creation of MWLogger instances to a class implementing the MWLoggerSpi service provider interface. The service provider interface allows the backend logging library to be implemented in multiple ways. The $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi global provides the classname of the default MWLoggerSpi implementation to be loaded at runtime. This can either be the name of a class implementing the MWLoggerSpi with a zero argument constructor or a callable that will return an MWLoggerSpi instance. Alternately the MWLogger::registerProvider method can be called to inject an MWLoggerSpi instance into MWLogger and bypass the use of this configuration variable. The MWLoggerMonologSpi class implements a service provider to generate MWLogger instances that use the Monolog [1] logging library. See the PHP docs (or source) for MWLoggerMonologSpi for details on the configuration of this provider. The default configuration installs a null handler that will silently discard all logging events. The documentation provided by the class describes a more feature rich logging configuration. == Classes == ; MWLogger : PSR-3 compatible logger that wraps any \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface implementation ; MWLoggerSpi : Service provider interface for MWLogger factories ; MWLoggerNullSpi : MWLoggerSpi for creating instances that discard all log events ; MWLoggerMonologSpi : MWLoggerSpi for creating instances backed by the monolog logging library ; MwLoggerMonologHandler : Monolog handler that replicates the udp2log and file logging functionality of wfErrorLog() ; MwLoggerMonologProcessor : Monolog log processer that adds host: wfHostname() and wiki: wfWikiID() to all records == Globals == ; $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi : Specification for creating the default service provider interface to use with MWLogger [0]: [1]: