This directory contains some Unicode normalization routines. The main function to care about is UtfNormal::toNFC(); this will convert a given UTF-8 string to Normalization Form C if it's not already such. The function assumes that the input string is already valid UTF-8; if there are corrupt characters this may produce erroneous results. Performance is kind of stinky in absolute terms, though it should be speedy on pure ASCII text. ;) On text that can be determined quickly to already be in NFC it's not too awful but it can quickly get uncomfortably slow, particularly for Korean text (the hangul decomposition/composition code is extra slow). == Regenerating data tables == is generated from the Unicode Character Database by the script UtfNormalGenerate.php. On a *nix system 'make' should fetch the necessary files and regenerate it if the scripts have been changed or you remove it. == Testing == 'make test' will run the conformance test (UtfNormalTest.php), fetching the data from from the net if necessary. If it reports failure, something is going wrong!