* http://www.calcey.com/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @addtogroup Maintenance * */ require_once 'PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase.php'; require_once ( __DIR__ . '/MediaWikiInstallationConfig.php' ); require_once ( dirname(__FILE__) . '/MediaWikiInstallationMessage.php' ); require_once ( dirname(__FILE__) . '/MediaWikiInstallationVariables.php'); class MediaWikiInstallationCommonFunction extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase { function setUp() { $this->setBrowser( TEST_BROWSER ); $this->setBrowserUrl("http://".HOST_NAME.":".PORT."/".DIRECTORY_NAME."/"); } public function navigateInitialpage() { $this->open( "http://".HOST_NAME.":".PORT."/".DIRECTORY_NAME."/" ); } // Navigate to the 'Language' page public function navigateLanguagePage() { $this->open( "http://".HOST_NAME.":".PORT."/".DIRECTORY_NAME."/config/index.php" ); } // Navigate to the 'Welcome to MediaWiki' page public function navigateWelcometoMediaWikiPage() { $this->open( "http://".HOST_NAME.":".PORT."/".DIRECTORY_NAME."/config/index.php" ); $this->click( "submit-continue "); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); } // Navigate yo 'Connect to Database' page public function navigateConnetToDatabasePage() { $this->open( "http://".HOST_NAME.":".PORT."/".DIRECTORY_NAME."/config/index.php" ); // 'Welcome to MediaWiki!' page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // 'Connect to Database' page $this->click("submit-continue"); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); } // Navigate to the 'Database Settings' page public function navigateDatabaseSettingsPage( $databaseName ) { $this->open( "http://".HOST_NAME.":".PORT."/".DIRECTORY_NAME."/config/index.php" ); // 'Welcome to MediaWiki!' page $this->click("submit-continue"); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // 'Connect to Database' page $this->click("submit-continue"); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); $this->type("mysql_wgDBname", $databaseName ); $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); } // Navigate to the 'Name' page public function navigateNamePage( $databaseName ) { $this->open( "http://".HOST_NAME.":".PORT."/".DIRECTORY_NAME."/config/index.php" ); // 'Welcome to MediaWiki!' page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // 'Connect to Database' page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); $this->type( "mysql_wgDBname", $databaseName ); $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // Database settings $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); } // Navigate 'Options' page public function navigateOptionsPage( $databaseName ) { $this->open( "http://".HOST_NAME.":".PORT."/".DIRECTORY_NAME."/config/index.php" ); // 'Welcome to MediaWiki!' page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // 'Connect to Database' page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); $this->type( "mysql_wgDBname", $databaseName ); $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // Database settings $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // Name $this->type( "config_wgSitename", NAME_OF_WIKI ); $this->type( "config__AdminName", ADMIN_USER_NAME); $this->type( "config__AdminPassword", ADMIN_PASSWORD ); $this->type( "config__AdminPassword2", ADMIN_RETYPE_PASSWORD ); $this->type( "config__AdminEmail", ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS ); $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); } // Navigate 'Install' page public function navigateInstallPage( $databaseName ) { $this->open( "http://".HOST_NAME.":".PORT."/".DIRECTORY_NAME."/config/index.php" ); // 'Welcome to MediaWiki!' page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // 'Connect to Database' page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); $this->type( "mysql_wgDBname", $databaseName ); $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // Database settings $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // Name $this->type( "config_wgSitename", NAME_OF_WIKI ); $this->type( "config__AdminName", ADMIN_USER_NAME); $this->type( "config__AdminPassword", ADMIN_PASSWORD ); $this->type( "config__AdminPassword2", ADMIN_RETYPE_PASSWORD ); $this->type( "config__AdminEmail", ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS ); $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // Options page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); } // Navigate to 'Complete' page public function navigateCompletePage( $databaseName ) { $this->open( "http://".HOST_NAME.":".PORT."/".DIRECTORY_NAME."/config/index.php" ); // 'Welcome to MediaWiki!' page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // 'Connect to Database' page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); $this->type( "mysql_wgDBname", $databaseName ); $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // Database settings $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // Name $this->type( "config_wgSitename", NAME_OF_WIKI ); $this->type( "config__AdminName", ADMIN_USER_NAME); $this->type( "config__AdminPassword", ADMIN_PASSWORD ); $this->type( "config__AdminPassword2", ADMIN_RETYPE_PASSWORD ); $this->type( "config__AdminEmail", ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS ); $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // Options page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); // Install page $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); $this->chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation(); } // Complete the Name page fields public function completeNamePage() { $this->type( "config_wgSitename", NAME_OF_WIKI ); $this->type( "config__AdminName", ADMIN_USER_NAME); $this->type( "config__AdminPassword", ADMIN_PASSWORD ); $this->type( "config__AdminPassword2", ADMIN_RETYPE_PASSWORD ); $this->type( "config__AdminEmail", ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS ); $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME); } // Clicking on the 'Continue' button in any MediaWiki page public function clickContinueButton() { $this->click( "submit-continue" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); } // Clicking on the 'Back' button in any MediaWiki page public function clickBackButton() { $this->click( "submit-back" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); } // Restarting the installation public function restartInstallation() { $this->click( "link=Restart installation" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); $this->click( "submit-restart" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); } // Verify 'MediaWiki' logo available in the initial screen public function mediaWikiLogoPresentInitialScreen() { $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( "//img[@alt='The MediaWiki logo']" )); } // Verify 'MediaWiki' logo available public function mediaWikiLogoPresent() { $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( "//div[@id='p-logo']/a" )); } public function completePageSuccessfull() { $this->assertEquals( "Complete!", $this->getText( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/div/div/h2" )); // 'Congratulations!' text should be available in the 'Complete!' page. $this->assertEquals( "Congratulations!", $this->getText( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/div/div/div[2]/form/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]/b" )); } }