doc: doxygen expands tabs to 4 spaces instead of 8
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / .jshintrc
1 {
2 /* Common */
4 // Enforcing
5 "camelcase": true,
6 "curly": true,
7 "eqeqeq": true,
8 "immed": true,
9 "latedef": true,
10 "newcap": true,
11 "noarg": true,
12 "noempty": true,
13 "nonew": true,
14 "quotmark": "single",
15 "trailing": true,
16 "undef": true,
17 "unused": true,
18 // Legacy
19 "onevar": true,
21 /* Local */
23 // Enforcing
24 "bitwise": true,
25 "forin": false,
26 "regexp": false,
27 "strict": false,
28 // Relaxing
29 "laxbreak": true,
30 "smarttabs": true,
31 "multistr": true,
32 // Environment
33 "browser": true,
34 // Legacy
35 "nomen": true,
37 "predef": [
38 "mediaWiki",
39 "jQuery",
40 "QUnit"
41 ]
42 }