From: Brion Vibber Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 23:28:53 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Remove inexplicably checked-in complete copy of smarty distribution X-Git-Tag: 1.3.0beta1~457 X-Git-Url:;h=e821f579d7215f0f95803c8649a0c5d39db01d9f;p=lhc%2Fweb%2Fwiklou.git Remove inexplicably checked-in complete copy of smarty distribution --- diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/BUGS b/Smarty-2.6.2/BUGS deleted file mode 100644 index 9f1a80f31c..0000000000 --- a/Smarty-2.6.2/BUGS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -Smarty is supported only in PHP 4.0.6 or later. - -Smarty versions previous to 2.0 require the PEAR libraries. Be sure to include -the path to the PEAR libraries in your php include_path. Config_file.class.php -uses the PEAR library for its error handling routines. PEAR comes with the PHP -distribution. Unix users check /usr/local/lib/php, windows users check -C:/php/pear. diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/COPYING.lib b/Smarty-2.6.2/COPYING.lib deleted file mode 100644 index 3b204400cf..0000000000 --- a/Smarty-2.6.2/COPYING.lib +++ /dev/null @@ -1,458 +0,0 @@ - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2.1, February 1999 - - Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - -[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts - as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence - the version number 2.1.] - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change -free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. - - This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some -specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the -Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You -can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether -this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better -strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, -not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that -you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge -for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get -it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of -it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do -these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these -rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for -you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis -or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave -you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source -code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide -complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them -with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling -it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. - - We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the -library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal -permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. - - To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that -there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is -modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know -that what they have is not the original version, so that the original -author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be -introduced by others. - - Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of -any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot -effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a -restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that -any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be -consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. - - Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the -ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser -General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and -is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use -this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those -libraries into non-free programs. - - When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using -a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a -combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary -General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the -entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General -Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with -the library. - - We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it -does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General -Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less -of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages -are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many -libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain -special circumstances. - - For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to -encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes -a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be -allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free -library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this -case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free -software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. - - In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free -programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of -free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in -non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU -operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating -system. - - Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the -users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is -linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run -that program using a modified version of the Library. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a -"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The -former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must -be combined with the library in order to run. - - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other -program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or -other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of -this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). -Each licensee is addressed as "you". - - A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data -prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs -(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. - - The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work -which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the -Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under -copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a -portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated -straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is -included without limitation in the term "modification".) - - "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means -all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated -interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation -and installation of the library. - - Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from -such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based -on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for -writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does -and what the program that uses the Library does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's -complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that -you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an -appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact -all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any -warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the -Library. - - You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, -and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a -fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) The modified work must itself be a software library. - - b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no - charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. - - d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a - table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses - the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility - is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, - in the event an application does not supply such function or - table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of - its purpose remains meaningful. - - (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has - a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the - application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any - application-supplied function or table used by this function must - be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square - root function must still compute square roots.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote -it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Library. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library -with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public -License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do -this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so -that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, -instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the -ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify -that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in -these notices. - - Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for -that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all -subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. - - This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of -the Library into a program that is not a library. - - 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or -derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form -under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany -it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which -must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a -medium customarily used for software interchange. - - If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy -from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the -source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to -distribute the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the -Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or -linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a -work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and -therefore falls outside the scope of this License. - - However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library -creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it -contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the -library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. -Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. - - When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file -that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a -derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. -Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be -linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The -threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. - - If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data -structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline -functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object -file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative -work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the -Library will still fall under Section 6.) - - Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may -distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. -Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, -whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. - - 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or -link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a -work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work -under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit -modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse -engineering for debugging such modifications. - - You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the -Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by -this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work -during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the -copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference -directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one -of these things: - - a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding - machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever - changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under - Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked - with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that - uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the - user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified - executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood - that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the - Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application - to use the modified definitions.) - - b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the - Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a - copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, - rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) - will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if - the user installs one, as long as the modified version is - interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. - - c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at - least three years, to give the same user the materials - specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more - than the cost of performing this distribution. - - d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy - from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above - specified materials from the same place. - - e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these - materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. - - For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the -Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for -reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, -the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is -normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major -components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on -which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies -the executable. - - It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license -restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally -accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot -use both them and the Library together in an executable that you -distribute. - - 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the -Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library -facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined -library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on -the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise -permitted, and provided that you do these two things: - - a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work - based on the Library, uncombined with any other library - facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the - Sections above. - - b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact - that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining - where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. - - 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute -the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any -attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or -distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your -rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, -or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses -terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. - - 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the -Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Library or works based on it. - - 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the -Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library -subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with -this License. - - 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any -particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, -and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add -an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, -so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus -excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if -written in the body of this License. - - 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new -versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. -Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, -but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and -"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and -conditions either of that version or of any later version published by -the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a -license version number, you may choose any version ever published by -the Free Software Foundation. - - 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, -write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is -copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free -Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our -decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status -of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing -and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO -WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. -EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR -OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY -KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE -LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME -THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN -WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY -AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU -FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR -CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE -LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING -RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A -FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF -SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH -DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/ChangeLog b/Smarty-2.6.2/ChangeLog deleted file mode 100644 index 5c4f376356..0000000000 --- a/Smarty-2.6.2/ChangeLog +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5942 +0,0 @@ -2004-02-13 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - correctly handle partially empty dates (like "2004--" or "-12-"). - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - learned something about and sgml and applied this to the - use.sub.dirs-section :) - - * docs/designers.sgml: - changed attribute-name "checked" to "selected" in the docs for - html_radios and html_checkboxes. "checked" is deprecated for ages - AFAIK and selected is recommended for consistency with {html_options} - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - added note about use_sub_dirs and Smarty-2.6.2 . - fixed markup for section about clear_compiled_tpl() . - -2004-02-12 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Config_File.class.php: - YES and NO should not be booleanized inside triple-quotes in a - config-file. this behaviour changed by accident in 2.6.1 and is now - reverted to pre-2.6.1 behaviour - -2004-02-10 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Config_File.class.php: - fixed slurping of a the next line following a triple-quoted value in a - config-file - -2004-02-07 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Config_File.class.php: - avoid @-operator for handling empty lines in Config_File.class.php - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - removed two notices from Smarty_Compiler::_parse_is_expr() - (thanks shuther!) - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - changed default for use_sub_dirs to false - - * libs/plugins/function.mailto.php: - removed notice of undefined variable. (thanks shuther!) - -2004-01-29 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - added file and line-number-information to error-messages regarding - assigned objects an an error messages regarding modifiers with - security. - -2004-01-27 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - removed use of temporary var $_params in compiled code of block-plugins - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.popup.php: - fixed quoting of values in smarty_function_popup() - -2004-01-25 Messju Mohr - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - documented parameters of Smarty::clear_compiled_tpl() - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Smarty_Compiler::_syntax_error() uses Smarty::_trigger_fatal_error() now - instead of the trigger_error()-function - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - Smarty::_trigger_fatal_error() uses Smarty::trigger_error() now, - instead of the native trigger_error()-function - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - unrecognized custom-functions trigger an error at compile now, not at - display-time. - -2004-01-23 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/getting-started.sgml: - reword a paragraph - -2004-01-22 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - removed emission of unnecessary notices for unavailable config-files - in config_load() - - * NEWS - libs/Config_File.class.php: - fixed handling of hidden sections in Config_File - -2004-01-21 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - added handling of resources for {config_load} - -2004-01-19 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_table.php: - fixed bug when using arrays with tr_attr and td_attr in {html_table} - -2004-01-16 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: - add unit testing - - * NEWS - libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - update version numbers, add initial unit test directory - - * (Smarty_2_6_1) - libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - update version numbers for 2.6.1 release - -2004-01-16 Messju Mohr - - * (Smarty_2_6_1) - NEWS - docs/programmers.sgml - libs/Smarty.class.php: - renamed $smarty->tpl_rror_reporting to $smarty->error_reporting - "tpl_" is a bit redundant here (it's a TemPLate-engine overall :) - -2004-01-15 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - forgot to remove duplicate is_secure()-check - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - fix: $smarty->security is now correctly handled - - minor optimizations: - core/core.is_secure.php is only included when needed - $dpi_default is only determined when needed - -2004-01-14 Messju Mohr - - * docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: - removed suggestions to use extract() from the manual - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fixed typo - -2004-01-12 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml: - mention SCRIPT_NAME below {$smarty} reserved variable because it got - lost in the docs for $smarty->global_assign - - * docs/designers.sgml: - added docs for {$smarty.version} special variable - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - removed docs for $global_assign - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - added docs for tpl_error_reporting - - * docs/designers.sgml: - added docs for year_empty-, month_empty- and day_emtpy-attributes of - html_select_date. maybe an example is needed to better explain empty - values in YYY-MM-DD. - -2004-01-10 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed handling of {php}-tags - -2004-01-10 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fix html_checkboxes examples - -2004-01-08 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php: - added caching of requested paths to smarty_core_assemble_plugin_filepath() - - * NEWS: - fix handling of comments inside {php}- and {literal}-blocks - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed handling of comments inside {php} and {literal} - -2004-01-06 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Config_File.class.php: - fixed bug handling triple-quotes in config-files - - * libs/Config_File.class.php: - fixed bugs with triple-quotes in config-files - thanks BRDude for finding them testing! - -2004-01-02 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - removed unnecessary param in call to _fetch_resource_info() - -2003-12-30 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - oops! removed tabs. - -2003-12-27 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - made $SCRIPT_NAME available again - changes default for request_use_auto_global to prefer autoglobals - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - removed tabs and trailing spaces - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - readded default_modifiers. who removed that? - -2003-12-23 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: - add portuguese docs - -2003-12-22 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fix counter example - -2003-12-19 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - add debug console persistance feature - -2003-12-19 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/block.textformat.php - libs/plugins/function.html_table.php - libs/plugins/function.popup.php: - removed extract(). enhanced parameter parsing. - - * libs/plugins/function.counter.php - libs/plugins/function.fetch.php - libs/plugins/function.popup_init.php - libs/plugins/modifier.capitalize.php - libs/plugins/ - libs/plugins/modifier.date_format.php - libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php - libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php - libs/plugins/modifier.indent.php - libs/plugins/modifier.lower.php - libs/plugins/modifier.nl2br.php - libs/plugins/modifier.strip.php - libs/plugins/modifier.upper.php - libs/plugins/modifier.wordwrap.php - libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php - libs/plugins/shared.escape_special_chars.php: - removed tabs. fixed indentiation. - - * libs/plugins/modifier.truncate.php: - removed tabs - - * libs/plugins/function.counter.php - libs/plugins/function.cycle.php: - removed extract() from parameter-parsing - -2003-12-17 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - fix plugin-name in error message - - * libs/plugins/function.html_select_time.php: - remove extract-call from {html_select_time} - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - allow single-digit days and months without smarty_make_timestamp() - this makes dates like "1968-11-6" work correctly since no strtotime() - is involved - - add warning when unknown parameter is passed - -2003-12-16 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - fix headers sent erroneously with cache_modified_check and fetch() - -2003-12-12 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - move set_path() call below the conditional bracket - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - fix config_load filepath bug - -2003-12-12 boots - - * docs/designers.sgml: - Updated language.function.if with additional annotation and to fix error - that broke docs build process - -2003-12-11 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - little optimization for "is odd" and "is even" - -2003-12-11 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix 'is even by' and 'is odd by' logic - -2003-12-11 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml: - update example-output of {mailto} - - * libs/plugins/function.mailto.php: - removed extract-call -> cleaner parameter-handling - - * libs/plugins/function.mailto.php: - fixed indentiation - - * TODO: - removed two done topics - -2003-12-11 boots - - * docs/designers.sgml: - Updated language.function.if to describe qualifiers (thanks andre) - -2003-12-10 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - added day_empty, month_empty, year_empty and all_empty attributes - to pass an undefined date use {html_select_date time="--" ...} - - * libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - removed extract()-call - - * libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - fixed indetiation - -2003-12-10 boots - - * NEWS - docs/designers.sgml: - Added table to language.function.if to describe qualifiers - -2003-12-09 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php - libs/plugins/function.html_options.php: - strict comparason didn't work in all cases. use type-casting now. - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php - libs/plugins/function.html_options.php: - fix bug when comparing array-keys to "selected" in html_options and - html_checkboxes - - in_array() uses "strict" comparason now. - - * libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php - libs/plugins/function.html_options.php - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: - removed tabs, fixed indentiation - -2003-12-08 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - add better checks for correctly nested tags when compiling - -2003-12-04 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - fix: check $smarty->request_use_auto_globals at the last occurences of - HTTP_*_VARS - -2003-12-03 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - remove $global_assign property from Smarty and $global_assign-handling - from the constructor. the only visible change is, that $SCRIPT_NAME is - not available in the tempates anymore. $smarty.server.SCRIPT_NAME has - to be used from now. - -2003-12-03 boots - - * docs/designers.sgml: - Fixed example for count_characters - -2003-12-01 boots - - * docs/designers.sgml: - Added section "Escaping Smarty Parsing" under Basic Syntax. - -2003-12-01 Messju Mohr - - * libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php: - thought again about my latest commit and backed it out. - - * libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php: - fix root-dir-handling on windows filepath - -2003-11-29 boots - - * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - really make the fixes the last patch was supposed to do - - * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - removed tabs and killed trailing white-space - - * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - changed $smarty->_syntax_error to $smarty->trigger_error - -2003-11-27 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: - remove warning in debug_print_var on php-resources - - * README: - fix version number - -2003-11-26 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - raise max_level for $smarty.config... to 3 to allow arrays of config-vars - -2003-11-25 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - changed version-tag to indicate incompatibility to older compiled - templates - -2003-11-24 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/compiler.assign.php - libs/plugins/function.assign.php: - move function.assign.php to compiler.assign.php - - * libs/core/core.get_include_path.php: - silence occasional warnings of open_basedir- and - safe_mode-restrictions in core.get_include_path.php - -2003-11-23 Messju Mohr - - * libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php - libs/core/core.write_file.php: - avoid touch()-ing of recently unlinked files by touch()-ing the - tempfile before rename instead of touch()-ing the resulting file after - rename. - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - add property $tpl_error_reporting - -2003-11-22 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/function.assign.php: - remove use of extract() in smarty_function_assign() - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - remove property $undefined. "null" is used literally instead - -2003-11-21 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - remove two E_NOTICES - -2003-11-20 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - change version to 2.6.1-dev - -2003-11-19 Monte Ohrt - - * (Smarty_2_6_0) - NEWS: - update NEWS file - - * (Smarty_2_6_0) - docs/designers.sgml - libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - change version numbers to 2.6.0 - -2003-11-19 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/de/designers.sgml - docs/fr/designers.sgml: - fix examples of escape-modifier (in docs, docs/de and docs/fr !) - -2003-11-18 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - move Smarty::quote_replace() to Smarty_Compiler::_quote_replace() - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - removed extract-calls from _include()- and _eval()-wrappers - variables passed with {include_php} have to accessed as members of $params - now - -2003-11-17 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fixed typo - -2003-11-13 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Config_File.class.php: - fix occasional notice - -2003-11-13 andreas halter - - * docs/de/designers.sgml: - - added cat modifier, thanks messju :-) - -2003-11-13 Monte Ohrt - - * (Smarty_2_6_0-RC3) - NEWS - libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - commit RC3 tags - -2003-11-13 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix handling of $var.key inside [] - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - fix unnecessary loading of core.load_resource_plugin.php - - * (Smarty_2_6_0-RC3) - docs/fr/designers.sgml: - fixed example of html_table - -2003-11-11 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php: - fix handling of assign inside {insert}-tags - -2003-11-06 Messju Mohr - - * libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: - added $exp_time-parameter - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - added $exp_time to cache_handler_func-example - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php: - added $exp_time-parameter of clear_cache() and clear_all_cache() to - cache_handler_func. - -2003-11-05 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Config_File.class.php: - fix handling if [...] inside triple-quotes in config-files - -2003-11-04 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - fixed little bug in _parse_resource_name() (jlgunter, messju) - -2003-11-03 andreas halter - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/de/designers.sgml - docs/fr/designers.sgml: - - changed Smarty.php.class occurences to Smarty.class.php - -2003-10-29 boots - - * docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/designers.sgml - docs/manual.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml - docs/de/appendixes.sgml - docs/de/designers.sgml - docs/de/programmers.sgml - docs/fr/appendixes.sgml - docs/fr/designers.sgml - docs/fr/getting-started.sgml - docs/fr/manual.sgml - docs/fr/preface.sgml - docs/fr/programmers.sgml: - Fixes to documentation syntax so that all content can be processed used - xsltproc docbook-xsl tools. In particular, fixes unescaped entities, - broken tags, unquoted attributes. - -2003-10-27 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix handling of simple-math-operators inside modifiers - -2003-10-25 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - removed unused property _output_type - removed unused param $tag_attrs of _parse_var_props() - cleaned up alignment of class-properties - -2003-10-23 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - removed notice in php-tag handling in Smarty_Compiler::_compile_file() - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - removed two occasional E_NOTICES from - Smarty_Compiler::_compile_include_php_tag() - - * NEWS - libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php: - fix handling of trailing-slashes in open_basedir in - smarty_core_create_dir_structure() - -2003-10-20 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - elements inside `` are bracketed now inside the compiled-tpl. this - fixes some issues with simple-math inside backticks. - -2003-10-16 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: - update overlib docs, no working examples - -2003-10-12 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.is_secure.php: - move check for template_dir in secure_dir-array into core.is_secure.php - - this makes template_exists() work correctly with security=true even if - template_dir is not inside the secure_dir-array - -2003-10-11 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php: - tightened check for YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-format. thanks konstantin for - pointing this out. - - removed a few tabs. - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix precedence of simple-math-operators before modifiers. - thanks dominik! - - * libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php - libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php - libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php - libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php - libs/core/core.get_include_path.php - libs/core/core.get_microtime.php - libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php - libs/core/core.is_secure.php - libs/core/core.is_trusted.php - libs/core/core.load_plugins.php - libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php - libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php - libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.rm_auto.php - libs/core/core.rmdir.php - libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php - libs/core/core.write_file.php: - removed tabs from the main and the core/*.php files - -2003-10-08 Monte Ohrt - - * (Smarty_2_6_0-RC2) - NEWS - libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - update version numbers to RC2 - -2003-09-18 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/de/designers.sgml: - fixed description of cycle's advance-attribute - -2003-09-16 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - apply modifiers only once to section-loop and foreach-from attributes - -2003-09-15 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php: - backed out _smarty_cached_paths-file-handling - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.rm_auto.php: - fixed clear_compiled_tpl with explicit $tpl_file given - fixed return value of smarty_core_rm_auto() + Smarty::_unlink() - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - little fix in _get_auto_filename() - -2003-09-14 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php: - removed auto-filenames from path-cache. merged assemble_auto_filename - back into Smarty::_get_auto_filename() - -2003-09-12 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed quoting of modifier parameters - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php - libs/core/core.load_plugins.php - libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php: - remove Smarty::_plugin_implementation_exists() - use php's native - is_callable() - -2003-09-11 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - silenced two notices acces HTTP_SERVER_VARS - -2003-09-10 andreas halter - - * docs/de/designers.sgml - docs/de/getting-started.sgml - docs/de/programmers.sgml: - - minor fixes (2 rep), slight wording changes - - jade transform problem fixed - -2003-09-08 andreas halter - - * docs/de/designers.sgml - docs/de/getting-started.sgml - docs/de/manual.sgml - docs/de/preface.sgml - docs/de/programmers.sgml: - all updated for 2.6.0 release, translated everything from 2_5_0 branch to - 20030908 - -2003-09-04 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - proper checking for files in _fetch_resource_info() - -2003-09-02 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - ignore {strip}/{/strip) inside {strip}-blocks - - * libs/plugins/function.mailto.php: - fixed 2 notices in smarty_function_mailto() - -2003-09-01 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - re-include cache_paths on multiple calls to fetch() to avoid - inconsistencies - at multiple calls to fetch() in one script - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed handling of \r in {strip} - renamed $_trailing_lf to $_additional_newline - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - the weekly fix for {strip} :) - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fixed example for simple math. - -2003-08-29 Messju Mohr - - * libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php - libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php - libs/plugins/function.assign.php - libs/plugins/function.html_options.php - libs/plugins/function.html_table.php: - fixed PHPDocumentor-comments (thanks Konstantin) - - * libs/core/core.rmdir.php: - made rmdir a bit more optimistic. especially it now removes - directories correctly that where created accidently by "safe_mode=On - && $use_sub_dirs=true" - -2003-08-27 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed removal of leading/trailing newlines in {strip}-blocks - -2003-08-25 Messju Mohr - - * INSTALL: - added note emphasizing the introduction of "libs/" with 2.5.0 - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php: - fixed proper escaping of " and ' with escape:javascript - -2003-08-22 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php: - fixed bug in traversal of $smarty->plugins_dir-array in - smarty_core_assemble_plugin_filepath(). the first matching plugin in - the path should be used, not the last one. - - * libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: - discard $_cache_info when the cache should be regenerated - -2003-08-20 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/plugins/block.strip.php: - reverted {strip} from a block-plugin back into the compiler - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - fixed examples for register_function() and register_block() - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - made template_exists() quiet when the template does not exist (thanks - to konstatin for pointing this out) - -2003-08-18 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/getting-started.sgml: - fix example title - - * docs/README - docs/getting-started.sgml: - change installation wording confusion - -2003-08-18 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: - fixed unnecessary load of source in template_exists() and the - compile-check of smarty_core_read_cache_file() - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - allow section-, array- and object-dereference in $smarty-references - -2003-08-15 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml: - added parameter-descriptions for count_characters (thanks Konstantin - A. Pelepelin) - - fixed docs for {html_checkboxes} - -2003-08-14 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: - fixed timestamp-check of config-files in smarty_core_read_cache_file() - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - fixed typecasting for arrays in _parse_resource_name() - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - fixes in config_load: - - handling of section-attribute - - reusing the same config-file multiple times - - serialization of config-data for php<4.2.0 (no var_export) - - many thanks to atu for pointing this out and for testing - -2003-08-13 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php: - fixed problem with vars as attributes in {include_php} - -2003-08-13 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/README: - commit README file for documentation compiling - -2003-08-13 Messju Mohr - - * libs/debug.tpl - libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: - removed '\r' from debug_print_vars' output - properly escape vars in javascript-version of debug.tpl - -2003-08-11 Monte Ohrt - - * (Smarty_2_6_0_RC1) - NEWS - docs/designers.sgml - docs/html.dsl - docs/php.dsl - libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - get ready for 2.6.0-RC1 release - -2003-08-10 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - fixed status-header for cache_modified_check under cgi-sapi - -2003-08-09 Messju Mohr - - * libs/core/core.is_secure.php - libs/core/core.is_trusted.php: - synced secure_dir-checking with trusted_dir-checking - - * libs/core/core.is_secure.php: - tightenend path checking in smarty_core_is_secure() - -2003-08-08 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - fix: proper nesting of $smarty->_cache_including flag in cascaded - cached/not-cached/fetched/inserted/foo-templates - - * libs/debug.tpl: - better escaping for $_debug_tpls[templates].filenames - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - removed redundant $smarty from Smarty::_smarty_include() - - * libs/debug.tpl: - proper escaping of filenames in debug-console (thanks to prossel). - -2003-08-07 Messju Mohr - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - added docs for block-methods of registered objects - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - fixed typo in example for registered objects - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fixed exampls of html_image and html_checkboxes - - * libs/plugins/function.debug.php: - fixed {debug} and removed tabs in function.debug.php - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - fixed example for register_object - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: - updated docs for capture, html_table, html_image and register_object - -2003-08-07 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: - add math and default_resource_type to docs - - * docs/getting-started.sgml: - add core to example, add tech note - -2003-08-07 Messju Mohr - - * docs/manual.sgml - docs/fr/manual.sgml: - upd copyright in the docs - -2003-08-07 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/getting-started.sgml: - added core directory to install instructions - -2003-08-07 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: - added docs for php-functions as modifiers - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - better caching of attributes for $cacheable=false-plugins - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - added section "caching.cacheable" to the docs, explaining the usage of - the $cacheable-flag of the register_(block|compiler|function)-functions - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed output of custom-functions with cached attributes - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - docs update on callbacks to the register_*-functions - -2003-08-06 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php: - added optional parameter $cache_attrs to register_function() and - register_block(). $cache_attrs is an array containing attribute- names - that should be cached on calls to functions that have $cacheable set - to false. - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - fixed bug in _run_mod_handler - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed bug with autoload-handling of modifiers. thanks ándre. - -2003-08-05 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - updated copyright notice - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.load_plugins.php: - fixed bug that occurred when using the same not-cacheable plugin in - multiple includes - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - docs-update for plugins.writing - -2003-08-04 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: - updated docs for register_block_function(), block-functions, - $request_use_auto_globals and html_checkboxes - -2003-07-31 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - enabled registration of class-methods as callbacks for the - register_*-functions - - use: array('classname', 'method_name')) as callback - -2003-07-29 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - modifiers are resolved at compile-time now. _run_mod_handler() is - still used for modifiers with map_array=true (== no preceeding '@') - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include.php: - moved _smarty_include() back into Smarty.class.php - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.load_plugins.php: - prevent unnecessary calls to _read_file() in _is_compiled() - converted method-call to internal function-call in - smarty_core_load_plugins() - -2003-07-28 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - quote smarty-header properly to prevent resource-names from escaping from - the comment - -2003-07-25 Messju Mohr - - * libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php: - weakend race-condition and removed bogus error-message caused by that - in smarty_core_create_dir_structure(). - -2003-07-23 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php - libs/core/core.fetch_resource_info.php - libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php - libs/core/core.parse_resource_name.php - libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php - libs/plugins/function.eval.php: - moved _fetch_resource_info and _parse_resource_name back into - Smarty.class.php - renamed smarty_include and smarty_eval wrappers to _include and _eval - -2003-07-17 Messju Mohr - - * libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: - improved checking of compiled_include against cached-template with - non-cached-chunks - - * libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php: - fixed too short open-tag - - * libs/plugins/function.eval.php: - fixed assign parameter for eval (must have gotton lost on its way to 2.5.0) - cleaned up indentiation - -2003-07-03 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - resurrected $foo->$bar syntax - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - i'm so stupid. kick me. - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed initialisation of $this->_plugins in compile_block_tag() - -2003-07-03 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Config_File.class.php: - add preg_quote delimiter - -2003-07-03 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - applied fix for {$var1->p1|modifier:$var2->p2}-syntax - thanks Dominik - -2003-07-02 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed duplicate generation of arg-list in _compile_block_tag() - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed off-by-one-error in nocache-tag-handling - -2003-06-30 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - backed out errornously committed support for $foo->$bar - - * libs/core/core.write_file.php: - fixed indentiation, silenced occasional warning - - * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - match first character of file-attribute against "/" instead of - DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR since it is a url-path and not a file-path. - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.write_file.php - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - re-fixed cacheable_state-handling - - * libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php - libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php - libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php - libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php: - extincting $this out of smarty_core_*-functions - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed handling of nocache-state - -2003-06-29 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php - libs/plugins/function.eval.php: - removed $this from smarty_include and smarty_include_php - added cleaner handling of $this to {eval} - - * libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php: - fixed inlude_once-call - - * docs/de/designers.sgml - docs/fr/designers.sgml: - fixed examples of html_radios and html_checkboxes in german and french docs - -2003-06-25 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php: - fix typo, fix write_cache_paths logic - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php: - fix SMARTY_COMPILE_DIR_SEP problem, make local var - -2003-06-24 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php: - fixed cache_paths bug, simplified filename assembly logic - -2003-06-24 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - added parsing of forgotton param "basedir" - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed $smarty.get-reference - - * libs/plugins/block.textformat.php: - removed warning - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed value of _cacheable_state on compiler-startup - -2003-06-23 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php: - make cache_path per resource, fix a couple directory path issues - -2003-06-23 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - removed warning when compiling empty template - - * libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php: - fixed bug in write_compiled_include - - * libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php: - fixed warning - -2003-06-22 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/function.eval.php: - fixed propagation of $this into evald code in smarty_function_eval() - - * libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php: - fix in compiled-include-handling - - * libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php - libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php - libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php - libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php - libs/core/core.fetch_resource_info.php - libs/core/core.get_include_path.php - libs/core/core.get_microtime.php - libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php - libs/core/core.is_secure.php - libs/core/core.is_trusted.php - libs/core/core.load_plugins.php - libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php - libs/core/core.parse_resource_name.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.rm_auto.php - libs/core/core.rmdir.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php - libs/core/core.write_file.php - libs/plugins/modifier.date_format.php: - started moving from $this to $smarty in core.*.php - -2003-06-21 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php - libs/core/core.write_file.php - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - fix more dir paths - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php - libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php - libs/core/core.fetch_resource_info.php - libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php - libs/core/core.parse_resource_name.php - libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.rm_auto.php - libs/core/core.rmdir.php - libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php - libs/core/core.write_file.php - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php - libs/plugins/function.fetch.php - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - fix filepaths to core files to use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR - -2003-06-21 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed {plugin|modifier} syntax - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php: - fixed compiled include handling - -2003-06-21 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.assemble_auto_filename.php - libs/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_paths_file.php: - added filepath caching - -2003-06-20 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - update more varnames - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php - libs/core/core.fetch_file_info.php - libs/core/core.fetch_resource_info.php - libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php - libs/core/core.parse_file_path.php - libs/core/core.parse_resource_name.php - libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_template.php - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - refactored var naming to better reflect "resource" instead of "file" where - appropriate - -2003-06-19 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - updated version-number to 2.5.0-cvs - - * libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php: - omit is-cache_dir-writable-check if a cache_handler_function is in use - - * libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php: - fixed comments in smarty_include_php - -2003-06-19 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include.php - libs/plugins/function.eval.php: - split up _compile_template to _compile_file and _compile_source, fix eval - function - VS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - * libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - fix logic for _is_compiled() - -2003-06-19 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - added optional assign-attribute to {capture}-tag - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - added $cacheable-parameter to register_compiler_function() - -2003-06-18 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.load_plugins.php - libs/core/core.process_compiled_include.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_include.php: - added $cacheable-parameter to register_function() and register_block() - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - append '.php' to all compiled templates regardless of the settings of - $use_sub_dirs - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php: - fixed $file_path-parameters passed to smarty_core_fetch_file_info() - -2003-06-17 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: - fix name - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - change varnames to follow coding methods - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - add math patch to core - -2003-06-17 Messju Mohr - - * libs/core/core.smarty_include.php: - switched _process_template() to _is_compiled()-logic - -2003-06-17 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - fix _is_compiled logic - - * NEWS: - update news file - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix _run_mod_handler routine - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php - libs/core/core.fetch_file_info.php - libs/core/core.parse_file_path.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_template.php - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - fix path problems, rename some varibles from "template" to "file" - -2003-06-16 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/core/core.fetch_file_info.php - libs/core/core.fetch_template_info.php: - rename file, commit - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.parse_file_path.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/plugins/block.strip.php - libs/plugins/block.textformat.php - libs/plugins/compiler.config_load.php - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php - libs/plugins/function.eval.php - libs/plugins/function.fetch.php - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - fix config_load, compile fetched arrays to compile_dir, switch display - back to runtime. clean up var names and function names, split up compile - testing and compiling to separate funcs, rename some template_* functions - to - file_* functions and update logic so they can be used for file resources - other than templates. - -2003-06-16 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed little bug in _compile_custom_tag() - -2003-06-16 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php - libs/core/core.create_dir_structure.php - libs/core/core.display_debug_console.php - libs/core/core.fetch_template_info.php - libs/core/core.get_include_path.php - libs/core/core.get_microtime.php - libs/core/core.get_php_resource.php - libs/core/core.is_secure.php - libs/core/core.is_trusted.php - libs/core/core.load_plugins.php - libs/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php - libs/core/core.parse_file_path.php - libs/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php - libs/core/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.rm_auto.php - libs/core/core.rmdir.php - libs/core/core.run_insert_handler.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include.php - libs/core/core.smarty_include_php.php - libs/core/core.write_cache_file.php - libs/core/core.write_compiled_template.php - libs/core/core.write_file.php - libs/plugins/core.assign_smarty_interface.php - libs/plugins/core.create_dir_structure.php - libs/plugins/core.display_debug_console.php - libs/plugins/core.fetch_template_info.php - libs/plugins/core.get_include_path.php - libs/plugins/core.get_microtime.php - libs/plugins/core.get_php_resource.php - libs/plugins/core.is_secure.php - libs/plugins/core.is_trusted.php - libs/plugins/core.load_plugins.php - libs/plugins/core.load_resource_plugin.php - libs/plugins/core.parse_file_path.php - libs/plugins/core.process_cached_inserts.php - libs/plugins/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/plugins/core.rm_auto.php - libs/plugins/core.rmdir.php - libs/plugins/core.run_insert_handler.php - libs/plugins/core.smarty_include.php - libs/plugins/core.smarty_include_php.php - libs/plugins/core.write_cache_file.php - libs/plugins/core.write_compiled_template.php - libs/plugins/core.write_file.php: - move core files into their own directory under SMARTY_DIR, - remove abstraction function _execute_core_function - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix newline handling for template for all template tags - -2003-06-11 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/compiler.config_load.php: - add compiler function to cvs repository - -2003-06-11 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - added config-option "request_use_auto_globals" to make auto-globals be - used as request vars instead of HTTP_*_VARS - -2003-06-11 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - make config vars compile statically - -2003-06-11 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - backed out newlines patch - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - removed newlines in compiled templates after closing tags - -2003-06-10 Messju Mohr - - * docs/de/designers.sgml: - fixed german note on html_image and disk-access - -2003-06-10 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/core.parse_file_path.php: - fix bug with resource_type resolving - -2003-06-09 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: - replace example with more practical one - -2003-06-08 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - added block-methods for registered objects - -2003-06-07 Messju Mohr - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - fixed bug in documentation for $smarty->default_modifiers - -2003-06-06 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/core.parse_file_path.php: - fix problem with new default_resource_type changes - - * NEWS: - update NEWS file info - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/plugins/core.parse_file_path.php: - add default_resource_type, ignore 1 char resource names - - * NEWS - libs/Config_File.class.php: - fix bug where config file starts with hidden section - -2003-06-04 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - -** empty log message *** - -2003-06-03 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - fix example in code comments - -2003-06-03 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.counter.php: - fixed behaviour of start=... for {counter} - -2003-06-02 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.counter.php: - fixed assign for {counter} - -2003-05-30 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/core.write_cache_file.php - libs/plugins/core.write_compiled_template.php: - add discrete error checking pertaining to $cache_dir - and $compile_dir, their existance and writability - -2003-05-28 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_table.php: - added params vdir, hdir and inner to html_table to allow looping over - the data in various directions - -2003-05-28 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/core.compile_template.php - libs/plugins/core.display_debug_console.php: - fix problem with security and debug.tpl file - -2003-05-23 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: - upd NEWS file - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - allow spaces in literal tags - -2003-05-22 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/fr/programmers.sgml: - fix special chars - -2003-05-19 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - speed up compiled templates, hardcode plugin filepaths instead of - recalculate at runtime - -2003-05-19 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fixed example of {html_image} - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fixed typo - -2003-05-12 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/plugins/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/plugins/core.smarty_include.php - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - fixed multiple redundant occurrences for 'config' and 'template' in - $smarty->_cache_info - -2003-05-10 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/core.create_dir_structure.php: - refurbished create_dir_structure to use '/' internally - - * libs/plugins/core.create_dir_structure.php: - fixed windows absolute-paths in smarty_core_create_dir_structure() - - * libs/plugins/core.create_dir_structure.php: - fixed error-message - -2003-05-09 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed warning due to missing param to _execute_core_function() - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed quoting in _compile_include_php - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed quoting of "file"-parameter in _compile_include_tag() - -2003-05-08 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - fix typo - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/plugins/core.compile_template.php - libs/plugins/core.create_dir_structure.php - libs/plugins/core.fetch_template_info.php - libs/plugins/core.get_include_path.php - libs/plugins/core.get_microtime.php - libs/plugins/core.get_php_resource.php - libs/plugins/core.is_secure.php - libs/plugins/core.is_trusted.php - libs/plugins/core.load_plugins.php - libs/plugins/core.load_resource_plugin.php - libs/plugins/core.parse_file_path.php - libs/plugins/core.process_cached_inserts.php - libs/plugins/core.read_cache_file.php - libs/plugins/core.rm_auto.php - libs/plugins/core.rmdir.php - libs/plugins/core.run_insert_handler.php - libs/plugins/core.smarty_include.php - libs/plugins/core.smarty_include_php.php - libs/plugins/core.write_cache_file.php - libs/plugins/core.write_compiled_template.php - libs/plugins/core.write_file.php - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php - libs/plugins/function.fetch.php - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - abstract more private functions to plugin directory - - * libs/Config_File.class.php: - only add DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR if it isn't already present - - * libs/Config_File.class.php: - fix directory separator code, use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR - -2003-05-08 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fixed example of html_checkboxes - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - fixed bug in _create_dir_structure() when used with - open_basedir-restriction and relative paths - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fixed example for html_radios - -2003-05-07 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/plugins/core.assign_smarty_interface.php - libs/plugins/core.display_debug_console.php - libs/plugins/function.display_debug_console.php: - abstracted display_debug_console and assign_smarty_interface to plugin dir - as a test - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/plugins/function.display_debug_console.php: - correct misc varnames, abstract debug console display to plugin function - - * libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php: - fix typo - -2003-05-05 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - add % to math - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - clean up comments, formatting - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - keep DIR_SEP for 3rd party compatability - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - remove DIR_SEP, use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR exclusively - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - remove ++ and -- math operators on template vars - -2003-05-04 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - removed unused parameter $quote from Smarty_Compiler::_parse_attrs() - - * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - fixed DIR_SEP in html_image-plugin - -2003-05-04 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - rename DIR_SEP to SMARTY_DIR_SEP to avoid varname collisions - -2003-05-04 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - changed "link" to "href" in html_image. "link" is still working but - deprecated - html_image always renders an alt-tag now (default alt="") - cleaned up indentiation of function.html_image.php - -2003-05-03 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/debug.tpl: - fix typo - -2003-05-02 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.counter.php: - fixed assign attribute for multiple counters - -2003-05-02 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - allow math on negative number - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - added simple math operators to variables - -2003-05-02 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fixed typos - -2003-04-30 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/fr/appendixes.sgml - docs/fr/common.dsl - docs/fr/designers.sgml - docs/fr/getting-started.sgml - docs/fr/html-common.dsl - docs/fr/html.dsl - docs/fr/manual.sgml - docs/fr/php.dsl - docs/fr/preface.sgml - docs/fr/programmers.sgml: - add frech docs to cvs repository - -2003-04-29 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - reverted patch for case-insensitive tag-names - -2003-04-28 Messju Mohr - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - reverted back to humerous redundancy in the docs :). although we all - know we are here to generate template-based output, and not to have - fun ;-) - - * docs/getting-started.sgml: - fixed default user and group for max os x installation - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - made $function[2] and $function[3] options for register_resource - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - fixed issue with object-callback when fetching a php-resource - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - enabled array(&$obj. 'source', 'timestamp', 'secure', 'trusted') as - callback for register_resource() - - enabled array(&$obj, 'method') as callback for - $default_template_handler_func - -2003-04-27 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: - fixed some typos, thank to mehdi - - * libs/plugins/function.counter.php: - prevent assign from overruling print-attribute in function.counter.php - - * libs/plugins/function.counter.php: - fixed problem with counter and assign - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - fixed notice in _load_plugins() - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - made plugin-names case-insensitive. this affects - compiler/block/custom-functions and modifers. - -2003-04-26 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - remove unnecessary close/open tags from compiled templates - -2003-04-26 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml: - added documentation for* - -2003-04-24 Messju Mohr - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fixed example table_attr and tr_attr in html_table-example - -2003-04-21 Greg Beaver - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - fixed small bug in doc comments - -2003-04-21 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - fixed errornous creation of '//' in image_path in html_image - -2003-04-21 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: - fix htmlspecialchars() conflict - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: - fix escapement of special chars in key values of debug console - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.config_load.php: - fixed debug timing logic for config_load - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fix example text - - -2003-04-20 Greg Beaver - * plugins/* - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - Config_File.class.php: - updated all doc comments to phpDocumentor format (whew!) - -2003-04-06 Messju Mohr - - * libs/plugins/function.math.php: - allowed "_" in the name of variable-parameters to {math}-function - -2003-04-04 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - docs/designers.sgml - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - change backtic syntax from $`foo` to `$foo` - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - recognize $foo[][] syntax in embedded quotes without backticks - -2003-04-03 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - name=123 is passed as an integer (not a string) to plugins now - -2003-04-01 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - added CVS $Id$ - -2003-03-31 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - added missing compile_id inside Smarty_Compiler - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed flaw when generating an error for missing postfilter - -2003-03-31 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/getting-started.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: - fix typos - -2003-03-27 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: - $length is now propagated to sub-values in debug_print_var - -2003-03-26 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: - update header - - * RELEASE_NOTES: - commit changes to release notes - - * (Smarty_2_5_0_RC2) - libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - committing RC2 - -2003-03-24 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - made clear_cache() ignore compile_id when clearing cache_groups - - * libs/plugins/function.popup.php: - made onmouseout XHTML-compatible in function.popup.php - -2003-03-21 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - applied new var-names to fetch() - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - renamed $localvars to $_localvars in cache-file-handling-functions, - added _get_auto_id()-function - -2003-03-21 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/function.mailto.php - libs/plugins/function.popup.php: - update functions for XHTML compatability - -2003-03-21 Messju Mohr - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - fixed wrong $auto_id in _read_cache_file() - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - swapped compile_id and cache_id in read_cache_file and write_cache_file - - * libs/Smarty.class.php: - reverted patch for ignoring compile-id back to -r1.364, due to problems - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: - html_radios and html_checkboxes accept "selected" instead of "checked" - optionally now - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - swapped compile_id and cache_id for cache-file-handling again - -2003-03-20 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix notice when no parameter is passed to default - -2003-03-20 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - removed notice of undefined var in _rm_auto() - -2003-03-19 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php - libs/plugins/function.html_table.php: - fix a few error messages, follow consistancy format plugin_name: errormsg - - * libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: - update error messages - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: - add a warning when an array is passed as the 'checked' value of html_radios - -2003-03-19 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed errormessage in _compile_smarty_ref() - - * NEWS - docs/designers.sgml: - updated docs for html_image - -2003-03-18 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - cleaned up calls to readdir() - - * libs/plugins/function.html_options.php: - fixed label for optgroup in html_options - -2003-03-18 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix (newly introduced) bug with passing multiple modifiers to a parameter - -2003-03-18 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - docs/designers.sgml: - updated docs for html_checkboxes, html_options and html_radios - - * libs/plugins/function.html_options.php: - fixed wrong default-"name" in function.html_options.php - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: - renamed "checkbox" and "radios" to "options" in {html_checkboxes} and - {html_radios} - - * libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php: - tried to optimize re-replacement in outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php a - little - - * libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php: - fixed greedy str_replace in outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php - libs/plugins/function.html_options.php - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: - html_options, html_checkboxes and html_radios now pass-thru all unknown - paramters - -2003-03-17 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_options.php: - html_options passthru all unknown paramters now - -2003-03-17 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - Fix link bug in html_image function, also make output XHTML compatible - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix issue of embedded var and escaped double quotes - -2003-03-15 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - back out "@" logic, apply only to default modifier special case - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix @ logic, only use upon an echo - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - append "@" to template var echoes to supress possible notices - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - append "@" to _run_mod_handler to supress warnings - -2003-03-14 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix problem with escaped double quotes - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: - fixed html_options to not return an array - -2003-03-12 Messju Mohr - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/modifier.truncate.php: - fixed length in modifier.truncate.php - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php: - fixed handling of '$'-signs in trimwhitespace outputfilter (messju) - -2003-03-12 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - update technical explanation of assign_by_ref and append_by_ref - -2003-03-11 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - fix config file recompiling code - -2003-03-07 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - change E_USER_ERROR to E_USER_NOTICE - - * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - suppress warning in html_image - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - update changes to html_image - -2003-03-06 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/de/appendixes.sgml - docs/de/common.dsl - docs/de/designers.sgml - docs/de/getting-started.sgml - docs/de/html-common.dsl - docs/de/html.dsl - docs/de/manual.sgml - docs/de/preface.sgml - docs/de/programmers.sgml: - add german docs to dist - - * NEWS: - update news file - - * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - fix width/height parameter index - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - get rid of unsetting name and script attributes to insert tags - -2003-03-05 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - RELEASE_NOTES: - update NEWS file - - * libs/plugins/modifier.string_format.php: - fix argument order, erroneously swapped a while back - - * (Smarty_2_5_0_RC1) - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - libs/Config_File.class.php - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - commit final changes for 2.5.0-RC1 - -2003-03-04 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - remove $show_info_header and $show_info_include property vars from docs - -2003-03-03 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.popup.php: - fixed PHP notice - -2003-02-28 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - simplify and smarty.const.$foo logic - - * libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - only allow $foo syntax in embedded quotes, unless escaped with backticks - then allow any dollar var - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix "once" var compiling to work with new attr compiling methods for - include_php - - * FAQ - NEWS - README - docs/designers.sgml - docs/getting-started.sgml - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php - libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php - libs/plugins/function.html_options.php - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php - libs/plugins/function.html_select_date.php - libs/plugins/function.html_select_time.php - libs/plugins/function.html_table.php: - fix $ compiling, clean up double quoted strings, - allow full dollar var syntax in quotes again - -2003-02-27 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - update docs, fix smarty var compiling, allow any $smarty.*.$foo syntax, - add $`foobar` for embedded variables - - * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - update functionality - -2003-02-26 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/modifier.nl2br.php: - add nl2br modifier - - * libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - add link parameter - -2003-02-24 Monte Ohrt - - * libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - fix rename problem in windows, unlink first - - * libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php - libs/plugins/function.html_options.php - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php - libs/plugins/shared.escape_special_chars.php: - update functions with separate escape_special_chars routine - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: - commit checkboxes, update radios - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php - libs/plugins/function.html_image.php: - fix bug with get_registered_object - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/ - added cat modifier to distribution - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - added << >> <> support to IF statements - - * libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: - apply patch to initial html_radios function - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - fix _assign_smarty_interface to not overwrite keys other than 'request' - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.html_radios.php: - added html_radios to distribution - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/modifier.string_format.php: - fixed arg order of string_format - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty.class.php: - use tmp file for file writes, avoid race condition - - * NEWS - libs/Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - add $ var, handle embedded smarty var correctly - - * NEWS - libs/plugins/function.fetch.php: - silence warnings in fetch plugin - -2003-02-21 Monte Ohrt - - * INSTALL: - update wording - - * INSTALL: - update install instructions - - * AUTHORS - BUGS - CREDITS - QUICKSTART - README - RESOURCES - TESTIMONIALS: - remove some files already in docs or elsewhere - - * demo/index.php: - add templates_c to repository - - * index.php: - move demo files to demo directory - - * Config_File.class.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - debug.tpl: - moved lib files under libs directory - -2003-02-20 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - add get_config_vars() method, update get_template_vars() functionality - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - fix minor logic in _fetch_template_info() - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - support merging appended vars - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - fix cache groups behavior with compile_id set - -2003-02-19 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: - back out third parameter, extend functionality of append - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - update imbedded vars, allow special $smarty vars - - * plugins/function.html_table.php: - add plugin html_table - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - support appending key=>val pairs - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - change embedded variable logic to only recognize $foo and $foo[0][bar] - syntax - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - allow null as function attribute value - -2003-02-18 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - support foo->bar[index] syntax - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - allow $foo->bar[0] syntax - -2003-02-17 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/modifier.escape.php: - fix syntax error from previous commit - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - add error msgs to get_registered_object - - * Smarty.class.php: - add function for getting reference to registered object - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - back out patches for object and objref calls on $smarty var - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - treat unrecognized param attribute syntax as a string - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - support $smarty.const.$foo syntax - - * NEWS - debug.tpl - plugins/modifier.count_words.php - plugins/modifier.escape.php: - fix E_NOTICE messages - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - add @ and === to if tokens, few param cleanups - -2003-02-16 Greg Beaver - - * ChangeLog - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - many more phpdoc comment upgrades - -2003-02-15 Greg Beaver - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - continue cleaning of phpdoc comments. All that is needed is the - addition of @return tags and perhaps a bit more verbose comments - and they are finished. - -2003-02-14 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - enable config_load error messages - - * NEWS - plugins/function.html_options.php: - fix html_options to not escape already escaped entities - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - send Last-Modified header on cache creation, misc tab/spacing cleanup - -2003-02-13 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs/designers.sgml: - allow dash in plain text - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - check strict syntax of function attributes - -2003-02-12 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - dropped support for modifiers on object parameters, - added support for objects as modifier parameters - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs/designers.sgml: - fix bug with decimal numbers in if statements, misc doc updates - -2003-02-11 Monte Ohrt - - * (Smarty_2_4_2) - Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - update version numbers - -2003-02-10 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - add support for $foo->$bar syntax - - * NEWS: - update NEWS file - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - support full var syntax in quoted text, fix problem with const var access, - clean up some more regex code, fix object problem with no properties - -2003-02-06 Monte Ohrt - - * (Smarty_2_4_1) - Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - committed 2.4.1 changes - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - ignore case in IF statements - -2003-02-05 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - treat undefined constants as null - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - fix problem with inserts and nested fetches - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix "if" regex for math tokens - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs/getting-started.sgml: - added support for extracting params to include_php - -2003-02-04 Monte Ohrt - - * RELEASE_NOTES: - reformat text - -2003-02-03 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: - update news file - -2003-02-03 Greg Beaver - - * ChangeLog - Smarty.class.php: - begin fixing phpdoc comments in Smarty.class.php - - * ChangeLog - Config_File.class.php: - fixed phpdoc comments - -2003-02-03 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - allow $foo->bar[$x].foo syntax - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - index.php - configs/test.conf - templates/index.tpl: - fix accidental commit - - * index.php - configs/test.conf - templates/index.tpl: - allow $foo->bar[$j].blah type of syntax - -2003-02-02 Greg Beaver - - * Smarty.class.php - begin fixing of phpdoc comments - - * Config_File.class.php - fix phpdoc comments, add phpDocumentor docblock templates - -2003-02-02 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - docs/html.dsl - docs/php.dsl: - fix version number - - * (Smarty_2_4_0) - Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: - update Smarty version numbers - -2003-01-30 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - TODO: - fix order of php tag comparisons - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix known php tag handling problems - -2003-01-29 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - change comments to phpdoc style - -2003-01-28 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - docs/programmers.sgml: - make separate var for compiler file - - * plugins/function.fetch.php: - fix error call - -2003-01-25 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - add support for restriction to registered methods - - * plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php: - update with textarea support - -2003-01-24 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix compiling problem with {foreach} tags - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - put objects in own array, add object param format support, change - object syntax from to foo->bar - -2003-01-23 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - add support for object registration - -2003-01-22 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: - add file & line number of calling error to error message - -2003-01-21 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - put php style object syntax back in - -2003-01-20 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: - move security settings to fetch function for template_dir - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - fix debug template and security, add template_dir to secure_dir at runtime - -2003-01-17 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - added new object support without new template syntax - -2003-01-15 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix if statement syntax for negative integers, fix issue with directories - named '0' - -2003-01-08 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - plugins/function.counter.php - plugins/function.cycle.php - plugins/function.debug.php - plugins/function.eval.php - plugins/function.fetch.php - plugins/function.html_options.php - plugins/function.html_select_date.php - plugins/function.html_select_time.php - plugins/function.mailto.php - plugins/function.math.php - plugins/function.popup.php - plugins/function.popup_init.php: - update plugins to return values instead of echo, fix config file cache - to include global config variables in cache file - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix bug with >= tests in if statements, comment out full object support - -2003-01-06 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - docs/html.dsl - plugins/modifier.escape.php: - add javascript escape parameter to escape modifier - -2003-01-02 Monte Ohrt - - * templates/header.tpl: - move the title into head where it should be - -2002-12-24 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - added correct line numbers to smarty syntax error messages - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - update append documentation, make more clear on its function - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix modifier matching regexp - -2002-12-23 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - support nested function calls in IF statements - -2002-12-20 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - few more fixes, spaces around function parameters - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix misc syntax issues with {if} tags - -2002-12-20 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix misc syntax issues with {if} tags - -2002-12-19 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - commit updates, passes all smoke tests - - * NEWS: - update NEWS file - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed literal string not in quotes as parameters - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix misc syntax issues, add ability to pass modifiers to functions - -2002-12-18 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: - update NEWS - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - update compiler code, clean up regex, add new syntax features - -2002-12-16 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: - update NEWS file - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - commit updates for objects - -2002-12-14 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix bug with compiling config files with caching on - -2002-12-13 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix problem with matching single quoted strings - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - update embedded variable logic, get rid of ."" at end of output - - * NEWS - docs/designers.sgml - plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - add day_value_format to html_select_date - -2002-12-12 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: - fix bug, double escaped values in display - - * Smarty.class.php: - move debug test back into fetch() - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php: - assigned vars are no longer in global name space, few debug cleanups - -2002-12-11 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.popup.php: - fix error in newline code - - * plugins/function.popup.php: - fix popup to allow newlines in text data - -2002-12-10 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: - fix plugin error logic - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: - edit examples, make more verbose - - * NEWS - plugins/function.html_options.php: - escape html entities in the option values and output - - * NEWS - plugins/function.html_options.php: - fixed bug with label of html_options - -2002-12-09 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: - add support for var_export() - - * Config_File.class.php - Smarty.class.php: - clean up code, respect force_compile and compile_check flags - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs/designers.sgml - plugins/function.mailto.php: - add caching feature to config loading, document update, add mailto plugin - -2002-12-08 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.fetch.php: - fix query part of URL - -2002-12-05 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fix typos - -2002-11-22 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - patch for warning message - -2002-11-21 Monte Ohrt - - * RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php: - get rid of testing for a set value with assign function, just set to - whatever is passed into the template - - * docs/programmers.sgml: - fix typo - -2002-11-19 Monte Ohrt - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - commit changes, ready for 2.3.1 release - -2002-11-01 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.html_options.php: - added label attribute to all option outputs, cover w3c spec. - - * NEWS: update NEWS file - - * docs/designers.sgml: update docs for optgroup output - - * plugins/function.html_options.php: - make html_options work with optgroup, make func modular and recursive. - -2002-10-29 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: set mtime on compile files so they match source files - -2002-10-18 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: added proper support for open_basedir setting - - * docs/designers.sgml: clear up docs on index, iteration and rownum - -2002-10-16 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/modifier.default.php: fix warning message in default modifier - -2002-09-25 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml - plugins/modifier.strip.php - NEWS: added strip variable modifier - -2002-09-24 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Fix to be able to use $smarty.x variables as arrays. - -2002-09-23 Monte Ohrt - - * Config_File.class.php: - add support for mac/dos formatted config files (fix newlines) - - * docs/programmers.sgml: add optional tags to clear_cache parameters - - * docs/designers.sgml: - fix error with include_php description, add $this to description - -2002-09-20 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - docs/getting-started.sgml: fixed errors with example setup docs - -2002-09-16 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/block.textformat.php - docs/designers.sgml - NEWS: add textformat block function - -2002-09-10 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: - add assign attribute to cycle function documentation - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: fix typos - -2002-09-09 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.debug.php - templates/header.tpl: - fix header in debug template, fix typo in header.tpl example - -2002-08-15 mohrt - - * docs/programmers.sgml: fix typos - -2002-08-08 mohrt - - * RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php: - supress warnings from unlink() and is_dir(), let error handler deal with it - -2002-08-07 mohrt - - * docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml - Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update files with new version numbers - -2002-08-02 mohrt - - * NEWS: update NEWS file with credits - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: added assign_by_ref() and append_by_ref() functions - -2002-08-01 mohrt - - * TODO - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - changed default warning type for plugin errors from E_USER_WARNING to E_USER_ERROR - -2002-07-29 mohrt - - * plugins/function.html_select_time.php - docs/designers.sgml - NEWS: added paramters to html_select_time plugin - -2002-07-25 Andrei Zmievski - - * TODO: *** empty log message *** - -2002-07-24 mohrt - - * QUICKSTART: update QUICKSTART guide - - * NEWS - debug.tpl - plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php: - update debug console to show objects, fix warning in debug.tpl - -2002-07-23 mohrt - - * docs/programmers.sgml: fix load_filter examples - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS: fix error when there are no sections in config file - -2002-07-19 mohrt - - * docs/getting-started.sgml: fix error in install guide - -2002-07-18 mohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - correct the expression match for smarty:nodefaults - -2002-07-17 mohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: fix default modifier to work with config vars - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: got args to strstr backwards... - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - change default modifiers to array instead of string - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs/designers.sgml - Smarty.class.php: add default modifier logic, minor doc updates - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - plugins/function.popup_init.php: - make popup_init xhtml compliant, minor variable name changes for consistancy - -2002-07-16 mohrt - - * NEWS: update NEWS file - - * plugins/function.debug.php - Smarty.class.php - debug.tpl - NEWS: - fix problem with filenames on windows, add ability to supply expire time in seconds when clearing cache or compiled files - -2002-07-15 mohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: - fixed problem with insert tags when loading function from script attribute - and caching enabled (Monte) - -2002-07-14 mohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: fix bug with debug_tpl file path for Windows - -2002-07-12 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: fix append function with array/string issue - -2002-07-11 Monte Ohrt - - * RELEASE_NOTES: update release notes - - * NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - Config_File.class.php: update files to 2.2.0 tags, get ready for release - -2002-07-09 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: make debug.tpl work with any delimiter - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - change tests in append and assign to != '' instead of empty(), which is more accurate - -2002-07-08 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: minor doc update - - * Smarty.class.php: - cast var as an array, simplify and get rid of PHP warning messages - -2002-07-03 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: one more N - - * Smarty.class.php: - prepend "N" to filenames to avoid possible OS issues with dir names starting with "-" - - * Smarty.class.php: only set $debug_tpl in constructor if empty - - * Smarty.class.php - docs/designers.sgml - docs/getting-started.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: - make use_sub_dirs go back to crc32 for subdir separation - -2002-06-29 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.eval.php: do nothing if $val is empty - - * TODO - plugins/function.eval.php - plugins/function.popup_init.php: - add zindex to popup init, fix error message for eval. - -2002-06-27 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: - only loop through relative paths for PHP include_path, remove $_relative variable - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: added {$smarty.version} variable - -2002-06-26 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/designers.sgml - docs/getting-started.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml - Smarty.class.php: - update plugin loading logic, look in SMARTY_DIR, then cwd. If all fail, then retry all with include_path - - * templates/header.tpl - Smarty.class.php: update get_include_path, get _path_array only once - - * Smarty.class.php: fix get_include_path function for windows - - * Smarty.class.php: update plugin search logic - - * Smarty.class.php: only search include_path if relative path - - * plugins/function.html_select_date.php - plugins/function.html_select_time.php - plugins/modifier.date_format.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: allow plugins_dir to be an array of directories - -2002-06-25 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/programmers.sgml - docs/getting-started.sgml: update installation docs - - * debug.tpl - docs/getting-started.sgml - templates/debug.tpl - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: move debug.tpl to SMARTY_DIR, add to constructor - -2002-06-24 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php - NEWS: fixed warning message in function.assign_debug_info - - * Smarty.class.php: update include_path fixes - - * NEWS: - fixed $template_dir, $compile_dir, $cache_dir, $config_dir to respect include_path - -2002-06-23 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php: - update timestamp plugin to work when passed a timestamp - -2002-06-19 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: update NEWS file - - * plugins/modifier.date_format.php - docs/designers.sgml: - update date_format, allow optional 2nd paramater as default date if passed date is empty. update docs. - - * plugins/modifier.date_format.php: - fix date_format modifier, return nothing if given empty string - -2002-06-18 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - plugins/function.cycle.php: - gave $reset a default value in cycle function - - * plugins/function.html_select_date.php - plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php - NEWS: - corrected warnings in html_select_time function, made make timestamp always return a timestamp - -2002-06-17 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: swapped around cache_id and compile_id order - -2002-06-14 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/programmers.sgml - plugins/function.popup_init.php - Smarty.class.php: - change directory delimiter to "^" for cache and compile files - -2002-06-13 Andrei Zmievski - - * TODO: done. - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Optimize the calculation of section 'total' property. - -2002-06-11 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - added support for subdir exclusion, deletion by full or partial cache_id and compile_id, change file format to urlencoded values instead of crc32 - -2002-06-07 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: fix bug with last_modified_check code - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - updated $GLOBALS refererence for HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - -2002-06-06 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml - overlib.js: - remove overlib.js file from distribution, update plugin and docs - -2002-06-05 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: fix 304 Not Modified, don't send content - -2002-06-03 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.cycle.php: update version number - - * plugins/function.cycle.php - NEWS: - fixed cycle function to respect delimiter setting after initial setting - - * Smarty.class.php - NEWS: - update $GLOBALS references to work properly with track_globals settings - - * plugins/function.math.php: fixed bug with call $assign - - * docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/designers.sgml - plugins/function.html_options.php - plugins/function.html_select_time.php - NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - optimized for loops with count() function calls - -2002-06-01 Andrei Zmievski - - * TODO: *** empty log message *** - -2002-05-21 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: update NEWS file - - * plugins/function.html_select_date.php - RESOURCES - docs/designers.sgml - Config_File.class.php: - update html_select_date with month_value_format attribute for controlling the format of the month values. - -2002-05-17 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Made it possible to use simple variables inside [] for indexing. - -2002-05-16 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml - docs/getting-started.sgml - NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - TESTIMONIALS: add "once" attribute to php_include, update docs - -2002-05-09 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - TODO: *** empty log message *** - -2002-05-07 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.cycle.php: remove \n from cycle function - - * docs/designers.sgml - plugins/function.cycle.php - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - NEWS: - update cycle function to handle array as input, update files to 2.1.1 - -2002-05-06 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.fetch.php: - update fetch function with more error checking - -2002-05-03 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml - plugins/function.counter.php: - update counter to use name instead of id (id still works though) - - * plugins/function.cycle.php - docs/designers.sgml: rename id to name for cycle function - - * plugins/function.cycle.php: - update cycle function to allow blank values parameter after initialized - - * plugins/function.cycle.php: fix syntax error - -2002-05-02 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.cycle.php: ugh, another typo - - * plugins/function.cycle.php: update comments - - * docs/designers.sgml - plugins/function.cycle.php - NEWS: added function cycle - - * FAQ - Smarty.class.php: fix register_outputfilter function - -2002-05-01 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: fixed bug with resource testing and include_path - -2002-04-30 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update files for 2.1.0 release - -2002-04-30 Andrei Zmievski - - * plugins/function.fetch.php - docs/programmers.sgml - Smarty.class.php: Fix. - -2002-04-29 Andrei Zmievski - - * docs/programmers.sgml - docs/designers.sgml: A whole bunch of docs. - -2002-04-26 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - QUICKSTART - docs/programmers.sgml: update FAQ, QUICKSTART, small doc syntax fix - -2002-04-24 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/programmers.sgml - templates/debug.tpl - Smarty.class.php: changed doc structure a bit - -2002-04-16 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: Add register/unregister API for output filters. - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - TODO: - Changed the way filters are loaded, which now has to be done explicitly, - either through load_filter() API or by filling in $autoload_filters variable. - Also renamed internal variable to avoid namespace pollution. - -2002-04-15 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: - Fixed _get_php_resource() to take include_path into account. - -2002-04-15 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: - update docs, get modifiers and functions into index for easy access - - * docs/programmers.sgml - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: update caching documentation - -2002-04-15 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty.class.php: Only turn down error notices if $debugging is false. - -2002-04-15 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: update NEWS file - - * plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - fixed logic so this works right when field_separator = "/" - - * plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - fix regular expression for matching date - -2002-04-13 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: updated html_select_date docs to reflect changes - - * NEWS - plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - added YYYY-MM-DD support to html_select_date - -2002-04-12 Andrei Zmievski - - * TESTIMONIALS: New entry. - -2002-04-12 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php: back out changes to strip_tags - - * docs/programmers.sgml: update docs regarding cache_lifetime - - * plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php - Smarty.class.php: - update cache_lifetime logic: -1 = never expire, 0 = always expire - -2002-04-11 Andrei Zmievski - - * BUGS - FAQ - INSTALL - NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs/getting-started.sgml: - Fixed directory separtor issue. Requiring PHP 4.0.6 now. - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Added ability to use simple variables for array indices or object properties. - - * TESTIMONIALS: Another one. - - * TESTIMONIALS: Adding one from Mark P. - -2002-04-05 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: Make it possible to unregister pre/postfilter plugins. - -2002-04-05 Monte Ohrt - - * INSTALL: Remove addons file from INSTALL instructions - -2002-04-04 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: update doc error - - * docs/designers.sgml - plugins/modifier.escape.php - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: added htmlall attribute to escape modifier - -2002-04-03 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fixed undefined offset warning in {if} tag. - - * Smarty.class.php - NEWS: Added template_exists() API. - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - NEWS: - - Added $smarty.template variable. - - Fixed {include_php} tag when dynamic values were used for 'file' attribute. - - * Config_File.class.php: Separator setting fix. - -2002-03-28 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - README: add digest address - - * FAQ - README - Smarty.class.php: update mailing list addresses - -2002-03-28 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * plugins/function.html_select_date.php - plugins/function.html_select_time.php - plugins/modifier.date_format.php: - Fix for when plugins directory is not the default one. - -2002-03-28 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * plugins/function.html_select_date.php - plugins/function.html_select_time.php - plugins/modifier.date_format.php: - Fix for when plugins directory is not the default one. - -2002-03-27 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ: update FAQ page - -2002-03-26 Andrei Zmievski - - * CREDITS - NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - TODO: Block functions changes. - - * Config_File.class.php: *** empty log message *** - -2002-03-25 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Initial implementation of block functions. - -2002-03-22 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: fix documentation error in capture - -2002-03-22 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty.class.php: Turn off notices. - -2002-03-21 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Make _current_file available to prefilters. - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - Made is possible to assign variables in pre/postfilters. - -2002-03-20 Andrei Zmievski - - * plugins/function.html_select_date.php: Fixed +/- functionality. - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2002-03-20 Monte Ohrt - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update version numbers - - * plugins/function.html_select_date.php - plugins/function.html_select_time.php - plugins/modifier.date_format.php: - move .make_timestamp.php to shared.make_timestamp.php - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - docs/designers.sgml - plugins/function.fetch.php - plugins/function.html_select_date.php: - update file generation, replace crc32() '-' with 'N' - -2002-03-20 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: *** empty log message *** - -2002-03-19 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Fix plugin behavior for inserts with script attribute. - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix bug with $smarty.cookies. - - * TESTIMONIALS: *** empty log message *** - -2002-03-15 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - docs/designers.sgml: update Changelog - - * plugins/modifier.indent.php - plugins/modifier.wordwrap.php: add wordwrap and indent to repository - -2002-03-14 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: - remove show_info_include and show_info_header functions - -2002-03-13 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.fetch.php: update fetch function - - * plugins/function.fetch.php: update fetch function with new parameters - -2002-03-12 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: update doc tables - - * docs/designers.sgml: update docs columns - - * docs/getting-started.sgml - docs/appendixes.sgml: update docs - - * TESTIMONIALS - docs/appendixes.sgml: update syntax error in docs, add to testimonials - -2002-03-04 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - README: update FAQ, README with digest mode info - -2002-03-02 Monte Ohrt - - * QUICKSTART: update quickstart - - * Smarty.class.php: - change behavior so cache_lifetime = 0 never expires (instead of always regenerate) - -2002-03-01 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: update doc example - -2002-03-01 Andrei Zmievski - - * CREDITS - RELEASE_NOTES - TODO - NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2002-03-01 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/designers.sgml - docs/getting-started.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: update document id tags - - * docs.sgml: remove docs.sgml - - * RESOURCES - Smarty.class.php: update resources - -2002-02-28 Andrei Zmievski - - * TESTIMONIALS - docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/designers.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: *** empty log message *** - -2002-02-27 Andrei Zmievski - - * plugins/function.eval.php - docs/designers.sgml: *** empty log message *** - -2002-02-27 Monte Ohrt - - * plugins/function.eval.php: added eval function to plugin dir - -2002-02-27 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2002-02-27 Monte Ohrt - - * docs/designers.sgml: fix syntax error - - * docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/designers.sgml - docs/getting-started.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: convert technical notes to docbook format - - * NEWS - docs/designers.sgml: added "eval" plugin docs - -2002-02-26 Andrei Zmievski - - * docs/programmers.sgml - docs/designers.sgml - docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/getting-started.sgml - docs/html-common.dsl - docs/.cvsignore: *** empty log message *** - - * docs/appendixes.sgml - docs/common.dsl - docs/designers.sgml - docs/getting-started.sgml - docs/html-common.dsl - docs/html.dsl - docs/manual.sgml - docs/preface.sgml - docs/programmers.sgml: Split up docs. - -2002-02-25 Andrei Zmievski - - * docs.sgml: *** empty log message *** - -2002-02-22 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml: update docs - -2002-02-22 Andrei Zmievski - - * docs.sgml - AUTHORS - NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2002-02-21 Monte Ohrt - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml: update misc changes - -2002-02-21 Andrei Zmievski - - * docs.sgml: *** empty log message *** - -2002-02-20 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml: misc updates - -2002-02-20 Andrei Zmievski - - * docs.sgml: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty.class.php - plugins/function.assign.php - plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php - plugins/function.counter.php - plugins/function.fetch.php - plugins/function.math.php - plugins/function.popup.php - plugins/function.popup_init.php - plugins/modifier.escape.php: Fixup some naming. - -2002-02-20 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml: update docs - -2002-02-20 Andrei Zmievski - - * docs.sgml: *** empty log message *** - -2002-02-20 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - docs.sgml - plugins/modifier.escape.php: - removed global vars from fetch function, added attrs to escape modifier - - * docs.sgml: add plugin chapter outline - -2002-02-19 Monte Ohrt - - * README - RELEASE_NOTES - RESOURCES - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml - BUGS - FAQ - INSTALL - QUICKSTART: update docs - -2002-02-19 Andrei Zmievski - - * docs.sgml: Updated resources docs. - - * README: *** empty log message *** - - * docs.sgml: Updated description of {$smarty} variable. - - * BUGS - FAQ - INSTALL - QUICKSTART - RELEASE_NOTES - docs.sgml: Remove PEAR notes. - -2002-02-18 Andrei Zmievski - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS: Removed dependency on PEAR. - -2002-02-18 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - docs.sgml - plugins/function.popup_init.php: add src attribute to popup_init - -2002-02-15 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: Performance enhancements. - -2002-02-06 Andrei Zmievski - - * plugins/function.html_options.php: - Fix html_options output to be XHTML compatible. - -2002-02-05 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix up plugin inclusion. - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - TODO - plugins/function.html_select_date.php - plugins/function.html_select_time.php - plugins/modifier.date_format.php: Fix plugin directory access. - -2002-02-04 Andrei Zmievski - - * .cvsignore - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: *** empty log message *** - -2002-01-31 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - TODO - plugins/function.assign.php - plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php - plugins/function.counter.php - plugins/function.fetch.php - plugins/function.html_options.php - plugins/function.html_select_date.php - plugins/function.html_select_time.php - plugins/function.math.php - plugins/function.popup.php - plugins/function.popup_init.php - plugins/modifier.capitalize.php - plugins/modifier.count_characters.php - plugins/modifier.count_paragraphs.php - plugins/modifier.count_sentences.php - plugins/modifier.count_words.php - plugins/modifier.date_format.php - plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php - plugins/modifier.default.php - plugins/modifier.escape.php - plugins/modifier.lower.php - plugins/modifier.regex_replace.php - plugins/modifier.replace.php - plugins/modifier.spacify.php - plugins/modifier.string_format.php - plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php - plugins/modifier.truncate.php - plugins/modifier.upper.php - plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php - templates/index.tpl - AUTHORS - CREDITS - Config_File.class.php - README: Implemented plugin architecture. - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2002-01-30 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: added modifiers wordwrap and indent - -2002-01-28 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: - add support for is-modified-since headers, adjust a doc example - -2002-01-24 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: cleanup formatting - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: update ChangeLog, remove insert_tag_check parameter - -2002-01-24 Andrei Zmievski - - * plugins/standard.plugin.php: *** empty log message *** - -2002-01-24 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: fix syntax error - - * Smarty.class.php: removed unneccesary test from fetch() - -2002-01-23 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.addons.php: update overlib fixes - - * NEWS: update changelog - - * FAQ - NEWS - RESOURCES - Smarty.addons.php: updated overlib fixes - -2001-12-31 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: Fixed compile_id problem. - -2001-12-28 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed problem with using assigned var with include_php filepath - -2001-12-21 Monte Ohrt - - * RESOURCES: update RESOURCES - -2001-12-20 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - README: update FAQ - -2001-12-18 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: update version numbers - -2001-12-18 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: Fixed clear_cache(). - -2001-12-14 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php: - fixed bug in smarty_make_timestamp introduced in PHP 4.1.0 - -2001-12-13 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: update default function args, fix cached insert debug timing - -2001-12-12 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml: fix syntax error in documentation - - * Smarty.class.php: update default template handling functionality - -2001-12-11 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update file fetching logic - -2001-12-11 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: Added 'script' attribute to {insert..}. - -2001-12-10 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: added default template function handler - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update version numbers in files to 1.5.1 - -2001-12-10 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: Removed error message from the _read_file() method. - - * Smarty.class.php: Fix check for compile and cache IDs. - -2001-12-06 Monte Ohrt - - * QUICKSTART: fix spelling error in QUICKSTART - - * docs.sgml: fixed spelling errors in documenation - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: commit 1.5.0 release - - * RESOURCES - docs.sgml: added RESOURCES file - -2001-12-05 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Refactor. - -2001-12-05 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml: added assign to include and php_include - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml: *** empty log message *** - -2001-12-04 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Formatting. - -2001-12-04 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: update ChangeLog - -2001-12-04 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: Formatting. - -2001-12-04 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: removed SMARTY_DIR setting in constructor - - * Smarty.class.php: fix Smarty.class.php indention error - - * Smarty.class.php: update trusted logic - -2001-12-03 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: - fix up is_secure, is_trusted, make _parse_tpl_path function - - * Smarty.class.php: fix problem with testing SMARTY_DIR as empty - - * NEWS - docs.sgml: update documentation, change log - - * Smarty.class.php: - update constructor to check for SMARTY_DIR before assigning - -2001-12-03 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** - -2001-12-03 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - INSTALL - RELEASE_NOTES: update a few files - - * NEWS - QUICKSTART - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: added trusted_dir functionality, cleaned up secure_dir logic - -2001-12-03 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - Introduced $compile_id class variable. - - Fixed a situation where if $cache_id and $compile_id were both null - they were passed to auto functions as empty string instead of null. - -2001-11-30 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - change variable names in fetch() fuction to smarty_* to avoid namespace conflicts - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: fixed bug in _rm_auto with catenated null values - -2001-11-29 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Added $smarty.section.* syntax. - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Made 'name' attribute optional for {foreach}. - -2001-11-29 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - index.php: remove assign "now" in index.tpl - -2001-11-29 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: Fix formatting. - -2001-11-28 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: - removed return statements from _read_cache_file (how did they get in there?) - -2001-11-27 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml - NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: - fixed bugs and added assign attribute to several functions - -2001-11-27 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: Some rewording. - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix $smarty.capture access. - - * TODO: *** empty log message *** - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Made {config_load ..} merge globals from each config file only once per scope. - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Added {foreach ...}. - - Made certain $smarty.* references handled at compilation time. - -2001-11-26 Monte Ohrt - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml: commit cache handler functionality - -2001-11-20 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Various fixes and additions. - - * NEWS - index.php: *** empty log message *** - -2001-11-05 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: changed _read_file parameter from $end to $lines - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: fixed is_cache, make cache reading more efficient - -2001-11-02 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - NEWS: update FAQ with mailing list Reply-To header FAQ - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - index.php: supress fopen errors, return false if cache file won't load - -2001-11-01 Monte Ohrt - - * QUICKSTART - docs.sgml - index.php: update QUICKSTART guide with index key example - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml: commit all updates for 1.4.6 - -2001-11-01 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2001-10-30 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.addons.php: fix assign function problem with empty value passed - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - templates/debug.tpl: - fixed bug in assign function when passing an empty value - -2001-10-26 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - index.php: fix minor typo in debug code - -2001-10-26 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: Typo. - -2001-10-26 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.addons.php: - update debug console output, handle html encoding correctly - -2001-10-26 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.addons.php - templates/debug.tpl: Debug formatting. - - * Smarty.class.php: Disable rmdir warning. - -2001-10-26 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - templates/debug.tpl: update debugging to expand array variables - - * Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: - update docs for fetching only timestamp with custom template source functions - - * Smarty.addons.php: fix debug console error - -2001-10-26 Andrei Zmievski - - * docs.sgml: Typos. - - * Smarty.addons.php: Cleanup whitespace. - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Clean up whitespace. - - * Smarty.class.php: Cleaning up code, formatting mostly. - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2001-10-25 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - docs.sgml: update documentation to current version - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php: - updated fetch to give proper warning when fetching unreadable or nonexistant files - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed problem with newline at the end of compiled templates - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: recompile cache if config file gets modified too. - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - added feature to regenerate cache if compile_check is enabled and an - involved template is modified - -2001-10-23 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: fix indent for insert tags in debug console - - * templates/debug.tpl: update debug.tpl file format - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - templates/debug.tpl: - update execution time debugging, move into include list - -2001-10-10 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fixed up execution time output in debug console - -2001-10-09 Andrei Zmievski - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS - Smarty.class.php - TODO: Added support for hidden config vars. - -2001-10-04 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - templates/debug.tpl: added execution times to debug console - -2001-10-02 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Add space. - -2001-10-01 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: Fix reference to compile_id. - -2001-09-28 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Added postfilter functions. - -2001-09-26 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: Rename to clear_compiled_tpl(). - -2001-09-25 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Fixed line number reporting when removing comments. - -2001-09-20 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php: made html_options output xhtml compatible - -2001-09-19 Monte Ohrt - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - templates/debug.tpl: updated version numbers - -2001-09-16 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - NEWS - docs.sgml: fix doc error with insert function - -2001-09-06 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2001-08-31 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: update ChangeLog - - * overlib.js - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: - update overlib to 3.50, adjust addon code so that the overlib.js file isn't modified - -2001-08-31 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: - compile_id changes - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php: - compile_id support - - new options for html_select_date - -2001-08-23 Andrei Zmievski - - * TODO: *** empty log message *** - -2001-08-10 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Modified to pass Smarty object as second parameter to insert functions. - Also moved _smarty_mod_handler() and _smarty_insert_handler() into the class. - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Passing Smarty as second parameter to prefilter functions. - -2001-08-09 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2001-08-09 Monte Ohrt - - * templates/index.tpl - Smarty.class.php: add variable to template - -2001-08-06 Monte Ohrt - - * templates/index.tpl: change config_load section back to setup - -2001-08-06 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.addons.php: Optimize a bit. - -2001-08-04 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml: update capture documentation - -2001-08-03 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - fix bug with URL controlled debugging, works now (Monte) - -2001-08-01 Andrei Zmievski - - * Config_File.class.php: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - Smarty.class.php: - Fixed some E_NOTICE stuff in compiler. - - Generalized assign_smarty_interface() a bit. - -2001-07-24 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - TODO: See ChangeLog for details. - -2001-07-20 Andrei Zmievski - - * Config_File.class.php: Booleanize case-insensitively. - -2001-07-17 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: update ChangeLog - - * Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: put SMARTY_DIR on Config_File require - -2001-07-11 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml - FAQ - NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - updated security to not include insecure docs, only warning - -2001-07-10 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: Adding 'sizeof' as an allowed {if} function. - -2001-07-06 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2001-07-06 Monte Ohrt - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update version number to 1.4.4 - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - templates/header.tpl - templates/index.tpl: update documenatation, template examples - -2001-07-03 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: Implemented access to request vars via $smarty var. - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Fixed a bug with parsing function arguments in {if} tags. - -2001-06-30 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: update ChangeLog - -2001-06-29 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml - overlib.js: - moved overlib to separate file, added SMARTY_DIR, documented. added much documentation - -2001-06-29 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - RELEASE_NOTES - TODO: *** empty log message *** - -2001-06-29 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml - index.php - templates/debug.tpl - templates/header.tpl - templates/index.tpl: update release notes - -2001-06-27 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: *** empty log message *** - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Implemented 'step' section attribute. - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Negative values of 'max' will mean no max. - - * AUTHORS - NEWS: *** empty log message *** - -2001-06-26 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - index.php: Added 'max' and 'start' section attributes. - Added 'total' and 'iteration' section properties. - -2001-06-25 Andrei Zmievski - - * Config_File.class.php - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Update version numbers. - -2001-06-23 Andrei Zmievski - - * TODO: *** empty log message *** - -2001-06-21 Andrei Zmievski - - * Config_File.class.php - NEWS: Fixed booleanization bug. - -2001-06-20 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml: - update documents to reflect changes to cached content & debugging - -2001-06-20 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: Remove debug output for cached and fetched cases. - -2001-06-20 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: update include_info to false - - * Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml - index.php - templates/footer.tpl: - moved debug logic into Smarty completely, created flags for it - -2001-06-19 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - templates/debug.tpl: *** empty log message *** - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: Remove unneeded debug functions. - -2001-06-19 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml - templates/debug.tpl - templates/footer.tpl: commit updates, add debug template - -2001-06-19 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - TODO: - Moved config loading code inside main class, the compiled template now - simply calls that method. - -2001-06-15 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - templates/index.tpl: * moved config array into class itself - * added 'scope' attribute for config_load - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: Finishing up secure mode. - -2001-06-15 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: update ChangeLog - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: cleaned up logic of if statement security - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update if logic to cover more situations - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml: update if statement security feature - -2001-06-14 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Fixed a bug with quoted strings inside if statements. - -2001-06-13 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: added secure_dir array for multiple secure directories - - * Smarty.addons.php: update fetch funtion to respect security setting - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: update documentation, changelog - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: moved _extract setting to assign functions - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - added assign/unassign custom functions, ability to re-extract tpl_vars - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - index.php: commit security features - -2001-06-11 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: Version variable typo. - -2001-06-05 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: - Create config object in fetch() or just set the config path if it already - exists. - -2001-06-04 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Fixed a problem with $ inside strip tags. - -2001-05-31 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * Config_File.class.php: Allow empty config_path. - -2001-05-29 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: update version numbers - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml: moved version variable to internal variable - -2001-05-22 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Moved $_smarty_sections and $_smarty_conf_obj into Smarty class. - -2001-05-18 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: update ChangeLog - - * FAQ - QUICKSTART: update FAQ, QUICKSTART for windows include_path setup - - * configs/test.conf: added configs directory to cvs - -2001-05-18 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php: Use compiler_class for including the file. - -2001-05-18 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml: fix typo - -2001-05-16 Monte Ohrt - - * README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update files to version 1.4.1 - - * NEWS: update ChangeLog - -2001-05-15 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * index.php: forget that! - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - index.php: Fixed a few E_NOTICE warnings. - -2001-05-09 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: update dates versions - -2001-05-09 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty.class.php: - Use absolute paths when requiring/including Smart components. - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty.class.php: Use write mode instead of append. - -2001-05-02 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix indexing by section properties. - -2001-05-02 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: update changelog - - * Smarty.class.php: remove period from syntax error - -2001-05-02 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Double-quote the attribute values by default. - -2001-04-30 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - NEWS: added simple {capture} logic - -2001-04-30 Andrei Zmievski - - * TODO: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - Smarty.class.php: Fix passing config vars to included files. - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix inclusion again. - -2001-04-30 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php - misc/fix_vars.php - NEWS: update paths for windows (c:) - -2001-04-28 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix passing variables to included files. - - * templates/index.tpl: *** empty log message *** - -2001-04-27 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fix includes. - -2001-04-26 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - Smarty.class.php: Formatting mostly. - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - Config_File.class.php: *** empty log message *** - -2001-04-26 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - FAQ - NEWS - QUICKSTART - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php: update docs with new changes - -2001-04-26 Andrei Zmievski - - * RELEASE_NOTES: *** empty log message *** - - * docs.sgml - templates/index.tpl - NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Added ability to reference object properties. - -2001-04-25 Andrei Zmievski - - * README - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - AUTHORS - Config_File.class.php - CREDITS - RELEASE_NOTES - NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * docs.sgml: Docs on new parameter to custom functions. - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - Changing the way tpl vars are referenced and passing smarty object - to custom functions. - - * RELEASE_NOTES - docs.sgml: Fixing docs a bit. - -2001-04-24 Andrei Zmievski - - * docs.sgml: Docs for $compiler_class and compiler functions. - - * templates/index.tpl: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Remove debugging. - -2001-04-24 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml: update compiler function docs - -2001-04-24 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - templates/index.tpl: Added compiler function support. - -2001-04-24 Monte Ohrt - - * RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php: - update notes, change show_info_header to false by default - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - CREDITS - FAQ - NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES: update documenation, bug fixes - -2001-04-24 Andrei Zmievski - - * misc/fix_vars.php: Hopefully fix for sure. - -2001-04-23 Monte Ohrt - - * misc/fix_vars.php: uncomment copy/unlink - -2001-04-23 Andrei Zmievski - - * misc/fix_vars.php: Do it more thoroughly. - - * misc/fix_vars.php: check for } - -2001-04-22 Andrei Zmievski - - * misc/fix_vars.php: Fix variable parsing. - -2001-04-20 Monte Ohrt - - * misc/fix_vars.php: fix problem with 4.0.5-dev and preg_replace_callback - -2001-04-19 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - misc/fix_vars.php - NEWS - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php: update notes/documentation - - * NEWS - README - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml: update files for 1.4.0 release - -2001-04-16 Andrei Zmievski - - * misc/fix_vars.php: Added fix_vars.php script. - -2001-04-16 Monte Ohrt - - * QUICKSTART - RELEASE_NOTES - docs.sgml - templates/index.tpl: - update RELEASE_NOTES & scripts with new section var syntax - -2001-04-13 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: * Implement new variable format parser. - * Optimizing config load a bit. - -2001-04-13 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - NEWS - RELEASE_NOTES - Smarty.class.php: - added $check_cached_insert_tags to speed up cached pages if - {insert ...} is not used (Monte) - -2001-04-12 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php - RELEASE_NOTES: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Remove redundant functions. - - * Smarty.class.php: Formatting. - -2001-04-12 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: update file: parsing - - * Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: update documentation - -2001-04-12 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - TODO: *** empty log message *** - -2001-04-11 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - QUICKSTART - RELEASE_NOTES: added RELEASE_NOTES file to cvs - - * NEWS - docs.sgml: update ChangeLog, update documentation - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - templates/index.tpl: - update Smarty to compile at run-time. added ability to get files from - absolute paths, added work around for LOCK_EX and windows, changed a few - file permissions to be more secure. - -2001-03-29 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php: - allow arbitrary date strings instead of just timestamps - -2001-03-28 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - docs.sgml - FAQ - NEWS - README - Smarty.addons.php: - update version in class, update docs for count_ and new vars - - * templates/index.tpl - docs.sgml: update docs, example template - -2001-03-28 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Some variable renaming. - -2001-03-23 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - NEWS: Fixed nested include infinite repeat bug. - -2001-03-23 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: fix version number - - * Smarty.class.php - NEWS: added optional HTML header to output - -2001-03-22 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fixed inclusion of dynamic files. - -2001-03-16 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Fixing the config_load scoping. - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: making config variables global for now. - -2001-03-15 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS: *** empty log message *** - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - * Includes are now always done via generated function call to protect - namespace. - * config_load now always uses global config object to improve - performance. - -2001-03-13 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml: update math documentation with format attribute - -2001-03-11 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml - NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update math function with format attribute - -2001-03-10 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.addons.php: *** empty log message *** - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: Added html_select_time custom function. - -2001-03-08 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - NEWS - README - Smarty.addons.php: rename 1.3.1b to 1.3.1pl1 - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: update version numbers, changelog - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - moved _syntax_error to Smarty_Compiler.class.php - - * Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: - missing _syntax_error function recovered. fixed minor syntax in docs - -2001-03-07 Monte Ohrt - - * QUICKSTART - README - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - BUGS - INSTALL - NEWS: update everything to 1.3.1 - -2001-03-03 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - Smarty.class.php: fixed bug with cached insert tags - -2001-03-02 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: - fix cache fuctions with separated compiled class - - * FAQ - NEWS - docs.sgml: update changelog - -2001-03-02 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty_Compiler.class.php: Added 'first' and 'last' section properties. - -2001-03-02 Monte Ohrt - - * TODO: remove compiling separation TODO - - * Smarty_Compiler.class.php - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: update function headers - - * templates/index.tpl - NEWS - Smarty.class.php - Smarty_Compiler.class.php - index.php: split out compiling code for faster execution - - * Smarty.class.php: fixed a few warning messages - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml - NEWS: added fetch, unregister mod/fun, updated docs - -2001-03-01 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.addons.php: added "int" to available list - - * docs.sgml - FAQ - Smarty.class.php: update FAQ, add math functions & update documetation - - * index.php - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: fixed literal tags and other optional delimiters - -2001-02-26 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: - Added index_prev, index_next section properties and ability to - index by them. - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php: Reverting the plugins patch - needs more thought. - - * Smarty.class.php: Fixing plugin loading. - -2001-02-23 Andrei Zmievski - - * Smarty.addons.php - Smarty.class.php - plugins/standard.plugin.php - NEWS: Added plugin functionality. - -2001-02-22 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml - templates/index.tpl - NEWS - README - Smarty.class.php: fixed issue with php tags executed in literal blocks - -2001-02-21 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS: update changelog for LGPL change - - * Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml - README - Smarty.addons.php: updated version numbers to 1.3.0 - - * NEWS - templates/index.tpl: update changelog, rearrange index.tpl file - -2001-02-21 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** - -2001-02-21 Monte Ohrt - - * docs.sgml: update parameters for is_cached and fetch - -2001-02-21 Andrei Zmievski - - * NEWS - Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** - -2001-02-21 Monte Ohrt - - * NEWS - Smarty.addons.php - docs.sgml: update docs, remove header function from addons - -2001-02-20 Monte Ohrt - - * FAQ - NEWS: update changelog - - * TODO: update todo - - * TODO: update todo list - - * Smarty.class.php: update php tag handling logic - -2001-02-19 Monte Ohrt - - * index.php - Config_File.class.php - FAQ - Smarty.class.php - docs.sgml: fixed - - * Smarty.addons.php: *** empty log message *** - -2001-02-13 Andrei Zmievski - - * TODO: *** empty log message *** - -2001-02-12 Andrei Zmievski - - * templates/index.tpl - Smarty.class.php: *** empty log message *** - -2001-02-10 Monte Ohrt - - * Smarty.class.php: remove unneeded preg_match - - * Smarty.class.php: remove comment - - * Smarty.class.php: updated php escape to handle - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%239^%%239105369^footer.tpl.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%239^%%239105369^footer.tpl.php deleted file mode 100644 index 69ccb0b856..0000000000 --- a/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%239^%%239105369^footer.tpl.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%365^%%365001052^test.conf%7Csetup.php b/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%365^%%365001052^test.conf%7Csetup.php deleted file mode 100644 index f7d0eb0f95..0000000000 --- a/Smarty-2.6.2/demo/templates_c/%%365^%%365001052^test.conf%7Csetup.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - 'Welcome to Smarty!', - 'cutoff_size' => '40', - 'bold' => true, -); ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.README b/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.README deleted file mode 100644 index a5b4d05cc7..0000000000 --- a/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.README +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -Feel free to put the smarty icon on your site. -You can cut-and-paste the following code, be sure -to adjust the path to the image: - - - diff --git a/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.gif b/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.gif deleted file mode 100644 index 5c077b02d8..0000000000 Binary files a/Smarty-2.6.2/misc/smarty_icon.gif and /dev/null differ