From: Bryan Tong Minh Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 17:13:24 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Add words.txt for us Windows users. This is a random selection of 1000 words from... X-Git-Tag: 1.31.0-rc.0~28821 X-Git-Url:;h=0cdf9756e823d420b7479c34f25ec66435e2eb2c;p=lhc%2Fweb%2Fwiklou.git Add words.txt for us Windows users. This is a random selection of 1000 words from gnuwin32 miscfiles package Fail more gracefully in RandomImageGenerator --- diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/api/RandomImageGenerator.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/api/RandomImageGenerator.php index 162f1e8253..ae349978d9 100644 --- a/tests/phpunit/includes/api/RandomImageGenerator.php +++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/api/RandomImageGenerator.php @@ -77,7 +77,11 @@ class RandomImageGenerator { // find the dictionary file, to generate random names if ( !isset( $this->dictionaryFile ) ) { - foreach ( array( '/usr/share/dict/words', '/usr/dict/words' ) as $dictionaryFile ) { + foreach ( array( + '/usr/share/dict/words', + '/usr/dict/words', + dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/words.txt' ) + as $dictionaryFile ) { if ( is_file( $dictionaryFile ) and is_readable( $dictionaryFile ) ) { $this->dictionaryFile = $dictionaryFile; break; @@ -87,6 +91,14 @@ class RandomImageGenerator { if ( !isset( $this->dictionaryFile ) ) { throw new Exception( "RandomImageGenerator: dictionary file not found or not specified properly" ); } + + if ( !class_exists( 'Imagick' ) ) { + throw new Exception( 'No Imagick extension' ); + } + global $wgExiv2Command; + if ( !$wgExiv2Command || !is_executable( $wgExiv2Command ) ) { + throw new Exception( 'exiv2 not executable or $wgExiv2Command not set' ); + } } /** @@ -281,10 +293,6 @@ class RandomImageGenerator { // because the above setImageOrientation call doesn't work... nor can I get an external imagemagick binary to do this either... // hacking this for now (only works if you have exiv2 installed, a program to read and manipulate exif) if ( $wgExiv2Command ) { - # Make sure we have exiv2 command - if( !is_executable( $wgExiv2Command ) ) { - throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ": '$wgExiv2Command' not found or not executable\n" ); - } $cmd = wfEscapeShellArg( $wgExiv2Command ) . " -M " . wfEscapeShellArg( "set Exif.Image.Orientation " . $orientation['exifCode'] ) diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/api/words.txt b/tests/phpunit/includes/api/words.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ce23ee380 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/api/words.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@ +Andaquian +Anoplanthus +Araquaju +Astrophyton +Avarish +Batonga +Bdellidae +Betoyan +Bismarck +Britishness +Carmen +Chatillon +Clement +Coryphaena +Croton +Cyrillianism +Dagomba +Decimus +Dichorisandra +Duculinae +Empusa +Escallonia +Fathometer +Fon +Fundulinae +Gadswoons +Gederathite +Gemini +Gerbera +Gregarinida +Gyracanthus +Halopsychidae +Hasidim +Hemerobius +Ichthyosauridae +Iscariot +Jeames +Jesuitry +Jovian +Judaization +Katie +Ladin +Langhian +Lapithaean +Lisette +Macrochira +Malaxis +Malvastrum +Maranhao +Marxian +Maurist +Metrosideros +Micky +Microsporon +Odacidae +Ophiuchid +Osmorhiza +Paguma +Palesman +Papayaceae +Pastinaca +Philoxenian +Pleurostigma +Rarotongan +Rhodoraceae +Rong +Saho +Sanyakoan +Sardanapalian +Sauropoda +Sedentaria +Shambu +Shukulumbwe +Solonian +Spaniardization +Spirochaetaceae +Stomatopoda +Stratiotes +Taiwanhemp +Titanically +Venetianed +Victrola +Yuman +abatis +abaton +abjoint +acanthoma +acari +acceptance +actinography +acuteness +addiment +adelite +adelomorphic +adelphogamy +adipocele +aelurophobia +affined +aflaunt +agathokakological +aischrolatreia +alarmedly +alebench +aleurone +allelotropic +allerion +alloplastic +allowable +alternacy +alternariose +altricial +ambitionist +amendment +amiableness +amicableness +ammo +amortizable +anchorate +anemometrically +angelocracy +angelological +anodal +anomalure +antedate +antiagglutinin +antirationalist +antiscorbutic +antisplasher +antithesize +antiunionist +antoecian +apolegamic +appropriation +archididascalian +archival +arteriophlebotomy +articulable +asseveration +assignation +atelo +atrienses +atrophy +atterminement +atypic +automower +aveloz +awrist +azteca +bairnteam +balsamweed +bannerman +beardy +becry +beek +beggarwise +bescab +bestness +bethel +bewildering +bibliophilism +bitterblain +blakeberyed +boccarella +bocedization +boobyalla +bourbon +bowbent +bowerbird +brachygnathous +brail +branchiferous +brelaw +brew +brideweed +bridgeable +brombenzamide +buddler +burbankian +burr +buskin +cacochymical +calefactory +caliper +canaliculus +candidature +canellaceous +canniness +canning +cantilene +carbonatation +carthamic +caseum +caudated +causationist +ceruleite +chalder +chalta +charmel +chekan +chillness +chirogymnast +chirpling +chlorinous +cholanthrene +chondroblast +chromatography +chromophilous +chronical +cicatrice +cinchonine +city +clubbing +coastal +coaxially +coercible +coeternity +coff +coinventor +collyba +combinator +complanation +comprehensibility +conchuela +congenital +context +contranatural +corallum +cordately +cornupete +corolliferous +coroneted +corticosterone +coseat +cottage +crocetin +crossleted +crottels +curvedness +cycadeous +cyclism +cylindrically +cynanche +cyrtoceratitic +cystospasm +danceress +dancette +dawny +daydreamy +debar +decarburization +decorousness +decrepitness +delirious +deozonizer +dermatosis +desma +deutencephalic +diacetate +diarthrodial +diathermy +dicolic +dimastigate +dimidiation +dipetto +disavowable +disintrench +disman +dismay +disorder +disoxygenation +dithionous +dogman +dragonfly +dramatical +drawspan +drubbly +drunk +duskly +ecderonic +ectocuniform +ectocyst +ehrwaldite +electrocute +elemicin +embracing +emotionality +enactment +enamor +enclave +endameba +endochylous +endocrinologist +endolymph +endothecal +entasia +epigeous +episcopicide +epitrichial +erminee +erraticalness +eruptivity +erythrocytoschisis +esperance +estuous +eucrystalline +eugeny +evacuant +everbloomer +evocation +exarchateship +exasperate +excorticate +excrementary +exile +expandedly +exponency +expressionist +expulsion +extemporary +extollation +extortive +extrabulbar +extraprostatic +facticide +fairer +fakery +fasibitikite +fatiscent +fearless +febrifuge +ferie +fibrousness +fingered +fisheye +flagpole +flagrantness +fleche +fluidism +folliculin +footbreadth +forceps +forecontrive +forthbring +foveated +fuchsin +fungicidal +funori +gamelang +gametically +garvanzo +gasoliner +gastrophile +germproof +gerontism +gigantical +glaciology +godmotherhood +gooseherd +gordunite +gove +gracilis +greathead +grieveship +guidable +gyromancy +gyrostat +habitus +hailweed +handhole +hangalai +haznadar +heliced +hemihypertrophy +hemimorphic +hemistrumectomy +heptavalent +heptite +herbalist +herpetology +hesperid +hexacarbon +hieromnemon +hobbyless +holodactylic +homoeoarchy +hopperings +hospitable +houseboat +huh +huntedly +hydroponics +hydrosomal +hyperdactylia +hyperperistalsis +hypogeocarpous +ideogram +idiopathical +illegitimate +imambarah +impotently +improvise +impuberal +inaccurately +incarnant +inchoation +incliner +incredulous +indiscriminateness +indulgenced +inebriation +inexpressiveness +infibulate +inflectedness +iniome +ink +inquietly +insaturable +insinuative +instiller +institutive +insultproof +interactionist +intercensal +interpenetrable +intertranspicuous +intrinsicality +inwards +iridiocyte +iridoparalysis +irreportable +isoprene +isosmotic +izard +jacuaru +jaculative +jerkined +joe +joyous +julienne +justicehood +kali +kalidium +katha +kathal +keelage +keratomycosis +khaki +khedival +kinkily +knife +kolo +kraken +kwarta +labba +labber +laboress +lacunar +latch +lauric +lawter +lectotype +leeches +legible +lepidosteoid +leucobasalt +leverer +libellate +limnimeter +lithography +lithotypic +locomotor +logarithmetically +logistician +lyncine +lysogenesis +machan +macromyelon +maharana +mandibulate +manganapatite +marchpane +mas +masochistic +mastaba +matching +meditatively +megalopolitan +melaniline +mentum +mercaptides +mestome +metasomatism +meterless +micronuclear +micropetalous +microreaction +microsporophore +mileway +milliarium +millisecond +misbind +miscollocation +misreader +modernicide +modification +modulant +monkfish +monoamino +monocarbide +monographical +morphinomaniac +mullein +munge +mutilate +mycophagist +myelosarcoma +myospasm +myriadly +nagaika +naphthionate +natant +naviculaeform +nayward +neallotype +necrophilia +nectared +neigher +neogamous +neurodynia +neurorthopteran +nidation +nieceship +nitrobacteria +nitrosification +nogheaded +nonassertive +noneuphonious +nonextant +nonincrease +nonintermittent +nonmetallic +nonprehensile +nonremunerative +nonsocial +nonvesting +noontime +noreaster +nounal +nub +nucleoplasm +nullisome +numero +numerous +oblongatal +observe +obtusilingual +obvert +occipitoatlantal +oceanside +ochlophobist +odontiasis +opalescence +opticon +oraculousness +orarium +organically +orthopedically +ostosis +overadvance +overbuilt +overdiscouragement +overdoer +overhardy +overjocular +overmagnify +overofficered +overpotent +overprizer +overrunner +overshrink +oversimply +oversplash +ovology +oxskin +oxychloride +oxygenant +ozokerite +pactional +palaeoanthropography +palaeographical +palaeopsychology +palliasse +palpebral +pandaric +pantelegraph +papicolist +papulate +parakinetic +parasitism +parochialic +parochialize +passionlike +patch +paucidentate +pawnbrokeress +pecite +pecky +pedipulation +pellitory +perfilograph +periblast +perigemmal +periost +periplus +perishable +periwig +permansive +persistingly +persymmetrical +phantom +phasmatrope +philocaly +philogyny +philosophister +philotherianism +phorology +phototrophic +phrator +phratral +phthisipneumony +physogastry +phytologic +phytoptid +pianograph +picqueter +piculet +pigeoner +pimaric +pinesap +pist +planometer +platano +playful +plea +pleuropneumonic +plowwoman +plump +pluviographical +pneumocele +podophthalmate +polyad +polythalamian +poppyhead +portamento +portmanteau +portraitlike +possible +potassamide +powderer +praepubis +preanesthetic +prebarbaric +predealer +predomination +prefactory +preirrigational +prelector +presbytership +presecure +preservable +prespecialist +preventionism +prewound +princely +priorship +proannexationist +proanthropos +probeable +probouleutic +profitless +proplasma +prosectorial +protecting +protochemistry +protosulphate +pseudoataxia +psilology +psychoneurotic +pterygial +publicist +purgation +purplishness +putatively +pyracene +pyrenomycete +pyromancy +pyrophone +quadroon +quailhead +qualifier +quaternal +rabblelike +rambunctious +rapidness +ratably +rationalism +razor +reannoy +recultivation +regulable +reimplant +reimposition +reimprison +reinjure +reinspiration +reintroduce +remantle +reprehensibility +reptant +require +resteal +restful +returnability +revisableness +rewash +rewhirl +reyield +rhizotomy +rhodamine +rigwiddie +rimester +ripper +rippet +rockish +rockwards +rollicky +roosters +rooted +rosal +rozum +saccharated +sagamore +sagy +salesmanship +salivous +sallet +salta +saprostomous +satiation +sauropsid +sawarra +sawback +scabish +scabrate +scampavia +scientificophilosophical +scirrosity +scoliometer +scolopendrelloid +secantly +seignioral +semibull +semic +seminarianism +semiped +semiprivate +semispherical +semispontaneous +seneschal +septendecimal +serotherapist +servation +sesquisulphuret +severish +sextipartite +sextubercular +shipyard +shuckpen +siderosis +silex +sillyhow +silverbelly +silverbelly +simulacrum +sisham +sixte +skeiner +skiapod +slopped +slubby +smalts +sockmaker +solute +somethingness +somnify +southwester +spathilla +spectrochemical +sphagnology +spinales +spiriting +spirling +spirochetemia +spreadboard +spurflower +squawdom +squeezing +staircase +staker +stamphead +statolith +stekan +stellulate +stinker +stomodaea +streamingly +strikingness +strouthocamelian +stuprum +subacutely +subboreal +subcontractor +subendorsement +subprofitable +subserviate +subsneer +subungual +sucuruju +sugan +sulphocarbolate +summerwood +superficialist +superinference +superregenerative +supplicate +suspendible +synchronizer +syntectic +tachyglossate +tailless +taintment +takingly +taletelling +tarpon +tasteful +taxeater +taxy +teache +teachless +teg +tegmen +teletyper +temperable +ten +tenent +teskere +testes +thallogen +thapsia +thewness +thickety +thiobacteria +thorniness +throwing +thyroprivic +tinnitus +tocalote +tolerationist +tonalamatl +torvous +totality +tottering +toug +tracheopathia +tragedical +translucent +trifoveolate +trilaurin +trophoplasmatic +trunkless +turbanless +turnpiker +twangle +twitterboned +ultraornate +umbilication +unabatingly +unabjured +unadequateness +unaffectedness +unarriving +unassorted +unattacked +unbenumbed +unboasted +unburning +uncensorious +uncongested +uncontemnedly +uncontemporary +uncrook +uncrystallizability +uncurb +uncustomariness +underbillow +undercanopy +underestimation +underhanging +underpetticoated +underpropped +undersole +understocking +underworld +undevout +undisappointing +undistinctive +unfiscal +unfluted +unfreckled +ungentilize +unglobe +unhelped +unhomogeneously +unifoliate +uninflammable +uninterrogated +unisonal +unkindled +unlikeableness +unlisty +unlocked +unmoving +unmultipliable +unnestled +unnoticed +unobservable +unobviated +unoffensively +unofficerlike +unpoetic +unpractically +unquestionableness +unrehearsed +unrevised +unrhetorical +unsadden +unsaluting +unscriptural +unseeking +unshowed +unsolicitous +unsprouted +unsubjective +unsubsidized +unsymbolic +untenant +unterrified +untranquil +untraversed +untrusty +untying +unwillful +unwinding +upspring +uptwist +urachovesical +uropygial +vagabondism +varicoid +varletess +vasal +ventrocaudal +verisimilitude +vermigerous +vibrometer +viminal +virus +vocationalism +voguey +vulnerability +waggle +wamblingly +warmus +waxer +waying +wedgeable +wellmaker +whomever +wigged +witchlike +wokas +woodrowel +woodsman +woolding +xanthelasmic +xiphosternum +yachtman +yachtsmanlike +yelp +zoophytal \ No newline at end of file